EB Jumping Puzzle

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

A poison field and a field that negates healing altogether similar to the ones in orr needs to be added at the beginning of the jumping puzzle to prevent guilds from camping the start of the puzzle 24/7. It renders all the tricks and traps throughout the puzzle mute and it’s easy loot for the campers to prey on one target at a time using the overpowered mesmer pull ability. Since you can’t go back through the portal; if you get tapped by an arrow cart you are effectively dead.

You can argue that they would camp outside the field or treb the spawn from a distance and you wouldn’t be able to heal ect. The can make the edge of the field intercept projectiles into it and give players multiple routes of escape out of it. At least in this case if the fringes are being camped one can simply log before they are picked off and discourage camping the start of the puzzle.

so sayeth the great innuendo

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Solori.6025


A poison field and a field that negates healing altogether similar to the ones in orr needs to be added at the beginning of the jumping puzzle to prevent guilds from camping the start of the puzzle 24/7. It renders all the tricks and traps throughout the puzzle mute and it’s easy loot for the campers to prey on one target at a time using the overpowered mesmer pull ability. Since you can’t go back through the portal; if you get tapped by an arrow cart you are effectively dead.

You can argue that they would camp outside the field or treb the spawn from a distance and you wouldn’t be able to heal ect. The can make the edge of the field intercept projectiles into it and give players multiple routes of escape out of it. At least in this case if the fringes are being camped one can simply log before they are camped and discourage camping the start of the puzzle.

You died in a pvp zone right?

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


A poison field and a field that negates healing altogether similar to the ones in orr needs to be added at the beginning of the jumping puzzle to prevent guilds from camping the start of the puzzle 24/7. It renders all the tricks and traps throughout the puzzle mute and it’s easy loot for the campers to prey on one target at a time using the overpowered mesmer pull ability. Since you can’t go back through the portal; if you get tapped by an arrow cart you are effectively dead.

You can argue that they would camp outside the field or treb the spawn from a distance and you wouldn’t be able to heal ect. The can make the edge of the field intercept projectiles into it and give players multiple routes of escape out of it. At least in this case if the fringes are being camped one can simply log before they are picked off and discourage camping the start of the puzzle.

Kill the campers.

No need for poison fields if they’re dead.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Shaojack.3871


The jumping puzzle is in WvW, it’s also in no way required for you to do it =D
I haven’t been to the jump puzzle in months but all these threads really make me want to take a team there for some good fights.

Brojack (80 Thief) / Shaojack(80 Warrior) / Shaokuma(80 Guardian) / Shaojax(80 Ranger)

Sanctum of Rall

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

You need to go into the jumping puzzle with a guild to do that. Prior to alt+f4 is no escape the arena was camped and the opposing server accrued in the dark room and made an attempt at the arena. As it is now there is no accruing. Just death upon entering the jumping puzzle since you can’t log in combat without being credited with a death. Unlike the rest of the entire map of WvW when you enter the jumping puzzle you often zone into instant death before you are aware of your surroundings. Advantage campers.

so sayeth the great innuendo

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Frellin.6318


Your suggestion would make it harder to get to the chest. My server has controlled the EB JP and given free mesmer portals to the end of the JP.

I have watched others servers remove our control by taking control of the beginning of the JP. Their largest force kills anyone who enters. They want to discourage players from entering. At the same time a mesmer and a couple others go through the puzzle. Through stealth, pulls, and portal they make it to the top of the gate chamber. Then all those players that were camping the beginning of the JP get a free port up.

By using that tactic they cut off re-enforcements to those at the end of the JP. They take control through attrition and superior dedication. You are worried about a few people being camped. I have seen wars.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


Sorry to say it, but the JP is in a WvW zone, and gives WvW rewards. It gives badges and siege. So, yes, you might face people there and certain death. If you want WvW rewards, you’ll to do some WvW to get them. If you want to do PvE jumping puzzles, do so. You are not required to do jumping puzzles for PvE, so there is nothing to whine about.

When I hear of a guild camping a JP with siege, I just laugh. Hard. That siege counts towards their cap. The more siege they have in there, the better. The more people and guilds they have in there the better. Why? Because it means they aren’t being useful out in the field and just farming badges.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

I am not arguing against fighting in the eb jp. I am arguing against camping the enterance and rendering the puzzle itself completely null. Like I said there used to be fairly grand battles in the arena. The point of the jp is to face people and fight for rewards. But the enterance to the jp is itself not a jp. It’s a portal to purposeless death. If you like things rendered vain then that’s your thing but I presume the jp was put there to fight over not to die upon spawning.

so sayeth the great innuendo

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

If you have a thief or mesmer, you can stealth past the campers.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Amerikajinn.4635


If you have a thief or mesmer, you can stealth past the campers.

Not necessarily, clever use of traps, marks etc. allow them to prevent you from getting past whilst stealthed.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Can’t you group up outside the JP entrance then zone in together to fight the campers?

I don’t do the JP much so I’m asking on a serious note. Perhaps there’s a limitation I’m unaware of.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Remove JP’s from wvw, make them all into one separate instance, problem solved, you can all go play with yourselves in there to your hearts content whilst wvw is left to those that want to do that and score points for their server.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


JP is great. If people wanna camp it, cool, we’ll just go flipping keeps while they get 4 bits of siege, 14 badges, and 2 bits of crap.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Siege shouldn’t be able to be placed in JPs then no one can complain about farming.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Siege shouldn’t be able to be placed in JPs then no one can complain about farming.

People will still complain, they will just complain about a group of 10 people camping the entrance and it’s preventing them from getting their sweet sweet loot in the chest.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

If you have a thief or mesmer, you can stealth past the campers.

Not necessarily, clever use of traps, marks etc. allow them to prevent you from getting past whilst stealthed.

In theory yes, but cleverness doesn’t tend to be an attribute of JP campers.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Remove JP’s from wvw, make them all into one separate instance, problem solved, you can all go play with yourselves in there to your hearts content whilst wvw is left to those that want to do that and score points for their server.

quoted for the truth… jp should at least have its own map/team chat coz i know for one that i dont care if your being ganked in there when we could do with more presence on the battlefield.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Frellin.6318


If you have a thief or mesmer, you can stealth past the campers.

It depends on how dedicated and creative they are at camping the EB JP. If you make it past them at the beginning they can pull you down on the ledges to the first spike traps. If they have a group also camping the gate chamber then they know they can catch you if they chase you down. You are also likely to make a run for the second invisibility fountain. It can give them enough time for a thief/ranger to get ahead of you and lay down traps which will knock you out of stealth.

The most difficult time I ever had completing the JP was when I had to play hide and seek with a group from Jade Quarry:
- They were camping the beginning
- Chased me 1/3rd of the way through the puzzle before I lost them
- Set traps to catch me while in stealth
- Tried to pull me down from the top ledges in the dark room
- Had an engineer guard the third invisibility to prevent me from grabbing it. Which forced me to retreat, lose them, and try again.
- When they realized I snagged the invisibility they had two players sit there for me to return.

I was attacked, hunted, chased, and trapped at every layer of the puzzle. It was crazy difficult, very fun (heart pumping), and immensely rewarding. That said if i was not on my thief I would have never made it. I knew if I tried again with my mesmer or engineer that I would have to bring friends.

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Semos.3976


I have 4 different characters that I run the puzzle with daily. I often run in to this exact problem. I admit it is annoying at times and can be difficult to deal with on certain profs but they put a stealth fountain in this room for this exact reason. Sometimes it has taken a couple tries but I am always able to make it to the fountain. So, sorry to say, this is a “learn to play” issue. If you are having that much trouble with it, then you need to spend less time in jump puzzles and more time fighting and perfecting you gear/build combo. I am often able to kite multiple people all the way to the fountain. Every class has a way to do this, although clearly, some are better at it than others. Traps, marks, knockdowns, pulls, pushes, immobilizes, cripples….etc. Every prof has at least 1 or 2 of these abilities. Switching your weapon set & utilities to employ some of this BEFORE you enter the puzzle is usually a good idea.

Sheefu – Sylvari Mesmer
Envyous – [Envy]
Fergusons Crossing

EB Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The more campers in the JP, the better. That means less defenders in WvW.