Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Fodux.5379


The guild transfers have left Dragonbrand in a unique position. One that most people, including myself at first, wouldn’t like. But now I love it and I want to thank all those guilds that left.

You see, we were once a pretty high ranked server and, as a result, we are now playing against servers with a much higher WvW population than ours. While at first we considered this a bad thing, we now realize it’s actually kind of a blessing. Sure, we aren’t going to be winning any matchups anytime soon, however every time we are on it’s an intense battle. And in the mornings and evenings when our server actually has a large presence, we are guaranteed some Epic moments. There’s nothing like winning a battle agains a force twice your size.
The problem is, as we start dropping in tiers we’re going to start facing servers that don’t outnumber us. But we don’t want that, we like hard mode. The hottest fires make the hardest steel after all.
We are calling out to those of you that like a challenge. Those that are tired of doing nothing but jumping puzzles and points of interest in WvW because your server painted all the maps your color. We need your help to keep us from dropping further in tiers so that we may always have a challenge when we log on to WvW.

But don’t bring a thousand people with you when you come. We don’t want long queues and we definitely don’t want to start outnumbering our opponents. Right now our peak times are mornings, evenings and primetime. If you play any other time and want a place to hone your skills, you will find it here.
No egos. No crying.
Contact me in-game if you’re ready to play WvW in hard mode (Fodux or Digo Demais). There are others you could contact as well, but I don’t want to volunteer anybody so I’ll let them do it.

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Evil Kinevil.5126

Evil Kinevil.5126

Shameless bump.

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Sign me up. I’ve got a level 80 thief with half finished exotics that’s itching to get an organized group up for Dragonbrand.

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


LOL we love hard mode…We love being out manned…It’s a blessing!

Please come to our server we need more people.

Just giving you a hard time, and having some fun. I am sorry to see Transfers hurt servers.

Good luck to you in your search.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Fodux.5379


8 o’clock tonight. I run with Phuriok and Epic. Message me and I’ll let you know where to meet us (prob Lion’s Arch near the gates to WvW).

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Takuya Hosokawa.8712

Heya. I’m one of the WvWers from Tarnished Coast and we had you guys this week. When the match ups were first announced, I thought this week would be an awesome and difficult one. I was surprised that DB wasn’t as deadly as I remember you guys, as I remember losing to you in one of the daily matches up before and team/map chat was full of all this anger and frustration against your server.

But I know exactly what you mean. Last week we had Blackgate and they completely destroyed us most of the time, though we didn’t give up or anything and kept trying to win land back, but they were just too good and numerous.

I’m worried about TC going too high up the ladder that we’re always faced with these rough career WvW servers, because it really does get frustrating sometimes when the matches aren’t nice and even. But at the same time I completely get what you mean when you say “hard mode”. It is kinda fun when you somehow succeed at something that seems impossible, like defending a castle with like 10 guys and siege defense weapons versus the entire enemy zerg with golems. There’s this awesome rush that goes through you.

Good luck to you, Dragonbrand, and I hope you continue to have fun in WvW!

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Fodux.5379


LOL we love hard mode…We love being out manned…It’s a blessing!

Please come to our server we need more people.

Just giving you a hard time, and having some fun. I am sorry to see Transfers hurt servers.

Good luck to you in your search.

haha, it does sound weird when you put it like that. And thanks for the luck, I’ll take as much of it as you’re willing to give.

The part you missed though was the one where we want to stop dropping in tiers so we can continue to play hard mode. We don’t need a lot more people just some. Especially in our off hours to keep us closer in points.

We might not be winning anymore, but I know for certain that I’m a better player now than I was before.

Dragonbrand - Official Hard Mode Server

in WvW

Posted by: Fodux.5379


@Takuya Hosokawa

I remember when we played you guys before. Yeah, we were a very different server then. Though I wasn’t that good then, so I mostly just followed the zerg. Things are much more interesting now.

You guys brought it this time though. I was surprised to see that you have a decent presence throughout most of the day. Some epic battles were had this week and I hope to see you guys again.