Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Tindahbawx.5317


SoS has become an endless zerg 24/7, huge numbers all around the clock.

You’re going to win this match, because the other 2 servers just cant bring those numbers to the table.

Congrats, and I hope you’re prepared for a very boring, non-competitive match all week.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Renegret.3564




Let’s stop playing this game where we generalize entire servers based on a small handful of individuals, and speaking on behalf of an server as an individual.

Unless, of course, you are an omnipotent God of a server. Then feel free to overgeneralize. Otherwise let’s all speak for ourselves and not eachother.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


I am the nominated spokesperson for SoS, yes.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


Saddest part of all is that SoS NA crew is actually stronger than the Oceanic now. After holding the whole map all day long, SoS just lost 2/3 of EB. On top of that, they have resorted to unsportsman conduct. Having people taking the other servers golems and bringing them back to you just because you cant fight against them with your zergs is not how you show respect for having a decent fight for once.

All these posts from SoS complaining that they never get a good fight at night, and now when they do and get rolled, they have to resort to this kind of behavior, grats.

hmmm, 2/3? like these?


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Renegret.3564


As the nominated spokesperson of Maguuma, I want to say that we enjoy SoS’s company, sorry for being the target of the latest round of stacking, and hope you enjoy the higher tiers of combat. We just want to be your friend, stop being so mean :’(

Please let us keep the Alamo.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

My battle plan for the next week is to not play WvW. Hopefully enough DB and Maguuma also follow this plan. Together, we can make the matchup as boring as possible, so no one plays WvW!

Then, on the last day, we gather up and attack. If enough SoS quits WvW previously, even with our decreased numbers, we might finally stand a chance!

-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


How about we all pick just one borderland to fight in. That way SoS can’t gain the advantage of superior numbers. Rest of us can enjoy WvW while SoS has to queue for days.


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Renegret.3564


That’s certainly what Maguuma does. I wasn’t on last night because I was ( still am) at work, but I know the night of the reset Maguuma became committed to just our home borderlands only, and actually did half decent. We held our half of the map (sans a single keep) until about 6 AM EST when everyone just kind of passed out at their keyboards and everything was lost shortly after.

Granted SoS owned everything else but we did what we could, and it was a kitten good fight.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


As the nominated spokesperson of Maguuma, I want to say that we enjoy SoS’s company, sorry for being the target of the latest round of stacking, and hope you enjoy the higher tiers of combat. We just want to be your friend, stop being so mean :’(

Please let us keep the Alamo.

as a SoS player, I represent most of us: we like u guys very much.

for last 2 weeks, we fought u guys, TC, FA, GoM, they all gave up at night. but u guys fought whenever u can.

the Alamo impressed me the most, i was out there for 2 hrs, deperately looking at the vista. sadly no matter how good u guys r, when outmaned, there s nothing u can do against 10 golems…

Best respect to u guys, TC or FA? dont drop off tier 3 next week, plz

some of my friends dont like u guys, coz they really enjoy the green map,so, u should be proud of that.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


I liked how Maguuma stacked on top of each other while taking SMC to utilize ( not exploit) the AoE cap, I was real worried there


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


I don’t think some of you understand.

Its nice you had some state of balance here at the lower tiers. but the higher tiers were not. And the higher tiers felt the bane of free transfers are worse then you did.

SoS asked for people to join in the NA period. Guilds scouted SoS, Isle, Blackgate, SBI, and a few others.

Many of you are focused on the Dragonbrand transfers. and there are some. but they also came from Henge of Denravi.
You are fighting people that went 30-1. and no, we didn’t leave Henge, to join the “winning” server in tier 4.
Had what we were looking for. good overnight pop. decent standings(t5 and lower was just too far. It would take months to rank back up at 1 week, or 2 intervals). not too crowded during NA primetime(granted I think we didn’t know about the DB transferring at the same time)

SoS is probably a T1 server now. and having large shifts in rankings is not surprising. It should be expected, and it what everyone was asking for.

(edited by Casia.4281)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


The end result of course highlights the issues of the free server transfers, and how it has an effect on servers at all levels – higher tiers were ruined by it, so they come to the lower tiers and then ruin the matchups there. Meanwhile the server they left gets itself left high and dry. It’s a big cycle of ruination and anti-fun for everyone. If SoS has a meteoric rise it’s going to also have a meteoric fall for all the same reasons henge of denravi did.

Ideally you shouldn’t even be needing to ask people to come to your server, and the matchups would take its course to balance out – but that’s not really how things work at the moment thanks to server transfers.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Drangon.8591


Everything that needed to be said has been said but one more thing. Alrox of TacSym mentioned 4 words in various forms in his post, (lost, lose, beat, arn’t winning. ) I think the reasons for their departure is pretty evident. Unless they are winning they are not having fun.

Another thing he mentions is that “in reality our own server was riding on our ability and work.” This is a very arrogant statement. But the fact is they were riding on the Oceanic presence of DB Twin. This guild showed up 3 weeks ago or so and left for BG so Tacsym and Work decided to leave. If the server was really riding on you guys than it wouldnt of mattered if Twin left or not……

Something to say. I am a member of Twin. We are in DB from the very beginning until now. We NEVER leave DB, and has no plan for leaving. We are in WvWvW everyday.

But our commander Blueskyy and Choepudding left DB for their own good, so Twin have no commander until today (We need sometime to raise 100gold :/ ). If you see Yogo in battlefield, he is our guildmaster. You are welcome to kick his kitten :P

I hope the remaining DBers will stay with the server. I love this server and I love the players in it.

(edited by Drangon.8591)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Swag.4923


Maguuma is pretty much dead. I don’t know what happened or if a bunch of guild just packed and left. But the past 3 weeks has been a nightmare for maguuma WvW. Everytime I go to WvW no matter what time, we always have the underman buff. LoL Sad… so sad… Thinking of packing my bags too..

DB is the same, and not just in WvW. Just running around the PvE zones I often see 2-3 bots for every actual player. It’s sad, but everyone (except ANet apparently) knew botting would be a huge issue and you’ve got to be an idiot to think free server transfers are a good idea. They ruined Rift and they’re ruining GW2.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: uthamora.5180


The thing that most of you seen to forget is that SOS was a competive server but we lost out on the fact we did not have many NA players in there prime time. We knew that we could be competitive if we could get some NA players. That is the only difference but hopefully they will now stay and work the server up the ladder and not bail if it does not happen over night. All of us would like playes on all sides to be on so we can have some fun pvp.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


I’ve been on SoS since the beta. Let me fill you in on some of the history that we have endured. We’ve had our ups and downs, now it looks like we’re going up again.

This is my understanding of it.

Part 1

In the beta we were winning everything and it was touted as being one of the main, biggest, meanest and best WvW in Guilds Wars 2. However many of the key WvW guilds and 1 particular alliance transfered off to Northern Shiverpeaks and other alliances also transferred to various servers early in GW2, NS suffered the classic bandwagon winning syndrome and collapsed as quickly as they rose thanks to the queues and transfer rush.

As for SoS, our morale was battered and the expectations of ourselves quickly fell. There were many holes left in the Oceanic PvP community, and it was up to the remaining to pickup the scraps and build this server into something. One particular guild called Dark Immunity (DI) was mass recruiting people from various guilds, to unite as DI in WvW and co-ordinate together. No joke at least half of the people I would see in WvW were from DI. We went through a good period of wins, and then some bad periods of crushing defeats to these random servers that we never have heard of. These include Eredon Terrace and the supposed overflow of Sea of Sorrows called Isle of Janthir. Both of those servers stomped us completely, even in our own prime times. Morale was crushed and then there were infighting amongst some of our guilds. The leader of DI decided that SoS was not up to his standards and moved to Fort Aspenwood, in an attempt to “make FA stronger at night”, to me this was impossible as his impact would be like a drop in the ocean, that was weeks ago and I don’t know what has happened since. It left a massive void once again in our server, but the remaining SoS Union picked up the pieces and continued to fight hard.

During this time I also lost my guild leader (to transfers) whom I respected very much and admired his tactical understanding and leadership of WvW, he would literally inspire everyone around him. I wkittentered and had to have a long hard think on where I should go to next, to me SoS was dead and I needed a server that suits me. I weighed up my options.

- I want a server that has a strong presence in my timezone, many of the top tier servers also have this.
- I also wanted a server that didn’t have 5 hour queues due to over popularity, that wipes out all the top tier servers as options.
- I want to be on a server that has an Oceanic presence and has competitive matchups, this rules out the tier 2 servers as they get stomped by the remainder of the “top 4”
bracket every week,
- I looked at other servers in Tier 3 and the winner of that goes to Tier 2 to get stomped, and the others didn’t really have a very strong Oceanic presence… So the server that best suited my wants was still Sea of Sorrows…

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

(edited by Cirus.5748)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


My personal understanding and history of SoS

Part 2

A lot of the commander’s on here have been courageous and have refused to give up, no matter the scores, no matter what’s going on, this I like. Even when we are losing badly because of our lack of NA presence, we continue to fight, it doesn’t matter how much we are out numbered, we will always fight as long and as hard as possible. 5 vs 50? No worries. We can take them on.

So yes, we’ve continued to fight in mid tier matchups, we’ve come second in our bracket for a few weeks in a row. Some opponents have a decent Asian/Oceanic presence and are enough to keep us entertained, others are so tiny during our timezone that there is no contest and it’s not that much fun.

The typical WvW 24 hour clock for SoS has been this, during the Oceanic day while people are at school and work, and with our lack of NA presence, our server is crushed, has ~5% of the pie total and falls behind, anything better than this is a bonus! When our peak our comes, the tide turns and we take back everything unless they have resistance, then there is a tough war on our hands where they start with the advantage of defending. Generally by later at night we control more than half, sometimes everything. When we start getting sleepy and go to bed, say after midnight Australian time, this is a similar time that North America wakes up and takes everything away from us, rinse repeat.

I’m very excited for these new NA WvW guilds to be transferring over to balance the population. I hope that they stick around and we are not just flavour of the week. Looking forward to the weeks ahead, it is a massive shame that this current matchup has no contest, I hate this and if it were a permanent feature I would transfer off. However these types of things can happen to any server, and next week is when it will get interesting. I can’t wait to have a rematch with IOJ once again, I’ll be aiming for revenge on the damage they inflicted on us.

No matter what happens, myself and many others, will remain on SoS, no matter how ugly things may get if our server collapses once again, it wouldn’t be the first time, probably won’t be the last.

TLDR summary, SoS has had it’s ups and downs, it’s now going up again. SoS for life.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

(edited by Cirus.5748)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cipherzx.4725


In the end I think maybe 1/3 or 1/2 of the servers well have solid 24 hour WvW coverage coverage. Those servers well take up the top slots in WvW rankings and will be better performing. While the other 2/3 to 1/2 of the servers wont have much of a WvW population at all, or just a casual WvW population, because of well all the people transferring off / don’t want want to WvW. Being a Maguuma player, from my experience, we are somewhere in the middle. We have potential but we just have a lot of players who don’t play when being dominated, don’t organize for tactics, etc. We have the skill just need more disciplined players. We have definitely improved so far, but I think give it more time for people to xfer here that want to work with existing forces. Or current ones to work more in line with our more organized groups rather than running around doing there own thing and getting dominated, then leaving WvW for getting dominated. Congrats to SoS by the way, I’ve have seen a definite improvement over last weeks matchup when we played you guys. Not sure if anything changed between last week and this week but still. And Jerk Jerk and Zen are doing a great job as commanders in WvW for Maguuma. There might be more but those are the only 2 i’ve seen in WvW who are consistant.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


Fwiw Maguuma, you guys have given us one of the most epic match ups to date. During the qualifying period of WvW, where we had new opponents every day, the best and most funnest match up we ever had was Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows vs Maguuma. All 3 teams were very equal and it finished with not many points between all 3, it was an amazing Saturday of WvW, one that I’ll never forget. This is what I want to see in WvW, tight matchups!

You guys also did a good job last week despite the odds being stacked against you, respect.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Harkness.3701


Just for additional info, I certainly don’t blame the Oceanic players of SoS, when we had you last week it was boring but there really wasn’t anything you could do about your timezone so we accepted it and did crap like Ramalot to amuse ourselves.

But the NA guys that have transferred to your server have quite literally ruined this week of W3 for both us and Dragonbrand, for their own selfish reasons, and that is what is unacceptable to the majority of us. Sure you might be getting a new server, but you will be ruining t4, t3 and t2 on your way up the the top with your endless 50+ zerg. Do us all a favour and at least give Dragonbrand and Magumma one borderland to have fun in where we won’t immediately be steamrolled for 4/1 odds in every engagement.


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Hexicz.8450


Just for additional info, I certainly don’t blame the Oceanic players of SoS, when we had you last week it was boring but there really wasn’t anything you could do about your timezone so we accepted it and did crap like Ramalot to amuse ourselves.

But the NA guys that have transferred to your server have quite literally ruined this week of W3 for both us and Dragonbrand, for their own selfish reasons, and that is what is unacceptable to the majority of us. Sure you might be getting a new server, but you will be ruining t4, t3 and t2 on your way up the the top with your endless 50+ zerg. Do us all a favour and at least give Dragonbrand and Magumma one borderland to have fun in where we won’t immediately be steamrolled for 4/1 odds in every engagement.


I know it is frustrating, but look at it this way: The more points we accumulate, the faster to the top we go and the further away from you we are.

Sorry guys

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Capdevila.3628


I find it hard to believe no one has mentioned PRX yet, or how Ruin’s transfer to a EU server will affect things.

First, the reason SoS took EB right off the bat was because of PRX. They are extremely organized, and very fun to work with. They are not fairweather players. They moved from HoD. When we played them last week, PRX was the only guild still representing, and still putting up a fight. Unfortunately the problem with being in a server that had never lost a match, like they did last week, is that everyone who transferred to HoD because they always won transferred to JQ the second HoD started to lose. PRX deserves props for sticking through it, and I have no doubt that SoS is going to be a good home for them.

Second, HoD and ET are likely going to fall from T1 now. HoD lost all of its fairweather players to JQ, and its best guild to SoS. ET lost the last thing holding it up, which was Ruin. They moved to an EU server. Meaning the new T1 will probably look something like JQ, SBI, and (in a couple of weeks) SoS.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


Harkness that’s an excellent idea regarding having one borderland to have fun in. I think that can be achieved without excluding SoS from it. There is a limit to every borderland. Get Maguuma and Dragonband communities to agree on a borderland to focus all their players on, spread the message. Sea of Sorrows can play too and we could have a real 3 way contest for at least something to do for the week.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


SoS is full during oceanic times, meaning its almost impossible to transfer back if you play at this TZ.

Leaving isn’t an option for some of us. Even if it was, by limiting the points gained we would simply end up in another matchup like this, where we have another two servers complaining about how imbalanced the fight is. If it is possible to avoid this we would like to do so.

So many of you assume when we lose we are going to cry and leave. We’ve been losing ever since before the week long match-ups till now. We haven’t left yet why would you assume we would after one more loss. Use some logic instead of just blindly attacking everyone else.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


SoS has lost the scoreboard up until now but they haven’t been losing. I work graveyard and I was out each day last week during the SoS zerg. It was 30 SoS autoattacking a door with no ram while the two Mag that were there were manning the catapult and arrow cart left in the castle to try to delay the braindead zerg. Those people have never actually had competition and I can assure you that a lot of the pubbies are going to pick up and leave once those doors start attacking back.

I get the feeling that oceanic SoS has never actually seen competition.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: SeraphimDima.3596


@Chaokel, the oceanic players won’t leave, that’s a given, a kudos to you guys. However, all those guild that transfered in because of “We want competition and we want to win” excuses will pack their bags and leave when you start to lose by big margins in top tiers.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


Welp, I guess that makes me take back my assumption that the reason you all are so bad is that you’re naive. It’s actually because you’re just bad.

Those 20 people are clearly a good indication of our servers skill, especially when anyone who actually cares about WvW and playing properly is barely queuing due to how boring the situation is right now.

Keep on making grand assumptions but, one day you may just be right.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748



I can guarantee that you have it wrong. What you see is not the full picture of what happens.

We have fought lots of armies, both American and other Oceanic servers. American peak hour and Oceanic peak hour overlap. E.g 4pm in Australia is 10pm in California. And there is fierce fighting normally up until 1am California time, then it drops off and we normally over whelm the enemy and it’s ours for free unless they have also have an Oceanic community, then the fighting continues.

At say 2am AEST time, when we all start going to bed, that’s when we start to lose everything that we’ve taken and by being superiorly out numbered. And as a defender, I have defended with 5 people against 50, and lasted hours against servers such as Fort Aspenwood, and yes, sometimes they beat the door down with their hands because our siege defense is countering their attack and they just have too many numbers with us being low on supply.

I’m not going to kid myself, Sea of Sorrows Oceanic community is not the best by any stretch, it deserves to be where it was as a middle/upper middle tier. And it’s done this mostly without North Americans, making it unique server (unlike tiers 1 and 2 that have both NA and Oceania). Put it this way, if our peak starts at 4pm, and we start with close to zero buildings, and our peak plus holding the buildings lasts for 10 hours before the Americans wake up, that’s not an advantage at all. 10 hour Oceanic fighting vs 14 hour American fighting has put SoS in constant catchup. Ok sure the 2 NA servers need to share contention for the points, but when Maguuma loses badly to Fort Aspenwood, that doesn’t help Sea of Sorrows! Oceanic community is only an advantage when you have the Americans to back it up, and that hasn’t happened until now.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

(edited by Cirus.5748)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Aurainsoph.5426


2 pm Est Sunday

SoS 124,249 +655 * SM
DB 18,723 +25
Good Guys 17,070 +15


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Pluto the Wise.4531

Pluto the Wise.4531

bigges tcrock of all when the cycles restart and SOME sevrer shave peopl on 24 hours a day making WvW impossible to explore. Still trying to understand why they put map exploraiton in a PvP zone when oyu can;t Explore it cuase every other server outnnumbers 20 fold! make sme not want to play anymore >,…,<

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


LOL @ maguuma @ astalhome I came in peace bra, we are both outnumbered but your people just attacked me for no reason so ya I just wiped yall 15 vs 1 at supply camp

Next time let’s not attack the guy waving an helping?

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


SoS has lost the scoreboard up until now but they haven’t been losing. I work graveyard and I was out each day last week during the SoS zerg. It was 30 SoS autoattacking a door with no ram while the two Mag that were there were manning the catapult and arrow cart left in the castle to try to delay the braindead zerg. Those people have never actually had competition and I can assure you that a lot of the pubbies are going to pick up and leave once those doors start attacking back.

I get the feeling that oceanic SoS has never actually seen competition.

Oh yeah, I so believe you.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


lol SoS @ bluewater lowlands…. man this is to funny.

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058



It is people like you that make us want to build more quarantine zones around Maguuma spawnpoints.

The funny thing about this statement is I’m one of those guys that spent more time in the Alamo and Pangloss then I care to share. The Maguumans you seem to like so much, I am one of them.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

So just a head’s up if you have 3 orb buffs a group of people and your level 80 and you killed by a solo player you really should uninstall gw2 just a heads up.

lol…tho, I’d be more inclined to suggest PvE

having said that, I got nailed last night by someone while I was in the middle of typing in guild chat (should have know better, but sometimes you need to respond straight away! ) and when I went to fight I ended up spamming guild chat with something like:


accompanied by a lot of swearing and cursing

I wouldn’t get too ahead of myself were I you tho, I’ve won 5v1 before. Sometimes its luck, sometimes its the enemies lack of skill and understanding, sometimes its ping/lag, sometimes they’re afk and sometimes its the rendering engine issues. All good fun, but ultimately, unless you are talking sPvP I wouldn’t be talking up my uberness.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Maguuma your welcome at bluewater SoS is clueless on how to cap the base hehe

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042



It is people like you that make us want to build more quarantine zones around Maguuma spawnpoints.

The funny thing about this statement is I’m one of those guys that spent more time in the Alamo and Pangloss then I care to share. The Maguumans you seem to like so much, I am one of them.

Those ‘facilities’ are meant for people like the guy above, who tells us to leave the US servers because we are ruining them, and go play on the Oceanic servers.

(edited by Avatara.1042)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Well no, that statement was in fact directed to me.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

Whatever, this week is a waste of time. Not going to bother going in. I want to try and cap things but there is no way we can win when we are outnumbered 20 to 1, they have fortified walls EVERYWHERE, defensive siege weapons at every 3 feet and being camped at the spawn. Oh and I forgot to add about those kittening stupid orbs. The winners totally needed more buffs to win.

hahahah…good post…and so kitten true….the winning buff needs to go….should be HARDER when y’re winning, not easier….stupid idea that. Maybe ANet thinks that the score incentive for the orbs isn’t enough?

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Maguuma your welcome at bluewater SoS is clueless on how to cap the base hehe

It is 8 am here, 5 am to 2 am in aus. This is usually the time we fall asleep while fighting. Now we have the US and Canadians to handle this, though :P

Oh in case you were wondering, I was one of our ‘night crew’ players. Our job was to hold and stall as much as we could, while our people slept. And yes, I was that Elementalist behind every gate that Mag was sieging in EB, lava fonting spamming your rams.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I am not on maguuma…..

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Anyway, the majority of Maguuma are good guys. I just tend to get a little…vocal…when someone tells us we are ‘sore winners’ or to ‘stop ruining US servers and go play on Oceanic servers’ when Oceanic servers do not even exist.

I agree that this situation is horrible for everyone, and Anet need to do something about it. But please stop blaming us for it, when all we did was struggle for weeks.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I am on Dragonbrand and I am having a blast. Best week for farming badges.

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Whatever, this week is a waste of time. Not going to bother going in. I want to try and cap things but there is no way we can win when we are outnumbered 20 to 1, they have fortified walls EVERYWHERE, defensive siege weapons at every 3 feet and being camped at the spawn. Oh and I forgot to add about those kittening stupid orbs. The winners totally needed more buffs to win.

hahahah…good post…and so kitten true….the winning buff needs to go….should be HARDER when y’re winning, not easier….stupid idea that. Maybe ANet thinks that the score incentive for the orbs isn’t enough?

This is a good point.

Team fortress 2 has the right idea – it’s harder to hold onto defenses than it is to attack it. It’s also a good game design principle.

In this game it’s easier to defend than it is to attack, especially when the defender controls almost everything, or literally everything.

Ideally this game should have been structured to allow servers who control less to defend easier, and defenders who control more to have a much greater difficulty controlling it all.

This is part of what I was getting at in an earlier post in how the wvw play more carries a lot of the anachronisms that came from essentially using the dark age of camelot model of large scale pvp.

Mind you the anachronism in this instance cuts both ways – servers that are inactive at certain hours basically can’t hold onto anything, while servers that can defend everything 24/7 are virtually impenetrable.

Stopping free server transfers will partially fix a problem that merely exaggerates issues inherent with the DAOC model of play. It will not solve those problems nor will it address the many anachronisms inherent with that play mode.

Overall the wvw mode, while fun, feels like it wasn’t designed for the gameplay in guild wars 2 (this is apparent if you play spvp – it’s practically a different game entirely) or the game engine itself. (lag, invisible players, door clipping, etc.)

I’ve stated this since around launch – it feels like Anet, while very forward-thinking in both their pve and spvp content for their core game, didn’t really follow their own stated manifesto with regards to ‘re-imagining’ how wvw might work.

This is a shame since a well-designed mass battle mode is ideally what the ‘endgame’ of this game should be – but in its present state it leaves a lot to be desired. The little I have heard from Anet has been discouraging towards the notion that they might try to think outside the box on how to address the problems with wvw, so at this point the ball is in their court with what they will do to make wvw a more satisfying experience for all the servers.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


LOL @ maguuma @ astalhome I came in peace bra, we are both outnumbered but your people just attacked me for no reason so ya I just wiped yall 15 vs 1 at supply camp

Next time let’s not attack the guy waving an helping?

I was about to give up on this game because I figured soloing in wvw was impossible

I had no idea thieves could do that (if that was you), props. It was hilarious watching people fall over dead.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


You mean the ‘sore loser’ thing you made up? Also nice work ignoring everything else I have said to you, and ignoring why I said what I did to that guy. In case you missed the not so subtle post of someone earlier: there are NO OCEANIC SERVERS. So telling us rudely to go play on Oceanic servers is going to get some ‘salt’ rubbed in.

You’re being called out for saying the things I quoted, not the content of your argument. Claiming you’ve lost respect for everyone on the server after your server just zoomed up handidly and people on the other servers get desperate and upset; that takes basically no tact whatsoever. As does bragging about keeping the players pinned at spawn because of individuals who say things that irk you in some bizarre reasoning that sounds like you just making excuses for being a butt.

Further – when you insult the members of my server, you will get called on it. My impression of you is that you are very undiplomatic and quick to make excuses retroactively for your own poor tact, so I don’t expect you to take what I’ve said seriously and probably engage in more insults. You are not the kind of person we would want to have here on maguuma, so you are welcome to stay in sos and take part in their hollow win-streak and inevitable collapse from free x-fer joiner-ins making wvw unplayable for many. I would suggest that if and when you are against other servers that aren’t quite in your appropriate bracket yet next week, that you try not to cherry pick for excuses to berate the people you are handidly winning against. Have a nice day.

Yeah, I went a bit overboard. Of course so did you. Sore winners? What is that even about? And you continually insult us, even though all we have done is stay on our server. Also your idea to get back at Anet and us, was to stage a transfer sit-in of our server, and you have the gall to call me out?

For the record, I vastly prefer being the underdog, and defending bases against superior numbers. I always played on the night crew, where 5-10 of us would try to hold an entire zone against 60 of your guys, while our server slept. It was enjoyable in a masochistic way.

As for me not being welcome on your server: oh well. But you should not judge our entire server by me, because I am extremely vocal and aggressive. Just as I do not judge your server by you. I doubt the majority want to ruin SoS to prove a point, or believe that Oceanic players are somehow evil server jumpers.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


LOL @ maguuma @ astalhome I came in peace bra, we are both outnumbered but your people just attacked me for no reason so ya I just wiped yall 15 vs 1 at supply camp

Next time let’s not attack the guy waving an helping?

I was about to give up on this game because I figured soloing in wvw was impossible

I had no idea thieves could do that (if that was you), props. It was hilarious watching people fall over dead.

Yea, I didn’t want to fight you guys, but when I waved ppl starting killing me.. so I had to lol.

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


You mean the ‘sore loser’ thing you made up? Also nice work ignoring everything else I have said to you, and ignoring why I said what I did to that guy. In case you missed the not so subtle post of someone earlier: there are NO OCEANIC SERVERS. So telling us rudely to go play on Oceanic servers is going to get some ‘salt’ rubbed in.

You’re being called out for saying the things I quoted, not the content of your argument. Claiming you’ve lost respect for everyone on the server after your server just zoomed up handidly and people on the other servers get desperate and upset; that takes basically no tact whatsoever. As does bragging about keeping the players pinned at spawn because of individuals who say things that irk you in some bizarre reasoning that sounds like you just making excuses for being a butt.

Further – when you insult the members of my server, you will get called on it. My impression of you is that you are very undiplomatic and quick to make excuses retroactively for your own poor tact, so I don’t expect you to take what I’ve said seriously and probably engage in more insults. You are not the kind of person we would want to have here on maguuma, so you are welcome to stay in sos and take part in their hollow win-streak and inevitable collapse from free x-fer joiner-ins making wvw unplayable for many. I would suggest that if and when you are against other servers that aren’t quite in your appropriate bracket yet next week, that you try not to cherry pick for excuses to berate the people you are handidly winning against. Have a nice day.

Why would any Oceanic want to join Maguuma at this stage?

Many of us respected you guys as opponents but this week you basically lambasted us with vitriolic comments, called us “sore winners” (seriously?), make snide remarks of our Oceanic players skill, and bizarrely sabotage our Dragon timers in a fit of pique all while backslapping each other over it.

We get what you’re saying: Free transfers are certainly an issue. But the backhanded commentary about those Oceanic players who have been busting their hump from day one certainly isn’t going to win you any support.

Diplomacy is a two way street.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Also speaking as an ACTUAL community representative of maguuma, I have to say that thanks to free server transfers, the role of people like us is like trying to plug holes in a dam with our fingers like little dutch boys with a swiss cheese dam. Here we are trying to build up community morale and participation in wvw – and it’s a real struggle to begin with. We have had some success doing so in the past few weeks, and this has resulted in us rather enjoying ourselves and building friendships between the guilds on our server.

It is unfortunate, then, that we are then (along with dragonbrand, who is suffering even worse than us for several reasons) made to face up against a server which is sadly now a poster child for why free server transfers should be ended from the game. Ironically several of those now on the server are from titan alliance – who broke up for several of the very reasons that community leaders like myself are now struggling to maintain server morale and player enjoyment as well as participation in wvw. When I read the original reasoning for the TA breakup, I thought “good, maybe those TA guilds will spread themselves evenly around servers in good faith of not trying to ruin the balance in lower brackets.” Apparently not.

It is not entirely the fault of everyone who transferred; this is a problem with the game itself right now, and renders the tiers meaningless. It also further makes the game unplayable for the higher tiers when joiner-ins clog the server and make the queue times rocket up.

I am actually very impressed with our community here – we are being crushed but our spirits aren’t. The behavior of my fellow maguumannes even in the wake of this week’s game-design-travesty has been really inspiring. We have a great bunch of people here and they say struggling through hard times is where you really find out who your friends are.

That said, it does make our work cut out for us as community reps – we have to struggle extra hard to hold the line of server morale and keep people in. I’m proud of the maguuma players who are playing wvw in spite of the complete hogwash going on this week. I’m further excited to see them become a lot stronger tactically as a result of fighting against superior odds. The few objects we do manage to take and hold have been satisfying and entertaining, as we observe the obvious – that numbers don’t translate to play skill or strategic vision.

It is regrettable that this play mode and its present issues stack the deck against us (and dragonbrand) but we are still able to squeaze blood from a stone and have a good time. This server is excellent and I wouldn’t give it up for anything.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


I take it you were meant to quote me there?

So you want me to use the free transfer system you hate so much, to leave the only server I have ever been on, where all the people I know are , where my guild and siblings are, so I can be alone in PvP and PvE due to my timezone?

You are right: talk IS cheap…