EOTM "K-Trains"...

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Paulie.6215


EoTM was supposed to be a waiting area for people in queue for a mist war map, right?

That’s the original intention of this map.

I think it’s about time ANET cuts the XP in half in this zone to prevent people from creating 3-way “ktrains” where it’s just a circle of PvE and no one fights.

Personally, I’d be happy with removing XP all together and doubling the WvW XP to promote more fighting.

I’ve been stuck in queue for EB for an hour tonight and I’m actually getting hate tells from people asking me why I’m ganking people. It’s just so bad.

Come on Anet, turn this back into a WvW waiting area where some actual pvp takes place. Not this garbage that it currently is.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: AmphibianX.7042


remove WXP from capturing an objective in eotm.
give them karma.
give them badges.
give them gold.
give them everything else except WXP.
WXP should come from player kills only, in eotm.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Getting hate pm’s is a good thing. It means you’re doing something right.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

If you removed the incentive to k-train, the map will just be empty. We’ve seen it before when trains in PvE maps got nerfed.

The fact is, EotM is a spectacular fail. Which makes it so puzzling why so many of its features are being put into real WvW and the HoT map.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


If you removed the incentive to k-train, the map will just be empty. We’ve seen it before when trains in PvE maps got nerfed.

The fact is, EotM is a spectacular fail. Which makes it so puzzling why so many of its features are being put into real WvW and the HoT map.

No, EOTM is a spectacular success. Just because it wasn’t realized the way ANet intended it to be doesn’t mean it didn’t succeed in it’s own right. I’ve made this point in other threads complaining about the EOTM k-trains. It’s like building a park for kids, the kids end up hating it and teenagers instead turn the park in to a skatepark. The teenagers love it and make great use of it but now the kids are mad the park that was made for them isn’t being used by them.

How about you let the k-trainers have their fun? If you don’t like sitting in EOTM on a Q all day every day, move to a server that isn’t over-stacked. -Cough- Fort Aspenwood -cough-

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: sarahshy.4593


If you removed the incentive to k-train, the map will just be empty. We’ve seen it before when trains in PvE maps got nerfed.

The fact is, EotM is a spectacular fail. Which makes it so puzzling why so many of its features are being put into real WvW and the HoT map.

No, EOTM is a spectacular success. Just because it wasn’t realized the way ANet intended it to be doesn’t mean it didn’t succeed in it’s own right. I’ve made this point in other threads complaining about the EOTM k-trains. It’s like building a park for kids, the kids end up hating it and teenagers instead turn the park in to a skatepark. The teenagers love it and make great use of it but now the kids are mad the park that was made for them isn’t being used by them.

How about you let the k-trainers have their fun? If you don’t like sitting in EOTM on a Q all day every day, move to a server that isn’t over-stacked. -Cough- Fort Aspenwood -cough-

They are playing the game wrong. In any other game they would have been banned by now and this issue would be fixed!

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


If you removed the incentive to k-train, the map will just be empty. We’ve seen it before when trains in PvE maps got nerfed.

The fact is, EotM is a spectacular fail. Which makes it so puzzling why so many of its features are being put into real WvW and the HoT map.

I dont mind being emtpy, it’s a bit of a fail for what it was suppose to be.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


They are playing the game wrong. In any other game they would have been banned by now and this issue would be fixed!

LOL, so Anet is going to ban thousands and thousands of players for playing as they want? I think you may be playing the wrong game.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Paulie.6215


Having 3 comms from the same guild trading keeps is against the rules. This is what happens with many guilds that span different servers.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


the original intention for EotM was for it to be a place a player can go if he can’t get into WvW. but ANet made blunder by allowing players to get directly into EotM without all their WVW borderland queued, hence reducing the numbers of player that would actually fight for a server, but go straight to EotM instead.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Shouldn’t this thread be under PvE/general discussion?

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Ringsound.7806


the original intention for EotM was for it to be a place a player can go if he can’t get into WvW. but ANet made blunder by allowing players to get directly into EotM without all their WVW borderland queued, hence reducing the numbers of player that would actually fight for a server, but go straight to EotM instead.

in eotm,
it have no pressure
it is 3-hr match, that mean if i join at the start, it is very likely a large pub zerg and commander appear
upscale characters wont be “persuade” to leave
you gain experience and you can do zerg vs zerg
it is more causal
those are some factors why eotm attract more players

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Grav.3568


the original intention for EotM was for it to be a place a player can go if he can’t get into WvW. but ANet made blunder by allowing players to get directly into EotM without all their WVW borderland queued, hence reducing the numbers of player that would actually fight for a server, but go straight to EotM instead.

This is pretty much what I said about EotM when it was first introduced.

EotM is the precise opposite of what the WvW population ever needed. People on top tiers should have been encouraged to transfer down, not be rewarded with another map for their stubbornness.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: MattyP.6954


I understand all of the frustration with EotM, but I have a hard time caring. I literally just use it to kill time while waiting for a queue or occasionally troll people (hey, I play Engineer and Ranger—EotM was made for us to troll uplevels).

The issue has never been with the content, however. Frankly, I wish that the objectives and bosses in the core WvWvW maps were more interesting and had more mechanics (as well as the variable terrain) like EotM. The issue is that there is no actual impact for one’s actions in EotM. Serious WvWvWers just don’t care about it because it doesn’t impact ppt or the core WvWvW score at all. If there was an impact, organized groups would get on and wreck the K-Trains into oblivion.

If success in EotM matches gave buffs to players in core WvWvW, the K-Train issues would be fixed overnight.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415

I kinda love the simple minded /afk trains. Something to kill while you’re waiting.

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
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EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Most of the EotM maps I’ve been in recently have been a pretty decent mix of k-train, defend, and zerg on zerg (oh how I get squashed).

Still, I look at it this way… if they are k-training in the map that has zero impact on wvw, they ain’t k-training in your borderlands and screwing things up. Now are they?

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


As soon as EotM opened, if an uplevel appeared in other WvW maps, everyone screamed at the uplevels to go to EotM. EotM IS the community-driven uplevel spot.

If you are solo-ganking uplevels, you aren’t the kind of person to give a crap and deserve exactly all the hater tells and email. If you want solo PvP, WvW is not the place for it. You can queue for PvP matches and still jump into WvW when you the queue pops.

That being said, EotM is fundamentally a poor place to build a WvW community from since it is essentially a biggest-zerg-always-wins mentality and you are mixing many servers on to one side. EotM was also supposed to be a playing ground of new WvW mechanics (hello, removing/changing WvW levels and impact) before it went to full WvW so ANet could test the impact.

So many things wrong with EotM but it’s driven by the community (or the individual) players for the most part.

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: MattyP.6954


As soon as EotM opened, if an uplevel appeared in other WvW maps, everyone screamed at the uplevels to go to EotM. EotM IS the community-driven uplevel spot.

If you are solo-ganking uplevels, you aren’t the kind of person to give a crap and deserve exactly all the hater tells and email. If you want solo PvP, WvW is not the place for it. You can queue for PvP matches and still jump into WvW when you the queue pops.

That being said, EotM is fundamentally a poor place to build a WvW community from since it is essentially a biggest-zerg-always-wins mentality and you are mixing many servers on to one side. EotM was also supposed to be a playing ground of new WvW mechanics (hello, removing/changing WvW levels and impact) before it went to full WvW so ANet could test the impact.

So many things wrong with EotM but it’s driven by the community (or the individual) players for the most part.

Nobody deserves a death-free leveling experience in a PvP Environment. I mean, imagine if Anet got hatemail for monsters attacking low-level players in PvE.

If you poke around in EotM as an uplevel, expect to die occasionally. If you play WvWvW at all, expect to die occasionally. This is a PvP game mode, not Hello Kitty Island Adventures.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

EOTM "K-Trains"...

in WvW

Posted by: mashiara.3452


the original intention for EotM was for it to be a place a player can go if he can’t get into WvW. but ANet made blunder by allowing players to get directly into EotM without all their WVW borderland queued, hence reducing the numbers of player that would actually fight for a server, but go straight to EotM instead.

totally agree with this , but I would go a step further and say, unless you are under lvl 80. So you can go to Eotm , if Your map isn’t que’d and your NOT on a lvl 80, otherwise, yes, your borderlands maps need to ALL be in a que. Sorry for the servers that are stacked and still buying guilds, maybe you should rethink your server choice.
There is so many empty servers, and eotm really does add to the problem.