Dragonbrand | Maguuma | Sea of Sorrows
I can confirm that when you are 200k infront of your nearest rival and you control every single building on the map, that there is complacency, people are spread out doing their own things out of boredom as there is nothing to fight. That a 20 man group can band together and take a few buildings while we are inactive, not defending and doing jumping puzzles is hardly anything to boast about. Your servers should be trying harder during SoS’s non peak, but you don’t even try. Less sulking, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself, more killing.
You like challenge in being outnumbered? Put your money where your mouth is then and move to Dragonbrand. Less condescension and hypocrisy, more fleeing from SoS to servers that could use the help.
I have met that challenge many times, in fact SoS has lost the majority of matchups over the past several weeks. You would understand what I’m talking about if you’re ever faced Isle of Janthir or Eredon Terrace. The truth is that when you are getting beaten badly by servers that have close to 24 hout coverage, the general population on your server gives up and then you find yourself greatly out numbered. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, just keep fighting, I’ve done this many times, it seems as if you are new to this concept. I want to play with my friends, I don’t want to play in a ghost town, I don’t want 5 hour WvW queues, SoS is perfect for me. Only a few more days and you’ll never see our server again as long as we keep this round the clock coverage.
I can confirm that when you are 200k infront of your nearest rival and you control every single building on the map, that there is complacency, people are spread out doing their own things out of boredom as there is nothing to fight. That a 20 man group can band together and take a few buildings while we are inactive, not defending and doing jumping puzzles is hardly anything to boast about. Your servers should be trying harder during SoS’s non peak, but you don’t even try. Less sulking, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself, more killing.
You like challenge in being outnumbered? Put your money where your mouth is then and move to Dragonbrand. Less condescension and hypocrisy, more fleeing from SoS to servers that could use the help.
I have met that challenge many times, in fact SoS has lost the majority of matchups over the past several weeks. You would understand what I’m talking about if you’re ever faced Isle of Janthir or Eredon Terrace. The truth is that when you are getting beaten badly by servers that have close to 24 hout coverage, the general population on your server gives up and then you find yourself greatly out numbered. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, just keep fighting, I’ve done this many times, it seems as if you are new to this concept. I want to play with my friends, I don’t want to play in a ghost town, I don’t want 5 hour WvW queues, SoS is perfect for me. Only a few more days and you’ll never see our server again as long as we keep this round the clock coverage.
We’re hardly new to this concept – Maguuma is a server of people who have regularly had to struggle against overwhelming odds. The only times we’ve pulled ahead is when our community decided to finally start organizing in wvw, and we saw a massive jump in both participation and in our general strategic competence. We’re learning how to struggle against overwhelming numbers for the time being.
Also, again, talk is cheap – if you really do enjoy being an underdog and fighting tough odds, then switch to Dragonbrand. I don’t care what your previous circumstances are – your present circumstances is that you are on a server flocked by free xfer-ers. If you don’t want to come across as hollow, do the right thing and change to a server who needs you more.
But your statements suggest that you are new to this concept. You do realise that every week the servers are matched with new opponents? My server has been the underdog for many weeks, I stick with it, no matter how bad it gets, things will always get better eventually.
If I moved to Dragonband just because it’s losing, that means I’ll have to move serverse again as soon as they start winning, this makes no sense. Dragonband being the underdog this week may very well be the favourites next week. I do not want to switch servers as soon as it starts winning, otherwise I will never belong to a server, you just need to accept the winning with the losing.
Also it looks like from how xfers have messed things up, it’s likely Maguuma is going to be matched up next week with another server whose population of xfers has exploded. Hooray.
I’m fully aware of that Spacedad, however that type of situation will only happen to Sea of Sorrows if they become number 1 in the US, and quite frankly I don’t see that happening any time soon. Tier 3 most likely, and maybe tier 2.
I’m fully aware of that Spacedad, however that type of situation will only happen to Sea of Sorrows if they become number 1 in the US, and quite frankly I don’t see that happening any time soon. Tier 3 most likely, and maybe tier 2.
I would cross your fingers then, because you have no control over the behavior or whims of the server xfer-ers. Hopefully Anet will decide to lock down xfers so you guys can be stuck in a bracket more appropriate for your present population before that happens though.
Meanwhile in Maguuma garrison: SoS has a hard time against a handful of Maguumans.
Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian
(edited by Arforyon.1746)
Meannwhile in Maguuma garrison: SoS has a hard time against a handful of Maguumans.
Welcome to every night. We held off until right around 6:00 AM central last night (it was almost at exactly 5:55 I believe). Did the Maguuma graveyard crew make it longer tonight?
I was around for the holdout last night and it was hilarious. I lost count of how many catapults, trebs, siege golems, and ballistas our 15 man holdout portalbombed into oblivion while the entire SoS zerg kept sitting there, tossing more coin on the ground, slowly continuing to bruteforce their way into the keep.
I think we have a record today, they took it just now. After the longest time, quite the amount of siege wasted and soo many sos badges lol. quite the accomplishment for Sos, they even brought fireworks. Well played.
Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian
(edited by Arforyon.1746)
I am from SoS, and i honestly want to congratulate u guys from Maguuma…u did an awesome job defending. It was one of the best garrison sieges i’v had the opportunity to participate in.
Really big thumbs up! Altho in the end we took it, u guys put on a great defense and never gave up. That’s how a server should be like.
Dragonbrand …take lessons from Maguuma..otherwise stop qqing about ppl leaving your server. If u constantly give up no wonder.
Last night we killed 13 of their siege with 2 cats before they were able to use them. Including a golem. And tonight it took them over 2 hours to breach garrison on our last stand. We had 1/3 of their players at best still awake at this hour. lol All of our siege came from puzzles and badges. Maguuma is top tier level of play and the silly rankings won’t ever prove it. You’ll just have to face up against us to know for yourself (if you haven’t yet).
I think we used our “portal bomb” technique so much that SoS decided to do the same at the end to take garrison hah.
Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian
I think we have a record today, they took it just now. After the longest time, quite the amount of siege wasted and soo many sos badges lol. quite the accomplishment for Sos, they even brought fireworks. Well played.
Excellent work on a new Oceanic Zombie Mode record
If I am found by you to be irritating, then that is the desired effect.
Spacedad, I know your heart is in the right place but — 9 of the last 30 posts have been from you, on page six alone one out of every 4 posts was from you. I don’t think you’re annoying the other servers with trash talk, you’re just sort of spamming a bit. I appreciate your efforts to promote Maguuma in general but it can get counter-productive if you’re overbearing. Take a breather, man!
I appreciate the serious feedback – I’m new to posting on the forums and feeling my way around here a little bit. I’ve actually manually deleted a few of my posts as I felt they pushed things too harshly – I want to push the envelope but I feel I need to discover the right ‘pace’ for accomplishing that. Serious criticism is always welcome.
(edited by Spacedad.2841)
Edited – I was actually being a bit kittenish.
Mesmer chains that stretch an entire battlefield are hilarious fun. You feel like a human skipping stone that can be flung into a besieged keep, die needlessly, then chain teleport right back in again from the other side of the world, all in the space of a few seconds.
(edited by Axialbloom.8109)
so.bored. How about next oceanic primetime both Dragonbrand and Maguuma hit EB? show us dirty nightcappers how strong you guys are even during our peak aye? .__.
Edit : After further consideration, I think EB is the better choice because of fairness in spawn points etc.
(edited by TurtleMuncher.9750)
We would rather camp out our garrison. It’s a lot more fun for us and a lot less fun for you (which makes it more fun for us!!!)
I honestly thought that this week was going to be a lame matchup. However, tonight was one of the best WvW experiences I’ve had so far in GW2. Our fully upgraded and sieged garrison manned by 25 defenders vs. everything SoS could throw at us.
Took you guys long enough.
Most, if not all, of our commanders won’t even go to EB because too many non-80s go there and drool over Grub. I like that map, but there just doesn’t seem to be much interest from the masses. Not that we have masses; and possibly the problem.
Fair nuff. See you guys there again tomorrow ._.
hey hey …hey guys. SOS had zero queue times last night Very good battles had fun DB kicked kitten Maguuma Kicked kitten We had alliances people jumping borderlands trying to dmg control was full of fun now give us our orbs back k thx bye.
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev
hey hey …hey guys. SOS had zero queue times last night
Very good battles had fun DB kicked kitten Maguuma Kicked kitten We had alliances people jumping borderlands trying to dmg control was full of fun now give us our orbs back k thx bye.
Yes, forgot to touch on this subject. On Friday, we had a longish queue, maybe 20-30 minutes during NA peak time. Since then, zero queue. Sorry to disappoint.
(edited by Ashlov.3819)
if no one knew at this point most of the main guild alliance on Henge of Denravi went over to SoS to build up a t3 server up to the t1 server and they chose SoS for the high oceanic presence so they NA can go through the peak hours while the oceanic keep it during the offpeak. if you didnt know Henge of Denravi has been undefeated in the t1 server listings since beta and the guilds that made that happen are now mostly on SoS so good luck to you other servers but those guilds are going to dominate till they move SoS up to higher teir server listing
We had a 20 minute queue in Maguuma Borderlands yesterday with people in voice comms waiting to get in on the siege of Dreaming Bay (SoS’s version of the Maguuma Alamo).
Both Mag and SoS had sloppy execution but SoS came out on top before I had to log for the night (morning). Last thing I heard was one server (Dragonbrand?) Golem rushing east keep. Gulp. What happened in the end?
Kind of cool to see Mag get a 20 minute queue in euro timezone in the middle of a work week. All the other channels for borderlands + eternal were deserted but it was nice anyway.
I had a feeling SoS lacked numbers in Mag BL yesterday…We probably outnumbered them by a significant degree at one point because we got away with alot of things we really shouldn’t have got away with. Like South and South West supply raids. That shouldn’t happen if SoS fields full strength.
(edited by Besetment.9187)
I think we have a record today, they took it just now. After the longest time, quite the amount of siege wasted and soo many sos badges lol. quite the accomplishment for Sos, they even brought fireworks. Well played.
That was a great fight. Although it was annoying having to return and empty out my bags from all the Mag people jumping off the walls into the SoS main force, or trying to fight on the wall only to get blown up by AoE. I probably picked up about 40 badges from that one siege. You had no siege weapons up defending the outta walls at all – cunning Mag tactics?
I think one of the reasons that we at Dragonbrand were initially very angry over having several of our large guilds transfer to another server was that they ended up transfering to the server that we are facing this round. That left us with a large disadvantage and simultaneously gave our opponent SoS an increased advantage. We also ended up seeing several of the guildmembers that we came to like and enjoy playing with turn “red” (green clothes/ red name). It’s therefore like a slap in the face.
Also, we have had some good battles over the past few days, and I am excited to see so many in the community step up and take on a leading role on Dragonbrand. We are doing everything we can to rebound, and that is very encouraging.
My question to the guilds that transferred to SoS from Dragonbrand is this: did you know or anticipate that Dragonbrand would be in the same tear as you during this matchup? If that is the case, then the move really does seem spiteful. If, however, it was just a coincidence that the server you chose based on other criteria (strong Oceanic presence from what I can tell from this forum) that we were matched together, then I will try to get over my sense of feeling betrayed.
I wish everybody the best, but at the same time I would like to reiterate that many of us on Dragonbrand were hurt by those guilds transferring away and I think reasonably so.
I think one of the reasons that we at Dragonbrand were initially very angry over having several of our large guilds transfer to another server was that they ended up transfering to the server that we are facing this round. That left us with a large disadvantage and simultaneously gave our opponent SoS an increased advantage. We also ended up seeing several of the guildmembers that we came to like and enjoy playing with turn “red” (green clothes/ red name). It’s therefore like a slap in the face.
Also, we have had some good battles over the past few days, and I am excited to see so many in the community step up and take on a leading role on Dragonbrand. We are doing everything we can to rebound, and that is very encouraging.
My question to the guilds that transferred to SoS from Dragonbrand is this: did you know or anticipate that Dragonbrand would be in the same tear as you during this matchup? If that is the case, then the move really does seem spiteful. If, however, it was just a coincidence that the server you chose based on other criteria (strong Oceanic presence from what I can tell from this forum) that we were matched together, then I will try to get over my sense of feeling betrayed.
I wish everybody the best, but at the same time I would like to reiterate that many of us on Dragonbrand were hurt by those guilds transferring away and I think reasonably so.
We choose a server based on oceanic presence, community, and population. We did do a kitten ton of research and we knew before hand we’d be fighting you in the next match up. All of the leaders that moved watch the server rankings and listings all the time so we have a solid idea on who is where and what we will be fighting next.
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev
I have to say last night, one particular battle was truly good defense. The fight was on the dragonbrand borderlands map and it happened at Dawn’s Eyrie. We were outnumbered about 3 to 1 odds whilst defending. The people attacking the fort was one of the guilds that in which used to be on DB server, one of their 35+ zergs. We knew we were going to lose our wall as we had 3 cats hitting one section of wall and we didnt have the supply to build anything to counter it, however we had some serious arrowcart/balista fortifications.
It kind of felt like 300 when the wall was breached, we directed all our fire on that wall as the zerg tried to move in or messmer portal in. It was freaking amazing how effective 4 arrow carts were with a choke point like that wall being breached. We had about 10 people down near the wall doing aoe on top of the carts to hold the line. We decimated that force in about 20 seconds with the combined firepower of the men and women on the ground and the arrow carts. It was an oh so sweet victory!
If you were there, kitten fine job guys!
There is a fantastic amount of drama in this thread. What a great read.
A couple of quick points/corrections:
1. There’s no queue on SoS in any of the BL’s since Saturday.
2. There’s been some good fights to be had even with the sitatuation the way it is.
3. Commentary on the “skill” level of any of the three servers in a match up like this is hilarious. Let’s keep focusing on that because its a riot.
Why are you guys even arguing?
SoS is winning because we have more people 24/7. A week ago we were in the same but reverse situation as Mag and DB. This is how WvW is played, you don’t like it talk to Anet. SoS chose to deal with how Anet made the game, and we were lucky that our recruitment efforts have been heard and answered. We will celebrate it, our people have suffered long hard weeks of getting spawn camped (SoS is the topic of one of GW2 most famous and widely seen spawn camp videos, the RUIN Golem Quarantine, we remember our shame).
We are clearly mismatched. There is no joy in victory against Mag and DB. But we are overjoyed by the arrival of our new found American allies, of whom we have become fast friends with.
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
(edited by Jedahs.2713)
I heard in Mumble today that two guilds have independently chosen to transfer into our server and augment our forces. I want to thank them and any other guilds that have joined or are considering a move to Maguuma; we want organic growth of dedicated players through small guilds just like you, not large hierarchies transplanting their root structure from one server to another.
We were able to build some incredible morale and sweep across the borderlands yanking towers and keeps left and right. Sea of Sorrows… I have some bad news about your 24 hour coverage. When you climb up just to get knocked back down… remember… 420 Maguuma every day
(edited by zastari.1730)
I think we have a record today, they took it just now. After the longest time, quite the amount of siege wasted and soo many sos badges lol. quite the accomplishment for Sos, they even brought fireworks. Well played.
That was a great fight. Although it was annoying having to return and empty out my bags from all the Mag people jumping off the walls into the SoS main force, or trying to fight on the wall only to get blown up by AoE. I probably picked up about 40 badges from that one siege. You had no siege weapons up defending the outta walls at all – cunning Mag tactics?
They weren’t too bad those tactics…all that ends up happening with siege on the outer wall is that it gets destroyed anyway. They did have some manned arrow carts up there, but they were killed pretty quickly, along with the people manning them, and the ones that kept running up the stairs into the grenades etc lobbed up there. They did learn eventually not to run up there tho, was only 10 odd minutes of that.
At least they saved us some of the complications of full loot bags by logging out once they were downed! One thing they do need to learn tho, is that jumping off cliffs at low health, still rewards us XP and loot So funny to watch tho! I guess it saves on armour repairs at least
The hilarity of naked people dive bombing is worth the laugh.
Why are you guys even arguing?
SoS is winning because we have more people
I think some people hoped that success in wuvwuv might be skill based to some degree.
That is easier to say than do, however. As it is, yes, the servers with more people on more times will stomp all over the servers with fewer players.
Was happy to see that Dragonbrand was able to take back their part of Eternal Battlegrounds, even if it was only for about 20 minutes until Maguuma ran over us again. We did most of it while Outmanned (granted it was mostly World vs Door) and when I logged off a few minutes ago (5:40PM EST) we were still Outmanned. Kinda sad that the beginning of US prime time saw so few players on DB, but I guess that’s the way it’s gonna be for a while.
@ SoS people saying that there queues are nonexistent since Saturday, it’s easy to explain why.
You still have mostly the same number playing, but now, Dragonbrand and Maguuma are queuing maybe what 20 people on some of the borderlands, which means you can fit the same numbers you already use into the zone without queuing. Just thought I would point that out.
@ SoS people saying that there queues are nonexistent since Saturday, it’s easy to explain why.
You still have mostly the same number playing, but now, Dragonbrand and Maguuma are queuing maybe what 20 people on some of the borderlands, which means you can fit the same numbers you already use into the zone without queuing. Just thought I would point that out.
Populations are capped per server…
@ Arcaneclarity
The only thing i have ever seen about the caps on the WvW maps is that its 500 per map. They never mentioned that it was split 3 ways. I could be wrong, do you have a source where you got that from.
Pretty sure it’s not 500 per server per map, if that’s what you’re implying. That would be insane.
Our NA presence is saving money
GJ guys, great match.
Hope to see you all next week!
We don’t want to beat the dead horse, enjoy easy cap backs!
Pretty sure it’s not 500 per server per map, if that’s what you’re implying. That would be insane.
I can’t even begin to imagine how bad the lag / player culling would be with 1.5k people per map.
The real cap is around 100 per server from what i’ve read.
No 500 total for all 3 servers on each map, but I never saw anything about that being split 3 ways so 166 for each server on each map.
I find that hard to believe, still, given the size of zergs I’ve seen. I’ve also read 100 per server as well, though I can’t cite my sources, making me an objectively bad person.
To be honest. I saw zero orb hacking this round, when compared to last round vs FA. Most of the orb problems in this round is mostly due to bug or maybe the quaggan storm. Hard to tell a feature from a bug sometimes. I noticed our altar was destroyed at one time as well and had to move it to another keep. Have anyone written up a guide on how this quaggan storm, weather nodes work? From my experience, its a major part of WvW yet most people don’t pay attention to it
@ Arcaneclarity
The only thing i have ever seen about the caps on the WvW maps is that its 500 per map. They never mentioned that it was split 3 ways. I could be wrong, do you have a source where you got that from.
I’m pretty sure the population cap is much lower than that. I have never seen more than 50 per server. So 150 population map cap
I’m almost positive it’s 100 per map. Eternal might be slightly different.
I think we have a record today, they took it just now. After the longest time, quite the amount of siege wasted and soo many sos badges lol. quite the accomplishment for Sos, they even brought fireworks. Well played.
That was a great fight. Although it was annoying having to return and empty out my bags from all the Mag people jumping off the walls into the SoS main force, or trying to fight on the wall only to get blown up by AoE. I probably picked up about 40 badges from that one siege. You had no siege weapons up defending the outta walls at all – cunning Mag tactics?
They weren’t too bad those tactics…all that ends up happening with siege on the outer wall is that it gets destroyed anyway. They did have some manned arrow carts up there, but they were killed pretty quickly, along with the people manning them, and the ones that kept running up the stairs into the grenades etc lobbed up there. They did learn eventually not to run up there tho, was only 10 odd minutes of that.
At least they saved us some of the complications of full loot bags by logging out once they were downed! One thing they do need to learn tho, is that jumping off cliffs at low health, still rewards us XP and loot
So funny to watch tho! I guess it saves on armour repairs at least
Yea was quite a good battle like it is every time. The most funny part though is watching the outnumbered naked maguumans at the very least 3 to 1, wipe out the attackers over and over again.
Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian
Please read.
Its say 500 split across 3 worlds.
More info.
(edited by DeadlyRush.1620)
I don’t know if anyone mentioned, but we were unable to repair the altar when it was destroyed, like we were previously able to do. I bug reported it at the time. We basically could only sit there and stare at the orb and our broken altar until it reset.