Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


I have read many posts on here from folks who ask guilds and players to transfer to their server because they need oceanic guilds, or NA guilds, or anything in between. Those posts usually start with “we have such a great and tight knit community” or some variation of that statement.

Ehmry Bay was down at T7, and worked its way up to T4 even though we didn’t have the numbers for it. The ascension of our server was as much about the dedication of the WvW guilds we have/had as it was about the ineptitude of some of our opponents.

Ehmry Bay never had an actual oceanic WvW presence, HIRE was on the server for a month and that did help once we were in T4, but they arrived after we had already made it to T4 with very little else but a strong US (West Coast) group and the help of a small oceanic contingent from TDE that would do WvW on a schedule.

T4 ended up being a brick wall that simply could not be broken down without better time zone coverage and greater numbers around the clock. The result was that people burned out, drama flared up, and with the news that free transfers are about to come to an end some guilds left because we were simply not pro enough.

It’s true. While we have many excellent WvWers, most people on Ehmry Bay do not treat the game as a job but rather as entertainment. The true hardcore players that would put in 16 hour days have left. What we have remaining though is the community so many other servers tell you about, the difference being that we can actually back that claim up.

Ehmry Bay doesn’t have mega-guilds with 500 active players. We do have some guilds which routinely bring 20-ish players to the map, we have many more guilds who bring a group or two, and we have the same crowd of pugs that every other server has.
We also have infrastructure with a public voice comms server for WvW/PvP/PvE, where guilds can request their own private channel with admin rights for that channel, so you don’t need to run (and pay for) your own voice comms setup.

We have the most active server forum community among all GW2 server forums. On those forums we don’t turn every word into “kitten” and we don’t censor/delete inconvenient post just because it may make our server look bad to potential transfers. On the Ehmry Bay server forum what you see is what you get.

Here’s a post one of our members recently made:

“People seem to forget what community / family really means. People who you fight with constantly, but happily team up with and defend from people outside the family.

Sometimes a little drama goes a long way to making something stronger. You have people from guilds who have “drama” with each other teaming up right now on this thread.

Ehmry is great. We’re dysfunctionally right on point.”

We have many small guilds who have carved out a WvW niche for themselves without that they need to roll with a zerg (which we rarely have enough people for anyway). Here’s what a commander from RE (on Kaineng, which is currently steamrolling us) had to say about one such small guild:

“I for one am impressed with some of the guild tags I have seen, PUNK being one of them, even though we succeed in fighting a nice cohesive turtle, it is still nice to see that type of organization in this match up. I personally didnt know how to react to it at first …”

So to sum this up;
If you are someone who doesn’t mind waking up to a map that often has been taken over by nightcapping.
If you are someone who just wants to log in after work, maybe do some breakouts, set up some siege, get a few badges and die a few times.
If you are someone who is in a small or medium sized guild and you are tired of some mega-guild constantly telling you how you should play your game.
If you don’t care about tiers, and if you don’t care that the guy next to you may not be a pro GW2 player.

If you instead care for a mellow place to play GW2, where WvW players are truly making an effort to improve communication and coordination between them without to step on anyone’s toes and where we have a strong and active forum community that goes along with it, then I invite you to check Ehmry Bay out.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


you could have just titled the thread with ‘recruitment’ in it, would be easier.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Long story short, we’d like some more folks.. but not too many, and don’t expect to come here and win your way to tier 1, come here because you enjoy fighting and want to do it in an organized but not neurotic environment.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


I enjoyed your post, best of luck with your recruitment efforts.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Rill.1503


Very well written! <3

Bump for Ehmry!

Play games, win loot, support the team!

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Spellslinger Leah.8905

Spellslinger Leah.8905

Very well written! <3

Bump for Ehmry!


Spellslinger Leah – Sea of Sorrows
Grindhouse Gaming [GH] – Guild Master

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: InfamousBrad.5879


Our motto: “Not uber leet. Also, not trying to be.”

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


For Ehmry Bay! (cue awesome music of your choice)

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Micco.2579


I agree with what Humpink has said. I have really enjoyed the challenge in playing WvWvW over the last several months on Ehmry Bay. But the model is flawed, and will be so. With the announcement of the end of free server moves there will likely be a huge population gap between many servers. On top of that, there will be another possibly huge gap in those players who do and do not play WvWvW. The mismatch of numbers, quality of players, and the wavering times people play will likely cause many to be soured, and then simply stop playing. Many will jump in and out discovering and rediscovering the PvP play but it will be either erratic or banal, depending on what server you land on.

It seems that on this and other issues NCSoft/ArenaNet does not want to listen to its players.

I hope I am wrong, but I have already stopped playing, its boring.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: FamousTran.7238


Good luck to you guys. When HIRE left IoJ and moved to EB, I checked out your forums and I thought “ kitten their forums cracking here” which only meant that your server was truly the “tight-knit community” every server seems to rave about. It was unlike IoJ’s and I wished IoJ was like EB in that sense. Oh well.

Agrolan – Warrior
Eclesa – Engineer
Primordial Dragons

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


OP knows how to spin properly. Where art thou community, where art thou sm, bp, Tofu – where art.

In another server, actually.

This “tightly” knit community is but a lie of drama and fragility.

It’s been an absolute travesty trying to have fun in wvw for a while there now. My prediction is that EB will fall..

but, then again, I could be wrong. I hope I am.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

(edited by Gasoline.2570)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


OP knows how to spin properly. Where art thou community, where art thou sm, bp, Tofu – where art.

In another server, actually.

This “tightly” knit community is but a lie of drama and fragility.

It’s been an absolute travesty trying to have fun in wvw for a while there now. My prediction is that EB will fall..

but, then again, I could be wrong. I hope I am.

You may not realize it, but this tight knit community is the reason the fall-out caused Ehmry to only lose under half of its WvW guilds from when it first entered t4. Whereas you would see an entire server wiped of its orginization (IoJ, HoD, BP, DR) by the same fall-out. For example, if you need it, of the guilds you listed as having transferred off, two thirds of them transferred to Ehmry after our rise through the ranks.

What you see left on Ehmry are those who deeply care for the server and its people. We are all motivated in rebuilding and improving the entire server. Such improvements are taking place as we speak. Honestly, I am personally giddy for the future of Ehmry Bay.

Since this is an Ehmry Bay specific thread, I would like to greatly thank Thuley for his enormous investment of time and resources into the server. This tight-knit community is of direct result of his effort. *e-hug

D/D, Staff Elementalist

(edited by Gorefiend.9675)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


HIRE was on the server for a month

Did HIRE recruit as much of your servers WvW playerbase as possible before transferring after a month?

Because they did exactly that to IoJ before they transferred to Ehmry Bay, and now I’m wondering if that was their plan for Ehmry Bay too.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


For example, if you need it, of the guilds you listed as having transferred off, two thirds of them transferred to Ehmry after our rise through the ranks.

This is really a point that deserves emphasis. Ehmry Bay got to T4 with a set of core WvW players most all of whom are still there to this day. There’s no need for us to lie because we have nothing to hide.

Ehmry Bay original guilds SM and TTD transferred off shortly after we hit the T4 brick wall. Their combined player strength was approximately 25-30 players total during peak time.

HIRE, BP, RP, and ToFu transferred to Ehmry Bay either shortly before we hit T4 or while we were guaranteed to be there the following week anyway. Those guilds subsequently left Ehmry Bay again when it was clear that we are not the hardcore WvW server they were looking for and any effort to turn EB into such hardcore T1-3 server was unlikely to succeed.

So we suffered a net loss of about 25-30 active WvWers as a result of the brick wall and the changes in free server transfers. That was certainly a loss that was felt, but it didn’t and won’t send Ehmry Bay into a free-fall down to T8 because we still have the overwhelming majority of the original guilds and their players still log on even though we are getting our kitten handed to us in the current match.

In fact, I made a post in the leadership area of the Ehmry Bay server forum asking whether it wouldn’t be better to just not WvW this week vs Kaineng since we are getting so completely steamrolled. I proposed that it may be better to let the WvWers rest, make some money in PvE, and then be back next week for a more even matchup.

That suggestion was summarily dismissed by all involved and both Kaineng and DR can attest that Ehmry Bay players are showing up and putting up a fight.

It’s human nature that some on the forums think the sky is falling for Ehmry Bay. Meanwhile, back in reality, the server is still there and people still participate in WvW.

I didn’t make the OP to beg for other guild/players to join us. I made it to point out that while many other servers use the “we have a community” line just as something they say, we do actually have one, and we do welcome folks to it with open arms.

I should also mention that none of the guilds that transferred off left on bad terms. Sure, there were some hurt feelings among individuals who felt that those who transferred off abandoned us, but the overwhelming majority of players wished those who departed well and left the door open should they ever want to come back.

We believe that players should play where they find the most entertainment value for the time and money they put into the game. We would be overjoyed if that is on Ehmry Bay, but if not then we hope that they can find what they are looking for elsewhere because after all we have a shared affinity that is GW2 and there’s no need to make someone feel bad just because they want something other than what Ehmry Bay can offer out of the game.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


HIRE was on the server for a month

Did HIRE recruit as much of your servers WvW playerbase as possible before transferring after a month?

Because they did exactly that to IoJ before they transferred to Ehmry Bay, and now I’m wondering if that was their plan for Ehmry Bay too.

I am not oceanic myself but I was usually online while HIRE was active. Compared to other guilds I would describe HIRE’s recruitment effort as low to moderate at best. Certainly not any kind of aggressive recruiting we have seen from KISS when they were on Ehmry Bay for a whole 4 days before making a decision to move off again (was an issue with their EU players and latency).

I know some HIRE folks made good friends with our PvE crowd, so much so that they actually joined a PvE guild and are going to guest on Ehmry for PvE.

I don’t know for sure, but I doubt HIRE picked up many, if any, players on Ehmry. Like I said in the post above, they too left on good terms.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Skynet.7201


Excellent post, OP!!! You described why [scam] guild has chosen Ehmry Bay to call home. Thanks again to everyone for the warm welcome. <3

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Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Ebay the server Mag wishes they could be!

pretty much, except for the constant guild drama

The fact is that because you haven’t seen New Dehli with your own eyes, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Plain English translation: You don’t have server website like ours so there are no place to flame except burning it inside. You also have abrasive players & guilds like ours (or others), what makes you think that your server are immune to that type of behavior?

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Ehmry turned out to be a good choice. I’ve been there since the start (since beta 3, really) and it turned out to be a nice middle road: not the crowded “me-too” win-chasers of the upper tiers but also not the total ghost town of the bottom servers. What win-chasers did come to us eventually moved off because we weren’t winning enough but we have remained a middle-tier server.

Really this is something of an anti-recruitment thread. If you want to win and be the best please do not waste time coming to Ehmry. You won’t like us and we won’t like you. Save yourself $10 worth of gems or whatever and move to Maguuma or pile on with Kaineng instead.

If anything, I’d like to see more small guilds or people looking to find a group to WvW with long-term without getting neurotic (good word) about it.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: InfamousBrad.5879


I am not oceanic myself but I was usually online while HIRE was active. Compared to other guilds I would describe HIRE’s recruitment effort as low to moderate at best.

Wow. Then I’d hate to see what really aggressive recruiting would look like. Because that last week they were on EB, I couldn’t go anywhere in any zone without getting a blind invite from them. And I was in PvE that whole week. As far as I could tell, it must have been guild policy to send a blind invite to anybody they saw who didn’t have a guild tag, every time they saw them. What does an aggressive recruiting push look like?

Not apropos of what I quoted above: I don’t know that I’m part of any kind of organized boycott of wuhvwuh this week, but I had so little fun and got so little XP that I’m not convinced it was a good use of my time. I can’t really motivate myself to go back just to feed loot bags and achievement points to the Kaineng swarm. If I were motivated by the urge to learn to be uber leet, this would be the good week to do so; you learn more about what you can and can’t do, and you learn more about organized fighting, fighting against hopeless odds than you do in a balanced fight, let alone unbalanced in your favor. But it’s not my idea of a good time. If you want me to be the Washington Generals and lose every game, I’m not getting paid enough.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Ebay the server Mag wishes they could be!

pretty much, except for the constant guild drama

The fact is that because you haven’t seen New Dehli with your own eyes, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Plain English translation: You don’t have server website like ours so there are no place to flame except burning it inside. You also have abrasive players & guilds like ours (or others), what makes you think that your server are immune to that type of behavior?

i’m sure my server isn’t immune to guild drama, but its certainly far far less likely to happen, due to the fact that every major wvw player/guild sits on the same voice com server together.

plus even though i’m not in any guild on my server, i feel as though i can just ask to join any one (or all at once) of them, and they would let me in without question. for the most part wvw participants aren’t defined by what guild they’re in, but their level of knowledge and skill. in my experience, having a guild tag in wvw is nothing more than a formality.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Skynet.7201


Ehmry turned out to be a good choice. I’ve been there since the start (since beta 3, really) and it turned out to be a nice middle road: not the crowded “me-too” win-chasers of the upper tiers but also not the total ghost town of the bottom servers. What win-chasers did come to us eventually moved off because we weren’t winning enough but we have remained a middle-tier server.

Really this is something of an anti-recruitment thread. If you want to win and be the best please do not waste time coming to Ehmry. You won’t like us and we won’t like you. Save yourself $10 worth of gems or whatever and move to Maguuma or pile on with Kaineng instead.

If anything, I’d like to see more small guilds or people looking to find a group to WvW with long-term without getting neurotic (good word) about it.

+1 ^^this^^

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Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


My guild, GwT – Gwtards, had our last WvW battle on EBay just a night ago. It was a great last battle since we went up against zergs from Kaineng (our guild consists of parties of 4-8 usually), but we had our fill of blood, enough to cause the others to send large waves of bodies towards us. We even went to Kaineng’s borderlands and controlled their upper-west camps and their jump puzzle for an hour or two. (JP terrain makes a perfect choke point against zergs). It was our last and glorious battle on Ebay.

We’re now off to another server since a few of the guild members are also in SM, and they wanted to go with them. It’s sad to say farwell since we’ve been here at Ebay for the past 6 months.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


i’m sure my server isn’t immune to guild drama, but its certainly far far less likely to happen […] even though i’m not in any guild on my server

Between your server not having a public venue to vent drama, and you not being in a guild, it’s not hard to tell that you are comparing apples to oranges for no other reason than to bad-mouth Ehmry Bay.

There are probably plenty of threads about your server on this forum, there you can go on and on and on about how all other servers suck and the one you are on is the best thing since sliced bread.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


i’m sure my server isn’t immune to guild drama, but its certainly far far less likely to happen […] even though i’m not in any guild on my server

Between your server not having a public venue to vent drama, and you not being in a guild, it’s not hard to tell that you are comparing apples to oranges for no other reason than to bad-mouth Ehmry Bay.

There are probably plenty of threads about your server on this forum, there you can go on and on and on about how all other servers suck and the one you are on is the best thing since sliced bread.

I’m pretty well connected on Maguuma and I don’t recall scaring off any guilds that covered crucial timezones. This is all besides the point though: the point is if someone on Ehmry makes a jab at Maguuma, it will be replied to. Deal with it.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


if someone on Ehmry makes a jab at Maguuma, it will be replied to. Deal with it.

Sorry someone insulted your e-honor.
I don’t think anyone has any issues with replies as long as they are factual.

It doesn’t take someone to be on your server to realize that someone from there coming here to say that you have no guild drama is either naive, not in the loop, or purposefully spreading misinformation.

As long as humans play this game there will be drama on any server because it’s human nature. Claiming otherwise lends you zero credibility.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


if someone on Ehmry makes a jab at Maguuma, it will be replied to. Deal with it.

Sorry someone insulted your e-honor.
I don’t think anyone has any issues with replies as long as they are factual.

It doesn’t take someone to be on your server to realize that someone from there coming here to say that you have no guild drama is either naive, not in the loop, or purposefully spreading misinformation.

As long as humans play this game there will be drama on any server because it’s human nature. Claiming otherwise lends you zero credibility.

Why does one need to reply to a non-factual post with factual statements? Jinks was obviously baiting a troll as he does in every post and he got one. Besides, half of the crap I hear come out of the mouths of Ehmry Bay players about Maguuma is exaggerated or just patently false, nevermind insulting. Our servers may have a longstanding rivalry but at least we never stooped to calling your server something as degrading as “maggots”.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


if someone on Ehmry makes a jab at Maguuma, it will be replied to. Deal with it.

Sorry someone insulted your e-honor.
I don’t think anyone has any issues with replies as long as they are factual.

It doesn’t take someone to be on your server to realize that someone from there coming here to say that you have no guild drama is either naive, not in the loop, or purposefully spreading misinformation.

As long as humans play this game there will be drama on any server because it’s human nature. Claiming otherwise lends you zero credibility.

i’m not saying i’m all knowing, and maybe i am just not in the loop, but is there anyone that keeps up with guild politics that can say if there are guild drama?

i’m always looking to be proven wrong

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


While I am well familiar with the guilty by association fallacy I welcome you to have a look at the Ehmry Bay server forums where a number of members have responded to the one player calling you “maggots” that there is no need for such language and attitude.

It’s no secret that these official forums attract a disproportionally large number of trolls and the infraction system is too random and weak to actually deal with those attitudes. The official forums weren’t up when the game launched, but even if they would have been we still would have created out own community because of higher participation and collective “peer pressure” to keep the server forum usable.

It takes all kinds, and we, like any other server, have some folks who are more vocal and more trolly than others. On our community though there is a sense that no one who is participating wants to screw this up for anyone else and so there is a basic level of restraint that most often prevents people from just flying off the handle.

I invite you to have a look, and perhaps even register, and then compare our community to any other out there and show me one that has close to 1,800 members, close to 23,000 posts to date, and does not have any moderators who keep the peace.

We are self-regulating and part of that self-regulation is that members speak out against demeaning other servers. That’s all a community can do, they cannot make someone not post something.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Sure, the maggots thing was just one example. And I understand not everyone on Ehmry Bay is like that. I respect a lot of people that are still there. But I also don’t like what I see on your forums (I’m a Maguuman and a goon, I’ve obviously been registered there for ages, hurr). Most of it isn’t even related to Maguuma. And you are right, though I had no intention of posting here originally to say anything, that a forum makes it easier to display your dirty laundry. It also makes me 50% happier that our forum was started very late and is still weak for now.

So no, we (I) factually do not wish we were like your server. The only characteristic of Ehmry Bay I currently envy is your population size and tier. I love how our public Mumble has evolved and there is very, very little drama around it. I would never ever trade it for your forum. Nor have I ever heard of a “core” guild on Maguuma leaving for greener pastures, yet. But this isn’t a Maguuma advertisement, so I’ll stop posting here.

Transfer to Ehmry, folks, they have candy!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


If any mags are reading this you all should know if ya wanna xfer before the cut off to get away from the zerg that has become Maguuma you will be welcome.

But only the non zergtards. Mag as a server can keep those ppl.

O wait nm y’all got a boot camp that’ll whip all the zergling non mumble users into shape

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: BrockMcCleery.9562


Emhry is a great server. It is a shame that numbers 24/7 matter so much in WvW ranks.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


Emhry is a great server. It is a shame that numbers 24/7 matter so much in WvW ranks.

The thing is though that WvW tiers themselves are meaningless. There is no reward for being in a higher tier. Right now, for practical purposes, WvW tiers are a measure of WvW participation around the clock. The higher the tier the more likely it is that there is some large scale WvW action going on in all WvW maps at any time of day.

Ehmry Bay is a mid-tier server and those few who didn’t want to be in a mid-tier have transferred off. What’s left is a very solid community that will be a stable presence in mid-tiers.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I enjoyed the post. As I do the other “heres our story posts”. Its encouraging to see servers that have gone through some hardship, rise thruogh the tiers again, even though I could care less about bragging rights.

To EB: Do you have a strong WvW presence in your tier? Able to field enough on most maps to take some points? Or do you feel that youre spread pretty thin at times? These are questions that are burning through my mind. I dont care about dropping tiers, I dont care about not being in the top 2 or 3 tiers anymore. I just care about healthy competition, balanced matchup…where I still see many people from all three servers traversing all maps, or at least more than just one.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Lyer.1905


A bump for Ehmry from Mags, I can’t think of any other servers that have a rivalry like this (look at the posts above), let’s get Ebay back in T4 so we can fight each other and ignore the 3rd server again.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: idari.4273


HIRE, BP, RP, and ToFu transferred to Ehmry Bay either shortly before we hit T4 or while we were guaranteed to be there the following week anyway.

You’re a little misinformed sir. RP transferred to eBay in T7, not T4

[Ark] Idari Kun

(edited by idari.4273)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


To EB: Do you have a strong WvW presence in your tier? Able to field enough on most maps to take some points?

Folks who are more active can probably provide you with more detailed info, but WvW points are very much a matter of being selective with which objectives you take. We didn’t rise through the ranks with few players by being present in most maps. We definitely have a strong NA WvW presence for the mid-tiers. We are very weak in EU and weak in Oceanic time zones. However, I want to give a shout out to TDE which has shown a strong transition from being PvE to now doing scheduled WvW on oceanic times!

You’re a little misinformed sir. RP transferred to eBay in T7, not T4

Sorry Idari. I went by a post from ONay ( ) on Nov 5th, which is week 45, during which we were in Tier 5. Honest mistake, didn’t know you arrived earlier, though we were in Tier 7 during week 42, which would have been October 15th through October 21.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: idari.4273


Don’t worry
Btw, those [PUNK] guys trolling and undermining our first thread explain pretty well how e-bay forum works.
W/E it was nice to read welcome posts from SM, SLAY, TOSH, GH recognizing our contribution from the beginning. Thank you for quoting that old thread!

[Ark] Idari Kun

(edited by idari.4273)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


Well, it really explains how [PUNK] works which is one guild on the server. In all fairness too, that thread was one among those which prompted some reprimand and subsequent discussion with [PUNK] as a whole as to what they need to do if they want to continue participating on the forum.

If you look at more current threads/posts you will not find that type of posting anymore.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: idari.4273


Well, it really explains how [PUNK] works which is one guild on the server.

Sad fact is they are the most active forum members. Too much trolling and undermining but you’re right, they are doing good now.

[Ark] Idari Kun

(edited by idari.4273)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Good luck ehmry, you guys do need more people, it sucks all those people went to maguuma and not you guys…

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Atrophied.8725


I recently transferred onto Garnished Toast, but Ehmry Bay was a very close second as to my choice of permanent server once free transfers end. Your community seems like a lot of fun, with much less pressure than is on the higher-tier WvW servers. Good luck on your hunt for more people and guilds.

Xandra – 80s in all classes – Ele/Guard mains – [TL] – NSP

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


Sure, among more than 23,000 posts total you will find a few outliers, they are not representative of the content as a whole. Folks are welcome to have a look and form their own opinion though. It’s actually the purpose of this thread to encourage folks to do just that if they are interested in Ehmry Bay.

BTW, the PvP forum can only be read by registered users.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Catraine.6245


TOSH is proud to have been with EB since the betas, and we’ll be here after free server transfers are over.

Come check out EB if you’re interested in a strong, welcoming community focused on enjoying the game, not on whos leeter than who. (does anyone use the word leet anymore?).

Also, for all the people claiming you know what’s going on command wise for EB, please remember that most of the planning goes on in the command forums which is only accessible to established guilds. That said, for any new guilds that join us, just contact one of the regular WvW commanders or Thuley to be considered to join us there.

The Order of The Silver Hand (TOSH)
Ehmry Bay Server-

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


Good luck ehmry, you guys do need more people, it sucks all those people went to maguuma and not you guys…

We could use some people who like mid-tier WvW. The folks who wanted upper tier WvW left and those who stayed (as a sweeping generalization) aren’t interested in the upper tier WvW playstyle.

In that sense it’s not too bad that we didn’t get a massive influx. We are looking for mellow WvW people.

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I don’t know about all this community stuff, but I’ll say I enjoyed fighting EB more than any other server. Some of the best players I’ve encountered, including tons of people always up for a good fight. You guys may not be Maguuma good, but you’re close.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Heed.4291


I for one enjoy being a member of EB. As a member of [PUNK] I can say that some of the more sensitive members of the EB forums take offense at the light jesting of some of our members. It really shouldn’t be taken seriously since the very few [PUNK]s that do this do it to everybody, but people make wrongful assumptions, get their feelings hurt over extremely little matters, and sometimes moderation makes rash decisions as a result. I have come to know the members of this small guild very well, and they are good people with good senses of humor.

I would like to request that if anyone’s feelings are hurt they either talk to the person who hurt their feelings or someone in RL about it instead of bringing their baggage to other forums. EB is developing a good reputation especially with some of the more delicate and ill-reputed guilds leaving due to free transfers ending soon.

That being said, EB is a great server to be on. We are developing into a very cohesive server with good communication, teamwork, and a strong WvW presence. I highly recommend people check it out, and is a good place to start.

Cyrus Levi, Air Marshall [Commander], Steam Legion [PUNK], Ehmry Bay.

(edited by Heed.4291)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Heed.4291


Don’t worry
Btw, those [PUNK] guys trolling and undermining our first thread explain pretty well how e-bay forum works.
W/E it was nice to read welcome posts from SM, SLAY, TOSH, GH recognizing our contribution from the beginning. Thank you for quoting that old thread!

This is a clear example of the pot calling the kettle black. If you having something to say about us PUNKs let us know instead of slandering us behind our back please. We have a server based forum you know we use and you can PM us if we did something to offend you.

Cyrus Levi, Air Marshall [Commander], Steam Legion [PUNK], Ehmry Bay.

(edited by Heed.4291)

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Heylo.4938


Sad fact is they are the most active forum members.

Whoa whoa whoa, Idari. I like to think that I am one of the most active members…I have over 1000 posts after all. :P

Ehmry is great and wonderful and beautiful. Yeah, we have forum drama, but that rarely translates into the game.
I’m hoping that after paid transfers happen, I can get my guild more into WvW. The constant coming and going of guilds sort of turned me off as I never really knew who to follow around. Maybe [HC] will follow [TDE] into going from all PvE to PvE + WvW.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: idari.4273


Sad fact is they are the most active forum members.

Ehmry is great and wonderful and beautiful. Yeah, we have forum drama, but that rarely translates into the game.

Oh sure, i’ve to point you’re 200% right. E-Bay it’s great and drama never touch game. Those trolls are just forum players, not GW2 players.

[Ark] Idari Kun

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: AVHero.7382


Sad fact is they are the most active forum members.

Ehmry is great and wonderful and beautiful. Yeah, we have forum drama, but that rarely translates into the game.

Oh sure, i’ve to point you’re 200% right. E-Bay it’s great and drama never touch game. Those trolls are just forum players, not GW2 players.

This fine specimen of a constructive poster has Maguuma in his signature. Who troll what now?