(edited by Bustanoggin.1278)
ET and SF should fight eachother
It was kind of funny as we were capping the FC borderlands last night and suddenly ET goes after your Hills. What was even more funny is that we sent a group to hills while ET was sieging, went through the openings created by ET, and ninja ganked it from both ET and FC.
Lulz were had. That being said, let’s keep the chat in the ET/FC/SF post of the week here
And yeah ET, bring it on :P.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
We just like easy targets.
EDIT: Plus the feeling is mutual.
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
so what your saying is you a bunch of cowards?
so what your saying is you a bunch of cowards?
Actually, what they’re not saying is that there’s some rather obvious collaboration
between -at least elements- of their two servers. As evidenced by the Etheron Hills attack I just died in. Bunch of SF guardin the gate, Lotta ET chillin out inside.
… coincidence…?
You decide
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
so what your saying is you a bunch of cowards?
Actually, what they’re not saying is that there’s some rather obvious collaboration
between -at least elements- of their two servers. As evidenced by the Etheron Hills attack I just died in. Bunch of SF guardin the gate, Lotta ET chillin out inside.
… coincidence…?
You decide
TBH we have been convinced that SF and FC were teaming up on us. FC used to beat us all the time, not sure why their numbers dropped so drastically, but they used to be ahead.
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
Well, Air. There’s a reason I said elements. All three of our servers have “rogue” elements.
Fact is, I myself go after any non-Ferg. But, between the regularity of both ET and SF splitting our BL by sides, and what my own eyes witnessed … something’s going on.
Don’t get me wrong. I expect things like that – it’s a simulated war for kitten’s sake.
It’s just funny, with how many times we’ve been accused of playing other sides against
the middle.
As for our numbers drop, take your pick.
1.) Guilds getting tired of the Tier’s wackiness, and leaving.
2.) Guilds getting tired of the Tier’s wackiness, and staying in PvE. At least until
SF moves up.
3.) Gods only know . . .
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
Well, Air. There’s a reason I said elements. All three of our servers have “rogue” elements.
Fact is, I myself go after any non-Ferg. But, between the regularity of both ET and SF splitting our BL by sides, and what my own eyes witnessed … something’s going on.Don’t get me wrong. I expect things like that – it’s a simulated war for kitten’s sake.
It’s just funny, with how many times we’ve been accused of playing other sides against
the middle.As for our numbers drop, take your pick.
1.) Guilds getting tired of the Tier’s wackiness, and leaving.
2.) Guilds getting tired of the Tier’s wackiness, and staying in PvE. At least until
SF moves up.
3.) Gods only know . . .
Fair enough, but you guys shouldn’t think we are picking on you with SF. Nothing has changed except you presence has lowered. I KOS for most fergs and SF, but hell, I have been nice and let lowbies live after I down them – this is not specific to either server.
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
We are talking about your server as a whole. Majority of your server avoids SF. There is 3 servers on a tier for a reason they are supposed to all fight each other, not team up and jump the weakest.
(edited by Bustanoggin.1278)
We are talking about your server as a whole. Majority of your server avoids SF. There is 3 servers on a tier for a reason they are supposed to all fight each other, not team up and jump the weakest.
We fight SF, we just can’t hold anything for more than 5minutes.
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
We are talking about your server as a whole. Majority of your server avoids SF. There is 3 servers on a tier for a reason they are supposed to all fight each other, not team up and jump the weakest.
We fight SF, we just can’t hold anything for more than 5minutes.
Ha, same
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
First: We don’t avoid anything.
Secondly: The volume of times we have had FC and SF on our borders, had given us pause to question if FC and SF have an agreement, and while the people on SF have openly admitted that it seems some of them do side with FC we are not sure if this mutual in both ways.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
I can only speak for myself, but everyone I know of has no official alliance with anyone. However, it seems some people are bitter about the pop influx to ET that put them in second place over us, causing several to exclaim their dislike of ET and attempting to convince our Zerg to go to ET instead of EB
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
Y’all must be new here, ‘cause if you’d been around a while you’d know that the average ET player would rather cut off their left nut with a rusty saw than side with SF.
From what I’ve seen ET spends 80-90% of its time fighting SF. It’s a target rich environment. I hardly ever see a ferg these days, except for the occasional ninja or roamer.
Ferg didn’t drop to third because of a big jump in ET players, they fell to third because one of their biggest WvW guilds left for another tier.
Lastly: you guys used to be cool.
I don’t think that ET and SF have an agreement. I’ve seen their BL painted green too often for that to be any sort of reality. Could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Still, ET does do this peculiar thing — I’ve seen it first-hand several times — where they’ll send their zerg into Ferg while their BL is getting overrun by Sorrow’s. And, of course, Sorrow’s has enough coverage during certain times of the day that they’re also hitting us at the same time they’re rolling over ET.
So what happens is that over in Ferg we end up dealing enough Sorrow’s toons to be a real hassle, whilst at the same time 25+ ET start knocking on Hills. Usually we don’t have enough bodies to split and fight both influxes of invaders. Sometimes ET gets tossed out, sometimes SF gets tossed out, and sometimes nobody does because we underestimate one side or the other and get wiped. So it goes.
I used to think it was extremely silly when ET would send the bulk of their forces over to Ferg while SF was having their way with your borderland. Now I think I get it. Why waste time and effort trying to stop a zerg that outnumbers you 3 or 4 to 1? Let them do their thing, and then when they get done, they’ll go into Ferg. So what happens is that, at least for several ticks, you’ll have a few blue keeps in Ferg adding some points whilst you start taking back your own BL after SF goes away. And it seems to be working. To be fair, it’s not the complete story between the score discrepancy between Ferg and ET, but it’s certainly a good part of it.
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”
We’re… we’re not cool? But but. I even went and got the steampunk hipster glasses!
Personally I am all for us whacking on ET. We may not be able to be equal to SF, but we could at least make things even between us two.
We are talking about your server as a whole. Majority of your server avoids SF. There is 3 servers on a tier for a reason they are supposed to all fight each other, not team up and jump the weakest.
I don’t remember seeing a red dot in SF BL for the last 2 weeks… Also, i never fought on FC BL, and i’m sure the only places i’ve seen Ferg’s was at ET BL. Maybe it isn’t ET that is avoiding SF?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
FC and SF have spent most of this match on our BL. lol get your facts straight please….
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
I know for a fact that FC has attempted to attack SF BL often, but we get smashed and decide to go to ET instead
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
Trust me there is no way SF is teaming up with ET. We just bring the tidal wave wherever the least amount of green is.
Can’t blame ET for piggybacking off of us in FCBL, it’s the smart play. You have to know if you hit SFBL we are bringing the masses immediately, so GL holding vs that.
When there’s no hope of getting first you might as well make sure you get second. FC right now is the easy target.
ET btw seems to be the only ones I see making runs at our BLs lately.
[sYn] Borlis Pass
Trust me there is no way SF is teaming up with ET. We just bring the tidal wave wherever the least amount of green is.
Can’t blame ET for piggybacking off of us in FCBL, it’s the smart play. You have to know if you hit SFBL we are bringing the masses immediately, so GL holding vs that.
When there’s no hope of getting first you might as well make sure you get second. FC right now is the easy target.
ET btw seems to be the only ones I see making runs at our BLs lately.
Whenever we try you are waiting for us so we go hit ET, the weaker target
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
I’m always up for guerilla runs on any of the other maps. Only issue, is finding a few more
willing bodies. Of course, the lack of a certain “Blue Dorito” doesn’t help, either.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
If only I had the money for a bag of Doritos
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
You’re right, ET and FC are much easier points to get right now than SF. I know that’s unpleasant as I’m sure you’d rather be killing big brother SF who has been winning for ages now, but the reality is SF will start hulk smashing who ever makes a run at our BL.
To stay our of third place means you have to focus on each other, which only makes it easier for SF. I would suggest an alliance and to double team against us, but we saw how that worked last time.
Sucks for everyone involved, all anyone really wants is a new opponent. I don’t care if we get crushed when if we move to t7, the current match up is beyond stale. I really don’t want to transfer out of the tier because I like my current guild, but I honestly can’t take much more of this.
[sYn] Borlis Pass
This tier has always been…interesting
In the BWEs when it was FC v DR v Kain, I thought the map only went from our spawn in EB to the first castle because Kain was always there waiting for us.
Long story short, this tier is hell, but surviving it makes your server stronger
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]
Long story short, this tier is hell, but surviving it makes your server stronger
Tier 8, the Nietzsche Tier.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
ET tell me why you avoid fighting SF majority of the time.
trust me, most of my screenshots show “Sorrow’s Furnace Invader/Defender”. not avoiding SF by a long shot. actually SEEING some fergys out on the field the last couple weeks has been a refreshing change.
i dunno who he is, but you guys got one nasty charr engineer in your ranks.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
FC only hits ET when we’ve capped our map back and SF has started to come to take everything.
It felt like ET and SF had a treaty earlier in the day yesterday. We were trying to take Greenbriar and got sandwiched by SF and ET. The ET players who swooped in from behind went straight for my guys first and when there was a downed SF player they wouldn’t even bother finishing them, they would finish the FC players first. I even caught 3 ET players cancel their finishers on SF players. I don’t know, it just seemed kittened up cause we already only had a small group of maybe 15 people against a growing SF zerg.
I also heard on the map chat that one of our players got teamed up on by an SF player and ET player and once they finished her they bowed to eachother and split off.
and a few days ago ET endured a perfectly choreographed synchronized attack on our BL... Fergs up the west side, and SF up the east, culminating with you both hitting our garrison gates at the same time. again, one on east gate one on west gate.
looked awfully suspicious. but then when you both broke thru, you fought each other. so all good. just talk about timing.
and as for the ferg getting double-teamed... is it possible they interrupted a duel?
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
The ET players who swooped in from behind went straight for my guys first and when there was a downed SF player they wouldn’t even bother finishing them, they would finish the FC players first. I even caught 3 ET players cancel their finishers on SF players. I don’t know, it just seemed kittened up cause we already only had a small group of maybe 15 people against a growing SF zerg.
I find this odd. Make no mistake, when the fighting starts I am not looking at who the invader is, I am just seeing red names that need to die.
I also heard on the map chat that one of our players got teamed up on by an SF player and ET player and once they finished her they bowed to eachother and split off.
Well, I will say we do have some people from SF that have opted to make second accounts on our server, soooooo…
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Yes, each server has it “spies”, etc. Someone from SF was spotted hanging out with [KRAK] invaders. Low level toon with the [KRAK] tag also.
Nothing you can really do about it, we still use map chat as normal for map communications, just focus on using /say and /party more.
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
That’s how WvW is. Just last night/early morning there was both an ET and SF zerg on FC bl. Nobody cared who was who and just killed each other. A lot of fun too for everyone that was there.
That’s what happens when you have three teams, someone if eventually going to get double teamed. Sometimes it’s ET others it SF or FC.
Heavens Rage
ET and SF will never have a treaty, just saying. There are a plethora of Commanders that go out of their way to destroy ET (myself included) just because of the ET playerbase we’ve encountered (no it’s not about numbers, topic for another day).
FC we’ll usually go after (during primetime at least) when ET has all been capped. Also FC’s numbers usually pale so far in comparison it just isn’t fun (e.g. last night in FC borderlands we capped the entire map with no resistance in less than 10-15 minutes~), and when FC does have numbers we actually respect the majority of them for their tactics they’ve used with said lack of numbers.
If anything we’d ‘ally’ with FC, but only until we needed a minor break from stomping on ET to the point of boredom.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
ET and SF will never have a treaty, just saying. There are a plethora of Commanders that go out of their way to destroy ET (myself included) just because of the ET playerbase we’ve encountered (no it’s not about numbers, topic for another day).
FC we’ll usually go after (during primetime at least) when ET has all been capped. Also FC’s numbers usually pale so far in comparison it just isn’t fun (e.g. last night in FC borderlands we capped the entire map with no resistance in less than 10-15 minutes~), and when FC does have numbers we actually respect the majority of them for their tactics they’ve used with said lack of numbers.
If anything we’d ‘ally’ with FC, but only until we needed a minor break from stomping on ET to the point of boredom.
Thank for the heart felt sentiments sweetheart. That was so quaint. And we have already established that SF wins by virtue of pure skill. No reason to mention numbers and have further conversation. This has been well established as even playing field.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
We are talking about your server as a whole. Majority of your server avoids SF. There is 3 servers on a tier for a reason they are supposed to all fight each other, not team up and jump the weakest.
We fight SF, we just can’t hold anything for more than 5minutes.
which is why we dont usually go for EB or SF BL. no hard feelings ET i <3 u
Eredon Terrace has put a bad taste in our mouths……why, because we didn’t let your mindless zerg PvDoor? Don’t know which one of us offended you so much my gentle little friend, but if you guys are attacking us instead of FC for something so petty, then that’s just dumb. Last I checked the reason why both SF and FC always start their days on OUR BL is because its the only place you’ll actually find a fight.
Oh, and don’t be so sore that we ninja’d 2 of your keeps the other night, we took all of FC’s keeps too.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
Eredon Terrace has put a bad taste in our mouths……why, because we didn’t let your mindless zerg PvDoor? Don’t know which one of us offended you so much my gentle little friend, but if you guys are attacking us instead of FC for something so petty, then that’s just dumb. Last I checked the reason why both SF and FC always start their days on OUR BL is because its the only place you’ll actually find a fight.
Oh, and don’t be so sore that we ninja’d 2 of your keeps the other night, we took all of FC’s keeps too.
Not sure if we’ve seen the same ET, but ET always runs away when they see SF. Wether they outnumber SF or not at this point in time doesnt matter. In most cases they just run away if they can’t zerg/insta cap w/e they’re after until they fall back to the last tower/keep they still own. I’ve only seen the night crew of ET stand and fight.
Not sure if we’ve seen the same ET, but ET always runs away when they see SF. Wether they outnumber SF or not at this point in time doesnt matter. In most cases they just run away if they can’t zerg/insta cap w/e they’re after until they fall back to the last tower/keep they still own. I’ve only seen the night crew of ET stand and fight.
You destroy a reinforced wall when the target have a paper gate?
If the answer is no, then why should ET fight over a well defended base over taking an easier target?
My two coppers…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Not sure if we’ve seen the same ET, but ET always runs away when they see SF. Wether they outnumber SF or not at this point in time doesnt matter. In most cases they just run away if they can’t zerg/insta cap w/e they’re after until they fall back to the last tower/keep they still own. I’ve only seen the night crew of ET stand and fight.
You destroy a reinforced wall when the target have a paper gate?
If the answer is no, then why should ET fight over a well defended base over taking an easier target?
My two coppers…
You’re assuming I’m in a populated zone, when I mostly run around the emptiest zones. They meet just a little bit of resistance and poof they disappear leaving us free upgraded keeps. Even though it’s free exp, karma, money, tokens, it gets boring fast.
I used to think it was extremely silly when ET would send the bulk of their forces over to Ferg while SF was having their way with your borderland. Now I think I get it. Why waste time and effort trying to stop a zerg that outnumbers you 3 or 4 to 1? Let them do their thing, and then when they get done, they’ll go into Ferg. So what happens is that, at least for several ticks, you’ll have a few blue keeps in Ferg adding some points whilst you start taking back your own BL after SF goes away. And it seems to be working. To be fair, it’s not the complete story between the score discrepancy between Ferg and ET, but it’s certainly a good part of it.
tbh geekanerd, this is the best reasoning I’ve seen so far. This may not be the feeling of all the ET players, but it is certainly mine and it makes the most sense to me.
We can tell exactly when SF will show up on our doorstep, en masse: It’s when they’ve turned your BL green. We know exactly when they’ll head back to yours: It’s when they’ve turned our BL green. If we don’t have the numbers to “stop” them (i.e.: delay them), then some of us head to Ferg to get some points.
I really wish more people would realize that this is a game of points. Sure there is some pride in holding off the massive zerg from your garrison three or four (or more) times in a row, but sometimes one just has to cut the losses and find the path of least resistance.
Here’s something to consider, and I wonder if anyone in Fergland has been able to nail this down: When we repel SF at various locations in the ET BL (garrison, Dawns, Woodhaven, etc), we typically see a follow up group with greater numbers, then when it fails, another attack with even more numbers. Do you find that the longer we hold out, the more time you guys get to reinforce, lay siege, etc in your own keeps/towers/etc?
You’re assuming I’m in a populated zone, when I mostly run around the emptiest zones. They meet just a little bit of resistance and poof they disappear leaving us free upgraded keeps. Even though it’s free exp, karma, money, tokens, it gets boring fast.
Sometimes we just have to choose our battles wisely. Sadly, “wisely” might mean that we have to lose 10 points here and 5 points there to hold onto 20 points (or to head to Ferg and grab even more points in a shorter amount of time than it would take us to simply hang onto that upgraded keep)
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Eredon Terrace has put a bad taste in our mouths……why, because we didn’t let your mindless zerg PvDoor? Don’t know which one of us offended you so much my gentle little friend, but if you guys are attacking us instead of FC for something so petty, then that’s just dumb. Last I checked the reason why both SF and FC always start their days on OUR BL is because its the only place you’ll actually find a fight.
Oh, and don’t be so sore that we ninja’d 2 of your keeps the other night, we took all of FC’s keeps too.
Unfortunately I cannot post why in the forums unless I want the post to be removed or receive an infraction for it. I would suggest you read between the lines to figure it out though.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
You’re assuming I’m in a populated zone, when I mostly run around the emptiest zones. They meet just a little bit of resistance and poof they disappear leaving us free upgraded keeps. Even though it’s free exp, karma, money, tokens, it gets boring fast.
Sometimes we just have to choose our battles wisely. Sadly, “wisely” might mean that we have to lose 10 points here and 5 points there to hold onto 20 points (or to head to Ferg and grab even more points in a shorter amount of time than it would take us to simply hang onto that upgraded keep)
First of all, during most of the day the ‘’SF zerg’’ is far from being 4:1 to ET’s or FC’s. Hell, I’ve even been outmanned during the day.
2nd of all, I thought you guys wanted to see us out of T8 as much as we want to get out? Why dont you focus on having fun instead of trying to PvDoor as much as possible? The most fun I had in WvW recently is the rare times where ET or FC decides they want to put up a fight.
PvDoor is lovely for Karma and XP train leveling alts. Whack-a-mole always leads to a run-in with the enemy at some point. If defending points engaging the enemy with my alts offered more return on time investment I would do more of it.
We all know that the playing field is even and the superior skill and tactics of SF are the difference maker. No numbers imbalances here. My server mates will eventually see the truth if I keep repeating it.
I am sure the vast majority of people want SF out of T8 to freshen things up. I personally could care less. Actually I would rather see you stuck here indefinitely out of spite since you guys want out so badly. How I am I to know if the server that replaces SF will be more fun to fight. It is better to focus on having fun today and let tomorrow take care of itself. It is still possible to have lots of fun playing WvW in a variety of different ways.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander
It is still possible to have lots of fun playing WvW in a variety of different ways.
Please stop trying to make sense. I might have to actually like you if you don’t!
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime
PvDoor is lovely for Karma and XP train leveling alts. Whack-a-mole always leads to a run-in with the enemy at some point. If defending points engaging the enemy with my alts offered more return on time investment I would do more of it.
We all know that the playing field is even and the superior skill and tactics of SF are the difference maker. No numbers imbalances here. My server mates will eventually see the truth if I keep repeating it.
I am sure the vast majority of people want SF out of T8 to freshen things up. I personally could care less. Actually I would rather see you stuck here indefinitely out of spite since you guys want out so badly. How I am I to know if the server that replaces SF will be more fun to fight. It is better to focus on having fun today and let tomorrow take care of itself. It is still possible to have lots of fun playing WvW in a variety of different ways.
That lack-of-SF-hate coming from ET nonetheless comes across as almost sarcasm. I’m so confused, yet, pleased in a conflicted manner as well. *spontaneously combusts
I believe you have found your solution to winning.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
Here’s something to consider, and I wonder if anyone in Fergland has been able to nail this down: When we repel SF at various locations in the ET BL (garrison, Dawns, Woodhaven, etc), we typically see a follow up group with greater numbers, then when it fails, another attack with even more numbers. Do you find that the longer we hold out, the more time you guys get to reinforce, lay siege, etc in your own keeps/towers/etc?
I think for people — such as myself — who watch the map a lot, I’ve gotten a certain sense of how much time Ferg has before the SF storm hits our BL coming out of yours. More to the point of your question, I think it’s highly situational. If we get a perfect mixture of A. We already control most/all of our BL B. SF only has a token force in our BL while they’re capping ET and C. ET isn’t in Ferg while SF is taking over your BL. Yeah, then if we’re seeing the rate of how fast ET keeps are flipping, we might have time to throw down siege in one of the southern towers and hunker in (Though you’re right about SF. I’ve often compared them to sand people: They scare easily but they’ll be back, and with greater numbers).
However, the above stipulations are rarely in our favor. More often than not we’re in the middle of trying to recap our Borderland while SF is in yours. By the time we get that done, they’re back, no supply, no time to upgrade or lay down defenses or… whatever. And then the whole recapping process can be compounded if ET decides to jump over and/or SF sends more than ten or fifteen bodies to harass our recapping process.
That is the general feeling of the game when I’m around. I can’t account for the early morning ET pushes since I’m not there and whatever happens throughout the rest of the morning and through mid-afternoon. I can only assume it’s generally the same vibe. However, as someone already mentioned, it does seem like a glorified round-robin chase. We’re just chasing after SF and hoping they decide not to turn around. But, hey, at least there’s a metric-kittenton of karma/gold/exp to be had by this constant capping of keeps and towers. That’s about the only silver lining I can get out of it.
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”
That lack-of-SF-hate coming from ET nonetheless comes across as almost sarcasm. I’m so confused, yet, pleased in a conflicted manner as well. *spontaneously combusts
I believe you have found your solution to winning.
So let me get this right, because we are not saying unkind things about a relative you may or may not have, you are overcome with blind mindless rage towards ET?
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
(edited by Ungood.3054)
We’re just chasing after SF and hoping they decide not to turn around. But, hey, at least there’s a metric-kittenton of karma/gold/exp to be had by this constant capping of keeps and towers. That’s about the only silver lining I can get out of it.
Amen to that!
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Eredon Terrace has put a bad taste in our mouths……why, because we didn’t let your mindless zerg PvDoor? Don’t know which one of us offended you so much my gentle little friend, but if you guys are attacking us instead of FC for something so petty, then that’s just dumb. Last I checked the reason why both SF and FC always start their days on OUR BL is because its the only place you’ll actually find a fight.
Oh, and don’t be so sore that we ninja’d 2 of your keeps the other night, we took all of FC’s keeps too.
Unfortunately I cannot post why in the forums unless I want the post to be removed or receive an infraction for it. I would suggest you read between the lines to figure it out though.
Well, you’ve put a bad taste in my mouth and it sounds like your just copping out. Also I would like to add, bring it on zergling…..;) for the person talking about ET running at the first sight of your zerg, you sure haven’t meant the majority of us, I’d rather fight your zerglings in the open field then take/defend a keep, honestly it would be easier and much more fun, as long as the 50 zerglings behind you don’t run me over
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
Trust me there is no way SF is teaming up with ET. We just bring the tidal wave wherever the least amount of green is.
Can’t blame ET for piggybacking off of us in FCBL, it’s the smart play. You have to know if you hit SFBL we are bringing the masses immediately, so GL holding vs that.
When there’s no hope of getting first you might as well make sure you get second. FC right now is the easy target.
ET btw seems to be the only ones I see making runs at our BLs lately.
Whenever we try you are waiting for us so we go hit ET, the weaker target
this is logical play.