Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


::Asura gates into Borderlands::

Oh, hey guys! How is WvW going it’s bee….oh…server transfers are still free? That’s..um..neat.

::slowly backs away towards exit gate::

The Kismet

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Harkness.3701


Welp, took a keep and orb with about 20 people and 30 minutes later the 50+ SoS zerg comes.

This sure has been a fun week.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


This is the weirdest matchup. Watching SoS’s performance it hardly ever feels like we’re losing – the predictable zerging is generally pretty easy to outmaneuver. I feel like we’re up against an entire server of newbies at times. It’s a shame the entire server is being “rewarded” by bad players coming to it en masse.

I hope you guys know what you’re getting into in the higher tiers because the current strategic efforts don’t really cut it. Against servers that can match your timezone coverage, a zone locked down with bad players is as useless as an empty zone. Worse, actually, since you’re feeding the enemy badges.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


Predictable and easy to outmaneuver yet you’re losing by 170k points. are you trying to say maguuma doesn’t have the skills to predict and outmaneuver us?
People here in SoS respected Maguuma, but now we’re just thinking you are all just sore losers complaining about the fact that many guilds saw potential in our server and decided to help fix our weakness. WvW is 24/7. nightcapping a problem? FIX IT. thats what we tried to do, and accomplished. Now our current goal is to be more structured and more organised. Our Guilds have been discussing various methods in doing so. Laugh all you want… we’ll try out hardest to prove you wrong.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Welp, took a keep and orb with about 20 people and 30 minutes later the 50+ SoS zerg comes.

This sure has been a fun week.

That’s about all they can do, really. We’ve had more interesting opponents than these guys that’s for sure.

Predictable and easy to outmaneuver yet you’re losing by 170k points. are you trying to say maguuma doesn’t have the skills to predict and outmaneuver us?

Unlike you, we can’t poplock 4 zones or get good coverage 24/7. We’re doing pretty awesome in our borderlands though – which we have started to regularly poplock. Mostly out of spite for your server.

This game would be a lot more interesting if both us and dragonbrand could poplock 4 zones at once. Having to deal with two opponents that can match your numbers would exponentially even out the scores – from there it would come down to which server has superior tactics.

People here in SoS respected Maguuma, but now we’re just thinking you are all just sore losers complaining about the fact that many guilds saw potential in our server and decided to help fix our weakness. WvW is 24/7. nightcapping a problem? FIX IT. thats what we tried to do, and accomplished. Now our current goal is to be more structured and more organised. Our Guilds have been discussing various methods in doing so. Laugh all you want… we’ll try out hardest to prove you wrong.

Well we took your orb with 20 people last night – the sos zerg sent 50 to take it back of course, but that’s really all your server seems to be good at doing at the moment. We also keep smashing your zerg in the field thanks to our commanders bluffing you to go to the wrong spots and then splitting your numbers. It’s pretty hilarious and almost like clockwork.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


Even i have to agree with space here.

Whenever i get into a map its pretty much just zerging 90% of the time. When the map is green they just switch to another and rinse repeat.

People only seem to be interested in karma / exp atm, commanders included. When i made a few calls for defence the responses i’ve been getting are: “ehh we’ll cap it back later”, “dont’ bother defending” etc.

I can understand why it’s like that atm, as the matchup is very one sided and people still want to be rewarded. It’s going to be a shock when we hit our first real opponents again though.

edit: @Elterzzz, don’t kid yourself here, there is a huge difference to being out played and out numbered.

(edited by Chaokel.5916)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I don’t know how SoS can put up with the queue time now. It must suck waiting hours to get in.


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


I don’t know how SoS can put up with the queue time now. It must suck waiting hours to get in.

According to those I am in contact with, queue times are around 2 hours for SoS. I’m not really surprised based on the performance I see in the field – it’s literally just joiner-ins rushing to get free karma in the zerg herd.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Spacedad, we on SoS stopped trying after the first hours of the first day after it became evident this week would be ridiculous. Now we just do random stuff to entertain ourselves. The US players on right now are even letting things be capped so that they can retake them later for fun.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


I don’t know how SoS can put up with the queue time now. It must suck waiting hours to get in.

Instant queues right now.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


If nothing else, SoS defends Dreaming Bay well. That seems to be their version the Mag Alamo.

Otherwise, yeah. SoSers are extremely zergy. You can read their movements long before they even make them.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


LOL there are no queue times. and even in primetime, its still the same as before since NA guilds came not Oceanic. as for sloppy play, some are intentional but most are legit sloppy. as for now… there is discussion about our current position based on our lineup next week.
all you need to know is that we dont need more points.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Why not? You guys are clearly tier 1. Get more points so you move up faster.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


If nothing else, SoS defends Dreaming Bay well. That seems to be their version the Mag Alamo.

Otherwise, yeah. SoSers are extremely zergy. You can read their movements long before they even make them.

Did you give up on your seige? i afk’d on the wall this whole time and tabbed back to see you guys run away.
For now we act as a zerg, not our primetime to do anything very organised… tbh not even our week to be organised. next week we will take things more seriously.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


Why not? You guys are clearly tier 1. Get more points so you move up faster.

Our Guilds here don’t see it that way.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


You just suffer from an attitude problem, that’s all. No worries, you’ll get a lot more points anyway and hopefully jump a few more ranks. Woohoo!

thanks for your support. we’ll conquer tier 1 for you guys.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Not to be mean but I hope the bandwagoners on SOS don’t come to Maguuma. I like being able to get into WvW without a long extended wait.


Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Spacedad, we on SoS stopped trying after the first hours of the first day after it became evident this week would be ridiculous. Now we just do random stuff to entertain ourselves. The US players on right now are even letting things be capped so that they can retake them later for fun.

Oh we know. It’s pretty evident you did stop trying – like exceedingly so. I don’t think we’ve been up against this bad a group of players in the field in any previous matchup.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


If nothing else, SoS defends Dreaming Bay well. That seems to be their version the Mag Alamo.

Otherwise, yeah. SoSers are extremely zergy. You can read their movements long before they even make them.

Did you give up on your seige? i afk’d on the wall this whole time and tabbed back to see you guys run away.
For now we act as a zerg, not our primetime to do anything very organised… tbh not even our week to be organised. next week we will take things more seriously.

Those two pushes were actually just to drain your fully supply and, if the stars aligned, clear all the siege. It wasn’t exactly a real attack.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


yeah, shame you guys lost to this group of bad players 2 times in a row. How unfortunate for you guys. also… you guys actually had defenders during our primetime. we barely saw FA last week. we always encountered GOON and RPH.

We’re only just recently starting to get people in during your primetime. (Which for us is like 4am in the morning. This is what I meant by ‘player versus door.’) They are in inferior numbers but they’re still able to do stuff like pull off a bluff to take your orb and reset a keep’s upgrades. We’re quite proud of them. A few new ones actually just moved over from your server no less.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Also it’s worth noting that FA players were also complaining of the ‘player versus door’ nonsense last week as well. It’s a universal problem and one that is linked to the issues with free server transfers and matchups being borked. Not really something worth bragging about.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


One of the most fun incidents happened earlier today in our (Maguuma) borderlands. I was headed to the east supply camp to try and take something (not many were in and there was no official organization at the moment) when I run into a group of 3 SoS players slowly walking (auto-run off, in formation) up the road. I stopped and stared at them for a good 20 seconds while they slowly pimp-walked at me, trying to figure out what was going on. Once I figured they were players I figure what-the-kitten and attacked.

Long story short, I did manage to down 2 of them before dying (mostly from them being surprised I actually attacked). One of them messaged me later and we bantered a bit about the incident – very friendly and good natured. I have to give props to SoS for that, certainly made for a memorable occasion in a rather bleak period of WvW

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: kKagari.6804


I notice a lot of GOON players log out when downed lol.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


One of the most fun incidents happened earlier today in our (Maguuma) borderlands. I was headed to the east supply camp to try and take something (not many were in and there was no official organization at the moment) when I run into a group of 3 SoS players slowly walking (auto-run off, in formation) up the road. I stopped and stared at them for a good 20 seconds while they slowly pimp-walked at me, trying to figure out what was going on. Once I figured they were players I figure what-the-kitten and attacked.

Long story short, I did manage to down 2 of them before dying (mostly from them being surprised I actually attacked). One of them messaged me later and we bantered a bit about the incident – very friendly and good natured. I have to give props to SoS for that, certainly made for a memorable occasion in a rather bleak period of WvW

LOL that was me. i messaged you about it

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


How about that. Small world (vs world).

Also, I understand the frustration from our world right now, but I don’t think we need to argue about what’s fair or smart or who’s zerging. The basic issue is we don’t have the large numbers to compete with a server who can keep up a 24/7 presence – that’s how WvW works. I do have to say I’ve played with some veerrry good players on Maguuma, so I do think we punch slightly above our weight class in that regard.

(edited by Cufflink.3985)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


You guys need a third try to drain our supplies and take our keep?

If you can’t fathom why an army might attack a position without the intent to take it at that specific time, I feel bad for you son.

funny cause all our things are fully repaired, seige up and still supplies left in your depots! NICE TRY!

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


How about that. Small world (vs world).

wished more maguuma guys were like you. it certainly was fun, as well as seeing the reaction of most guys on your server.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


yeah, shame you guys lost to this group of bad players 2 times in a row. How unfortunate for you guys. also… you guys actually had defenders during our primetime. we barely saw FA last week. we always encountered GOON and RPH.

We’re only just recently starting to get people in during your primetime. (Which for us is like 4am in the morning. This is what I meant by ‘player versus door.’) They are in inferior numbers but they’re still able to do stuff like pull off a bluff to take your orb and reset a keep’s upgrades. We’re quite proud of them. A few new ones actually just moved over from your server no less.

yeah, commendable stuff really. but seriously? why so butthurt? is it cause you guys are coming last 2 times in a row against us?

we got people to fill in for YOUR primetime! yet you start being butthurt about it. you don’t see us making a fuss about your new recruits. at least they keep us occupied during our prime. you should thank our new server members for giving you something to do!

I don’t think you’re making the mental connection here. There are entire threads describing why free server transfers are an issue, and you can even have a look at some of the posts in this very thread that explain the problem in plain english for you.

We would be fine with facing tough opponents and still losing if we actually were matching their numbers when our members are on to play – you seem to think we’re asking for free victory on a silver platter. We’re not – we are asking for fun and challenging fights. Unfortunately right now the game is structured to keep us from having that – your own members even stated you aren’t trying, and it’s really showing, so we’re getting rather disappointed ourselves in spite of our growing tenacity in struggling against overwhelming numbers.

Also – last week was a lot of ‘cap everything during the day, then sos takes everything at night.’ For both us and the FA toughs we were up against. It wasn’t very fun for either of us, and both servers voiced complaint about it, explaining their reasoning why on this forum. I guess you didn’t care to listen?

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


One of the most fun incidents happened earlier today in our (Maguuma) borderlands. I was headed to the east supply camp to try and take something (not many were in and there was no official organization at the moment) when I run into a group of 3 SoS players slowly walking (auto-run off, in formation) up the road. I stopped and stared at them for a good 20 seconds while they slowly pimp-walked at me, trying to figure out what was going on. Once I figured they were players I figure what-the-kitten and attacked.

Long story short, I did manage to down 2 of them before dying (mostly from them being surprised I actually attacked). One of them messaged me later and we bantered a bit about the incident – very friendly and good natured. I have to give props to SoS for that, certainly made for a memorable occasion in a rather bleak period of WvW

I’m happy to see that there’s still golden moments like this in the middle of this kittenfest.

Fix your game, Anet. Please.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Elterzzz.4378


Free transfers are not an issue. if we were stuck with no transfers… dominant servers would keep on being dominant. wheres the fun in that? at least keep it interesting and moving. if you’re a proud server guy like me… learn to accept it. im not moving anywhere.
in fact i moved from a winning server (ET) to SoS! just so i could be with an australian community. and im loving it here in SoS even though it was losing server in comparison to ET back then.
cant really do anything about it really. WvW is a 24/7 fight. know nightcapping is an issue but thats how it works. americans from an australian perspective are nightcappers too!

not trying in wvw is more of a tactical decision tbh. dont take it personally.

Dragon King of War; Death Divine X; Mesmereyezzz;
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Free transfers are not an issue. if we were stuck with no transfers… dominant servers would keep on being dominant. wheres the fun in that? at least keep it interesting and moving. if you’re a proud server guy like me… learn to accept it. im not moving. in fact i moved from a winning server (ET) to SoS! just so i could be with an australian community. and im loving it here in SoS.
cant really do anything about it really. WvW is a 24/7 fight. know nightcapping is an issue but thats how it works. americans from an australian perspective are nightcappers too!

not trying in wvw is more of a tactical decision tbh. dont take it personally.

We’re aware that nightcapping is (or was) an issue for your server as well. Unfortunately, given how free transfers work, transferring NA guilds to your server is a ‘solution’ that winds up ruining the game further for even more people. All of the problems we’re seeing now come back to a combination of free server transfers and a matchmaking system that isn’t working at all yet. I would ideally have wanted your server where it was last week to have matched up with an appropriate oceanic-focused pair of servers. Just as we should be matched up with NA servers of roughly equivalent population. Instead a segment of the imploding Titan Alliance decided to move en masse (along with various joiner-ins) to your server, thereby ruining the present matchup for a week. This didn’t happen to just our matchup though – almost every tier is seeing similar circumstances. It’s a huge clusterkitten and it needs to be fixed for the benefit of the game’s long-term success, or we’re going to keep seeing this cycle.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Fujikura.6754


Free transfers are not an issue. if we were stuck with no transfers… dominant servers would keep on being dominant. wheres the fun in that? at least keep it interesting and moving. if you’re a proud server guy like me… learn to accept it. im not moving. in fact i moved from a winning server (ET) to SoS! just so i could be with an australian community. and im loving it here in SoS.
cant really do anything about it really. WvW is a 24/7 fight. know nightcapping is an issue but thats how it works. americans from an australian perspective are nightcappers too!

not trying in wvw is more of a tactical decision tbh. dont take it personally.

We’re aware that nightcapping is (or was) an issue for your server as well. Unfortunately, given how free transfers work, transferring NA guilds to your server is a ‘solution’ that winds up ruining the game further for even more people. All of the problems we’re seeing now come back to a combination of free server transfers and a matchmaking system that isn’t working at all yet. I would ideally have wanted your server where it was last week to have matched up with an appropriate oceanic-focused pair of servers. Just as we should be matched up with NA servers of roughly equivalent population. Instead a segment of the imploding Titan Alliance decided to move en masse (along with various joiner-ins) to your server, thereby ruining the present matchup for a week. This didn’t happen to just our matchup though – almost every tier is seeing similar circumstances. It’s a huge clusterkitten and it needs to be fixed for the benefit of the game’s long-term success, or we’re going to keep seeing this cycle.

I have seen multiple guilds transfer over to SoS since been on SoS at launch. Eventually they either leave or some stay or dwindle down. Currently you complain about GW2 WvWvW. When SoS was paired up against Eredon Terrace when RUIN was on that server we did not enjoy some of their tactics mind you but we accepted it and figured other methods. Guild I am in actually used guerrilla tactics and moved from point to point using small 5 man squads taking points and either defending them with siege or moving on to the next one.
Instead of bickering on the forum come up with an idea with your guild and fight back. Maguuma was actually doing pretty good earlier and pushing us back during NA mid-day hours. So maybe during Mid-day you have a better chance for a push?

Granted free server transfers are not helping with certain servers but we had that same issue with NA players transferring to Northern shiverpeaks and Eredon Terrace when we fought them.

Sea of Sorrows
Swords of Villanousity [SoV]

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


We always do well when we have our most people on, and mid-day is usually around when we tend to get more people. Our growing euro crew converges with our NA crew is partly why.

As for ideas, we’re doing fine – we’ve already seen in the past few days some brilliant new commanders take charge. We actually are already using guerilla 5mans for various purposes as well. We even have sexy nicknames for them.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Chaokel.5916


I also don’t think free transfers are the issue here. (though in some cases they do contribute)

I believe the fault lies in the base mechanics of WvW and in the lack of flexibility in the ranking system. Basically everything in the way WvW is designed, is stacked against losing teams and teams with less numbers. This is a fault in my eyes, the game mode should be something that is fun and enjoyable at any point in time, regardless of the scores and number of people you can field (of course there would have to be at least some lower limit on this). The ranking system should be being monitored by anet (or at least community reps) and adjusted accordingly. If they spent 30minutes a day reading forums they could of been able to tell from a week ago that this weeks matches were going to be mismatches. The whole reason for not starting directly at two week matches was to limit the damage of mismatches, yet now that they are happening due to an unforseen reason they are silent. I guess in the end they didn’t really care about it after all.

On a different note, there are next to no queues on SoS now the weekend is over. At least not on the times i’ve joined in.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: bwookie.3807


Free transfers definitely messes up the matchmaking system. Just take this matchup for instance. SoS is clearly not a T4 server anymore with the new transfers. Right there is a perfect illustration of how free transfers messes up the GLICKO ratings. People left HOD and now it’s getting clowned. Transfers are messing up the ratings.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


I also don’t think free transfers are the issue here. (though in some cases they do contribute)

I believe the fault lies in the base mechanics of WvW and in the lack of flexibility in the ranking system. Basically everything in the way WvW is designed, is stacked against losing teams and teams with less numbers. This is a fault in my eyes, the game mode should be something that is fun and enjoyable at any point in time, regardless of the scores and number of people you can field (of course there would have to be at least some lower limit on this). The ranking system should be being monitored by anet (or at least community reps) and adjusted accordingly. If they spent 30minutes a day reading forums they could of been able to tell from a week ago that this weeks matches were going to be mismatches. The whole reason for not starting directly at two week matches was to limit the damage of mismatches, yet now that they are happening due to an unforseen reason they are silent. I guess in the end they didn’t really care about it after all.

On a different note, there are next to no queues on SoS now the weekend is over. At least not on the times i’ve joined in.

Yeah the whole play mode suffers the anachronisms of the open-realm pvp model started by DAOC. It is a shame that Anet didn’t take the same forward-thinking approach to re-thinking how the equivalent of realm versus realm could be structured or work that they did with the pve game. Even the game engine itself feels like it wasn’t built for wvw.

Problems with nightcapping? That’s not the player’s fault. That was a design decision, and apparently an ill-conceived one.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Actually, Id like to add I have no problem admitting I transferred to SoS from Maguuma in fact ( was on Maguuma from headstart). This was however at the beginning of last matchup. I work from 7am -4pm sometimes 6 pm EST, whenever I would try to wvwvw… I was in a que for 1 hr and gave up. Weekends came along and there were ques for 4+ hrs, with people telling me they were in que for 6+ hours.

You can check my post history if you need to, I posted a thread asking for a server with quick ques, multiple people suggested SoS. So I moved there. They have a good bunch of players I will say, so does Maguuma (the times I could actually get in). I like fighting you guys, nothing but respect.

Like tonight is a good example. I had crazy laughs harassing you guys on your borderlands today with my condition thief, I would jump right into the biggest bunch of your groups, drop caltrops, deathblossom and dagger storm back towards my zerg.
You managed to kill me quite a few times with a couple immobilizes and knockdowns.
But it was great fun nonetheless.
I hope you guys get a matchup that is even ground and who knows maybe one day I will be back if the ques get out of hand here too.

Your loving Assassin’s Creed Thief, Varknyn

P.S. DB, good fighting you too.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Perdan.1045


Some facts:

1 – No SoS queue times on most of the BLs. We did see one person end up in a 2 minute queue when about 30-40 of us changed BLs real fast.
2 – There is “sloppy” play, but that is mostly because the keeps/towers aren’t upgraded and we will probably lose them again before the night is out. Even when we were on DB, we didn’t waste time upgrading/sieging up keeps/towers that wouldn’t hold.
3 – Everyone dies in WvW. No matter how many orbs you got, you still die. Get over it. There is nothing special about killing people in WvW.
4 – I’m having fun, why aren’t you? I haven’t even looked at the score today. I couldn’t careless what the score is. There are towers/keeps that aren’t ours, so we go there and fight over it. That’s fun.
5 – passes around popcorn

Proposed Question?
What’s the real zerg? A group of 20-30 players running around in an organized group killing and taking towers/keeps/supply depots? Or 20-30 players repeatedly dying and running back from their spawn to die again?

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


Ah finally a thread for us. As a SoS player I simply need to give a huge cheer for Maguuma here. You guys put up some of the single best defense of towers and keeps that I’ve had the pleasure to fight in such a long time. You guys never disappoint for epic fights when the numbers are even slightly even.

As for spacedad, we’re aware of the problems our server has in organisation, whilst your points have validity your delivery needs some work. Anyone who understands it knows we will be obliterated by the higher tiers, but our server will never improve unless it faces those tiers and learns.

Offpeak capping is a pain in the kitten and everyone knows it. No one who enjoys what WvW is meant to be, enjoys attacking empty towers and keeps. Only problem I have with the server transfers is it gives people a way out of defeat other than actually trying to win. they get beaten and rather than try to organise, rally and fight back they just transfer to a winning server.

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

Shout out to my DB brothers and sisters tonight. It’s been an amazing evening of work in our borderlands, from finally securing our orb to that defense at our keep when the SoS zerg made their push. There have been some truly memorable fights in the past few hours, so good fight to both sides!

Also, I’ve noticed SoS lose and then regain another of their orbs a few times tonight- anyone from Maguuma/SoS care to tell some war stories?

-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: sil.4160


Even if you Maguuma do not respect us. We still respect you. Yes we’re a bunch of zergs, but we hope to improve our organization. I think spacedad overestimate our numbers. We went from almost zero NA presence to some. Weekdays are the true test, not the Weekend and as expected our numbers are not that great. We have one map that full and the rest are almost empty during NA prime time. We jump maps ALOT, that may create an illusion that we have heaps of numbers. And no, we’re not tier 1 material yet

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


Couple quick notes:

- Off peak capping sucks. SoS knows this as it happens to us every match-up, regardless of who we face, because of our timezones.

- Free transfers are antithetical to the nature of WvW. 24 HOUR Free transfers are just ludicrous.

- More zombie quarantine zones must be built in the borderlands. Also more flame rams because you kill zombies with fire.

- PVP Buffs being given to the winning side rather than better buffs/incentives for the losing or outnumbered side is bizarre.

- Spacedad: I think you’re taking this all too seriously. We understand where you’re coming from, really, but the snide commentary, while sometimes funny, is doing more harm than good. If you wanted “civil discussion” (your words) you’re going about it in a very strange way.

- Some of the new guilds that came over are genuinely nice fellas (and shielas). I’ve had occassion to talk with a few of them and by and large they’re friendly, outgoing, and in it for the long game.

- Many of us on SoS don’t care if we go up the ranks and get crushed. A lot of people are looking forward to seeing SoS getting done in at the higher levels. This could result in a few things occurring:

All the fairweather guilds leave. Good riddance. SoS is better off for it.

We actually manage to do ok. Great – we now have actively competitive matchups.

We get stomped. Fine – we either improve our skill levels or go down to a tier where we have actively competitive matchups.

The main point is: Oceanics all roll on the same server to play together be it PVE or PVP. The majority of us aren’t really going anywhere.

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cirus.5748


This is further confirmed by goon SoS players I am in contact with, who have stated that there are instances of SoS players just plain being sloppy about simple things like repairing, using the score disparity as justification for their bad play.

It is a shame that this game is structured at the moment (via free server transfers) to reward bad players who have no investment in understanding or practicing good strategy or tactics. You get better at fighting by facing a deck stacked against you – which is literally what’s happening on maguuma. We’re honing our coordination and tactics, and it’s showing. We already have christened a few new marvelously competent commanders in the past couple days.

Obviously not everyone on SoS is terrible and I have seen a few moments of decent tactics, but for the most part there is no real ‘strategy’ and it’s just ‘move zerg here, turn green, move zerg here, turn green’ rinse-repeat-etc.

I can confirm that when you are 200k infront of your nearest rival and you control every single building on the map, that there is complacency, people are spread out doing their own things out of boredom as there is nothing to fight. That a 20 man group can band together and take a few buildings while we are inactive, not defending and doing jumping puzzles is hardly anything to boast about. Your servers should be trying harder during SoS’s non peak, but you don’t even try. Less sulking, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself, more killing.

Vanguard Of Exiled Mercenaries – Blackgate

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Kendu Kuzal.3985

Kendu Kuzal.3985

Well I had my first go at WvWvW tonight alongside my Maguuma brethren. It was a lot of fun!

I’m still picking up on all the shorthand and location names but I really felt like I contributed with my shouts and even had a few solo kills. (I’m only level 41 so I feel somewhat good about it )

Didn’t really encounter any Dragonbrand players but a LOT of SoS players. Some really good battles though

Look forward to more of it the rest of the week!

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Alien.1845


how productive will it be if u guys put the energy for this argument into the real life.

Skyinthesea | Team Shatter
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Alien.1845)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Van Blank.9453

Van Blank.9453

Regardless of all the bologna that has been said in this thread, coming from the perspective of a transfer from DB to SoS…

I really enjoyed WvW tonight. If nothing else, I think this situation has inspired the community on all 3 servers to play better and be more committed than it has been in the past. We took our talent to South Beach, but we didn’t bring hate for DB or Maguuma with us…

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


I don’t know about your slipshod servers, but Maguuma has been 200% committed to WvW since day 1.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


I don’t know about your slipshod servers, but Maguuma has been 200% committed to WvW since day 1.

That’s impossible. No one can give more than 100%; by definition, that is the most one can give.

Go Springfield.

(edited by Axialbloom.8109)

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Cadi.5371


Fun battles in DB earlier this evening! Kudos to the DB folks for some tough defense.

Now, popcorn and sunlight, please!

Alethea – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: Norr.7680


GJ All ON DB we did what we could but in the end the euros and numbers got us. Was fun

BeastGate Traveler – New Guy in KnT