Edge of the Mists and GvG
No this map is not for GvG. The new area they will add in Obsidian Sanctum will be the place for player-organized GvG.
Didn’t they say they would accomodate “GvG” in Obsidian Sanctum?
There is already a new GvG map in the works, stop trying to fill every available space with it and let some other players have some space please.
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
And you are wrong with your assumptions. There is a player limit on the map.
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
A few things
1.) There is a player limit on the map. However, once the map is full it will create another instance. Think of it as overflows
2.) Based on the limited descriptions of the map, there isn’t a whole lot of room to move around (i.e. no rolling plains). So it’s not exactly beneficial for GvG
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Depends on details.
From FAQ it looks like Edge will have owerflow mechanics which would make it harder for two guilds to gather at particular overflow to start with and further not bump into another GvG.
Also from the looks of it landscape is more like what we have on BLs with bloodlust ie very diverse multi-level environment without large open areas. Although there may be side objectives implemented that would reshape GvG as we know it completely so landscape wouldn’t be an issue, but that’s too early to tell.
P.S. Vol basically has beat me to it
No this map is not for GvG. The new area they will add in Obsidian Sanctum will be the place for player-organized GvG.
Oh, I hadn’t read about the Obsidian Sanctum, thanks for the link
The Edge of the Mists looks like a training area of sorts for all three factions, since there is no PPT in there. I wonder what will happen in there.
The Edge of the Mists looks like a training area of sorts for all three factions, since there is no PPT in there. I wonder what will happen in there.
If this map really works like an overflow, the “three factions” will actually have people from dozens of servers in them.