EU servers fail
WvWvW was divided into EU and USA to avoid time zone differences and to avoid whats on the screenshot. But no! Lets make Spanish language server and call it EU! I am not going even to mention that French servers has a lot of Canadians as well.
I don’t think this is correct. The servers are split due to location (Dallas for American servers; Frankfurt for EU servers) and language considerations, not time zone. Also, you do know that Canada is a bilingual (English and French) country, right?
Question: how long until USA guilds intentionally re-roll on EU servers so they can night-cap and vice-versa? Answer: it’s already happening.
Or maybe you guys realize that GW2 WvW is designed very poorly and not worth worrying about?
I don’t think this is correct. The servers are split due to location (Dallas for American servers; Frankfurt for EU servers) and language considerations, not time zone. Also, you do know that Canada is a bilingual (English and French) country, right?
You may be right and I know about Canada, but thats not a point of this post. Making separate servers for spanish speaking people from all over the world is like putting UK, Australia, Jamaica, Singapore, Malta, 1/4 of Africa and New Zeland…etc into one server becuse its the same language… English and one of these coutries is in America, call it US server and let it fight other US servers…My point is that US servers hasn’t got a problem like that.
I would suggests making another group of servers for south of america, but thats not going to happen. Anyway EU is as always screwed, same as in any other MMO.
U shoud come in Gunar’s Hold server, in one map 3 ppl (including me) and in rest of the maps no one. You can scream and insult there all you like, is no one to hear. I understant all europe is sleeping but its weekend. I’m surprised this crap server is still in the middle of server ranks
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
Really spiritus? I was fighting to against u guys, i saw about 100peeps hammering to my castle.
just now? tell me what map to go there, apparently I need info from the enemy ^^ TMy server is really useless
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
how come that baruch bay lost 2 ranks if their wvw maps are full every hour of the day? i actually never played against them but will do soon eventually. so im just curious…maybe someone of their last matchup could post here what happend last week.
Co-Leader of Eclipse Gaming
Dzagonur [DE]
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
We played Baruch’s Bay last match up and they barely had any presence unless it’s approaching or at peak times. Their South Americans players are not exactly numerous and didn’t post much of a threat when they try night capping. Blacktide with their russians (Xaoc guild mainly) were more of a problem and usually nightcap most of the map. Situation is usually similar or worst off than the screenshot you posted earlier, but we still managed to get back on our feet and won the match up, mainly due to people actually started going to wvw during the day (after 9am) instead of pveing. In the end, we managed to keep a 30k lead for most of the week.
Point is, you can still win even if your side don’t have a decent night presence. Getting discouraged and qqing about it on the forums when ANet has repeatedly said this is intended is not going to help you win the match up. Man up and get stuck in.
@ Spiritus
As mentioned above, Blacktide has a significant night presence due to Xaoc guild, but their day presence isn’t anything special. You should be able to win the match up if you don’t let them hold their spoils all the way through the middle of the afternoon. Get some morning/noon players in wvw and recap them.
(edited by Haelindiel.2481)
I have to agree fullu with Haelindiel here the suposed night crew of BB was non-existant last matchup and their main time server strenght and fighting capabilities was below par for that tier atleast (was sfr, blacktide and bb) there is as hael said a reason they lost 2 ranks and its not because they had a awesome night crew,.
BB did nightcapping but was minimize because Blacktide did morning capping and they really suck in primetime. So all the points they got during the night was for nothing. If Gandara can not dominate during the primetime as Seafarer did, then they will have a problem with nightcapping.
They are not going to fix the problem. and so you well start to see the slow decline of eu server. but all is not lost, we all like a far fight infact l do not mind loseing to the better team l just like it to be a far fight and in the eu we are not getting one. thats why me and a few friends have moved to the usa apart from a bit of lag in mass fights and l mean all 3 sides coming together we are having a great time and at last starting to injoy wvw
Aurora Glade beat Baruch Bay during the first one week battle and we have zero night presence.
Nothing is done to balance WvW.
So far free transfers are still up.
WvW is one jumping to enemy server and use their suply’s as much as posible
WvW is jump the bandwagon each day to who is winning
WvW is a 24/7 – 7 days a week battleground where life is unfair.
I dont like it as much as i did when GW2 was released.
So its either play and have fun or dont join WvW.
What also can be done is trying to form an massive alliance with diffrent time zone’s to score points 24/7.
Most serious WvW players already left EU servers to join USA servers who have alot more 24/7 WvW going.
I used to get mad at Vizunah Sqaure for theur Canadian Beavers night capping all WvW zone’s when we where sleeping.
It opened my eyes and made me migrate to USA for alot more fun battles
EU is a Mickey Mouse competition compared to most 24/7 USA servers.
Soon its french versus french and germans versus germans, any international guild moved away from EU.
Question, how much ping diference will and EU player get in USA?
Well this is free whining. I can understand SfR was angry when we had more presence in the night than them as they really played well and coordinated during the day. Crushing our zerg rabble. So it hurts more I guess.
But Gandara and Fort Ranik are very similar servers to BB: totally unorganised and random zerging all the way so this is just a cry post.
Pick of the score at 06/10 18:29:
A tight match-up in prime time.
About the south americans Id like to comment one thing:
We dont have the luck of having South American guilds that actually live in SA. Spain has millions of immigrants from south america as we are sister cultures with the same language. So obviously there are a lot of south american players in BB but they live in Spain, not SA.
Our night presence is medium because Spain has a lot of unemployment and also because Sapnish tiemtables are much more nightly than Northern Europe timetables. Where in Europe many people have dinner at 7, we have dinner at 9. When in Europe many go to bed at 23:00-24:00 we go to bed at 02:00-03:00.
I wish we could have some SA guilds from people that live in SA. With that we would obviously dominate the night with hours long 600+ scores. We get those scores only from time to time unfortunately.
Most serious WvW players already left EU servers to join USA servers
Say what ? Like you’re a member of a secret elite wvw community who got beaten by Frenchies and then decided to migrate to US ?
It it what you called “serious WvW players” ?
wvw is a 24/7 battle. You couldn’t won being on only 1 timezone so you fled to the US…
I used to get mad at Vizunah Sqaure for theur Canadian Beavers night capping all WvW zone’s when we where sleeping.
There is no evil canadian zerg alliance playing at night on FR server. It’s just a pathetic excuse…
Sure there is nightcapping, sure Vizunah has organized night shifts and have a strong guilds alliance. And that’s what it’s all about: nightcapping is just the reflect of population involvement in wvw : and surely there is more serious wvw players on VS than the supposed elite that migrated from EU to US.
EU is a Mickey Mouse competition compared to most 24/7 USA servers.
because they are spread on more timezone you assume the competition is at another level ? where is the logic here ?¿?
Understand me, I’m not saying that EU, FR, DE or ES server are better than US… statistically, the larger player pool in US, the better player there will be.
But I don’t get this habit to systematically slander about French people
About the south americans Id like to comment one thing:
We dont have the luck of having South American guilds that actually live in SA. Spain has millions of immigrants from south america as we are sister cultures with the same language. So obviously there are a lot of south american players in BB but they live in Spain, not SA.
Our night presence is medium because Spain has a lot of unemployment and also because Sapnish tiemtables are much more nightly than Northern Europe timetables. Where in Europe many people have dinner at 7, we have dinner at 9. When in Europe many go to bed at 23:00-24:00 we go to bed at 02:00-03:00.
I wish we could have some SA guilds from people that live in SA. With that we would obviously dominate the night with hours long 600+ scores. We get those scores only from time to time unfortunately.
As a french living in Spain, I confirm those “hours”.
And for the assumption on SA players, I totally understand that…
It’s exactly the same problem FR servers are facing with the accusation of imaginary canadian playing on FR server to do PVE vs doors at night.
What is matters night capping do favour to none actually.As for Baruch Bay as a player from Gandara can confirm it-in each and every single match we had with them they did night-capping with little to non-existent battle spirit during actual time when you see well players logging to play Wv3.And as from today a server resorting to hack/cheat/exploiting to take over Bluebriar tower.Tower being ours for all the time i have been in Gandara Borderland around noon-roughly 2 hours.Tower they did try several times to capture without success.Best they can do at our map at that time-cap the workshop camp for few minutes with supply caravan sitting there-they had no keep no tower at that time.And above mentioned hack happened in front my eyes-i was in Bluebriar at that time.And it was not a portal-no sane person would sit in captured tower doing nothing missing opportunities for almost 2 hours.From time to time all of us defenders were outside retaking workshop or fighting near their spawn base.But since it is ok to night-cap and being even proud from it reading topics at other 3rd party forums well guess it is ok for them to resort to cheats to capture towers and keeps.
Rather like facing two servers that use different languages. No worry about mass transfers happening after day 1 and spoiling the fun.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
What is matters night capping do favour to none actually.As for Baruch Bay as a player from Gandara can confirm it-in each and every single match we had with them they did night-capping with little to non-existent battle spirit during actual time when you see well players logging to play Wv3.And as from today a server resorting to hack/cheat/exploiting to take over Bluebriar tower.Tower being ours for all the time i have been in Gandara Borderland around noon-roughly 2 hours.Tower they did try several times to capture without success.Best they can do at our map at that time-cap the workshop camp for few minutes with supply caravan sitting there-they had no keep no tower at that time.And above mentioned hack happened in front my eyes-i was in Bluebriar at that time.And it was not a portal-no sane person would sit in captured tower doing nothing missing opportunities for almost 2 hours.From time to time all of us defenders were outside retaking workshop or fighting near their spawn base.But since it is ok to night-cap and being even proud from it reading topics at other 3rd party forums well guess it is ok for them to resort to cheats to capture towers and keeps.
It is the first time I see an acusation of BB using cheats. If it is true please report it as our community does not support this actions.
Talking about strange events: wth happened with the orbs today? They where in fortresses and all three suddenly reseted to their north camps. Resulting in gandara taking all 3 orbs.
As a beneficiary of one of those resets, I have to admit I don’t know how that happened. I certainly didn’t hear anyone explain or hint why there was a reset, although it was happening by the time I arrived on the server.
It happened during the early morning, surprisingly the presence on BB and FR wasn’t strong or organized enough to reclaim those orbs during that period (How you did try, though! We were outmanned and facing a double assault but managed to survive somehow.).
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
@ Kraken.7514 I will certainly report it and make sure all people in area do so when/if such things happen again.As for orbs-well coming from reading other topics about fly stealing orbs,persons running away underground etc-it is either a bug which i doubt or seems someone at Gandara learned same "secret"for doing such exploits too sadly.It is time ArenaNet to issue a patch fixing all kind of such exploits and also give proper “reward” for players doing them.
(edited by Faramir.3582)
I’ve also read that quaggan storms can destroy an altar, initiating a reset. Again, I don’t actually know what happened to cause the reset and I don’t know how the other orb was taken today. I do know that the one we took this morning was not taken directly from the keep using a hack.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
at least explain me how a mixed EU server can even fight this SP server which has people available at full rate 24hrs/7d…? And to add a cherry on top of the cake.
um…………you do it like so (see screenshot) get orginized better !!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. this was pretty much end results on friday
(edited by Lightvision.9357)
On Sorrows Furnace we have a few South American guilds that only speak Spanish who join us in WvWvW. Most do not speak any English or if they do they don’t say much. I kind of like to see them when I run into them ingame as it shows me that this game has appeal to more than just one country or area of the world.
You can’t complain about other server who cover thier game 24 hours a day. They have gone the extra distance to ensure they are not weak at certain times of the day .
That is not an unfair advantage to your server it is just an advantage you guys haven’t solved yet. Maybe that is something your server should do too. Recruit for the weak hours of your day when you can’t field a full crew.
As a Gandara player I can say that this matchup is somewhat close during daytime when we and FR take back points we lost during the night. Not much fight vs BB then tbh. Nightcaping is a tactic. Let them use it. They get steamrolled at day and steamrolled the next week since they are in a match-up somewhat beyond their grasp. <3
U shoud come in Gunar’s Hold server, in one map 3 ppl (including me) and in rest of the maps no one. You can scream and insult there all you like, is no one to hear. I understant all europe is sleeping but its weekend. I’m surprised this crap server is still in the middle of server ranks
Complete misrepresenation ftw!
yes agree, this system is a fail, at the end in this game wins only who play in the night.
this is the situation in the night,
photo sharing
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt="gw003" /></a>
1. I like the WvWvW mode
2. I like spvp
USA server is no option if you want to spvp > ping.
The solutions are so simple and will stop the complaints for a huge freakin group and start the complaining of a small group.
If Anet is so bound to the 24/7 principle: IP blocks for non European players on European servers, character transfer once per week. And American/Canadian Spanish/French servers.
If Anet is smart and goes with the easiest most obvious solution: time slot on WvWvW servers. Midweek 8.00 hours – 00.00 hours, saturday night fully open. This way people will naturally move to their specified (time zone) server.
Right now Western-European servers don’t even get a chance in WvWvW. Knowing that whatever you do is meaningless makes the game crap.
This is result of late night fights, not nightcapping by any means. However we face morningcapping by Blacktide. That lead in the link will dissepear in no time.
Morning: Blactide vs Doors
Noon: Blactide vs some GH
early evening: Blactide vs GH vs Aurora Glade
late evening: GH vs Aurora Glade vs some Blacktide
night: GH vs Aurora Glade
late night : GH vs some Aurora Glade
nightcap: no one
U shoud come in Gunar’s Hold server, in one map 3 ppl (including me) and in rest of the maps no one. You can scream and insult there all you like, is no one to hear. I understant all europe is sleeping but its weekend. I’m surprised this crap server is still in the middle of server ranks
Please don’t come to G.H. with that attitude.
This is result of late night fights, not nightcapping by any means. However we face morningcapping by Blacktide. That lead in the link will dissepear in no time.
Morning: Blactide vs Doors
Noon: Blactide vs some GH
early evening: Blactide vs GH vs Aurora Glade
late evening: GH vs Aurora Glade vs some Blacktide
night: GH vs Aurora Glade
late night : GH vs some Aurora Glade
nightcap: no one
Yeah exactly, I was replying to the screenshot of Blacktide owning everything to show that it swings both ways.
My ping is slightly higher at USA server, but not much tough.
I gladly pay that price to have fun on any given time then see my whole servers effor gone in smoke when you need to catch some sleep for a working day.
Eu servers have a lack of night players and this wont solve itself as all Australian / Asian / South Americans etc etc play on USA servers.
EU has a what ? 4 hour time zone diffrence from west to east ?
WvW for me is importand as i mostly play that, so it was a easy choice to make the step from EU to USA.
And it seems more and more guilds are doing that looking at EU servers lists now and 4 weeks back.