Dueling in the JP Goodness!

Dueling in the JP Goodness!

in WvW

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

What a blast. Right now in the EB JP (TC v FA v CD) there are quite a few people sitting at the JP spawn. Everyone is standing in a circle, taking turns challenging people to 1v1.

Anyone not interested in dueling is free to do the JP.

Good times, numerous people were in a party with and invader to help keep communication clear

Makes me think that an arena where people can sit and watch would be a nice add.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Dueling in the JP Goodness!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Haha sounds like loads of fun

I usually just go into the JP to find and attempt to kill other players, I never attempt doing the actual JP though because SoR is almost always camping the arena with siege -.-