EU Fights Tier?

EU Fights Tier?

in WvW

Posted by: MattoidEU.4519


Just bought an account on the EU servers whilst the game is 50% off so that I can play during EU Prime when my NA server is kinda dead.

My only interest in the game is WvW and I was wondering if there was a specific tier or tiers where a lot of the better fight guilds congregate in EU similar to T2 in NA as i’m currently on Desolation but I don’t wanna level up my toons and have to pay for a transfer when I could just delete my characters who are all under level 20 and move for free.

EU Fights Tier?

in WvW

Posted by: TheSkaar.9586


Most of the fight “guilds” would be rank 1-6 (SFR, Deso, Kodash, FSP, Gandara) but you will also find quite a few fight guilds in the lower tiers aswell. ( if you look on the score rating the eu “gold” league have much more variable mathups and as such the guilds are more spread out)

General of The Zaishen Order – Far Shiverpeaks

EU Fights Tier?

in WvW

Posted by: Dante.8456


I’m on Desolation and as a server we have a pretty good WvW community. There are plenty of WvW guilds, including more hardcore ones if thats what you’re into. I wouldn’t suggest you switch as Deso is a good EU server imo

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

EU Fights Tier?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


It spans several tiers in EU. You’ll find plenty of good fights from kitten T4. If you’d like some variety I think a T2 server would be your best bet (FSP or Gandara).