Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Aye, lets talk about the matchup here.

The reset was pretty interesting from the start. We as the Underworld heavily reinforced our borderland to kick out any bold invaders who came there. Little bit struggle there, but it all ended up well.

After that GuM, CtRt and some other couple guys went to venture on RoS Dzagonur border. I hope we gave you some fun time as we captured Cliffside from you and build some siege to defend and then Trebuchets to bombard Garrison

Atleast it was great fun on our side, we were having a blast even though we got stomped on the end.

Anyways, lets keep up the fighting spirit on this matchup and have some more fun times. Big cheer for all the three teams equally!

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

(edited by Paavotar.3971)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Frussy.7083


Aye, lets talk about the matchup here.

The reset was pretty interesting from the start. We as the Underworld heavily reinforced our borderland to kick out any bold invaders who came there. Little bit struggle there, but it all ended up well.

After that GuM, CtRt and some other couple guys went to venture on RoS border. I hope we gave you some fun time as we captured Cliffside from you and build some siege to defend and then Trebuchets to bombard Garrison

Atleast it was great fun on our side, we were having a blast even though we got stomped on the end.

Anyways, lets keep up the fighting spirit on this matchup and have some more fun times. Big cheer for all the three teams equally!

Actually it was Dzagonur border but I had great fun and some fun battles till the end with the portal bomb!

GuM Commander

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Dzagonur, go attack UW for once >_>

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Yes, sorry, it was Dzagonur, zzZZzz… I always mess up with the names. This happens to me once too often, heh

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Well, I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this morning and saw it’s still close!

I was part of the force that started out in Underworld borderlands, kitten there was a lot of you o.O Going to be an interesting week! And one that makes me feel slightly soft in the front lines

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
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Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Hyung.6140


Really enjoying this match so far – Underworld stretching out a small lead, but all three teams really holding their own. Credit to everyone on UW and Dz, you both have some strong players and I’ve enjoyed the fights a lot already.

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Mhim.3415


hi Guys from Underworld,
if you think it´s funny to use the unvulnerablebug in the camp, use it. We reportet all of you and we from Dzagonur hope, the fair player from UW will have same direkt words for such a skillless playstile!

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Dude, Dzagonur has been doing that alot at redvale too in RoS BL. Me being from RoS.
You dzago use a lot more dirty tactics than UW does.

To Dzagonur:
Because you guys are all coming after us (RoS) and not really attacking UW, UW gets free play. But it would seem you guys are content with just staying in this tier.
As you have seen if you try to focus on us, you’re gonna get burned, not necessarily by us, but also by UW.
If you want do better than now, you need to stop focusing on us and isntead focus on UW.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Ilesyt.7084)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Dimebag.3950


…said the guy who tried to seize oppurtunity and capture some points while we were under heavy uw siege on our homeland. Perception´s a funny thing, isnt it?


Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Yes it is Dime.

Reset: Dzago hits RoS straight off.
We hit dzago back but lose SM.

Again Dzago in our BL taking briar and sieging Bay For several hours.
Dzago in our BL again.
As a result you guys lost your EB keep.

At night, UW took bay and and our EB keep.

Sunday: We take our BL back , upgrade stuff and take back our EB corner. Meanwhile, Dzago in our BL. Aand they take bay. You stay in our BL for several hours taking bay again.
We give up on our EB corner and come back to our BL to take it back while UW in full force hitting hills and you guys at bay. We take back our corner.

UW in your Borderland, We try to take hills.
And you’re saying WE are the kitten ? (the way you say it)
It’s only justified that we want some payback.

This situation has mostly been brought by Dzagonur going after RoS all the time, had you focused on UW more, they wouldn’t have had such a leeway of attacking us in our own Borderlands.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: drazzar.3042


Well, right now you guys should focus on defending your BL – its nearly always 2v1 – thats the way it goes in a three way fight.
Right now we are assaulting UW, so take it easy and lets have some fun online.

[void] – GH

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Geez guys, calm down. Do not flame too much, we don’t want this thread to be locked down.

Anyhow, about that invulnerable exploit in (vale refugee I suppose) camp. It is pretty much some moron individuals who do that. Just report, like you did, and get over it.

I don’t think those guys read the forums much and I have no idea who are doing that on our own server as I have never seen any UW player do it. I do believe some of our guys can be doing it, no doubt about it. After all, every server has players like that.

And thanks for all the fights. I haven’t been much online lately, but every time I have, there has been some good fights going on in either our own border or on somewhere else.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Aisunokami.6430


Speaking as un UW’er anyone using exploits to gain advantage for our server should be reported, even if they are from my team per say…

Its a shame that anyone should feel the need to use such tactics to feel the need to win..

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Yeah I agree. One should not hesitate to report a teammate using exploits.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Been some good fights today, but I gotta ask.. is there anywhere Underworld don’t have a zerg? Guilds used to being able to roam around pushing towers but now we just have outmanned constantly lol.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
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Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hey all,

the way you feel about UW we fell about Drakkar each 2nd week they have easy the double ammont of ppl then we do.

Something to look forward to eh, as for the save Zone camping ive seen many Drakkar players do it, but you gotta ask why is there a safe zone spot near a supply camp anyways.

I’ve had my Rage fit over it already, now i just leave the camp and recap it after a while.

Good Sunday fights, Dz was in EB in force, so it was bouncing back and forth at least in your corner of eb.

RoS seems to have a problem with Numbers today, and here i thought they will be a challenge, you guys had a strong start.

We now took your Keeps in your Bl Dz, since UW never leaves an open bill.



Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ray.2640


Outmanned in our own BL, you really make us work for it don’t you. >:|

RoS always had a problem with population, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be a challenge.
We had some good fights the last couple of days and we’re not planning on dropping back to the lowest bracket again without making you guys fight tooth and nail for it!

Always outnumbered but never outfought!

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Dimebag.3950


Aight, we all got into some pretty intense fights this weekend, I think. To an awesome rest of the week and see you on the battlefield


Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: SNEEKI.4693


As part of UW I’ve had some great fights this week with you guys ,DZ have pulled out a good few zergs at times and its been quite intense..
ROS I have only encountered you guys a few times on the battlefield ,but for a small pop server you guys can dig in and put up one tough fight ,I respect you for that and hope you can gather more numbers to help you along
As for the guy who mentions the invulnerable bug ,I don’t know what that is tbh and I agree that anyone who uses any kind of exploit or whatever should be reported.
Anyway look forward to the rest of the week on the battlefield with you guys,
Good Luck and Have Fun!

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Underworld seems to have a lot of men fighting for now, when the time is good for us. And when it starts to get hard and we are on 3rd place we lack men, a lot. But I suppose this is pretty normal for us in the low tiers.

And about the outmanned buff. Everytime my forces are outmanned I say to my fellow defenders “They might be more, but that only means we gonna get more LOOT!”. So, if you see a kamikaze hammer warrior jumping in the middle of you when you outman us 3:1, thats most likely me.

See you all in the battlefield. Keep fighting guys!

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


If you can permanently hold & mantain your border & the small corner in EB, you gain a set amount of points per each week – which will give you a specific spot in tier – when you know, where you stand – you´ll know what to do ..
.. when you learn how to properly defend – you´ll learn how to effictively perform offence as well ..
.. in other words, pick one objective for now .. master it .. and proceed from that .. the biggest issue of low tier servers is, that we want to sit on more chairs at once – that´s the only reason, why we are down.
Zero coordination .. zero cooperation .. small percentage of skill .. and even less brain. Seen it in the performance of all low tier servers. We need to start doing something about it, or we won´t raise up without outside help.

.. sorry that I went off topic, but I didn´t participate that much this week in WvW, due to paperwork on server projects. Anyhow, have as much fun as possible .. you can find glory in victory & in defeat. Honor & Glory, to bot our RoS & DZ opponents.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


One of the reasons we chose a low tier server initially was for smaller fights where individual actions had more affect. For the bottom tier this is mostly true, you can send 5 in to attack 20 and have a tense fight! But at this tier where there’s 40 around at once you need to send in about 20 to stand any chance…. and if you DO kill them, it mostly just takes element of surprise and aoe spam because things die so quickly they can’t react

Was hoping we’d have to be higher up before we hit this critical mass of insta-gib AoE

Still.. there are some good smaller fights to be had, just gotta be lucky!

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: allways.9270


I will oppose you in this, Nean ..
.. I´ve seen, how 3x low lvls survived a 15man “zerg” .. I saw how 5xppl hold at one spot 30man zerg .. and I myself, with 4 other brave heroes stood against 50man zerg .. where 30 died, 15x scattered & only 5 chose a different tartget & went for it.

The pathetic excuse, that maggots nowadays use, about gear, lvl & numbers count – is just that .. pathetic excuse.
To organise, perform tactics & master your profession – that´s the primary goal you should aim for .. afterwards – it´s all about “small parties” facing zergs – and wiping them out .. cos it´s possible.

I´ve never seen a more balanced system, with this many options & possibilities, then in GW2-WvW. And this “opinion” of mine – can be easily supported by the actions of very few .. on all servers – that have shown it. I´m quite sure that even you & some on RoS have performed similar deeds.

.. anyway .. let´s get back to OP .. otherwise we´ll drift too much from it.

Charr Engineer
Death is Energy [DIE]
Underworld server; WvW – UW border/defence

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


We (I mean guild, not server) always fought outmanned by heavy odds. But there comes a point where the numbers are too large for you to live through the AoE, ESPECIALLY as melee which our guild is very heavy on. The biggest issue for us was always that downing players was easy, finishing them not so much.

When it comes to sieges however, numbers make a heck of a difference due to supply capacity. Tier 9 sieges if you want to build more than 2 pieces of siege you often have to run for supply, which leaves existing siege vulnerable. Here you can throw a lot more down before more supply is needed and there’s little danger sending 5 guys to get it.

Now, more on topic of the matchup: Lake tower bugged in RoS BL, Underworld hold it but there is no lord.. so we cannot kill it and cannot capture it.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

There is ALWAYS.9270 some hero who has alone, or with few chosen people stopped a XXX man zerg with pure power of thought. Bullkitten ! It may be true you can stand in some tower keep manning the siege yelling for reinforcements while the “50” man zergs derps outside, but killing 30 people out of 50 in 5 man is possible only on some bridges, lord rooms and in Narnia, and i’m not sure 5 will cut it on the bridge. And you will not “master your profession” you’ll be manning a ballista, preferably superior.

Now, if you’re not inside, that 50 people imaginary zerg would kill you just by not generating 3/4 of people hitting you, on top of instant death, i know, cose i encounter more then one, from your server.

Meanwhile, in the real world, numbers do count, and that’s mostly why Underworld is beating us so badly. This is however the best fight in weeks, i’m only sad it’s not gonna last for me ( RoS )

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Wizard.4056


As guild leader & commander on Underworld I can say that I had quite some fun so far. The weekend started pretty balanced and we had a lot of good fights. Thanks to the great teamwork of my guildies and our fellow UW-ers we managed to get our points count up. Here some highlights from my POV:

- yesterday we were at the blue borderland and got pretty stuck at hills. You guys had so many balistas, canons and arrow carts that we were forced to fall back to lake. We decided to rush for bay seeing that it was unupgraded. We took it without any notable resistance and I told the other commanders in my guild to distract blue at their garrison while I started to build 7 Golems in bay. It didn’t take long for blue to down the bay outer gate and just as the inner gate was about to fall we finished the last golem and ported them to the spawnpoint. while you guys retook bay we ported our golems up from the supply camp to the south gates of bay managed to melt both gates within a few minutes. Right in time because blue was already en route and we were just in time to clear the lords room.

After we secured hills we ported the golems to the garrison back door and rushed in. This was a close call because there were quite some sieges there but we managed to take it. Then we rolled to sunnyhill and went south to take bay again. With all golems around 10% hp we tried to take cliffside but it was too well fortified! Thats where our siege pretty much ended because we were losing ground on our own borderland.

- so my guild ported back to our border to assist the defenders there. We lost bay and sunny hill was under attack from 2 trebs. I got all my guildies up the roof and instantly finished a countert treb to take them both out. Then we rushed out and cleared the invaders. Then something strange happened.. We didnt see any skirmish marks at hills but we suddenly lost it! Hopefully the invaders that did this can elaborate in this :-P we took bay back with the help of an omega golem and then went to hills with it. what happened next was the highlight for me this weekend!

- a guild called HON put up an inspiring defenses at lake tower. With only 15or so they made the stairs up the tower impenetrable even though we had quite more people. We were forced to also take down the wall and ended up with 3 balistas, 3 catapults, 2arrow carts and 2 trebs in hills to help. You should have seen the sight.. All these sieges outside, trebs raining hot death and all walls and doors of the tower were destroyed, yet they did not surrender. With a clever placed ballista aiming for the top of the stairs we finally managed to seize the tower.. Really I enjoyed the fight even though my repair bill was huge and I constantly had to walk back. I hope I can practice this tactic with my guild. Keep it up!

Today I didn’t do much wvw yet, gotta get my explo to 100% but tomorrow we"ll start up a guild assault again :-)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Smokee.1754


Its good to see RoS still got alot of fighting spirit. I still miss alot of players from the start of the game there

[HB] Herfolge Boldklub – Competitive online gaming since 2001
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: zippy.7168


@ wizard

yep that tower defence was quite fun ^^
unfortiunately i only took one screenshot and it only shows how the tower looked like while your forces gathered again.
I think my guild should be known by now in the lower tier bracket for pulling out some strong defence tactics as we do things like that not only once per week :P

And sorry for taking your full upgraded keeps (bay + hill on UW Borderlands) with some sneaky golems (that happened before the tower defence if i remember it right) ;P

See you on the battlefield o7


Zippy Bln (80 Guardian)
Dzagonur – Commander
[HON] – Officer

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

@ Zippy it’s actually very welcome that you guys try and take stuff cause this week is becoming a little bit boring for us.

I wasnt in the Bls yesterday but in EB, and besides a few small teams of both sides and killing grub and arbo spirit nothing much happened.

So i encourage you guys to do more!

Come fight us


Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


@ Atlanis

We tried yesterday early in the day to come attack you :P we took Mendons and got some upgrades but theres only so much a 3 man guild group can do vs 30+ attackers No matter how many rams we kill there’s just too much DPS on that gate!

There was only 4 or so at first, then 8+dredge at speldan killed us, by time we ran back across the map to Mendon’s there was 30 lol.

Still.. we shall prevail!!!! Maybe… possibly… okay probably not. But we shall go down fighting (some of us more than others!)

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.2034


DZ garrison attack with all 3 servers taking a corner was the best fighting i’ve had in WvW. RoS attacking water gate, UW & DZ at the top sides. So much fun, then fending off two counter attacks; UW to the west and DZ to the east with two pushes- we lost it because of no supply but we took that place and defended twice

The floor of the lords room looked like the battleground from lord of the rings by the time we finished in there- glorious!

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Hi all,

@ Zippy it’s actually very welcome that you guys try and take stuff cause this week is becoming a little bit boring for us.

I wasnt in the Bls yesterday but in EB, and besides a few small teams of both sides and killing grub and arbo spirit nothing much happened.

So i encourage you guys to do more!

Come fight us


We’d love to pay a visit to EB if we weren’t so busy with all the tourists in our own Homeland. ^^ I mean … yesterday in the fortress … Ruins from water gate, when they were driven off, er – cancelled their reservations – we didn’t even have time to clean the rooms and change the linen before a great party from Underworld came in through the north reception and while we were busy getting them all accommodated we had another group of lost travellers from Ruins to deal with … and so it went for three or four rounds before we had to close the hotel temporarily. ^^

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


You guys were so insistent on building new apartment complexes in our lands over the weekend we thought we should probably check out your existing ones before deciding whether to let the construction go ahead.

Honestly, if your accommodation involves cramming that many people into a tight space I’m not sure we can add you to our guidebook.

Other than that.. we wanted pay back for 2 months ago When Surmia first moved down to the bottom tier we thought “Okay this should be a reasonable matchup!” only to find a large influx of guilds join Dzag and make it a rather painful time.

Been some fun so far! We need more players though Can’t cope with you both invading our borderlands in the way that you can.. especially at night! It would really, REALLY help if that tower wasnt bugged in our BL tho… it just soaks up zerglings like a sponge so we lose half our forces to that >.>

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: zippy.7168


If we had an influx of guilds joining dzag, we did miss it tbh :x
I only see the same old guilds and 1 or 2 of other ones, nothing big.
Since our last match with RoF we lost like 3/4 of our big wvw guilds who just decided, “the grass is more green on other servers”

Zippy Bln (80 Guardian)
Dzagonur – Commander
[HON] – Officer

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


It was the 2nd of the week long matchups iirc. Dzag were the very lowest server on the rankings, RoS moved down from tier 8 to tier 9 into Dzag vs FoW vs RoS, and Dzag steamrolled with almost 100% objective control then shot up to tier 8 in 1 go.

Surmia remembers it, baaad.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Hm, when I went to Dzagonur the server had more or less just opened and I wanted to play with a few friends so we had to move from our full servers to a new one. And I do remember that – about two weeks after I moved – I joined WvW (I was unable to do so on my previous server because of 4 -6 hour queues) and I do recall the whole map being owned by us. Idiot me didn’t grasp the significance and use it for map completition … waaaaaaah (banging head on the table).

But if that was due to a massive influx of guilds then I’ll let you know that some of the larger guilds have moved on to greener, tastier pastures. Dzagonur is, so to say, under new management and it seems we’ve been a bit oversuccessful in our ads to attract tourists …

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Well, your promise of ample parking was true but you neglected to mention the overwhelming number of zealous parking attendants you have ^^.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


As long as you get your car back we see no reason for you to complain, really. And Golems, before you bring that issue up, are not perceived as vehicles in that context – so you park your Golems at your own risk.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


So, Underworld, finally run out of trebs after 35+ trebs ? >_>

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Danvell.4259


Gotta agree that it was a tight match up for the first two days or so, but then we lost control, still funny to fight you guys !, We won’t give up

[Imp] Impact – Gunnar’s Hold

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


so Uw, wouldn’t it be a lot more fun for you to go focus on Dzagonur instead of RoS ALL DAY, AGAIN ?
I mean, look , they have waypoints you can destroy.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


I have a feeling that by telling UW what to do you have just caused an all forces redirect to RoS BL >.>


[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


No problem! They already have all their forces in RoS BL! All day since yesterday. Saw them going once with few ppl to Dzago BL while still keeping the majority in our BL, then they fell back cause they couldn’t even take a tower. Hell, they didn’t even have people to take back the camps in their own BL, that’s how many of them were in our BL.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: zippy.7168


If you want to know why UW didnt attack us … they needed all forces to take their tower back (attachment)

Was a funny game at UW bl yesterday at the late evening. We took the tower, defended it for 1hour, lost it … claimed it again after 10 minutes… defended for another hour… lost it again… took it again.. and same game again

UW brought heavy siege weapons and lots of ppl trying to take that tower. It was a lot of fun ^^ Btw, the edited screenshot shows how the tower looked like every attack

gg Uw and @RoS, take it easy


Zippy Bln (80 Guardian)
Dzagonur – Commander
[HON] – Officer

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.3416


Just for that zippy I might order an attack on Dzagnur :P

Its been a fun week guys. How about we have a Duel meet up sometime? where we have 1 on 1 fights somewhere?

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


It’s been a good matchup so far, we’re a little outnumbered but we’re doing what we can. Still need waaaay more proper guilds (and night especially!) to be able to stay up there.

Sad thing is the sheer amount of Alt-F4/Corpse Dancing that’s gone on

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Corpse Dancing isn’t bothering me (if I remain as a corpse long enough to be danced on I’m there for a reason and deserve to be danced on ^^) but I did notice that especially many people who prepresent Underworld seem to have hair triggers on their Alt+F4 keys ….

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Doesn’t bother me (dancing) just think that it’s been quite an enjoyable matchup and rather than a ‘respect your opponents’ its a “lawl we won u suck” :/

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


Well … as long as things are not done “serverwide” I usually blame the individuals, not “the server”. I sometimes use /no or /point to show opponents who decided to linger what I think of that and after a good fight I usually /bow to a worthy opponent (unless I’m getting peppered by arrows and whatnot or someone tries to carve his initials into my skin) …

People who do the /laugh emote when they managed to down a player 4 vs 1 is propably the same people who camp all day in Borderlands JP and heroically kill people just behind the waterfall.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Dzagonur v Underworld v Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Hyung.6140


To the UW thief who bowed at the end of an extended 1v1 battle outside RoS hills – well played. Very impressive – especially as I pride myself on my 1v1s vs thieves Hope we get to duel again!

Also I’d be interested to see your build – I’m never able to stealth so often and so consistently on my thief so I’d love to know how you’re set up.

Happy roaming.

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia