Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Looks like we’re up against eachother again then Hoping for more great fights this week, see you all on the battlefield!
Current Score.
Piken Square: 4435 (480)
Gunnars Hold: 1914 (25)
Abaddons Mouth: 2132 (190)
Well, GG and others sat our fat behind all over EB. Had disappointingly little resistance
Am I the only one who thinks that Gunnars only got the second place on the last match because the Pikens let ‘em in without any defense? Seriously, the entire Piken’s borderland in green wasn’t that hard to overlook.
Play fair, play nice this time.
I… I don’t like this.
We won. Chances are we’ll win again if last week was anything to go by.
This isn’t fun for the winners as we know that the next week will be a breeze, this isn’t fun for the losers as they tasted defeat already.
Either way, here’s to a good week.
- Lynnothia, Piken Square
Goodgame [GG]
Gunnars got second cause abba didn’t want it bad enough. Alot of us TUP watched from the sidelines, and calculated with an hour to go just what gunnars had to do, to pull it out of the bag. Personally I was relaxing with guildies awaiting server reset. Was so nice to see it go down to the very last tick though
I have no favourites, don’t care one penny who comes 2nd or 3rd. My guys hit Gunnars hard last night after assisting driving out both realms with our comrades from PS BL. Then once they had given up, took what we could in Abba, namely their Garrison
Had many many good fights already against incredible numbers. Once we saw neigh on 100 of *cough server come and engage in one spot just 14!.
Here’s too plenty more where that came from.
To a good week ahead.
-Dranul, Piken Square
The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Epic fights yesterday as Gunnars Hold scrambled to start scoring points. We are not overly concerned with our rank but we did want to see if we could overtake the lead Abbadons Mouth had gained on us during the night. I was at work on Friday morning but I heard Abbandons Mouth led by 16k at this point.
When I joined the fight early afternoon we had already made up significant ground but still the fight seemed nearly impossible, some of our math-savvy WvW-ers calculated that we needed a 100-115 point gain lead to overtake our German friends.
The call went out to all WvW-ers to attack and cap and to prioritize the German targets. This was amended to ‘and kill some bloody Pikeys as well’ once we realised that ignoring Piken wasnt that smart as they took things from us very quickly :-p
Constant fighting throughout the day culminated in us defeating the Germans on the very last points tick, never before have so many people watched a points tick with such excitement. At first the scoreboard didnt tally our score and mentioned we got third place, then a minute later it updates and showed us as having come second.
To Piken, congrats on first place. Dont worry about Gunnars morale this week, we will still fight. Our morale isnt that fragile :-)
To Abbadons, you pushed really, really hard on Friday nighttime and you have been pulling closer to us in points for some time now, perhaps this week will see you defeat us.
But we will not go down queitly :-)
Good fights!
Am I the only one who thinks that Gunnars only got the second place on the last match because the Pikens let ‘em in without any defense? Seriously, the entire Piken’s borderland in green wasn’t that hard to overlook.
Play fair, play nice this time.
Thank you
Greetings from AM
As an AM Player what was disappointing about last night wasn’t the loss as such (well played, Gunnars), but the tinfoil hattery that was going on in chats. From “spies” to “teaming up” everything was present. When in reality Abaddon’s turnout for the last evening was just to small. Piken probably prepared for the reset since they had the win in the bag.
Here’s to more fun fights and less tinfail hattery.
As an AM Player what was disappointing about last night wasn’t the loss as such (well played, Gunnars), but the tinfoil hattery that was going on in chats. From “spies” to “teaming up” everything was present. When in reality Abaddon’s turnout for the last evening was just to small. Piken probably prepared for the reset since they had the win in the bag.
Here’s to more fun fights and less tinfail hattery.
This is what we did, we didn’t let Gunnars take our borderlands. Just a lot of our WvW guilds had a rest after a good week of hard fighting. I know quite a lot of GG rested so we could stay up into the early morning on EB. Other guilds probably did something similar.
One question to GH and Piken :
Is this what u call a fair WvWvW match ?
That should be no whining but you get the impression that you are playing against two server though you are not in first place.
(edited by Maartac.9457)
If you’re questioning whether we’re purposefully ganging up on AM, no, we are not. This is just the unfortunate situation second place servers find themselves in. They get attacked by the server in first because you’re our rivals for first, and you get attacked by GH because they want to make up points and take second. Hell, last week were were consistently doubled teamed by both servers in EB because we had SM. Did we complain? No. We stuck to it, and defended both sides of our map.
Oh god you are blaming Piken for not playing active on Friday before the reset? When we had like 50k lead? REALLY? My guild was on alts and messing around. Sorry for not helping you. Btw there is a secret alliance but I won`t tell you!
I’m not sure what all this talk about Gunnars and Piken working together is. I’m sure it’s just coincidence – 2nd place is usually the worst place to be, as 1st will try to stop you overtaking and hammer you down, and 3rd will often target you thinking you are weaker than 1st and closer to overtake.
Evil and GG in EB were_ targeting Gunnars a lot this evening, at least Thanks muchly to Evil for working with us and letting us work with them, was a blast.
I’m sorry if you’re feeling ganged upon though, AM. People like you Maartac, are why I like AM more than Gunnars, but shhh :P Let’s meet up for more duels sometime!
Oh god you are blaming Piken for not playing active on Friday before the reset? When we had like 50k lead? REALLY? My guild was on alts and messing around. Sorry for not helping you. Btw there is a secret alliance but I won`t tell you!
??? What is ur problem ? nobody talk about the last week ….
Had some really great fights with Gunnars at Gunnar BL today, while defendig Bay. Hope this will be such a good week like the last was.
Greetings from AM
Chaos Army [Army]
So, what started as 3 Pikens being bored and doing a jumping puzzle turned into an assault on Gunnar’s EB keep.
Gunnar’s worked hard to eventually get our trebuchet down. We continued on the ground with a cata. Just as we were getting the gate down, we got outnumbered from behind by some AM’s trying to steal the keep from us, riding on the back of our hard work!
Piken persevered, we wiped Abbadon’s Mouth and took our kitten well-deserved keep.
Well played.
Well (AM) you should come 2nd @ end of this week since we have had 3 Guilds leave us & jump ship to Piken, although those Guilds that have left really wont be missed or make to much of an impact of our Primetime fighting.
If GH do come 2nd by some miracle @ the end of the week, we will have done it the same as last week & that was by hard work & true grit.
friday was epic we literaly won by the last count, after a 2 hour push @ the end that was really some good effort by us, and we landed 2nd, gg to all friday was the reason wvw is actually exciting, closest call ever
Well (AM) you should come 2nd @ end of this week since we have had 3 Guilds leave us & jump ship to Piken
Why are they coming to Piken? It simply doesn’t have the population to go up much further and if it does explode and starts moving up with ques and loads of idiots and whinners BOON will be looking down the rankings for a new server tbh.
I don’t know why ppl let “winning” and “losing” in WvW score bother them so much, unless your the Number One server in the EU then every second week you should lose. on average, so get used to it.
The WvW rankings are here to prevent server mismatches, and try avoid it killing the game like Warhammer and Aion etc where one side would eventually crush the other, they all quit,, the winners get bored quit, server mergers after 6 months, repeat, 12 months game dead…
WvW ranking let the servers get rebalanced they just need to lock down transfers perminately and make ppl pay to move and let the WvW ranking match up the servers as intended for awesome fun.
Mismatches only occur now due to players en mass moving about, like Blackgate, Blacktide etc which cause massive misbalances when it happened.
The fact we have had such good fights the past few weeks is due to the three server beign so well balanced for eachother, Guilds and people moving will screw that up ><
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
I second what Katiechops said, I don`t like guilds moving to the winning server after the first week. On Piken we lost so many matches before, did we jump? No we staid and played better. It is sad, at the moment I have no respect for these guilds that jump to the winning server after one week. Lets hope they prove me wrong.
Instead of having fun and kinda balanced fights… you jumped to get to “winning”. What is the point of winning one week if you loose the next week and jump again?
It is about time for Anet to start charge for server transfers.
Stop abusing the stealth culling!
By equally matched you mean AB and GH taking things without defense during the early hours of the day?
I think the best way to stop guilds server jumping is to get rid of the week match’s & go back to the 24hr ones & get rid of the scores & have it who ever has the most at the end of the day wins. Have a league table like in football & have it that the 1st place server gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points & 3rd place gets 1 point.
This way we could have random server match’s & not ranked one’s thus getting rid of the kittenness of the Rankings we have today & stopping Guilds wanting to jump ship as much as they do now.
The league table would look something like this:
(Server) (Played) (1st) (2nd) (3rd) (Total)
Vizunah Square – 20 – 19 – 1 – 0 – 59
Desolation – 20 – 15 – 2 – 3 – 52
Arborstone – 20 – 15 – 3 – 2 – 51
Piken Square – 20 – 10 – 10 – 0 – 50
Gunnar’s Hold – 20 – 10 – 10 – 0 – 50
I think this type of Match layout would make for a more fun WvW & much more fair system for all.
Piken on the winning streak in T6 group only because Vabbi transfered.
Had they not came to Piken, it would have been a fair game. All 3 servers would have been equally matched. And probably remained in T6 group for a long time.
No, the Russians transferred halfway through last week, and we were already ahead by 20k points when they transferred. And that was WITH Abaddons Mouth capping everything early morning. We’d of still won because of our exceedingly strong primetime force, albeit by not such a huge margin.
Sorry to hear guilds left GH for Piken. As far as I am aware, noone asked them to switch. All the people involved in the Piken war effort know our servers downfall will come in the form of these fairweather guilds blocking our organised Piken forces from the lakes.
I for one, do not want a pug server!
No mention here that RG left Piken for the current #1 EU server BT where they apparently impress with their stacked vulnerability/confusion/retaliation zerging if not their manners.. cough
Sorry to here GH lost guilds to us but I’m sure lack of RG made a bigger difference.
You’d be surprised actually. I thought RG’s loss would make a big difference, but i’ve not seen any drop in ability in the Eternal Battlegrounds, and I think our friends over in the Borderlands will attest to the fact that losing RG luckily didn’t impact the server in the slightest. They were primetime, and we’ve always had queues at primetime. All them leaving did was allow the other guilds to get more members in.
The very fact they impress so much leaves me questioning the ability of the guilds in upper tiers. They were good on Piken, but they weren’t amazing. We have plenty of guilds which are near to/up to their standard. The only thing that really impressed me about them, was their golem rushes, but I know for a fact BOON and others do really well at this as well.
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
Have to agree with Sylas, infact Piken has improved dramatically since the departure of RG. After the switch to Whiteside to work against their own server many people would not coordinate with them. Now everyone is pulling in the same direction!
The problem is that Piken could afford to lose a few primetime guilds while it could result in a server like GH’s relegation. From what I understand they could not fill the lakes prior to these guilds jumping ship.
(edited by zagaraad.2780)
While losing a strong and dedicated WvW Seige guild is a loss I didn’t think RG leaving would make much of a difference tbh, mainly because they played off server so much the previous weeks, the weeks we went from T8 to T6 they were spending half the week off the server or indeed fighting against the server! and we still won every night regardless.
There are 4 Maps and we would dominate all 4 every night prime time, well they were only on one and usually not alone, so there was always plenty other people dominating the other 3 maps.
It would be exactly the same if BOON or one of the many strong WvW guilds on Piken left now, it would make little difference to the overall server as your talking about a 20-35 man raid out of 600 players prime time. The server can have 8-10, 20-30 man guild raids going at the same time every night working together and working well with the randoms who are used ot the same people every night.
Us getting flooded with randoms and masses of guilds coming from servers we beat during prime time to join our prime time, will block the WvW guilds from getting on and doing thier thing during prime time and our prime time will just become the same old clusterkitten of the full/high pop servers leaving us to rely on our off peak which is still pretty small.
Result back to T8 with ques, messed up community and no way to do proper guild raids in WvW = no reason to stay.
Well, it was nice while it lasted i guess. That was a great matchup early last week, thanks to all involved. The (failed) last-ditch defense of the Bay in the lord room with both AM and GH flooding in from both gate was a particular high. Now, with all the jumpers from Vabbi/GH, this week is a joke.
Free transfers, yay…
It was actually a 30k lead by the time the Vabbi Russians joined us. They indeed secured the victory, but we were well on our way to it before they arrived.
As for guilds jumping ship. You lose once you move? Pathetic.
We all love our server due to the limited queues. The fact that there maybe half a dozen organised guilds working together in zone to achieve victory. Unlike certain servers who like to put 40, 60 hell even 100 ppl at one spot. Waste of resources you ask me.
As for Gamblit…. what guild are you running in? Cause seriously taking out twice your number is bread and butter, hell even 3x 4x is simple. Its when 14 guys take out 80 thats the big tomato.
Just ask RG about fighting our own server – I heard they got smushed by TNTD – Much love.
Sighhh why all the transfers? I hear we had an ex-Gunnar commander running about in EB telling us how he still had access to Gunnar’s “secret forums”. It’s like the new kid in school who thinks he’s gonna make friends giving out candy.
Please have some server pride and stick with your home, guys.
Sighhh why all the transfers? I hear we had an ex-Gunnar commander running about in EB telling us how he still had access to Gunnar’s “secret forums”. It’s like the new kid in school who thinks he’s gonna make friends giving out candy.
Please have some server pride and stick with your home, guys.
Unfortunately some people can’t stand not being ‘winning’ in a computer game and thereby we have ‘Transfer Wars 2’.
Funny – when we had 1 day matches and G.H. did very well (no nightcapping to worry about), so we won pretty much most save a few matches – and then seeing how many jump ship almost the second week battles begin because we weren’t winning all our matchups. And now – it’s no different. It’ll be this way until paid transfers. People will jump ship to the ‘winning’ side.
Server pride is nothing in this game. It’s a meaningless phrase when transfers were and are so easy.
Just glad some of them are making such a spectacle of themselves in their new ‘home’ (home for now until they transfer elsewhere ) – just as long as they don’t transfer back to us.
Sighhh why all the transfers? I hear we had an ex-Gunnar commander running about in EB telling us how he still had access to Gunnar’s “secret forums”. It’s like the new kid in school who thinks he’s gonna make friends giving out candy.
Please have some server pride and stick with your home, guys.
Piken doesn’t need any extra prime time forces, and if you’re thinking of making it your home because it’s suddenly doing quite well, don’t be surprised if you don’t get too warm a welcome. You’re not needed to compliment our prime time forces and guilds that jump ship because they were losing are certainly not wanted.
Some good fights today on PS BL !
Greetings from AMs Golem-Army (we killed 2 Rabbits :/ ) …. we keep on learning !
Hope u had some fun ….
Cya maybe tomorrow !
Not sure how many KISS actually had active in WvW, but seeing as we’re struggling with population to begin with – it’s still a massive hit and is definitely going to affect the force we can put out.
We’re already struggling with numbers, prime time sunday, zero queues for any map, Kiss leaving won’t make this any easier.
Yeah well BOON couldn’t even get into AM BL tonight and ended up stuck in PS BL baby sitting it doing nothing or queing as I am doing the past hour good kittenen game
Oh well, the solution is very simple then, join us
J/k, I know you got a good community going there
Sighhh why all the transfers? I hear we had an ex-Gunnar commander running about in EB telling us how he still had access to Gunnar’s “secret forums”. It’s like the new kid in school who thinks he’s gonna make friends giving out candy.
Please have some server pride and stick with your home, guys.
I know who he is, Quite sure his acces to our forums will have been removed by now. Its sad to hear people jumping ship, its worse to hear they then offer to spy on their previous server. Thank you for mentioning this,
This commanders show of loyalty towards his old comrades in arms should prove his reliability. Piken has already proven that you do not need any secret intell or any server hoppers to win in this tier.
This week finds Gunnars with the loss of three servers but alledgedly at least one new as well so we will see how it balances out. Last match was pretty close fought but even then we didnt have queues, only when a server wide rally went out did we have queues on 1 borderland.
Still loving the fights even though the loss of numbers is sometimes annoying. We have some good guilds and fighters remaining.
Saturday night on mumble was hilarious. Shout out to all the commanders, guildies and puggies who turned up to fight and kill.
PS & AM wont get much of a fight from GH this week, morel is really low right now with all the Guilds jumping ship & the fact now that on 3 of of the 4 WvW maps we have the outmanned buff, I wouldn’t put it past others leaving within this weeks match’s time frame.
As for KISS moving & the 1500 members, most of KISS is PvE & only a small part was WvW of which I only ever clapped eyes on 15-20 members in WvW at the same time & that was only when Disapproval was on, a loss but not a huge loss.
Yeah well BOON couldn’t even get into AM BL tonight and ended up stuck in PS BL baby sitting it doing nothing or queing as I am doing the past hour good kittenen game
Know that feel. FAIL start things around 7.00, had a couple of guys in AM so the intent was to join them… it was 7.45 before we could get 6 in… and took until 9.00 to squeeze in another 2. Two of our guys then DC’d, were back in the queue, so we said kitten it… and are doing dungeons >.<
It’s great that we’re “populated” and it’s nice to know that other guilds from other servers want to join us… but really, above all else we’d like to play together. Two hours to form two parties sucks. I’d rather not have other guilds join us tbh… we’re doing great as we are… nobody wants more queues!
good attempt to capture the Stonemist from below with catapults by GH’s.
KISS is waving goodbye to Gunnar’s Hold today. 1500 players they had, from unconfirmed sources.
bad news ;(
For the players who jumped ship to piken in a hope of being recruited instantly by the top Piken guilds (VII/HOB/TUP/TAINED/BOON etc), hate to break it to you but most of those guilds are composed of players that have played with each others for years in various games. I don’t think piken needs more solo players affecting the que for those organised roaming guilds. Guild groups currently can move fast between borderlands when needed, i hope that doesn’t get plaqued by ques.
Last thing we need on piken is the abbadons who exploited into my fully upgraded tower using third party garbage just to destroy the siege weapons (literally warrior going through gate as if it doesn’t exist). Quite frustrating when you spend gold upgrading towers and placing siege weapons before going to sleep just to give pugs an edge against the morning shift crew and you find out players just bypass that layer of defence as if it doesn’t exist! It reminds of the miller if i recall who stole the orb and warped to half of the map. So yes i am against transfering to piken unless you you have a decent guild and discuss it with the Piken Council of the Elders :p
(edited by Jalmood.3705)
I concur this is a bad week for gunnars, i had planned to take it easy and do more pve this week but now i dont know if that is a good idea now with all the people leaving. Really is disappointing to see.
2month more or less we tried to steady the ship and get a good flow of things going again. We got a good community but just not enough WvW players. We are a high pop server with miniscule pop WvW players.
Now, after 3 days of playing piken, not knowing how the match would turn out I openingly said to my guild “If we ever do leave, Piken is my choice”. Now we were regularly beating you still at that point and more then holding our own in primetime so was nothing to do with the winning/losing (hell i pick outmanned zone all the time so used to losing ), it was about the perceived community and attitude of the server. That matters more, you could see seeking 24/7 coverage and moving up the ranks didnt matter to you, it was good fights you wanted. That is how I play, I play to win but not at the sake of all else.
Im still here, Im still going to do my best for the server but it is going to be hard to recover. Outmanned on 3/4 of the maps at primetime and only a handful of guilds you can count on, unfortunatly most of them cant even field 10 people.
Doesnt matter what tactics we use etc, when 90% of the people we do have are “pug’s”/Solo players there isnt much we can do. hard to split forces when most are just running around like lemmings
Hopefully people rally together, we will see. But unfotunately too many people have shown they are fair weather/ship jumpers and so the tough task we faced has now got even harder
Gunnars Hold has a meeting tommorow evening about KISS leaving and what us remaining people will do. Without the presence of KISS as a guild and Disaproval as a commander(seriously, the guy never seems to sleep) I doubt we will be able to remain in the same bracket we are now. As has been mentioned before, we now have the outmanned buff in most of our areas even in weekend primetime.
To Gunnars Hold, I think its a testimony to our fighting skill that despite our lack of players we still managed to hold our own in a bracket where our opponents have frequent queues.
To the KISS guilds, sorry to see you go. I understand the reason you have given us. You didnt leave when the server started losing but stood by us when others left. Its been a pleasure fighting next to you and I wish you well on your new home, where-ever that might be.
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)PS goes up to fight Jade Sea & Augury Rock . 2 french servers. Humm.. smell cheese already..
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)PS goes up to fight Jade Sea & Augury Rock . 2 french servers. Humm.. smell cheese already..GH & AM get Gandara (euro).
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)PS goes up to fight Jade Sea & Augury Rock . 2 french servers. Humm.. smell cheese already..GH & AM get Gandara (euro).How? I mean it could all go pear-shaped weekdays. (Not that it will this match)
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)PS goes up to fight Jade Sea & Augury Rock . 2 french servers. Humm.. smell cheese already..GH & AM get Gandara (euro).How? I mean it could all go pear-shaped weekdays. (Not that it will this match)
But some of the closer match-ups?
So.. the weekend results are in and next week’s match-ups are made…. (already!? must mean something there..)PS goes up to fight Jade Sea & Augury Rock . 2 french servers. Humm.. smell cheese already..GH & AM get Gandara (euro).How? I mean it could all go pear-shaped weekdays. (Not that it will this match)
But some of the closer match-ups?source:
Piken on the winning streak in T6 group only because Vabbi transfered.
Had they not came to Piken, it would have been a fair game. All 3 servers would have been equally matched. And probably remained in T6 group for a long time.No, the Russians transferred halfway through last week, and we were already ahead by 20k points when they transferred. And that was WITH Abaddons Mouth capping everything early morning. We’d of still won because of our exceedingly strong primetime force, albeit by not such a huge margin.
btw u was ahead by +20k WvW points and had +50 rating points on monday when we (Vabbi guilds, not russians only) just transferred to PS. At the end of the week we was ahead by +89k points and had+77 rating points. I think this is a big boost for PS
but it is an achievement not only Vabbi guilds
(edited by insanesu.3965)
And more guilds transferring to PS today… Wonderful…
Do the people transferring realise that there are servers that want more people and that want to go up in the ratings? Blacktide, Desolation, Far Shiverpeaks… all three and probably some other are advertising and looking for more people, why don’t you transfer there rather than the ‘RP’ server?
Honestly, it’s a bit selfish, but the server had found its spot in the lower-mid tiers, was winning some, losing some, had precious little queues, was not looking like shooting up, and I liked it. I couldn’t care less about getting a ‘big boost’ no one asked for. First of all, the Vabbi transfer made a formality of what was a great matchup. Now the bandwagon is getting worse by the day.
May i ask all the guilds transferring: why? What’s the point? If it’s all about bandwagonning and ‘winning’, don’t you think there’s bigger servers higher up in the tiers to do that?
yes, all these fair weather friends we are picking up need to go to another server. You may force some of us to do something drastic. There has been a lot more offensive chat, solo/small groups doing nothing of value in wvw, new commanders demanding attention, trolling and longer queue times in prime time. We do not need or want any more people in prime time. Be a good sport and stick with your server through thick and thin, wins and loses. If you want to transfer to win, go to a T1 or T2 server, thats what they are there for…
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