Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


LOL I am stuck in the wall @ maguuma keep.

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


RE: Spacedad

I fully understand what you’re saying. The problem is you’ve been tarring all of us with the same brush with the majority of your comments.

I’m primarily standing up to you as an individual, since you have decided to be insulting and derisive of several of our members in your previous post, with exactly the broad-brushing you are complaining about no less. We are a server who never backs down from having our members trashed by insulting loose talk. If you are willing to address us like adults we’re more than willing to discuss and debate civilly, however.

There are plenty of Oceanics (myself included) that despise all the guilds coming over for a free ride when we worked so hard to maintain our position the previous weeks. Where were they last week when we fought Maguuma?

I am happy to hear that you feel shame and embarrassment for the present circumstances and this redeems you a little in my eyes. The only people feeling pride in my view on SoS are either blinded or delusional about the inherent problems with this game’s present structure. The free server transfers are an abomination and a blight on every server community – including your own.

Conversely I understand the position of wanting NA guilds on our server. What you call “night-capping” is a basic reality for us for every server we face and having a few numbers during our sleep-hours to make sure we don’t lose absolutely everything, every time, every day, every matchup would be a welcome relief.

Yes, and we are well aware of it. Please don’t take what I stated the wrong way – I was merely pointing out that night capping is an inherent problem with how the game is structured, and not really something to be proud of as a circumstance of ‘victory’ or ‘loss’ for any server, including our own. It is also something that encourages precisely what we’re seeing this week with your server – where north american servers cynically join your own in order to maximize coverage, thereby destroying the present match-ups. Not that the match-ups this week would have been entirely fair, given your server’s previous coverage last week – again, night-capping is a major problem and regrettably Anet has decided to not address this issue as of yet. (or rather they have stated they aren’t going to do anything about it)

Funnily enough the vocal majority of players over here are letting certain guilds know they are not welcome; particularly one such guild and commander who transferred off our server a while ago, mid battle no less, and had the gall to try and come back.

Yeah, I feel sorry for your server in that regard. From what I have heard it is a nightmare of bad attitudes and uncooperative idiots. I am glad we really don’t have to deal with that at all on maguuma.

Aussies and Kiwis are a proud bunch. We enjoy our server and the greater portion of us will not be leaving regardless of whether we go up in the tiers or drop down several rankings if the fair-weather guilds hop off to wherever it is they go. Which is why we get so incensed when you dump on all of us collectively.

Good on you – but it’s not your server loyalists we take issue with. It’s the gaggle of recent joiner-ins who have flooded your server. From what I am hearing a lot of them are very uncooperative and nasty towards server natives as well. I’m sorry you have to put up with their nonsense.

If I had a magic wand to fix this, I would make it so that servers were locked down and arranged strictly by average player coverage. This would mean you would have gotten matched against 2 oceanic-coverage servers rather than suddenly get a swarm of unwanted NA players. Free server transfers are destructive to not just our community but yours.

It’s truly unfortunate that (this week at least) we happened to be the server that so blatantly shows the effects of all that is wrong with free transfers. It’s equally unfortunate how your boys seem to be handling it.

It’s bad blood all around – the well has been poisoned for everyone, and there will be bad attitudes by players who are fed up and disgusted by the circumstances brought about by free server transfers. As I said, my role as a Maguuma community leader is a little like a little dutch boy with a swiss cheese dam, That said, I’m proud of the members who have actually exhibited stronger morale in the face of overwhelming dolyak feces circumstances.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


I cannot quote now either, and this is using firefox.

What you said is incorrect, and you know it. I much prefer being the underdog, but that is meaningless if I am unable to actually play the game due to being alone. I am not going to lose all PvE and the people I know, so I can solo wvwvw at my primetime on Dragonbrand.

In fact, what you are suggesting is little more than trolling: sacrificing the entire Oceanic community and everything that entails, to satisfy your perversion of my preference.

My mistake, then – I am, like many of my server, frustrated by present circumstances and quick to judge. As I stated, if I had a magic wand to put you in your ideal matchup circumstances with a community you can feel proud to be a part of, I would. Unfortunately I can’t so we’re just going to have to perhaps redirect our energies towards perhaps demanding Anet to fix their game. I had proposed a player wvw strike in the forums the goons come from – perhaps we could get SoS members upset with the present circumstances to participate.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


aussies need to work on monday, now, u happy?


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Also, I found this well-written thread OP rather enlightening about where things will inevitably be headed for any server plagued by joiner-ins: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Server-transfers-are-hurting-our-server-community-Jade-Quarry-LONG

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Read my more recent post, as my perspective regarding SoS is changing and evolving based on the discourse here. My present perspective is that I hold the players who were server loyalists as deserving of respect, and mostly hold the transfer players in contempt – though not all of them; primarily the ones that your members are complaining about destroying their sense of community. (I.E. fairweather friend guild who rejoined recently, fairweathers who left dragonbrand, commanders & entire guilds who are rude and abrasive towards SoS server natives, etc.) I have been all too quick to judge and to vent my hostility and I am beginning to develop a more well-rounded perspective on things now.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


Good to see, i guess i read your post and quickly jumped on my horse to ride to SoS defence.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Good to see, i guess i read your post and quickly jumped on my horse to ride to SoS defence.

That’s fine. No reason why we can’t be good sportsmen. I think a lot of us (myself included) have been driven to hostility and knee-jerk anger because of present circumstances.

Bear in mind that while we SHOULD hold the fairweathers and cynical server-transferers in contempt (since ridicule and shame are the only weapons we have against such behavior at the moment) they are merely symptoms of a problem created by the structure of the game. The ball is in Anet’s court to fix this.

In my view we should actually be ‘allying’ somehow in regards to drawing attention to this problem. Not necessarily ingame (though the idea of a player strike is one possibility) but with regards to bringing Anet’s attention and solutions to this dire problem. Henge of denravi’s Titan Alliance already tried this, failed, and self-destructed as a result.

As for the players who cynically shift servers for selfish reasons; we will remember you, and enjoy crushing you in fair combat if and when this game begins to become more reasonable.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


I’m primarily standing up to you as an individual, since you have decided to be insulting and derisive of several of our members in your previous post, with exactly the broad-brushing you are complaining about no less. We are a server who never backs down from having our members trashed by insulting loose talk.

Allow me to quote the post of mine to which you are referring:

“Many of us respected you guys as opponents but this week you basically lambasted us with vitriolic comments, called us “sore winners” (seriously?), make snide remarks of our Oceanic players skill, and bizarrely sabotage our Dragon timers in a fit of pique all while backslapping each other over it.”

Derisive? Probably – and for that I apologise. But also factually accurate which is what drove me to post on these forums in the first place. If you don’t condone their actions why would we?

If you are willing to address us like adults we’re more than willing to discuss and debate civilly, however.


Anyway – It’s Monday morning here in NZ (early morning in AUS) – I hope you guys enjoy playing whatever people from NA we have on the server.

(edited by Axialbloom.8109)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


So much tl;dr that I won’t bother responding to, but to facilitate “discussion”, if you need to quote someone and the link is gone, here’s a pro tip: copy and paste the permalink into the URL bar and add /quote. You’re welcome.

Also if your thread displays an empty page, subtract one from the page number in the URL bar.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


At least for maguuma this has been a referendum that player coverage does not translate to player skill. (A given.) So many badges earned today.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


Loot bags just piling up at my arrow cart as SoS try to push our defenses. People shouldn’t forget that our population problems haven’t gone away, we can still only field enough players for 1.5 maps. And never EB because its not worth the effort. Its been super fun blunting your pushes today, maguuma owns and maguuma players own.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Hexicz.8450


Just for additional info, I certainly don’t blame the Oceanic players of SoS, when we had you last week it was boring but there really wasn’t anything you could do about your timezone so we accepted it and did crap like Ramalot to amuse ourselves.

But the NA guys that have transferred to your server have quite literally ruined this week of W3 for both us and Dragonbrand, for their own selfish reasons, and that is what is unacceptable to the majority of us. Sure you might be getting a new server, but you will be ruining t4, t3 and t2 on your way up the the top with your endless 50+ zerg. Do us all a favour and at least give Dragonbrand and Magumma one borderland to have fun in where we won’t immediately be steamrolled for 4/1 odds in every engagement.


I know it is frustrating, but look at it this way: The more points we accumulate, the faster to the top we go and the further away from you we are.

Sorry guys

I know you’re braindead, but look at it this way: Your selfishness and naïveté is ruining the game for the other servers. You could go join one of the other servers this week and have a lot of fun (holy crap everyone talks about how fun Maguuma is; join us and actually find out!), but instead you would rather just zerg zerg zerg to make sure your numbers get maximized as fast as possible.

After two weeks of this crap, a lot of the regulars at Maguuma are still running strong, but I can feel our population thinning out now because none of the pubbies are playing. Instead of holding near our tier now, we’re probably going to have to spend even more time in downward flux due to the population dynamic changes. It turns out that a lot of people don’t like waiting two weeks for “Rankings to Stabilize” when they are never going to stabilize thanks to people like you.

To be honest, you probably don’t want to rocket up as fast as possible. Your oceanic team has no coordination and you’re going to get stomped in Tier 2 and likely cry a lot and transfer to another server.

Very disappointing that you had to resort to insults. I was trying to be nice fyi. I know what I said seemed naive, but what else am I supposed to say? I’m not moving, and no one else is until things turn to kitten.

On that note, I have been on SoS since BW1. I have not won a single one week match. So no, I will not be moving when we once again lose.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


If these Dragonbrand transfers have taught us anything it is …. the fact they are just plain terrible no wonder we didn’t beat Blackgate. Been playing against Tsym, Atac, Nex all weekend while you have all 3 orbs are y’all are pretty disappointing in the pvp department, even with the oceanic presence you will never reach tier 1 and you will learn this shortly. Never had such a easy time killing 3orb 80’s till this week’s match up. Kinda nice to play versus people who were once on your server answers a lot of questions.

Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Fury.6248)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Anyway, the majority of Maguuma are good guys. I just tend to get a little…vocal…when someone tells us we are ‘sore winners’ or to ‘stop ruining US servers and go play on Oceanic servers’ when Oceanic servers do not even exist.

I agree that this situation is horrible for everyone, and Anet need to do something about it. But please stop blaming us for it, when all we did was struggle for weeks.

Ignore them because its just shop talk. We are giving the fight of our lives in Maguuma Borderlands right now. We are organized and dangerous. If you are in Mag BL this minute, you will understand this.

We accept that we will lose all of this in the next 6 hours when our north americans log off and theres on RPH left to man the fort but we will be making you pay tommorow in EU/NA timezone and the day after, and the day after that, so you can expect opposition throughout the week that in my humble opinion is outclassing your guild alliance despite half of us being pubbies. Our small team coordination and relay from voice comms to team/map/party chat is very good and I think it shows. We also do not have a commander icon in Mag BL. iRez is coordinating the defense and they are home grown, Mag for life.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


If these Dragonbrand transfers have taught us anything it is …. the fact they are just plain terrible no wonder we didn’t beat Blackgate. Been playing against Tsym, Atac, Nex all weekend while you have all 3 orbs are y’all are pretty disappointing in the pvp department, even with the oceanic presence you will never reach tier 1 and you will learn this shortly. Never had such a easy time killing 3orb 80’s till this week’s match up. Kinda nice to play versus people who were once on your server answers a lot of questions.

We feel your pain. Unfortunately at the present time, due to free server transfers, the game systems reward bad players for playing badly by unmooring themselves from any particular server and going over to lockdown pop zones in another winning server. The worst players are being rewarded by the present game systems while the ones with integrity who are trying to hone strategy and adapt to circumstances get ‘punished’ the most. Fortunately the satisfaction of crushing a zerg from a server of superior numbers via superior tactics proves to be quite satisfying and hilarious.

Unless SoS gets its act together strategy wise they’re going to get wrecked in the upper tiers from what I’ve seen. Strategy is virtually non-extant.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


The people we have in internal battlegrounds today are braindead. They’re fighting in front of our spawn, dying, and not making any kills. This has been going on for 2 hours. I left for the borderlands when the queue popped.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


The people we have in internal battlegrounds today are braindead. They’re fighting in front of our spawn, dying, and not making any kills. This has been going on for 2 hours. I left for the borderlands when the queue popped.

Oh hey i was there fighting u guys haha! Yeah, after like 45 minutes of that without any threat to the overlook I gave up too, but its a nice badge farm for both sides


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: kKagari.6804


The people we have in internal battlegrounds today are braindead. They’re fighting in front of our spawn, dying, and not making any kills. This has been going on for 2 hours. I left for the borderlands when the queue popped.

Well, we are really bored. =/ I just want to farm some badges.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


Spacedad, I would like to kindly as you to stop spreading misinformation regarding the interrelations of another server. I know what post you are talking about, it’s on guru, it is talking about a couple SoS commanders being uncooperative. Commanders that SoS themselves don’t even acknowledge. Thanks.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


The people we have in internal battlegrounds today are braindead. They’re fighting in front of our spawn, dying, and not making any kills. This has been going on for 2 hours. I left for the borderlands when the queue popped.

The solution to this is to not leave them to continue doing something that isn’t working and likely destroying morale. If you know better, start exerting control of the mob. There is a particular kind of language you need to use. It must not be confrontational or threatening. If you can get people into voice comms then do it. The more the better. Most people in comms will not need to talk, just listen.

Everyone should form into 5 man parties. I recognise your ign and you have rolled with us in comms before so I know you know how this works. You know what language you need to use and the best time to self organize is when you are spawn camped and have zero territory because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

As such you can take your time and make sure your voice comms and chat relay properly, that everyone knows the basics of stacking, moving as a large unit with perma swiftness (banners), the purpose of supply, when to have supply and when you need to deny supply to the enemy.

They will follow you if you sincerely attempt to give purpose and order to players that have none. I do not attempt to exert control over a group that is already self organized but if it isn’t working I will ask if whoever is leading would like a hand or would like to take a break for a while. If you make mistakes thats ok. Nobody will have a go at you. If someone has a better plan and is complaining about disorganisation, then it is their responsibility to take control of a group that has lost purpose and direction and give it purpose and direction.

If spawn camped by large numbers you will need a critical mass of players to break out. It may be that you need to get that critical mass from Lion’s Arch or voice comms or begin planning a time and date to assemble so you can get that mass of players. If nothing works then its time to transfer to a borderland where there is a critical mass of players.

But the main thing is that if theres a bunch of newbies flopping around and failing, it is never their fault. They just need to see how its done properly a couple of times and they will learn a tonne. If you bring them along, some day they will be leading ops for you. If they aren’t paying attention you aren’t using the right language.

The only thing that should be discouraged is lemmings complaining about other people being lemmings. If you can step up and direct the mob, you should do it or you should do something else. But don’t rag on people that don’t know any better.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Spacedad, I would like to kindly as you to stop spreading misinformation regarding the interrelations of another server. I know what post you are talking about, it’s on guru, it is talking about a couple SoS commanders being uncooperative. Commanders that SoS themselves don’t even acknowledge. Thanks.

We only have a limited view of the scene in SoS, but [Goon] actually has players on the SoS server who aren’t a part of the maguuma community, and have been there since launch. (No these are not spies – this is just an extension of how large the community we of [Goon] originally came from.) I’m going partly by the things they have shared with me. If you would like to clarify anything that is incorrect please feel free to do so.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045


Still more angry people


Server balancing just doesn’t include matching up servers that can achieve the same score as each other. If 3 servers can all achieve 200k pts a week, but they all have different peak times, is that a truly balanced matchup? Just flipping empty bases for half your prime time, with a small force to fight for the 2nd half? It’d be boring.

Server balancing includes allowing servers to recruit and find players to fill their time gaps. Without free transfers, you’d end up with 1 dominate server that never loses in each tier and that’d be it.

Anyways… Continue your internet arguments. I’m still waiting for the winner.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Gangbot.8641


Once SoS make it to T3 and T2, they will lose on the first day and for the rest of the week their players won’t turn up to WvW.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


We only have a limited view of the scene in SoS, but [Goon] actually has players on the SoS server who aren’t a part of the maguuma community, and have been there since launch. (No these are not spies – this is just an extension of how large the community we of [Goon] originally came from.) I’m going partly by the things they have shared with me. If you would like to clarify anything that is incorrect please feel free to do so.

There are 1 or 2 commanders that have done their own thing the entire time, even before we came here. Somebody apparently ran into them, but they were told not to worry about it, because it has always been that way with them. I can’t really name any names here and I’m not going to talk about the AoI side since that isn’t my place.

But I will say it’s been pretty smooth and SoS’s existing alliance (whatever one [MERC] is in) has been working with us to try and bring the entire server together as one, instead of NA population and Oceanic population. There are differences in opinions, that is expected, nobody even knows/trust each other yet, but it is nowhere near as bad as you were making it out to be.

Given time SoS is going to become a great server as a whole and I personally look forward to it.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Once SoS make it to T3 and T2, they will lose on the first day.

Most on SoS have no problem with that, although I wouldn’t put money down on that.

- SoS has not won a matchup for about five weeks. And we have been enjoying the heck out of WvW, especially at weekends.
- How we go in WvW depends who we are up against. But I’d say we will go more than OK at the moment.
- being against servers with a significant oceanic presence means that we can play against evenly matched or better oceanic players which is what we yearn for. If we lose to IoJ/BG/JQ/ET/SBI and have had fun while doing so, that’s fine with me. I am hoping we get matched against ET next week (who have really good oceanic guilds still there).
- The guilds who have moved to SoS have had clear (but differing) expectations. If they are not met and they want to move elsewhere, that’s fine.

Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


There are 1 or 2 commanders that have done their own thing the entire time, even before we came here. Somebody apparently ran into them, but they were told not to worry about it, because it has always been that way with them. I can’t really name any names here and I’m not going to talk about the AoI side since that isn’t my place.

But I will say it’s been pretty smooth and SoS’s existing alliance (whatever one [MERC] is in) has been working with us to try and bring the entire server together as one, instead of NA population and Oceanic population. There are differences in opinions, that is expected, nobody even knows/trust each other yet, but it is nowhere near as bad as you were making it out to be.

Given time SoS is going to become a great server as a whole and I personally look forward to it.

I agree with all of this.

It is the Sea of Sorrows Union (SoSu) which has about 15 guilds in there now (including most of the large ones).

Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cadi.5371


As an NA player who’s been on SoS since launch, I feel your pain, @Maguuma and @Dragonbrand. The uphill battle with the outmanned buff is frustrating. I know, we’ve been there for the past 5 weeks. I’d like to thank you for some crazy fun battles tonight in EB and commend you all for not giving up.

For the NA guilds who moved to SoS, we welcome the help and I hope you like it here. With your help, I can go to work in the morning and our poor Oceanic folks can go to sleep and not wake up to a +0 tick.

Alethea – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


That was a commendable defense at Maguuma Garrison (reminds me of Shadaran hills, ETvIoJvSoS good times ), though you gotta admit running your guys into Bay into like 5 balista and 5 arrowcarts is a funny scene lol.

Also, the “Alamo” at Titanpaw is very funny, I liked it. It’s like …. the counterresponse to that flameram video , but with more money to spend.

Also, the ninja rushes for SMC and standing on a single point to utilize the AoE cap, thats like Maguuma’s signature move now lol.

You Maguuma guys sure know how to have fun, even in the face of unbeatable odds. I wish everyone would just accept that this matchup is broken competitive-wise and just try to have fun rather than complain about the server transfers. Whats done is done right?


(edited by TurtleMuncher.9750)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Naomh Achain.8216

Naomh Achain.8216

I remember weeks ago when ET advertised and lured a few Oceanic guilds over from SoS, and there was similar e-rage expressed as what there is now. Everyone remembers that this is a game….right?

So much QQ, not enough pew pew!

Commander Gunnar Blowemupp
[SoV] | WvW Paladin | Sea of Sorrows
Ninja-capping your bases for since BWE1!

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Arforyon.1746


It would be quite interesting to have an estimate on how much gold did it cost SoS to re-take Maguuma borderlands today. Heh

Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


All kidding aside, this game’s actual biggest problem to me is that the engine itself simply can’t handle the playmode of wvw. Putting aside the obvious problems with framerates on lower-end systems, practically every major battle of wvw becomes a game of blind man’s bluff. I’ve often taken to spamming the general area of where I think players are just to see if I hit anyone. Server transfers are a problem to be sure, but the rendering issues really quite frequently ruin the experience and strategy of this mode – we literally are changing our tactics to reflect how the rendering cap works, rather than structuring them around a well-designed playing field. I worry about this game’s long-term viability unless issues like this get very handily addressed.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I didn’t read that wall of text reply.

The people who sit at the entrance don’t care about the server in any way, shape, or form. I don’t want to try to coax them to go somewhere else. I told them when the keep’s wall was down, but they just stayed there, like the lemmings they are.

I’m not going to sugarcoat anything for anyone. Either play with the team, or be ignored.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

(edited by katniss.6735)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Harper.6709


Aye, that was plenty of epic battles in Mag BL. Not just the 2 hour siege of Garrison, but even all the siege you threw at Longview. Not to mention all the siege you constantly put up in all the supply camps, just to lose it 5 minutes later. Im pretty sure those are the kind of battles WvW was always meant to contain.

But it just had to put a large pocket in someones wallet :P

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: sil.4160


Once SoS make it to T3 and T2, they will lose on the first day and for the rest of the week their players won’t turn up to WvW.

If we lose we lose. I have different expectation than you apparently for SOS. I rate our server somewhere between tier 2 and tier 3 at this time. Having faced IOJ, ET, TC and FA before and lost, I say we’re somewhere in the middle. Just because we gained a few NA players, don’t automatically make us good. It just means we won’t go with +0 points during NA timezone. I don’t think we won a single match up since game launch but we still having lots of fun in WvW

(edited by sil.4160)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: mmartong.1794


I posted my travels elsewhere so, I won’t go into detail…After spending Friday getting stomped by many former server folks from Dragonbrand I went to ET & HOD over the weekend. Essentially, they’re not much better than Dragonbrand right now. Both servers have been decimated by big guild alliance transfers creating a huge imbalance.

The big loser in all this is the community. A lot of people talk about skill and organization, both important no doubt but, if you don’t have the numbers to compete, skill and organization can only get you so far.

Sanctum of Rall

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Swag.4923


Checked the match this morning when I woke up. DB didn’t even hold a Sentry point.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


If you transfer because your incapable of making a impact on the server you picked when the game is released chances are you were not good enough to make a impact in the first place. So far the transfers we are currently playing against have lived up to my theory. I’ll have a video at the end of the week for people to enjoy once I’m done collecting funny moments.

Dragonbrand Server

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


Wowzers will you look at that population imbalance? Outmanned as usual.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


Hi Guys . I just want to say I had fun fighting both DB and MAG on Friday. Sorry for the imbalance. SOS wont be fighting you guys again anytime soon. I’m pretty sure Arena-net wants the players to balance themselves out. When the players do so, more than likely the top tiers will be WvW powerhouses(24/7 coverage) and the more you move down the ladder the more the server becomes less of a WvW power. We moved from Dragonbrand not because we were losing but because we were investing high amounts of time playing like 12+ hours a night and lots of gold on upgrades only to go to sleep and have everything lost. I understand that a lot of servers have this very same issue with night capping and oceanic guilds/servers however, it seems like it’s up to the individual players and guilds to fix this issue while Arena-net allows us to so we can maximize our gaming experience. I have nothing against Dragonbrand or the people who play there. We choose SOS because of the oceanic presence as most of you know. The DB guilds that transferred are very coordinated and we’ve been on a mission to further improve ourselves regardless of our server. I think we have tried our best both on DB and SOS to improve the community. I think everyone should play to have fun and not cause so much drama over a simple game mechanic. The games been out for what 2 months? I will not debate any of you on this matter BTW just giving my input and letting you guys know how we are thinking.

- Malevolence Omen GM of Onslaught

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


I think you’re putting too much stock in the SoS night squad, having fought them for 2 weeks in a row now its pretty shocking how bad they actually are. Definitely not tier 3+ material. They are the epitome of mindless zerg, not used to facing opposition (and definitely not upgrading anything). Hopefully for your sake the whole sever can get better together though.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: TurtleMuncher.9750


Funny thing is even after all the transfer’s SoS will still only be tier 3. Only thing server transfers have done is kitten people off an change the names of the servers who are tier 3. You don’t magically get more skill when you transfer did you not get that memo?

If they are that unskilled you wouldn’t want them in Dragonbrand anyways right? Just stop with your insults already all you are doing is give DB a bad reputation.


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I am giving DB a bad reputation. How exactly does staying behind and fighting with out-manned buff give my server a bad reputation? I killed so many people over the weekend and majority of those kills were 3orb SoS players who couldn’t PvP if there life depended on it. I clearly said in previous posts that these transfers gave me a shot to play them and see what they are made of. After fighting them a lot of questions were answered for example why we lost to Crystal Desert and Blackgate. Do you realize how easy it is to PvP with 3 orb buffs? Even while holding the buffs you guys were so incredibly easy to kill. I played on Maguuma borderlands over the weekend. Constantly prevented SoS zergs from capturing supply bases and solo prevented them from capping it for over 15min at a time till Magnuuma showed up and slaughtered the SoS zerg cause you peeps were to newb to AOE the circle. Y’all are clearly mistaken if you think you will move up a tier. So ya I am ruining DB’s reputation? Kinda funny cause I remember the guilds who transfered off DB being MIA every week on Wednesday and Thursday when were losing while people like me are in WvW fighting no matter what. I am pretty much the only DB player running around Maguuma borderlands over the weekend and even Maguuma knew this cause after awhile they saw me so much they stopped attacking me. Loyalty and refusing to quit are some bad traits that will surely give DB a bad reputation. I should just transfer huh? Then I can be good!

Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Fury.6248)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: EZlay.8425


PS- you never quit… unless you’ve been downed… then you Alt-F4

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Prestegist.5948


I have the reply to anwser all questions.. WHY DO YOU CARE? Why does anyone care about what others do? Who cares? Just let people do what they’re gonna do and stop worrying abut stupid crap. Seriously why do so many people care about what other people choose to do? Its just a server to play on, just play, stop complaining. Yes im on SoS, Ive been here since the early access. Ive seen all the matches SoS has had, we are by far from being the best. If you sit there and tell someone “oh, im just playing for fun. I dont care if i loose or win,” then your a bad, bad liar. Its in our nature to do what we have to for self gratification. If that involves trasfering servers to win, then so be it. Thats what people are gonna do. Stop hating so much. As i read the posts on this thread I cant help but think of how many of you are children. And i feel sorry for you. But were humans, and humans throughout the ages have done anything to win. Get used to it.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045



ashlov, want some popcorn?

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


What is this “sunlight” you speak of sir? I live near seattle…..

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Prestegist.5948


Id take some popcorn…..

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: NightIngale.5890


I am giving DB a bad reputation. How exactly does staying behind and fighting with out-manned buff give my server a bad reputation? I killed so many people over the weekend and majority of those kills were 3orb SoS players who couldn’t PvP if there life depended on it. I clearly said in previous posts that these transfers gave me a shot to play them and see what they are made of. After fighting them a lot of questions were answered for example why we lost to Crystal Desert and Blackgate. Do you realize how easy it is to PvP with 3 orb buffs? Even while holding the buffs you guys were so incredibly easy to kill. I played on Maguuma borderlands over the weekend. Constantly prevented SoS zergs from capturing supply bases and solo prevented them from capping it for over 15min at a time till Magnuuma showed up and slaughtered the SoS zerg cause you peeps were to newb to AOE the circle. Y’all are clearly mistaken if you think you will move up a tier. So ya I am ruining DB’s reputation? Kinda funny cause I remember the guilds who transfered off DB being MIA every week on Wednesday and Thursday when were losing while people like me are in WvW fighting no matter what. I am pretty much the only DB player running around Maguuma borderlands over the weekend and even Maguuma knew this cause after awhile they saw me so much they stopped attacking me. Loyalty and refusing to quit are some bad traits that will surely give DB a bad reputation. I should just transfer huh? Then I can be good!

good job brother,totally agree with you,I’m the member of TWin

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Maguuma just took your orb with less than 20 attackers oops.

Sorry for your 24 hour coverage. Sorry about breaking all that siege at west keep too. Y’all seem to run deep in the pocket with siege but it’s a shame you keep breaking it :P

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]