[EU 9/11] PS vs GH vs AM (Round 2)
Double Post:
Enough is enough. Piken Square is now reporting every single player who abuses a bug or exploits in this WvW match.
What the HELL happened the last 2 days? AM have just randomly started abusing the bugs and limitations of the game to gain the upperhand.
Cullmarching 10 golems?
Portal Bombing?These are limitations of the games (rather crappy) render engine.
Stop abusing them, we’ve had enough of it. What you are doing is cheating, and we’ve agreed to report every single player we find doing it (or as many as we can SEE, considering more than half of them don’t even load).It looks to me like AM wants to get as much out of this kitteny engine before the fix later today, but its not fun for anyone.
I’d just like to clarify, that the opinions and the actions of one member, do not necessarily reflect those of the whole guild.