(edited by Dayra.7405)
EU-Gold Table after round 3, bets for final
For Gold League (EU), predictions for next matchup or after today WvW reset:
Season 3 – Week 4 (last):
Seafarer’s Rest vs Desolation vs Kodash
Baruch Bay vs Elona Reach vs Jade Sea
Gandara vs Riverside vs Far Shiverpeaks
Final score (preview) in tournament tickets earned:
Seafarer’s Rest ……. 800
Desolation …………. 650
Baruch Bay ………….. 650
Kodash ……………….. 600
Elona Reach ………… 600
Gandara ………………. 600
Jade Sea ………………. 550
Riverside ……………… 500
Far Shiverpeaks …… 450
(edited by Sigmar.2185)
My bet is that the outcome is completely unrepresentative of the actual strength of a server, and merely the outcome of the unreliable, crazy, nature of this tournament style. That somehow rewards losing.
My bet is that the outcome is completely unrepresentative of the actual strength of a server, and merely the outcome of the unreliable, crazy, nature of this tournament style. That somehow rewards losing.
As if manpower and coverage are better criteria for “strengt of a Server” than Swiss tournament Points if you want only these 2 stay with glicko and ignore seasons.
My bet is that the outcome is completely unrepresentative of the actual strength of a server, and merely the outcome of the unreliable, crazy, nature of this tournament style. That somehow rewards losing.
As if manpower and coverage are better criteria for “strengt of a Server” than Swiss tournament Points
if you want only these 2 stay with glicko and ignore seasons.
deso faced sfr 3 time
if was a real tournament where u face 1 time the same people
we can see another outcome
next time all ppl want to transfert on SFR to take max reward and leave low populated server more low populated
with this coverage and man power is the criteria
As being stationed in Deso, I actually am not really participating in this tournament much despite the fact I love WvW.
Sorry, but 3 weeks of SFR full time blobs?
I’ll rather stay afk in Divinity Reach.
Be happy that the season gave you 1 week to behave SFR like, i.e. to crush others with far superior man power. Normal matchmaking starting on Friday will fortunately not give you that option that often.
You better transfer to SFR as well, if you want to enjoy that more often or always.
Ps: yes in the meantime I like any one moving to SFR or BG. Balance is far behind repair, and anyone that transfers, helps to enforce ANet taking action.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I know that next friday normal matchups will start.
My point is that SFR behaves like blob bots atm. No matter what hour, when, how, why, there are hundred man blobs from their side on each map. May it be middle of day or 3am, same thing.
The only thing that makes it decent is Disruptor Trap which seems to block their access to lemming brainz. :|
Dayra’s and Sigmar’s predictions are both very possible. I think there is less interest in Season 3 compared to the previous season. The rewards are rather lame, considering the weapon skins are the same and you can find really good looking weapon skins from the Trading Post or buy with gems. There is simply too big coverage gaps in EU between EU rank 1, rank 2 and rank 3. Rank 1 has like twice the WvWvW players compared to rank 2 and rank 3 lacks coverage, so the outcome is obvious.
I am not going to complain about blobbing. The enemy will eventually get bored as there will not be much for them to fight, besides the doors. If they want “good” fights, they should spread to other servers. My recommendation to all Deso players, when you are heavily outnumbered (the “buff” is on etc), just hit and run. Surely being outnumbered most of the time makes the small scale difficult, but I have so far in this tournament taken one of enemy keep in prime time with just me + 1 another Deso player. Yesterday evening (Friday reset) I was commanding our own borderland. Once again inventory getting full, again and again. I thought I could never afford a precursor, but the enemy blobbing makes this lucrative for Desolation players. I should thank the enemy, because they are financing yet another full ascended armor set + maybe even a precursor + legendary for my 8 characters. Personally I find this much better reward than the rather lame 400-800 tickets + title + finisher.
I hope the next season has similar achievements than Season 2 (Spring 2014). This season achievements were a bad joke. I also think the Swiss system should be scrapped. Now most servers are facing the same opponents many times in a row = boring. I know matching rank 1 vs rank 9 would be utter face roll, but I think it would be better choice to fight against each server once. You need 4 weeks with 9 servers for that. On the 1st week EU rank 1 is against 2 and 3. Then against 4 and 5, then 6 and 7, then against 8 and 9. And so on.
I was severely disapointed by the system when last week is another sfr-koda-deso match up. It just does not make any kind of sense. I was certain deso and kodash would get one week without sfr to duke it out among themselves and get a chance to properly decide who gets second. Instead we got a situation where a server not even in top 3 will get second no matter the outcome. Ridiculous beyond belief.
I was severely disapointed by the system when last week is another sfr-koda-deso match up. It just does not make any kind of sense. I was certain deso and kodash would get one week without sfr to duke it out among themselves and get a chance to properly decide who gets second. Instead we got a situation where a server not even in top 3 will get second no matter the outcome. Ridiculous beyond belief.
Fortunately glicko difference between Deso and Elona is to large for Deso to roll out of T1 very often (4% due to Keon’s actual numbers).
So SFR-Deso is ensured for now. Only question is who gets a week of no wvw-play by joining you as the 3rd in T1. Hopefully not us.
Best strategy for the 3rd is don’t go to wvw. loose as many glicko points as possible, reducing your probability to roll into T1 again. A server not behaving like that has to be considered as volunteer, to be your 3rd for the next half year (i.e. till next season).
You already knew how it is to be trapped in T1 …
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I don’t think people understand how uncompetitive S3 or even these Tournaments are in no matter what format, besides perhaps S1 when these WvW Seasons were new.
Just being stuck with the same MUs is not fun and PPT gets stale, whilst populations are so tipped in the balanced on two T1 servers, yet the 2nd ranked cannot compete against 1st.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Oh please, stay out of the kitchen if you can’t handle the heat. We did not get where we are over night and we don’t have any illusions that we will stay there for ever.
Personally I stay for the friends who still play, even the game itself is stale for the longest time. Sooner or later the bandwagon will collapse upon itself once the last of the original commanders/scouts stop playing and we get to crash and rebuild.
Our secret? Drama sustains us. :P
World v World Fall Tournament 2014 – Season 3
Final results for tier 1, 2 and 3 (gold league):
1st Seafarer’s Rest … 800 tickets earned
2nd Kodash ………….. 650 tickets earned
2nd Jade Sea ……….. 650 tickets earned
4th Desolation ………. 600 tickets earned
4th Elona Reach ……. 600 tickets earned
6th Baruch Bay …….. 550 tickets earned
6th Gandara ………… 550 tickets earned
6th Riverside ……….. 550 tickets earned
9th Far Shiverpeaks .. 450 tickets earned
Congratulations to the winnings servers and confort for those who think they lost something that was an ilusion … just saying this tournaments are very good to keep us away from having fun
“Today and tomorrow is an illusion, days are all joined together, and if you are waiting for your time, you are wasting your time.”
? Michael Bassey Johnson, Classic Quotations From The Otherworlds
Transfer SFR server to NA for two weeks please.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
We did not get where we are over night
Made me giggle given your tick …at night.
I don’t think people understand how uncompetitive S3 or even these Tournaments are in no matter what format, besides perhaps S1 when these WvW Seasons were new.
Just being stuck with the same MUs is not fun and PPT gets stale, whilst populations are so tipped in the balanced on two T1 servers, yet the 2nd ranked cannot compete against 1st.
S1 ONLY was competitive.
After Season 1 happened, tones of servers lost populations.
Season is a fale idea.
All transfer to SFR andkittenup the broken WvW more.
We did not get where we are over night
Made me giggle given your tick …at night.
we are actually outnumbered most nights
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Transfer SFR server to NA for two weeks please.
So we fight their night shift during the day and their morning crew during prime time?
No Thanks.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
we are actually outnumbered most nights
I don’t play at night, so I cannot comment that.
I mostly play and command on Deso BL, which is by far the most challenging map to play. Most Deso players go to EB for easier loot and don’t want to come to defend home border, because it might mean waiting 5 minutes in queue to get back to EB karma train.
We have in recent weeks often outnumbered in 3/4 of the maps most of the day and having the outnumbered “buff” also on prime time on 2-3 maps. I have border hopped to verify this. Typical situation: total of 10 Deso players on the entire home border, 2-4 of them at the tag, 2-3 scouting, several AFK at the citadel. Enemy holds most objectives and runs in 20-40 man blobs, almost never engaging each other even if they are right next to each other. And if Kodash holds some tower or keep on Deso border, SFR comes to defend it & stays defending the enemy objective, but never caps it. Even 1 hour later. And we run like chickens as we cannot win over much bigger enemy blobs. Makes me want to play Benny Hill theme song (Yaketi sax).
Desolation has a huge player base, but the WvWvW core is relatively small. Without having players spread to play on every possible hour, we would not be EU rank 2, or even rank 5, with the relatively small number of core players. When we get an easy match up, the fair weathers join in and then we can simply use the larger numbers to gain 100k point without needing to use sneaky tactics. Almost all other EU servers outside SFR and Deso lack the night coverage. The coverage gap between EU rank 1 and rank 2 and the rest is too big. If SFR + Deso fight, SFR + the other server both focus most of their efforts against Desolation and SFR will win. If Desolation is not facing SFR, it will win. The 3rd or lower position servers will never win, unless SFR or Deso want that to happen and help with it.
The plus side is we rarely have queues outside the Friday reset. Strangely EU rank 2 server is not full and we could easily fit in even half a dozen more guilds. One of my friends plays on SFR and I can ask him the queue situation. Every time I have done it, it is always bigger queues on SFR. So case closed: SFR has by far the biggest WvWvW player base in EU. I don’t even want to mention EotM, since I don’t consider it WvWvW.
I hope the next tournament is more balanced and has a more sensible scoring system (getting #1, #4 and #7 position in the same week should not yield same points).
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but you have quite a good coverage. Played a lot in the morning, in the afternoon (1-3 pm) or late night (3-6am). We hardly outnumbered you. You always seemed to have more blob then us. And even then you don’t fight us. You run inside tower and build ACs.
I’m talking about tournament time now. We all pulled all nighters to help gather points. We don’t have a night crew, prime time people are the night crew.
You definitely have numbers so you just need to organize a little better and this will make the match up more fun
You definitely have numbers so you just need to organize a little better and this will make the match up more fun
We have a lot of sub 25 guild groups looking for fights rather than PPT, that’s what we find fun, so we’re never going to be on that level.
The game caters to all styles, but just rewards one.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but you have quite a good coverage. Played a lot in the morning, in the afternoon (1-3 pm) or late night (3-6am). We hardly outnumbered you. You always seemed to have more blob then us. And even then you don’t fight us. You run inside tower and build ACs.
I’m talking about tournament time now. We all pulled all nighters to help gather points. We don’t have a night crew, prime time people are the night crew.
You definitely have numbers so you just need to organize a little better and this will make the match up more fun
I never claimed Desolation would have bad coverage. We of course have a very strong night crew and dedicated players on afternoons. We have the 2nd best coverage after SFR. And that is the main reason why other servers have so hard time against us. I know most EU servers rather face anything else than SFR and Deso. This is not good for the long term health of WvWvW. The “best” most other servers can do is just to lose as many points as possible, aka stop playing that week, and hope that the rating would drop so low that the likelihood of being matched in tier 1 would be smaller. Now if either Deso or SFR would vanish, what would the other server do? Fight doors outside prime!
Desolation gets much higher amount of players (fair weathers), when SFR is not against us. We stomp to easy 100k+ point win even when not trying hard, mainly because of the numbers and coverage. Those weeks are not won because of some super magic Deso skills, but numbers and coverage. Why SFR players always need to insist they are winning because of the better “skill” or organization? Everybody knows SFR has been #1 target of band wagoners and despite that you keep on recruiting more and more.
I admit that we have a lot to improve in our organization. Our home border land is often a mess at prime time. Enemy servers generally run in zone wide blobs or combine 2-3 guild groups at Deso bl. And obviously it is constant double focus since it is our home. We rarely get more than 20-30 in one group at our home border, except some Garrison defenses. We are at disadvantage against much larger enemy groups. Still our tick is usually strong at prime time, because we are flipping the other maps. But really no server has perfect organization. As a roaming enemy scout I see constant holes and mistakes in SFR organization. I cannot tell match up details here, but during the Fall tournament prime time (when SFR clearly had big numbers on), even keeps could be capped with very low numbers (2 guys).