Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
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While my usual practice is to mind my own business and target the occasional campers,this thread and Teamkiller’s post in particular has inspired me to spend some time in the puzzle hunting PvE players.
While my usual practice is to mind my own business and target the occasional campers,this thread and Teamkiller’s post in particular has inspired me to spend some time in the puzzle hunting PvE players.
I say punish those carebears for playing easy mode to get gear, lengendaries, and gold.
That guy said if he did jp everyday it would take him 50 days to get his lengendary. Lol
You know how long it would take a hardcore wvwer to get that?
They should make it that a wvw just needs to do jp in pve land to get the ton of gold pvers get.
While I completely agree that JPs in WvW are fair game(really enjoyed Teamkillers post), I still believe the main reason people are “that guy” is because people just love being jerks in video games. A-Net has done a pretty awesome job on minimizing the ways players can grief other players. Killing people in the JP is one of the few ways they can do it. So they’re going to take full advantage of it like a hungry person at a buffet. I’m sure my tier isn’t the only one that has “those guys” consistently there doing it.
I do think it’s silly to make badges part of a legendary item, and equally as silly to give badges for doing a jumping puzzle.
Even though I really stink at PvP, I love it, and spend most of my in WvW. But my girlfriend is a PvEer and she hates PvP, but I’ll know she will want a Legendary. I applaud A-Net for having a game that suits different players. I’m really not sure why there is so much hate on the PvEers.
Given that WvWers tend not to make as much money as PvErs, I wonder if they changed the gift of battle to needing a different component called Invaders blood. It could be a blood vial that drops off of players killed in WvW and then WvWers could sell it on the TP — giving them a source of revenue while not breaking the Badges value. And then PvErs wouldnt need to mess with PvP.
The boh part for legendary I did mine by just kills on wvw and on my server it took around 2 months at few hours a day in wvw, always saw diminishing returns from kills in wvw after 15ish boh each day. Now there’s the other way, can do ur servers own bl JP and be done in 10 mins per toon and get 20 or so badges a day, reset rinse and repeat if that’s your thing (140ish boh a week) Lots faster than killing but downfall it takes up wvw spots when people could be out there actually supporting the fight.
I’m of two opinions on this. I do think it’s fair to allow someone up once for the achievement… but at the same time I also think it’s fair game for others to kill you for trying. It is a PvP environment after all. Since there is no way to know if someone has gotten the achievement or not, I tend to kill any invader I come across, especially since they immediately attack me. On the rare occasion that they don’t, which believe me, is extremely rare, then I’ll leave ’em alone.
First timers are easy to spot. They hesitate on jumps, don’t know where to go next, etc. I remember what that was like (and how I raged against the campers), but if you’re farming the puzzle for badges don’t expect my sympathy. The reason I don’t usually go after people is because it’s not worth my time.
I have never camped the JP. I have also never jumped the JP.
However, I don’t really care if people are ganking people in the JP. It is well known that this is a PvP zone. You can’t be given a free pass just because you want to jump a puzzle.
WvW is a jungle. It’s not a fair fight…it’s not a tournament or a duel or some sort of jousting ritual. It’s a jungle. Not just the towers, or keeps or camps…the entire WvWvW zone is part of the same jungle. If you want to enter, you need to either:
1. Be big enough to run around by yourself and stay healthy
2. Be fast and observant enough to run away if someone wants to make you less healthy.
3. Be stealthy enough to get by without being seen or get away if you are seen
4. Bring friends so you can improve your chances of staying healthy through numbers
I don’t think it’s the coolest thing in the world to camp the JP….but everyone who wants to complete the JP should be aware they are in a non-free-pass zone and someone is most likely going to try to kill them for no other reason than they can.
As “that guy” I want to thank all “those other guys” for being the way you are. The JP wouldn’t be near as fun if you guys didn’t exist trying to make that place a peaceful candy-land.
Nothing is better than entering a quiet JP with eveyone getting along, getting up to the top and punting every kuum-ba-ya, hand holding invader to their death and turning them into angry purple rage monsters. I then smile lording over my creation as the entrance blows up into a huge bloodbath of cearbear rage monsters.
RIP Peg Leg! (but thanks for actually getting me to roll a Mesmer!)
I don’t mind being killed once by a soloer if he’s going through the puzzle. Big groups who camp certain locations (portal spot cough and the top of the arena) with mesmer backup are very frustrating, but all part of the game. I wholeheartedly condone our guys doing it to the enemy (in revenge for previous camping by said enemies, of course).
While my usual practice is to mind my own business and target the occasional campers,this thread and Teamkiller’s post in particular has inspired me to spend some time in the puzzle hunting PvE players.
I say punish those carebears for playing easy mode to get gear, lengendaries, and gold.
That guy said if he did jp everyday it would take him 50 days to get his lengendary. Lol
You know how long it would take a hardcore wvwer to get that?
They should make it that a wvw just needs to do jp in pve land to get the ton of gold pvers get.
I just don’t get this perspective. If you don’t enjoy PvE, that’s cool, it’s just not your thing. I dig it. Why the angst towards a PvEer though? They’re just enjoying what they like about the game. It’s a pretty intolerant perspective.
And when you’re playing a game that consists of about 90% PvE content and 10% PvP content and you willingly choose to ONLY focus on the 10% of the game. That’s YOUR choice. It’s not that a PvEr has chosen “easy mode”. They’ve chosen “normal mode” and you’ve chosen “hard mode.” And then you turn around a get angry at THEM about YOUR choice? Makes zero sense to me.
I do like that when it comes to the JP a lot of people actually think, “should I kill them or let them go”
Anywhere else in WvW you would attack them if you think you can kill them, or call in help to kill them.
But I find it funny when you come across a player who wants to kill you when you arent going to kill them, and even gesture to show you wont attack. They just see red and run at you.
I think last week, RS took our Bay, may have been BB maybe this week; I was on my ele and was standing on the bridge at watergate. RS didnt sweep. I stood there for a few minutes noone came to sweep.
So I decided it would be fun to see what would happen in I, a wee little asuran elementalist decided to have a nap on the bridge.
Minutes later a RS invader, even seeing me just lying there attacked with everything they had! I jumped in the water, I had the permanent speed boost from the signet skill, so was outswimming them. 10 seconds later I look back and 10 other invaders had jumped into the water and killed me.All I wanted to do was sleep on the bridge
But there you have it, some players would have laughed at the fact an enemy invader was sleeping so openly in an enemy keep, others will just attack you.
Anyone alive inside a keep can res a dead Mesmer. Just because you aren’t a Mesmer yourself doesn’t make your presence any less of a liability. Anyone with half a brain in their head would have killed you just like they did.
While my usual practice is to mind my own business and target the occasional campers,this thread and Teamkiller’s post in particular has inspired me to spend some time in the puzzle hunting PvE players.
I say punish those carebears for playing easy mode to get gear, lengendaries, and gold.
That guy said if he did jp everyday it would take him 50 days to get his lengendary. Lol
You know how long it would take a hardcore wvwer to get that?
They should make it that a wvw just needs to do jp in pve land to get the ton of gold pvers get.
I just don’t get this perspective. If you don’t enjoy PvE, that’s cool, it’s just not your thing. I dig it. Why the angst towards a PvEer though? They’re just enjoying what they like about the game. It’s a pretty intolerant perspective.
And when you’re playing a game that consists of about 90% PvE content and 10% PvP content and you willingly choose to ONLY focus on the 10% of the game. That’s YOUR choice. It’s not that a PvEr has chosen “easy mode”. They’ve chosen “normal mode” and you’ve chosen “hard mode.” And then you turn around a get angry at THEM about YOUR choice? Makes zero sense to me.
Maybe it’s the PvE players who go to a PvP zone to do PvE, encounter some PvP, then come to the PvP forum so that they can call PvP players immature for doing PvP in a PvP zone.
It’s not QQing. It’s a courtesy given by mature players to other mature players.
But alas, why should there be any maturity on the internet?
Who cares if the jump puzzle awards siege and badges of honor. You are aware that even people who are not interested in PvP or WvW still need those badges for their legendary weapon right?
Basically those that sit and camp the jump puzzle for kills have no skill. None whatsoever. They wait for the opportune moment to jump somebody while the person is merely trying to mind their own business. There’s no other way for these poor people to farm their badges other then to form a small party and take out single players.
And the fact that they will /laugh or something like that after they kill you is a clear indicator that they are doing it merely to aggravate you (trolls).
Personally, I find that funny since Anet has gone to such great lengths to try to make it impossible to offend players in the game by disallowing all sorts of names and banning tons of players for language, yet they leave in little commands like /laugh and put jumping puzzles in WvW areas which the developers knew would do nothing but make players upset.
its not legendary if you pve for your pvp badges. I know its done regularly in dungeons but us WvWers don’t take kindly to people trying to take shortcuts through content to obtain their badges. earn them the correct way via participating and not taking up room, or face the consequences….simple as that.
If you are a PvE player entering WvW, just think of it as original Orr, with insanely aggressive, hostile, smart, cunning, sometimes stealthed, run across the map to get you, Risen.
See, it’s just PvE with a twist.
Partying is highly recommended. Especially the first time, in the JP.
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
So why be the guy who can’t figure out how to use the search feature, just asking?
So why be the guy that cant let someone complete the puzzle, just asking?
Jumping puzzles have unique terrain and are extremely fun places to duel.. If I am bored in wvw and know there is no way my match is going to be one because lets face it usually its one server steamrolling the other two I will go to EB Jp if possible and camp the entrance… Now if only one person rolls through I will hop up and down wave bow etc… If possible ask them to join party… Then ask if they wanna duel.. If not I cry like a sad panda. But I’ll be honest when most people are sitting there in the JP and they see a guy at the entrance they think KILL KILL KILL… But dueling in WvW is fun… You never really know what you are going to get there is way more build diversity in WvW than in sPvP.
As for siege being expensive, you’re right. But it’s also soulbound. And again, somebody not interested in WvW is not going to use them and they will be unable to give them to somebody else.
you can not ‘trade’ siege, but you sure can ‘give’ them to people. i got more than one guildie giving me their siege. all you need to do is equip it and then drop the bundle on the floor (the ‘tilde’ buttone) where someone else can pick it up (only works in a w3 zone i think). if you have no guildies to give them to simply drop them on the floor in the warcamp at the zone-in point. plenty of players there who pass there (as they zone in) and who woul be delighted to find a piece of siege they can use.
and in case you wonder, this has been asked in this forum if that is legit or something that can be considered an exploit and Anet has replied it’s perfectly fine to do drop it on the floor so someone else can pick it up and use it.
[…] people trying to take shortcuts through content […]
Oh, you mean like portalling a zerg into a keep instead of tearing down the gate or a wall?
Generally I don’t fight people in puzzles, (unless attacked, then be prepared for me to camp your puzzle for 30 minutes) because if you’re camping people in puzzles, it’s because you’re bad at PVP and can’t fight anything but PVEers and mules. I do this because I would rather fight a well geared enemy with siege, than a gimp server filled with low lvls and no siege, but, if I knew someone was a lame PVEer trying to take a shortcut through the PVP content towards their legendary, I would kill the ikitten out of them, repeatedly.
If you don’t want to be killed in the EB JP, just don’t go into it. There is nothing in there that you can’t get someplace else.
That said, the biggest mistake ANET made was to put badges in the chests. Those should not there. They should change it to the following:
1. Remove all badges from the chests
2. Double the amount of siege in each chest
3. Double the amount of money in the chest
4. Have a small chance for a precursor to drop
All this talk about taking shortcuts makes we wonder if people realize that you’ll make more badges in an hour karma-training with a zerg than trying to make your single run through the puzzle that is camped by various groups and guilds without end. And you’ll also make money, karma and get item/mat drops with much less risk of actually dying.
It gets especially bad when the other servers are camping (more or less at the same time):
So you get past the campers from server A on top of the well, just to be ganked 8vs1 by server B 2 minutes later (which of course are so l33t that they need to /dance and /laugh and /sit on your corpse after facerolling you), and vice versa. A one time Underworld even had a commander in there organizing the “defense” of the JP.
Kind of off topic but let’s say I make a level 1 character and go do the jumping puzzle. Will it still gives 15 badges if my real level is 1?
Kind of off topic but let’s say I make a level 1 character and go do the jumping puzzle. Will it still gives 15 badges if my real level is 1?
The number of badges scales to you character level, so you’ll likely to get 3-4.
Not sure this is obvious to all the folks complaining about fighting in the JP but, ummmmm, it is a PvP zone. It might have been mentioned in previous posts but in PvP you kill the enemy. There are no rules for this, you do not have to comply to someone elses thoughts on “maturity”, you do not have to stay away from ambush sites because that is “unfair”. It is PvP, there is no fair. There is (virtual) life or death. That is it.
Indeed, legendary are supposed to be hard to get. For somebody who does no PvP or WvW it would take them 50 days worth of doing that JP to get the badges they need, provided they did the puzzle every single day. I’d say that’s pretty time consuming wouldn’t you?
As for siege being expensive, you’re right. But it’s also soulbound. And again, somebody not interested in WvW is not going to use them and they will be unable to give them to somebody else.
As for the gear, umm, well that’s not really anything valid to bring up as there’s jumping puzzles all over the game you can farm gear out of easily. Nobody does the EB jumping puzzle for gear. They do it for the badges (and the WvW’ers for the siege too).
Also, please don’t mistake me for the original poster.
I’m not crying. I’m merely agreeing with him. But it’s funny that everybody calls it crying and QQing.
If you want to see some crying just search Youtube for people who’ve had their WoW accounts hacked. That’s crying.
And your definition of “free run” doesn’t apply to jumping puzzles. Again, they’re all over the place and easily farmed. There’s no “run” involved because nobody can pull you through a jump puzzle if you suck and just can’t make the jumps.
hmm, there are alot of misinformation in this post. Firstly, you probably don’t play enough mmos. 50 days for something is actually the best stuff is time consuming? Don’t you know that some mmos require half to 1 year to do that? Tell me a mmo that isn’t time consuming to get best gears.
Secondly, you probably don’t play enough WvW. The siege blueprints are indeed soulbound, but we can actually drop them to the ground and allow other people to pick them up.
Lastly, why badges of honor only exist in WvW? Because it meant to be a medal of war, thus you kill people to earn them. Tell me what honor you get just for free jp and open the chest?
getting badges through combat is a joke now with the increased drop rate.
You want badges? Get a group of 4-5 people (if you don’t wanna solo). Go run around and take supply camps. Supervisors drop two badges 9/10 times… simply by taking camps in wvw you are getting more badges faster than doing the JP’s every day… (spending the same amount of time) And its more fun!
I remeber doing jumping puzzles with full of red name around me, and they were all jumping with me it felt epic.
well, about those campers, i’d say when you got your legendary, go JP and kill those campers.
Lmao. So many WvW’ers crying about PvE’ers taking up queue spots. If you don’t want PvE’ers in a PvP area, then petition ANET to remove PvE content from PvP. There have already been several from PvE’ers trying to get it out of PvP. WvW has PvE stuff like Vistas, PoI’s, Wp’s, and JP’s. All of the JP’s in the three BL jump puzzles and the EB puzzle gives an achievement for completing it. And sometimes, we (PvE’ers) like a JP so much, that we’ll do it over and over again. I often do JP’s in WvW for that reason alone, but I do occasionally enjoy helping out my server and fight. But, imo, people who do camp the JP’s, or kills anyone “because they’re red”, are being jerks. Particularly the people who do /laugh and whatever after a 10v1 faceroll. Yes, they’re playing the content they enjoy properly, but they’re still doing it just to harass or grief “peaceful” players (aka PvE’ers). They need to either remove PvE content for it, or have a neutral buff that lasts for awhile so that we can’t fight for that entire day or something. To think, I just came to the WvW Forum to get an answer about the Commander tag… >.< Bring the hate!
Lmao. So many WvW’ers crying about PvE’ers taking up queue spots. If you don’t want PvE’ers in a PvP area, then petition ANET to remove PvE content from PvP. There have already been several from PvE’ers trying to get it out of PvP. WvW has PvE stuff like Vistas, PoI’s, Wp’s, and JP’s. All of the JP’s in the three BL jump puzzles and the EB puzzle gives an achievement for completing it. And sometimes, we (PvE’ers) like a JP so much, that we’ll do it over and over again. I often do JP’s in WvW for that reason alone, but I do occasionally enjoy helping out my server and fight. But, imo, people who do camp the JP’s, or kills anyone “because they’re red”, are being jerks. Particularly the people who do /laugh and whatever after a 10v1 faceroll. Yes, they’re playing the content they enjoy properly, but they’re still doing it just to harass or grief “peaceful” players (aka PvE’ers). They need to either remove PvE content for it, or have a neutral buff that lasts for awhile so that we can’t fight for that entire day or something. To think, I just came to the WvW Forum to get an answer about the Commander tag… >.< Bring the hate!
It’s not harassing or griefing. It’s simply playing WvW. You want easy cakewalk for a legendary? Bad luck, I guess. Do the JP properly or no legendary.
Orrrr if people want a legendary they could screw the JP’s go gank some supply camps with their buddies and spend as much time doing that as they would JP’s (especially if they are getting killed in JP’s) and get two badges per supervisor killed… There are six camps per BL and god knows how many in EB and hardly any of them are ALWAYS guarded unless someone is using that camp to siege a keep… Seriously you will get way more badges this way and you will be constructive in WvW… If you are doing the JP for the chieve more freaking power to you but if you are going for a legendary there is a better way to do it…
because it feels good to kill people who can’t retaliate.
(just kidding i’m a ranger so we can’t kill anything even if they can’t retaliate)
because it feels good to kill people who can’t retaliate.
(just kidding i’m a ranger so we can’t kill anything even if they can’t retaliate)
Yes you can. Engineers!
Because why not?
(edited by Silver.9084)
I like being that guy because guys like you make threads like this making guys like me laugh.
You want easy cakewalk for a legendary? Bad luck, I guess. Do the JP properly or no legendary.
Again this nonsense talk of cakewalk. What’s the big difference between doing the JP for the badges for a legendary (which assuming only doing the Obsidian Sanctum puzzle requires – assuming the highest drop chance according to the wiki – at least 34 runs) and a zerg being portalled behind a keep’s inner walls?
Why is one considered a cheat/shortcut/cakewalk, while the other is considered tactic/smart/clever? Portalling people past a tower’s or keep’s walls is just as cheap, since it bypasses the core gameplay element the game expects you to deal with before being able to take a tower/keep: destroying the gates or walls.
It’s not QQing. It’s a courtesy given by mature players to other mature players.
But alas, why should there be any maturity on the internet?
Who cares if the jump puzzle awards siege and badges of honor. You are aware that even people who are not interested in PvP or WvW still need those badges for their legendary weapon right?
Basically those that sit and camp the jump puzzle for kills have no skill. None whatsoever. They wait for the opportune moment to jump somebody while the person is merely trying to mind their own business. There’s no other way for these poor people to farm their badges other then to form a small party and take out single players.
And the fact that they will /laugh or something like that after they kill you is a clear indicator that they are doing it merely to aggravate you (trolls).
Personally, I find that funny since Anet has gone to such great lengths to try to make it impossible to offend players in the game by disallowing all sorts of names and banning tons of players for language, yet they leave in little commands like /laugh and put jumping puzzles in WvW areas which the developers knew would do nothing but make players upset.
Dude you are a billboard for C A R E B E A R S. "I want my legendary and hate that I have to get badges (cuz I can’t pvp worth a kitten to get them. You log on and LOVE LOVE LOVE farming and gathering mats. They made the SIMS for this.
cuz I don’t want to karma-train for hours like a braindead lemming
Fixed that for you. Anyone really interested in actual skill-focused pvp goes to the HotM not to Wuvwuv.
cuz I don’t want to karma-train for hours like a braindead lemming
Fixed that for you. Anyone really interested in actual skill-focused pvp goes to the HotM not to Wuvwuv.
If these people lack skill how hard can it be to kill them at the JP and finish your jumping exercise?
cuz I don’t want to karma-train for hours like a braindead lemming
Fixed that for you. Anyone really interested in actual skill-focused pvp goes to the HotM not to Wuvwuv.
Yea keep telling yourself that bunker builds sitting in capture points is hardcore “player vs player”. Everyone who has ever been a hardcore player knows open world with no restrictions is the real way to player vs player.
Edit: thanks for keeping a quote of mine from 2 months ago lol. Thank god I still have the same opinion.
(edited by Jscull.2514)
Lmao. So many WvW’ers crying about PvE’ers taking up queue spots.
Lmao. So many PvE’ers crying about dying in a PvP zone.
And sometimes, we (PvE’ers) like a JP so much, that we’ll do it over and over again. I often do JP’s in WvW for that reason alone
If you are repeatedly going to do the JP in PvP world for the joy of jumping, then I guess you should accept the fact that other people will kill you for the joy of killing.
They need to either remove PvE content for it, or have a neutral buff that lasts for awhile so that we can’t fight for that entire day or something.
There’s far more options than that. The PvE’ers can learn that they will need to either get lucky and do the JP when no one is around or learn to fight to finish the JP’s in the WvW areas.
Because it’s funny. PvP happening in a PvP zone, just saying.
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