EB jumping puzzle why be that guy?
Cause it’s fun killing people? If you really are wondering scroll forums a little and see countless other threads about this
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
I personally don’t do it, but it is an easy way to find people to fight, especially catching people solo or in small groups. Very cheap and annoying, but the puzzles are in a open pvp environment so it’s gonna happen unfortunately
I dunno, jumping puzzles seem like they are designed for ganking. So, do them with friends/your guild. BUDDY SYSTEM!!!!
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
So let me get this straight, someone was in a PvP zone, trying to do a JP which rewards them with badges and siege for PvP, and were then killed due to PvP ?
This is an outrage and completely shocking behavior.
In other news, several teams lost SPvP games today, and mobs minding their own business were ganked in PvE.
Because it’s in a PvP zone…
The stereotypical crappy attitudes of those ‘Angry little PvPers’ that love to gank people not withstanding, there is no other reason that need be present…
It is what it is.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
Because the last time the other servers held that JP, they killed anyone who came up.
Plus, y’know. It’s meant to be treacherous. If you’re running through naked I’ll assume you took off your armor because you wanted to know how fast you’d die without it.
It’s very clearly signposted as a PVP zone.
Can’t really complain about getting into a fight in there.
Because it’s fun. Because I like killing people. Because throwing people off of cliffs with various skills makes me chuckle. Because it’s in wvw. Because you get siege for completing it. Because if you call for help it draws resources from other parts of the map. Because why not?
Because I relish the small chance that the person I kill will post a QQ thread like this.
Because I relish the small chance that the person I kill will post a QQ thread like this.
Rofl it’s like sweet sweet revenge for the frustration these JP freaks cause when your under the pump and then someone posts porting in JP.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
It’s not QQing. It’s a courtesy given by mature players to other mature players.
But alas, why should there be any maturity on the internet?
Who cares if the jump puzzle awards siege and badges of honor. You are aware that even people who are not interested in PvP or WvW still need those badges for their legendary weapon right?
Basically those that sit and camp the jump puzzle for kills have no skill. None whatsoever. They wait for the opportune moment to jump somebody while the person is merely trying to mind their own business. There’s no other way for these poor people to farm their badges other then to form a small party and take out single players.
And the fact that they will /laugh or something like that after they kill you is a clear indicator that they are doing it merely to aggravate you (trolls).
Personally, I find that funny since Anet has gone to such great lengths to try to make it impossible to offend players in the game by disallowing all sorts of names and banning tons of players for language, yet they leave in little commands like /laugh and put jumping puzzles in WvW areas which the developers knew would do nothing but make players upset.
Its has nothing to do with maturity, you are in a PvP zone and PvP is what happens in those zones. if you enter a race is it immature for the other people in the race to run if you choose to walk ?
The zone is there for characters to kill other characters, it pretty much that plain and simple.
Cause it’s fun killing people? If you really are wondering scroll forums a little and see countless other threads about this
didn’t you hear, World vs World isn’t about PvP, its only about taking objectives according to some players on this forum.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
The WvW JPs are a shortcut to getting BoH besides playing WvWvW. You were originally supposed to be out there fighting and being stomped trying to rack up 500 of the kitten things; instead, they give you this lazy route through and you whine about ‘immature’ players wanting to PvP in a PvP zone?
The most skilled player in the game could run into another at a JP, kill them, and remain the most skilled player. If they’re naked, like some choose to go, then it doesn’t require any skill to kill them, but it’s no statement about your own.
Legendaries are supposed to be hard to get. Blueprints are supposed to be expensive, badges are supposed to be rare. You expect a free run through an easy-as kitten JP to get them + gear loot every day? Only if your server’s worked hard enough to secure it/you’re good enough to fight your way up to it.
PvPing in PvP is being immature? Crying about getting killed in a killing field is being immature. There’s nothing stopping someone running a JP from whipping around and fighting back. They aren’t helpless. They’re supposed to fight their way up, otherwise it’d be on a PvE map, wouldn’t it?
Are you resorting to an ad hominem attack because you can’t think of a real response, or because you realize there is none?
WvW is a pvp battleground, plain and simple. Entering the zone is an acknowledgement that you are prepared and willing to fight other players, and complaining when other players fight you, no matter where it occurs, is simply pointless.
The badges are used to make a legendary weapon. The gift is called the gift of battle. Legendary weapons take materials and items acquired in all parts of the game. Making one is meant to show your mastery of many different game aspects, and wvw pvp is one of those aspects that is meant to be displayed. The fact that badges can be obtained from jumping puzzles is simply a gift to you from anet, allowing people that don’t want to pvp or are very bad at it to obtain the badges with a minimal amount of fighting.
Notice that I said minimal amount. Again, by entering wvw you are consenting to fight, but the jumping puzzles provide a far less pugnacious option to obtain the badges than normal fighting.
(edited by Moderator)
Indeed, legendary are supposed to be hard to get. For somebody who does no PvP or WvW it would take them 50 days worth of doing that JP to get the badges they need, provided they did the puzzle every single day. I’d say that’s pretty time consuming wouldn’t you?
As for siege being expensive, you’re right. But it’s also soulbound. And again, somebody not interested in WvW is not going to use them and they will be unable to give them to somebody else.
As for the gear, umm, well that’s not really anything valid to bring up as there’s jumping puzzles all over the game you can farm gear out of easily. Nobody does the EB jumping puzzle for gear. They do it for the badges (and the WvW’ers for the siege too).
Also, please don’t mistake me for the original poster. I’m not crying. I’m merely agreeing with him. But it’s funny that everybody calls it crying and QQing.
If you want to see some crying just search Youtube for people who’ve had their WoW accounts hacked. That’s crying.
And your definition of “free run” doesn’t apply to jumping puzzles. Again, they’re all over the place and easily farmed. There’s no “run” involved because nobody can pull you through a jump puzzle if you suck and just can’t make the jumps.
And no, I just don’t like being lectured about maturity by a guy who’s name is phonetically pronounced “nuts”
Anyways. Night. It’s late.
Actually, there’s a little something called a ‘Mesmer’ that can literally pull you through that key JP.
One of the rewards to working to stay on top of the competition.
You do realize that the EB JP gives max 15, min 4 (that’s the lowest I’ve gotten, at least) badges, where the three border JPs usually give 5-6? They’re also incredibly fast & easy with a speed boost and are almost never camped, especially your own borderlands’.
Or, y’know. People could just go out and do WvW as part of the legendary process like the devs had intended. It doesn’t hurt, I swear.
EDIT: “nuzt” sounds a little different from “nuts” to me, friend. :vvvvvv)
I let someone do their JP. The problem: they attack me first at the first sight. Thus they die.
I let someone do their JP. The problem: they attack me first at the first sight. Thus they die.
This. I am generally the guy who does /wave when I see hostiles in jp. It’s a shame that most people take that as a green light for ganking and jump right at me. I don’t really mind giving the baddies a beating though if that’s what they’re after.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
it gives me malicious pleasure to see someone trying to pass me as fast as possible and then dies
‘u wanna do da jp? NOT ON MY SHIFT!’
Yeah, quite honestly, I usually leave people alone in jumping puzzles, unless I’m in a particularly nasty mood. However, some people like to mess with me, and so they’re the ones that end up faceplanting off a cliff in short order.
Because there is a daily to kill people in WvW. Jumping puzzle is the easiest place to do so with little risk to self by ganking unsuspecting jumpers.
And no, I just don’t like being lectured about maturity by a guy who’s name is phonetically pronounced “nuts”
Only if you’re pronouncing it wrong.
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To block them is my real test
To kill them is my cause
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
All I can say on the matter is-
I love JP Carebears, first one to wave is the first one to die. Those are the previous seconds I need to lay down a cliff pull. Bring on the tears.
Call of Fate [CoF]
Why should the other teams just let you get free siege for your side? Having the JP and denying your opponents quick free siege is a powerful thing. If they are camping it, take them out. If you need more than just yourself group up. They disabled siege in the jp’s so I don’t see any reason to complain now.
P.S. Dear Dev’s… remove the badges from the JP and put them in as a WvW daily already. Too many are abusing the chests so they don’t have to help their team in WvW for their badges/legendary.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I do like that when it comes to the JP a lot of people actually think, “should I kill them or let them go”
Anywhere else in WvW you would attack them if you think you can kill them, or call in help to kill them.
But I find it funny when you come across a player who wants to kill you when you arent going to kill them, and even gesture to show you wont attack. They just see red and run at you.
I think last week, RS took our Bay, may have been BB maybe this week; I was on my ele and was standing on the bridge at watergate. RS didnt sweep. I stood there for a few minutes noone came to sweep.
So I decided it would be fun to see what would happen in I, a wee little asuran elementalist decided to have a nap on the bridge.
Minutes later a RS invader, even seeing me just lying there attacked with everything they had! I jumped in the water, I had the permanent speed boost from the signet skill, so was outswimming them. 10 seconds later I look back and 10 other invaders had jumped into the water and killed me.
All I wanted to do was sleep on the bridge
But there you have it, some players would have laughed at the fact an enemy invader was sleeping so openly in an enemy keep, others will just attack you.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
I do like that when it comes to the JP a lot of people actually think, “should I kill them or let them go”
Anywhere else in WvW you would attack them if you think you can kill them, or call in help to kill them.
But I find it funny when you come across a player who wants to kill you when you arent going to kill them, and even gesture to show you wont attack. They just see red and run at you.
I think last week, RS took our Bay, may have been BB maybe this week; I was on my ele and was standing on the bridge at watergate. RS didnt sweep. I stood there for a few minutes noone came to sweep.
So I decided it would be fun to see what would happen in I, a wee little asuran elementalist decided to have a nap on the bridge.
Minutes later a RS invader, even seeing me just lying there attacked with everything they had! I jumped in the water, I had the permanent speed boost from the signet skill, so was outswimming them. 10 seconds later I look back and 10 other invaders had jumped into the water and killed me.All I wanted to do was sleep on the bridge
But there you have it, some players would have laughed at the fact an enemy invader was sleeping so openly in an enemy keep, others will just attack you.
The only good invader is a dead invader. I don’t know what you’re up to but you must be killed on sight. Your little corpse might have a precursor inside as well :P
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Why not be that guy is my question to you. If you are taking up slots in wvw from others to do pve. It’s quite logical a pvper will be there waiting. I think you know why this is, without me pointing out the obvious.
Indeed, legendary are supposed to be hard to get. For somebody who does no PvP or WvW it would take them 50 days worth of doing that JP to get the badges they need, provided they did the puzzle every single day. I’d say that’s pretty time consuming wouldn’t you?
As for siege being expensive, you’re right. But it’s also soulbound. And again, somebody not interested in WvW is not going to use them and they will be unable to give them to somebody else.
As for the gear, umm, well that’s not really anything valid to bring up as there’s jumping puzzles all over the game you can farm gear out of easily. Nobody does the EB jumping puzzle for gear. They do it for the badges (and the WvW’ers for the siege too).
Also, please don’t mistake me for the original poster.
I’m not crying. I’m merely agreeing with him. But it’s funny that everybody calls it crying and QQing.
If you want to see some crying just search Youtube for people who’ve had their WoW accounts hacked. That’s crying.
And your definition of “free run” doesn’t apply to jumping puzzles. Again, they’re all over the place and easily farmed. There’s no “run” involved because nobody can pull you through a jump puzzle if you suck and just can’t make the jumps.
for someone who does no wvw and only does jp for badges then 50 days ,,, you are getting off easy and should take longer.
giving seige to people,, unless anet stopped it,, all you have to do is bring the seige out, and hit the little drop item button to the left of the #1 skill and you will drop the prints on ground and others can pick them up and store them.
i also do jps for gear since i gotten rares and exotics out of the chests and ive heard of someone getting a precursor from those chests as well.
i choose not to fight in the jp, but have been forced to do so at times, and eventually i make it through. if a pve’er is not going to contribute to wvw and just waste up space in the jp then maybe you should have to fight your way up. all 4 jps in wvw are extremely easy and legendaries are supposed to be hard earned. if mesmers are porting in there then they should make pve’ers take a camp before porting them up.
you also have to keep in mind that invaders seeing you in the jp are seeing someone trying to get seige to try and beat their server. to them, killing you before you reach the chest could mean the difference between winning and losing. others just choose that spot for fighting. me, i let people go unless they or others from thier server attack me then i assume all are hostiles unless i know them.
Let’s ask tootsie.
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
a) ‘cause in war psychology is a very powerfull tool. breaking the enemy’s morale is good !
b) cause i want to deny the other server resources that can be used against my server
c) cause killing people is fun
d) i have more chance in the JP to get a one vs one than in the open field.
i can probably use the whole alphabet.
Camping a keep near you since 2001 !
Just use the stealth fountains if you don’t want to be attacked… Can’t be stealthed while in the dark room you say? You should of gotten your fiery dragon sword from GW1 HoM or your Mad King’s fiery backpiece then. If you do die, wait some time, maybe someone will come by from your team and res you.
PvP happens in a PvP zone.
Why be ’da lass who be enticin us ’ta do it more.
Ye know, when ye make o’ thread o’ tears, it only warms our cold, cold hearts.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Just use the stealth fountains if you don’t want to be attacked… Can’t be stealthed while in the dark room you say? You should of gotten your fiery dragon sword from GW1 HoM or your Mad King’s fiery backpiece then. If you do die, wait some time, maybe someone will come by from your team and res you.
PvP happens in a PvP zone.
I can get through the dark room with no light source whatsoever.
All it takes is a ground target spell
I dont look for fights in the JP. Nor do I frequent the JP often. I’ll go if there is nothing in EB and I see a “Porting JP” and I’ll just leave enemies inside as killing one player is a waste of time when I can wipe zergs instead.
But you cannot blame these players for PvP happening in a PvP zone. Man up if you want to come out on top of a fight, as I assume you posted this as you fought and lost. Some players love the tension of combat encounters in the Obsidian Sanctum, if you dont, then head elsewhere. If you need badges… like play WvW for what WvW is for; the badge drop rate is better now.
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
Because maybe that some guy wants to get his badges for legendary by killing and not by just jumping around?
You are the enemy.
Your name is red.
You do not deserve to live.
Therefore I will end your life.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
Perhaps he is Inigo Montoya and he mistook you for Count Rugen?
Did not get back to this thread till today.
Simply asked the question got multiple answers, I am satisfied.
There was no QQ or cry in the question, it is what it was a question.
I normally avoid the JP but when my small guild was in there once I decided to join them. was the most fun in WvW.
If you want to complete the jumping puzzle, you must suffer the obstacles. Other players are the obstacles.
You also get rewards to use against the opposing server. Not only are you having fun PvPing in a PvP zone, you’re stopping the enemy from gaining siege.
In all honesty ArenaNet should just start suspending the accounts of people that constantly QQ about being PvP’d in a PvP zone.
Indeed, legendary are supposed to be hard to get. For somebody who does no PvP or WvW it would take them 50 days worth of doing that JP to get the badges they need, provided they did the puzzle every single day. I’d say that’s pretty time consuming wouldn’t you?
As for siege being expensive, you’re right. But it’s also soulbound. And again, somebody not interested in WvW is not going to use them and they will be unable to give them to somebody else.
As for the gear, umm, well that’s not really anything valid to bring up as there’s jumping puzzles all over the game you can farm gear out of easily. Nobody does the EB jumping puzzle for gear. They do it for the badges (and the WvW’ers for the siege too).
Also, please don’t mistake me for the original poster.
I’m not crying. I’m merely agreeing with him. But it’s funny that everybody calls it crying and QQing.
If you want to see some crying just search Youtube for people who’ve had their WoW accounts hacked. That’s crying.
And your definition of “free run” doesn’t apply to jumping puzzles. Again, they’re all over the place and easily farmed. There’s no “run” involved because nobody can pull you through a jump puzzle if you suck and just can’t make the jumps.
A mesmer can portal you all the way to the top (takes two portals). That is a free run. It happens ALL the time.
Also, I don’t even want to start with how long a “WvW Player” would have to do PvE content to acquire their legendary. The whole point is to involve yourself in all aspects of the game to acquire the legendary item, the legendary item isn’t a “PvE-only” item, it’s a “Game-wide” item. If you ask me I think the JP SHOULDN"T give you any badges, and you should have to get out there and fight to earn your legendary weapon.
I also, for the record, think that portals should be banned from the JP. I also think /laugh should be deactivated in WvW.
I also think /laugh should be deactivated in WvW.
What? This should be the only emote allowed in WvW.
They should also make jumping on corpses an emote so I don’t have to keep pressing space.
It’s not QQing. It’s a courtesy given by mature players to other mature players.
It’s whining.
I mean, it’s the JP in world vs world. If you don’t want to be attacked then do the jumping puzzles in PvE. There are plenty. Oh, you say you want badges of honor for your gift of battle? Then you better kill me to get those, cause I sure don’t like you PvE’ers who do the JP just for badges to get your Legendaries the easy way.
Why don’t you help your server instead of taking up queue spots. You’ll still get badges, you’ll be doing something new, and you’ll be helping get points. Everyone wins. Except, of course, it takes a little longer to do than the JP, I suppose.
But alas, why should there be any maturity on the internet?
We are telling you guys why we feel pvp should be allowed in a pvp zone, and you call us immature. Yes, absolutely.
Who cares if the jump puzzle awards siege and badges of honor. You are aware that even people who are not interested in PvP or WvW still need those badges for their legendary weapon right?
yes I do. That’s the exact reason i will occasionally camp the JP. You want badges of honor for your gift of battle? Then I’m making sure you actually have to battle to get them. Prepare your silver for repairs.
Basically those that sit and camp the jump puzzle for kills have no skill. None whatsoever. They wait for the opportune moment to jump somebody while the person is merely trying to mind their own business. There’s no other way for these poor people to farm their badges other then to form a small party and take out single players.
oh boy. Here we go again with the ad hominem.
While we’re at it I’ll link some other things fallacies you’ve just made
Personally, I find that funny since Anet has gone to such great lengths to try to make it impossible to offend players in the game by disallowing all sorts of names and banning tons of players for language, yet they leave in little commands like /laugh and put jumping puzzles in WvW areas which the developers knew would do nothing but make players upset.
what an enigma
^^ That post (Teamkiller’s) is pretty great.
Why wouldn’t you kill them in the Jumping Puzzle. The chest provides things that give your opponents server an advantage. Why would I stand there and let someone give their server an advantage that may later be used against me? That AC you pulled out of the chest may very well be what kills me later. Better you don’t have it.
I don’t mind killing or getting killed in JP. It is part of WVW. Suggest, have a party to go there; so you don’t get pawned.
Always Loyal