Edge of the mists player numbers and matchup

Edge of the mists player numbers and matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Astaldo.6947


Whenever I’m joining in eotm this week I’m outnumbered (my server is ‘blue’ this week). And this happens several weeks since eotm was implemented. I’m not playing in the rush hour, so there is not that huge number of overflows when I’m playing.

I have noticed, that you are nearly never outnumbered when you’re on a ‘green’ server. This is, in my opinion, because the higher ranked servers in the matchup most of the time are ‘green’. You can see it in the Attachement below. Furthermore, the higher ranked servers can mobilize more players offside the ingame rush hours. And, additionally, they can count much more points (as you can also see below, they achieve over 40 % more points than the second-ranked ‘blue’)

So isn’t it possible in 9 matches to set 3 of the highest ranked on blue, 3 on red, 3 on green, and the same with the second ard third ranked? I’m sure this solution will not be the holy grail, but a much better solution than the current system.


Edge of the mists player numbers and matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Better randomize the color assignments within each tier. This is a great suggestion for the WvW dev te… oh wait. Riiiiiiiiiight… Nvm. Its a great suggestion regardless. I love simple suggestions that fixes big problems (well, at least for EoTM).

Edge of the mists player numbers and matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Huyzee.4013


I’m pretty sure this a map-up is of EU servers. While true in a sense it’s not always the case.

For the past couple of weeks my server has had the pleasure of being Badlands (red) which supposedly has the lowest number of players based on EoTM server matchup, next to Frostreach (blue), and lastly highest numbers at Overgrowth (green). In my opinion, two things matter in every match: (1) Numbers in your combined servers and (2) Capabilities of each player / server.

Numbers do matter but more than than the driver that brings everyone together has the most impact. If there isn’t a commander, people will either leave that instance for another instance or do something else in game (PvE, PvP, WvW, AFK, Chat, etc.) And when there’s a good commander running, people tend to flock to him / her.

I, myself, am a commander specifically in eotm. I’ve had the pleasure of outnumbering OG and FR at all hours of the day for a few weeks now. I’m not sure why OG players believe they always have the upper hand but I love crushing that mentality. I actually believe BL has the best offense capabilities and FR coming in with the best defensive capabilities leaving OG with merely scouting capabilities which does no good if you don’t know how to use it.

I do also agree that the matchup needs to have more variable both in WvW and EoTM, though. I believe Anet said they are working on a new match-making system. Good luck out there!