EOTM Should Award Pips.
No, it shouldn’t, if ‘you’ want WvW rewards then ‘you’ should play WvW.
Well of course there is a weekly cap on pips, theres only so many ticks at max possible gain while playing 24/7. Not sure what that matter.
Anyway, eotm isnt WvW so pips shouldnt apply but I do wish the participation would remain. At least then it serve as a waiting room for real WvW.
Skirmishes are only part of The Mist War and not part of EoTM. Because of that pips cannot be earned while in EoTM. - McKenna Berdrow
Source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/New-WvW-blog-post-June-1-2017/page/2
If you want WvW rewards you should play the corresponding game mode that entails such rewards which is WvW.
Eotm should be improved to help more in wvw besides just supplies on citadel. hehe.
why not the old buffs that apply in wvw before for the pve world or wvw
Always Loyal
No EotM needs own pips, own legendary and armors.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
At least players quality was higher there.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
At least players quality was higher there.
Oh you were being serious? Let me laugh even harder.
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
At least players quality was higher there.
Oh you were being serious? Let me laugh even harder.
Normal WvW players follow commander because they don’t know how to play and builds are copied from metabattle so they don’t need any kind of gaming skills to be effective.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
You’d think after four years of having the same sig line ….
EoTM doesn’t need anything. It’s meant as a waiting area for WvW. But no instead serves as kind of a WvW light. Without the tactics, need for TS or real builds. Just follow the train.
If you want pips, got to borderlands and support your server instead.
You’d think after four years of having the same sig line ….
Maybe after 5 years others will figure it out. (Not holding my breath)
No if your going to add in rewards for EotM that is pip like make it EotM only type with no effect on wvw rewards at all.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
EoTM is like the Lobby for WvW, and is where K-Trainers go to die.
EoTM is like the Lobby for WvW, and is where K-Trainers go to die.
See i always wanted it to be the open pvp zone.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
What’s the point of arguing against this? Wvw rewards only for wvwers? Ask yourselves if there’s any difference between “wvw” and eotm anymore?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
EOTM has its place.
Don’t forget that WvW levels earned in EOTM carry over into WvW skirmishes to earn you more pips when you play there.
EotM is a joke.
Wish it never existed. Or at least that it had absolutely zero relation to normal WvW.
Look at how effective someone is in a full Dire set.
Nice balance.
Sure, how about open world hearts too?
This seems like a No-Brainer especially as there is a weekly cap to the amount of pips once can receive.
Allowing EOTM to grant pips pretty much cures all the gripes and complaints currently on the table with regard to the current system.
I don’t personally EOTM but it really seems built for those that only care about getting their shinies.
why would they add wvw rewards to a pve map?
If players actually played EotM like a WvW map but probably not.
This seems like a No-Brainer especially as there is a weekly cap to the amount of pips once can receive.
Allowing EOTM to grant pips pretty much cures all the gripes and complaints currently on the table with regard to the current system.
I don’t personally EOTM but it really seems built for those that only care about getting their shinies.
why would they add wvw rewards to a pve map?
I dunno why do they add pve dungeon rewards and tokens to wvw reward tracks?
2 months ago they said DBL was a pve map, yet now we earn pips on it…anyway, a few weeks back I was gliding through BSF farming UM at 3am and people started complaining about the BS Ruby drop rate. Someone actually said that farming BSR through a wvw reward track was quicker and more profitable than farming them in the pve map you’re meant to farm them in.
Now, that is known to most wvwers, but it seems most take these things for granted, I know I’m guilty of this. We’re so used to being told if you want this item, go to pve, that we failed to realize what Anet has brought to wvw in the last couple of years. And now, we’re being greedy with our stuff, even though there hasn’t been a technical difference between the way wvw is played and the way eotm is played in atleast a month, most probable a year since linkings.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
You’d think after four years of having the same sig line ….
So it’s been No Exit for you, four years.
This seems like a No-Brainer especially as there is a weekly cap to the amount of pips once can receive.
Allowing EOTM to grant pips pretty much cures all the gripes and complaints currently on the table with regard to the current system.
I don’t personally EOTM but it really seems built for those that only care about getting their shinies.
why would they add wvw rewards to a pve map?
I don’t think you know what PVE is…
I honestly do not understand why EotM gets this level of hate. Nobody plays it because everyone says it’s the ‘lobby’ and ‘where K-trainers go to die’ and honestly? When people are ON THE MAP (you know, the way they’re on the BL maps and EB) EotM isn’t easier than the borderlands maps. It’s harder. You’re dealing with irregular terain, bottlenecks where AoEs can do huge damage, lots of roaming mobs (that roam in groups and often are not at all easy for a solo roamer to take out). Reactors limit the amount of supply you can carry, so even if you’re part of a zerg you can’t just PUT ALL THE SIEGE EVERYWHERE the way they do in borderlands maps. And control of a team keep confers bonuses that you lose if you lose the keep. On top of all this there’s monster-guarded shortcuts that can make a given keep easier to attack/harder to defend, and situational items that only work while your side controls the champion that hands them out.
The only reason it’s a K-train party is because all the ‘regular’ WvWers pooh-pooh and refuse to go there. If you all ever treated Edge the way you do the Borderlands you’d quickly start thinking of it as ‘WvW challenge mote’. But nobody plays it, because it’s not counted as part of the War Score, and the only real benefit your server gets for winning on it is some supply drops. And on the individual level, no pips.
You’d think after four years of having the same sig line ….
So it’s been No Exit for you, four years.
I didn’t mean my sig. That changes frequently.
But bonus points for getting the reference. Xox
Or you know. You could make Eotm somewhat competent on it’s own to be worthy of comparison to “real WvW.”
Trinity Of Our EU Lords [Kazo] Zudo Jason Betta
No, it shouldn’t, if ‘you’ want WvW rewards then ‘you’ should play WvW.
And there’s the joke comment of the day.
Before the PiP system, I’ve witnessed more cohesive “WvW play” in EotM than on EBG. WvW players have a problem thinking they are elite players, and that the game type is some sacred mode. News flash: It’s not.
The PiP system has destroyed the population on EoTm, as people that once enjoyed that map are now faced with the choice between getting the new rewards or playing their preferred WvW map.
Running around in a blob or roam ganking players with some broken condi/invisible crutch meta build is about all WvW’s mode is about. Get off your high horse.
No, it shouldn’t, if ‘you’ want WvW rewards then ‘you’ should play WvW.
And there’s the joke comment of the day.
Before the PiP system, I’ve witnessed more cohesive “WvW play” in EotM than on EBG. WvW players have a problem thinking they are elite players, and that the game type is some sacred mode. News flash: It’s not.
The PiP system has destroyed the population on EoTm, as people that once enjoyed that map are now faced with the choice between getting the new rewards or playing their preferred WvW map.
Running around in a blob or roam ganking players with some broken condi/invisible crutch meta build is about all WvW’s mode is about. Get off your high horse.
The population was destroyed well before then when XP was removed.
Half the complaints about pips could be cured with pipage in eotm, the other half of the complaints about wvw in general could be cured with a 5th tier. While I’m not in favor of both fixes being implemented simultaneously, even just doing 1 would alleviate alot of the problems, that’s why I’m arguing for both in the hopes atleast 1 gets implemented.
A 5th tier would ease ques, give smaller teams and roamers more opportunity to escape the pip train meta and return to some semblance of what “real wvwers” view this mode as.
Pipage in eotm…everyone has their views about eotm, whether it be that’s where pvers go or that’s where zerglings go or that’s wvw lite or that’s wvw extreme mode. I’m not going to try and change people’s views about eotm, ya feel about it however ya do! But here’s the thing, regardless of who played in eotm before pips, they are playing in a BL now most of the time, essentially turning wvw into eotm because let’s face it, there’s more of them than “pure wvwers”.
Because wvw is now rewards based, it’ll never be “pure” again, it’ll henceforth be known by the majority as “gotta get my pipage on”.
Offering pips in 1 side of the mode at only 4 tiers where half the servers are full and roamers on those tiers are having trouble keeping up participation is just STUPID, because it MAY get better, but it MAY get worse. It’s a crap shoot either way, but wvw has not been “dead” in a while, but it has been annoyingly zergy though, and something needs to change.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I think eotms should have pips. I mean why not? Th pip system was designed for spvp tournaments. Likewise there are no tournaments for wvw, yet you get pips for it. Might as well give them in eotm too since its about as relevant as regular non tournament wvw play.
The population was destroyed well before then when XP was removed.
Tomes were compensating just fine for XP being removed, and the population was fine before the PiP system.
I think eotms should have pips. I mean why not? Th pip system was designed for spvp tournaments. Likewise there are no tournaments for wvw, yet you get pips for it. Might as well give them in eotm too since its about as relevant as regular non tournament wvw play.
It should not only have PiPs, but a full scale rank reward. The fact that Anet only offers partial participation rewards in EotM (in terms of rank points) shows the unbalanced nature of their considerations.
As it stands, they killed the map with unbalanced rewards skewed in favor of the 4 other WvW maps.
(edited by Firebaall.5127)
Or you know. You could make Eotm somewhat competent on it’s own to be worthy of comparison to “real WvW.”
Anet could have done that a long, long, loooooooooooooong time ago.
They chose not to.
It’s actually not that complicated. Add 6 or so more towers covering the keeps within treb distance, 2 for each side. Change the camps to supply normal dollys, move them away from the central area (and add more camps). Change the central area to be an SM type fortress. Each of the 3 ring towers should be within treb distance to the castle and one of the towers covering the two closest keeps (ie western tower would be able to treb castle and towers north and south of it, southern tower would be able to treb castle and towers west and east of it, etc).
And there you go. A map that maybe could be used for normal WvW, following basic WvW objective and supply design. It could replace any border or EB.
i think EOTM should have another reward system
legendary rewards like the Finger of Koda or the Growth below Dwana or the Hole in Badlands
Gate of Madness
Since eotm is pve, eotm should have better rewards then wvw.
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
At least players quality was higher there.
Oh you were being serious? Let me laugh even harder.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHANormal WvW players follow commander because they don’t know how to play and builds are copied from metabattle so they don’t need any kind of gaming skills to be effective.
There is no difference between wvw and eotm. Blob vs blob is what wvw has become and all for the pips. Only difference is the ktraining was on 1 map but now is on all maps.
Everything she touched crumbled to dust.
EOTM is dead. It is inferior, therefore it didn’t survive the pipstress, rip.
At least players quality was higher there.
Oh you were being serious? Let me laugh even harder.
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHANormal WvW players follow commander because they don’t know how to play and builds are copied from metabattle so they don’t need any kind of gaming skills to be effective.
There is no difference between wvw and eotm. Blob vs blob is what wvw has become and all for the pips. Only difference is the ktraining was on 1 map but now is on all maps.
Maybe at the times you play. When I play our commanders often ignore paper objectives (whether they are our own or enemy) in favour of looking for fights.
No, just no. EOTM is one of the worst things to ever happen to WvW. Now that it’s finally dead it should stay dead forever.
No, just no. EOTM is one of the worst things to ever happen to WvW. Now that it’s finally dead it should stay dead forever.
It’s stay dead until we get skins and legendary. We go back after that.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch