Edge of the Mist Challenge 2.0 - part 1/2

Edge of the Mist Challenge 2.0 - part 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: MatsTeixeira.5823



This System is only a MAIN EXAMPLE:

1.0 Introduction.

Well, the main goal in this system is to create instances of 50 players for server, using the map of EDGE OF THE MIST as a battlefield ground. This system will be a mix based on PVP System (5vs5) with EOTM rules in new WVW variation. The max duration will set up as 90 minutes. Pre match time before HOT JOIN: 15 minutes. This system doesn’t allow to level up the regular WVW player rank. The Level existed bar will work after maxed 100% give players a 10% boost level in Existed Dungeons /Maps Reward Tracks in continuous mode. 0-100% level.

2.0 Servers.

Example: Presume using a HOT JOIN system.
SERVER 1 : 500 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – DESOLATION
SERVER 2 : 250 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – RIVERSIDE
SERVER 3 : 150 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – FAR-SHIVER PEAKS
The number of a game play instances are based in less number/50 » 3 instances
In order to create a balance system, to max up number players, SERVERS will work like this:

There will be 4 fixed instances per hour, work out based in different 15 minutes’ startup lag in HOT JOIN System. The main system will add N more players per server based on que system, because the EXIT GAME/ DISCONNECTIONS. THE SERVERS IF YOU disconcert you can join in a NEW match or play a CURRENT match rotate players to maintain 50 players all time.

INSTANCE 1 – first 15 minutes
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
INSTANCE 2 – 30 minutes’ after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
LIKE this : INSTANCE 3 – 45 minutes after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
INSTANCE 4 – 60 minutes’ after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.

So using this system we can have a 4 instances per hour. The max of game challengers will be: 4 instances per hour. Next hour we have more fixed 4.
24×4 fixed instances we have » 96 matches.
So if using 1 place – 3 Points / 2 place – 2 Points / 3 Place – 1 Point
During a challenge System of 4 matches/Hour which each winning give 100 points per win; example:

SERVER 1 – 2 WINS * 100 points / SERVER 2 – 1 wins *100 points /SERVER 3 – 1 wins * 100 points.

Using a Dedicated RANK List, we have:


SERVER 1 – 200 points / SERVER 2 – 100 Points / SERVER 3 – 100 Points
During a day: x 95 availed maxed matches the result can be different.

by mats

Edge of the Mist Challenge 2.0 - part 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: MatsTeixeira.5823



3.0 Regulations

All weapons and amours rings/amulets will be set up too EXOTIC/WITHE values similar to PVP/PVE Build. You can choose any type kind of armor items, SINGLE RUNE, MULTIPLE SIGILS AND A UNIQUE AMULET. YOU can make your own build. In this game mode, you will have ALL MAXED UP RANK AND HABILITES. The max of SIEGE/STRUTURE WEAPONS is limited by mach. You can help revive players only in DOWNS STATE, you can’t revive DEAD PLAYERS. They you go on start Waypoint. During the match, one of the conquer structures from your color team can have a CHALLENGER WAIPOINT/ that will work only 5 minutes, after is off.
Guild Buffs and other things that increase or give advantage to your toon is locked up. Won’t Work.

How we get status in your equipment?? Could use some of existed BUFFS in WVW or like I said below:
Easy, example: during a main event 10 players will receive after conquer a CASTLE, based on AOE Buff they will receive one off 3 battle nourishments with status with timers. Base on goals system you can receive:

OFFENSIVE GIFF: Amour set up to more 10% all status during 6 minutes.
DEFENSIVE GIFF: Take less 10% damage during 5 minutes
STRUTURE GIFF: You can carry more 10% of supplies. Repair or Build faster 5%.

This will give a buff to teams and based on them, this create a multi strategy systems by commanders, the main goal is to set up with teams, each mini sub party base on buffs will do in main match.
TOWERS/KEEPS. – Will Give OFFENSIVE if you attack / DEFENSE BUFFS BASED If you protect.
LANDMARKS – Will give Random BUFFS like Speed BOONS.
SUPPLYS – STRUTURE ACTION – Repair or Build faster 5%. You can carry more 10% of supplies.


This will introduce A NPC.
He will sell free per match.
10 – Flame Ram
8 – Arrow Cart
6 – Ballista
4 – Catapult
2 – Trebuchet
2 – Siege Golem
30 – Shield Generator
1 – Ascended Commander – TEAM 50 / LEADER
5 – Conquer Commander – OFFICER Commander 10 /players max team
The commander system will use to redistribute the teams. If all are in use says 0 in values.
If any GOLD / SILVER commander have a Disconnect more than 5 minutes, the TAG can be change to another player, by pick up again in NPC.


Each NPC / RED PLAYER / CASTLE / VET GUARDS etc will give fixed points in event based on you color team. The MAXED POINTS server ins the current match.

Keep 1 * 100 points
Tower 1 * 50 points
Landmark 3 * 30 points
Supply Generator 2 * 15 Points
Red Player Dead – 1 Point
Veterans – 1 Points

Introduction of a variable score.

Challenger Dragons Keeper – a half/mini dragon that will be release after per SINGLE CASTLE is conquer by red SERVERS. He returns for 3 minutes, when KEEP in in your color team, after fly out again. They can be kill.
The main achievement is to have the keep in your color instance for many times. That way will increase a boost of 2% in all score until the dragon stays in your color keep.

By mats