Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Dzagonur v Underworld v Ring of Fire
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
That was mostly the ICON guild from ROF that did the Golem ninja.
I tagged along with a few randoms.
Fun times =)
But RoF is seriously undermanned in WvW lately.
Feels like UW can muster the same amount on each map that RoF can on all maps together.
Those 30-40+ zergs you have running around are a pain, but we try.
Just watch out for the ICON tags :o)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Good to know. Next time I see ICON guildies in our borderland I start yelling “GOLEMS! GOLEMS EVERYWHERE!”, just to be sure.
And even if you are outmanned most of the time, you pull some nice tricks on us. Hopefully we have given and will give you other pain too other than zerg festing ;P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Could some of you update this please ?
Oh and could one of you drop down already ?
Thank you very much.
Ruins of Surmia
Greetings from ring of fire. Yeah that was us behind the garrison golem attack – we then proceeded to take bay off ur hands so I figured the 500 supply was worth getting rid of 2 seen as u hadnt played us before i doubt you weee expecting ut. I think it will be a close week if not you may take it by a small margin but ICON can guarentee ROF a 2nd place im sure.
See you on the battlefield
Hawkeii – ICON Guild Leader and Commander
Once a Roffy, always a Roffy
Ps. It will never happen ROS :P
Once a Roffy, always a Roffy
It seems to become a really close week, and I like it. Good battles everywhere, towers and keeps trading owners, etc. And mad defending, thats whats best.
And RoF, we just took one of your keeps on your turf, nanana. Just kidding, it was pain to get. At our end it was total chaos. But we managed to get it anyways, even with inferior tactics.
I haven’t been on EB lately so I dont know what has been going on there, a lot of domination for us was happening earlier today.
Ps. RoS, we ain’t coming there this week, sorry mate.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Underworld has a rather big alliance, so somedays you will see a large number appear randomly :P
Rof guys you are a lot of fun to play against, it just seems that you focus on underworlds borderlands instead of Dzagnur which seems to make us come for your home more often :P
Its a shame we are separate servers :P I imagine together we 3 would have enough to move up a few tiers ha
Pain Intended just had a really good battle on UW borders, managed to take a tower and defend it for about an hour even tho we were quite badly outnumbered.
Its surprising to see Underworld have such a big presence on most of the maps.
It was an intense battle gotta give you that. But we were running like headless chickens again, heh. After a while we managed to get a lot of guys to stack up and rolled to tower (for good this time) and took the camps and pushed you guys back to spawn.
And have to give it to you. [PI] and [BM] were giving us hard time, heh. A Good fight indeed.
Oh and this time we got the info about the golems about 20 mins before the assault on the tower, so we had scouts planted all over the lake and stuff
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Yea, we knew we got spotted but decided to just go for it.
PI run a Golem farm.
They never seem to run out of them :o)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Found this thread while browsing through the forum. I have to say that it looks like RoF and Dzagonur gave up Sunday night. We started bad and kept losing our keeps all the time and were third for some time.. RoF even had a fully upgraded stonemist! But after some good fights we managed to take it and ever since then I have seen less and less resistance. Yesterday evening was an exception though when I spent like 3 hours trying to take the RoF keep. I had to go but this morning we owned it.
And today I spent like 5 hours taking your border :-P but the defenses in the Garrison are to strong. I kept telling people to go for the ballistas but we kept wiping. It’s good to have some resistance though! I’m curious what the maps look like tonight when I get back.
anyway dont give up! we are 3 even servers. sunday we were all around 30k points and everything was still possible!
(edited by Wizard.4056)
Dzagonur does not “give up on Sunday night” – we just do not have 24/7 coverage and for most of us work starts Monday at 08:00 am ….
I have to say that it looks like RoF and Dzagonur gave up Sunday night.
No one on Dzagonur quits fighting after Sunday, but we simply have a quite low WvW population, and we still lack ad-hoc organization. Most people wait for the blue symbol on the map to show up. Plus, another guild left the server in the last days. So yeah… our prime time is during weekends, and on weekdays from 6-10 p.m., roughly.
Anyway, I had some nice fights these week. RoS, no one is about to drop this week… someone will the week after, but I just hope it’s not mine
Anyway, I had some nice fights these week. RoS, no one is about to drop this week… someone will the week after, but I just hope it’s not mine
Now now, let’s not be hasty, stuff can still happen. You dzago just need to lose a few points
Ruins of Surmia
Question to UW and Dzagonur, (slightly off topic).
Has any of you noticed the guild tag [Mrat]?
Usually small scale skirmishes and roaming.
PvP & WvW roaming
Had another great battle at UW borderlands yesterday. Pain Intended started by taking both south towers. Then we got reinforced by BM, XIII and SPOR and managed to take a keep. We held out for a few hours but lost to many people to be able to handle the UW zerg.
Thanks for the brawl.
If UW gets up the tier .. we´ll drop again soon enough .. btw, I don´t really understand, how you can´t handle our “Zergs” .. they are small scalled after all .. 30-50 ppl max ..
.. anyhow RoF already showed, that UW is unable to hold fully upgraded keeps for long .. just continue with these tactics .. after all, under good leadership – numbers count for nothing.
Well played.
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence
Proved my words again.
ICON .. beautiful.
I´m speechless.
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence
guess you mean about the golem attack on garrison and bay?
GOD i love my tatics <3
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
guess you mean about the golem attack on garrison and bay?
GOD i love my tatics
The counter-attack? Well .. that one was nice as well .. but the primary defence of Garrison & coordinated attacks against both servers .. mantaining, patrol & guarding of supply camps & scouts ahead – in your own Borderlands .. the 5man tactical teams .. and all in all .. the performance itself. Heh .. if you only had more ppl .. you would be in at least tier 3 of the ratings.
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence
I’ve heard that some ppl transfered from RoF to White… last week. Funny that Whiteside drops down again ^^.
But we have the same problems for month on dzag. Ppl and whole guilds think, that the gras is much more green on other servers and transfered. Now we are left with 2 “big” guilds and some small ones. We do our best but we rly lack of ppl who are willing to play WvW Thats why we are stuck at this bracket and will maybe drop one next week. However, we have fun :P
Lack of people forces to invent new tactics to come up with and improve them. thats what we do. So far we had fun this week, even if we cant compete with the numbers of UW and RoF (sometimes).
Good luck for the next week, may the Quaggan lighting generator with you ;D
Dzagonur – Commander
[HON] – Officer
(edited by zippy.7168)
It happened to us zippy, we lost over 10 guilds in 1 week before. They all jumped to gandara and now that servers dropping ranks ha!
its a shame we can’t have all of you on underworld, it seems none of us have the numbers to get much higher at the moment
The counter-attack? Well .. that one was nice as well .. but the primary defence of Garrison
… was some of the best fun I had in wvw lately thanks to UW for that long, at times thrilling fight, I was proud and at the same time a little bit disappointed when it ended
Ring of Fire
I believe it was ALRM that left ROF for whiteside, they were only a small guild. Looking forward to facing whiteside again for reset
Once a Roffy, always a Roffy
I think all 3 servers had problems with guilds leaving, still don’t fully understand why wvw oriented guilds don’t prefer trying to make their original server work and just join a tier 1/2 server. I think ALRM left for desolation tho, not whiteside.
Again, great fights
I wanna give special thanks to RoF’s [XIII],[PI], [HxH] , [Mrat] for all your efforts in the warzone. I dunno if we tell other guilds this enough but your effort and work is appreciated. (and thank you to any guild I missed)
Our opponents:
Underworld: wicked lead you guys got, Majorly envious of the numbers you have on at all times, lots of dedicated guilds and randoms. Had some pretty nice fights with a lot of your guilds (I’m terrible with remembering names.. but I think [AA] was one of the tags that I saw a lot.) Very impressed with your coverage on EB. I wish you guys best of luck on your next weeks matchups, and congrats for what I’m gonna assume is a UW win this week ~
DZ: always a pleasure fighting yah, I believe you bested us pretty hard when we had our first matchup by golem ninjaing hills. I remember many a frustrated ICON member that day :P We will probably be facing each other this coming week so I wish the best of luck!
Thanks for a great week everyone!
Ring of Fire [ICON]
Gotta say it has been fun for the past 3 weeks playing Dzagonur and i can imagine we will have many more weeks. UW have given us some cracking battles, shame to say bye to you this week, but see you next week!
I would like to say sorry to Dzagonur aswell for what we did to you last night.
ICON’s new motto definitely needs to be “Watch your Garrison at all times, Its never safe!”
[NP] – Night Pact
DPS Ranger Mentor
Yeah .. UW will be back next week for sure. As always we do.
Not gonna get any better any time soon, I think.
I hope you´ll massacrate the poor guys, that´ll be unfortunate to become your new enemies. Hahaha
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence
Your wish came true! Just 1 hour ago we had + 695 points (absolute maximum)!!!
Even though the start was hard and we were struggling at +200 with some kitten crazy tactics from our new commander we made a huge gain in a very short time in EB!
Hope this keeps up!!
Make a new thread & keep up your progress this week ..
.. I want to follow the progress of RoF & Dzagonur.
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence
I think all 3 servers had problems with guilds leaving, still don’t fully understand why wvw oriented guilds don’t prefer trying to make their original server work and just join a tier 1/2 server. I think ALRM left for desolation tho, not whiteside.
Well, one of the reasons might be that on our server we usually have about 1/3rd of the people in WvW in TS. At times I have 3 or 4 people in TS homelands and see like 10 or 15 green dots.
You can spam chat with the TS coordinates and ask people to join – usually noone enters the TS.
You have dropped 3 arrow cart blueprints and ask people to help build them … noone does.
You tell people that a portal will be set up – noone comes to the portal.
You tell people to NOT rep the breached wall because you want to place a trap … up goes the wall. Even when you use say chat and stand next to the guy so he MUST see the text bubble …
You tell people NOT to take mats from the tower but the tower’s supply remains at a more or less constant 0.
You tell people that there are unmanned cannons and arrow carts and they still auto attack from the walls.
The list goes on …
I can understand that after a couple of weeks of this some people who are more dedicated to playing WvW get sick of this and move to another server in the hopes that the “randoms” there are (a) not the majority but a minority compared to organised guilds and (b) that said randoms might be more interested in picking up suggestions via chat.
A question to the raid yesterday at Bay in Dzagonur Homelands … how many trebuchets did you guys have in that base camp?
6! We all love trebs^^
Errr 5-6 i believe….
Once a Roffy, always a Roffy
6,3 against outer walls and 3 against inner^^
I ought to become a partner with those blueprint selling guys if you keep building stuff like that … ^^
Poor show this evening from a [BOSS] commander, glitching the walls of a tower (Jerrifer EB) to enter must be something to be proud of