Ehmry Bay bugged garrison
To whine and to seek justice are two different things. If you’re talking about the joke alliance thread which is just a pure copy of what some other server did against our server, then you miss the point of that entire thread.
The fact that there’s a waypoint next to our spawn is among the worsts exploits ever known to GW2, before Anet does anything about it, we can only hope some botter or dual-boxer can keep it contested 24/7.
While our borderlands are sort of lost because of this nonsense, we can still strike at an other server’s borderlands or the eternal battlegrounds. There is no need to cling only to our own ground, especially once it’s surely lost.
It would be nice if they could fix that sometime before the end of the match.
Currently we have the doors open, the walls blasted down (literally the entire west wall of the garrison is gone) and yet the enemy has a fully functional waypoint there that we can’t do anything about.
Usually a bug this serious would see individual GM intervention in another game. I guess Arenanet doesn’t do that sort of thing? All they need to do is clear him of the bugged buff, or otherwise reset the zone. The 3am resets seemed to clear this sort of thing but I don’t think they’ve done any this weekend?
A game that’s 100% WvW
I spoke to a couple of people before on a similar subject – a bugged skillpoint. They said that there was either a GM or a dev ingame, manually resetting the bugged event. Granted, that was about a week ago.
I think the reason for no authority intervention so far is because Ehmry is an american server and it’s barely about noon there now, at the time of writing.
It’s almost too late for a fix to mean much, too much of our server has already checked out for the round (I’d like to hope I’m wrong here, but I’m not sure I can even hope that). Sad, I really was looking forward to excited about the rematch against maguuma.
(edited by Moderator)
Yes it is a Pain in the kitten and there are too many peeps crying about it and giving up! /sigh
I would like to think of this as an ‘Opportunity’ to fight harder on other fronts and keep on enjoying this great W3 game, even with some bugs and exploits present!
Anet will get things figured out! Too many peeps want instant gratification and a perfect world right off the bat!?!?!
Yeh, yeh, yeh… I know! You paid for something and expect the best and while I agree, you just need to give it some time and chill out a bit! We just had our 1 ‘month’, yes 1 ‘month’ anniversary! hehe!
I think the reason for no authority intervention so far is because Ehmry is an american server and it’s barely about noon there now, at the time of writing.
It was bugged early into the match on Friday. It’s been bugged for, what, about 36 hours now?
Maguuma has gotten about 3,600 free points just from the garrison alone. My guess is they’ve gotten about 8,000 total points as a result of it, factoring in how easy it is for them to hold the side keeps, the northern towers and the supply camps.
If anything Yak’s Bend should be more concerned about this than Ehmry. They’ve likely been screwed out of the #1 position for this pairing by bugs that have benefited Maguuma exclusively.
A game that’s 100% WvW
(edited by Slamz.5376)
It’s funny because here’s the story I heard from everyone I asked.
On ye olde friday, the matches reset and Maguuma made a dive for that garrison. A hacker from Ehmry Bay attempted to bug the garrison in their favor by making the keep lord disappear just as Maguuma charged into the room. The result was that Maguuma capped the garrison and the keep lord has been bugged ever since he respawned from that.
Karmic justice sure is nice, isn’t it? :P
yeah I am sure that how it went down…………
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.
It’s the first time I’ve heard that myth. Got any more? Maybe about Maguuma orb stealer and the Pegasus?
I find it interesting that Yak’s Bend has been very apologetic about their hacker abusing the system while Maguuma has done nothing but mock EB for the second week in a row.
There are still 3 other maps. You guys give up way too easy.
I find it interesting that Yak’s Bend has been very apologetic about their hacker abusing the system while Maguuma has done nothing but mock EB for the second week in a row.
At a guess this would be because EB forum-goers went out of their way to threaten and insult Maguuma non-stop all week claiming they’d pwn us when we got a rematch.
They sure are pwning us right now!
And sorry, but I trust the person who told me that story way more than I trust people claiming Maguuma as a whole is hacking and covering up hackers. Earlier this morning I actively listened to the GOONs and SFD talking about reporting hackers and putting together a massive effort to get something done about all of them regardless of side.
So eh.
I understand that nobody can tell who bugged what. I didn’t lay the blame at anyone’s feet in my post. I have no idea who did what to what and how.
The Garrison bugged.
There is now a way-point directly to our front-line.
We also learned today that our orb (and the keep it is in) is also bugged and cannot be reclaimed. So Mags has Eth also.
I know there are other areas to fight in – but this is our home borderlands. Do you honestly think that having our orb and garrison permanently in control of an invading army has no effect on morale?
I’m sure it does. We’ve all had morale issues on servers. Lots of people even transferred, some of my friends did too. I guess you have to be above it and realize it’s gonna hit every server eventually. Even queue times on winning servers being 5 hours in a way is demoralizing.
You have to try and stay positive in chat and eliminate all that garbage and just play as hard and as fast and as organized as you guys can. It doesn’t matter if you hold up in one keep and basically be like, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS”. You have to find small victories and keep things light-hearted in chat or you risk driving everyone off your server.
I don’t even think Maguuma has won a matchup yet, seriously our morale is something we’ve constantly battled and have really changed some things organizationally to help with it.
I find it interesting that Yak’s Bend has been very apologetic about their hacker abusing the system while Maguuma has done nothing but mock EB for the second week in a row.
At a guess this would be because EB forum-goers went out of their way to threaten and insult Maguuma non-stop all week claiming they’d pwn us when we got a rematch.
They sure are pwning us right now!
And sorry, but I trust the person who told me that story way more than I trust people claiming Maguuma as a whole is hacking and covering up hackers. Earlier this morning I actively listened to the GOONs and SFD talking about reporting hackers and putting together a massive effort to get something done about all of them regardless of side.
So eh.
So wait. It’s OK for you to call EB whiners, weak, and mock them as your server controls a bugged garrison AND is rumored to have a hacked orb, but it is not OK for EB to say they’re going to ‘beat you?" I imagine that some players in Maguuma would find it justifiable to burn down someone’s house because they made fun of their shoes, too.
Maguuma has shown absolutely no good faith measure this week. In fact, every insult and mocking statement that I’ve read these past two weeks comes from a player with a Maguuma server signature. I could be missing posts, but that’s just the posts I’ve seen. In fact, Maguuma has such a reputation that I’ve read some TC posts saying that Maguuma’s got some very rude vocal players.
Maybe you guys should really reconsider how you’re representing your server. Some on TC think you’re nothing but punks and some on EB think you do nothing but exploit, hack, and taunt others. That’s really not a great track record for the server you represent, no?
It’s entirely too early for Maguuma to put forth this image of basically treating others like dirt.
(edited by cainejw.7142)
Only a few people even bother putting guild/server tags in their posts so you’re talking about maybe 4-5 posters? As for rudeness you can’t crosstalk in game so really it’s limited to this trolly forum where all sides seem to be either boasting/whining/white knighting depending on the day of the week.
The truth is that at our tier it’s down to morale more than anything that wins matches. Ehmry Bay is not helping themselves by constantly being negative in map chat/team and in these forums. I think Ehmry has some good players and some terrible ones much like every server.
TC has good morale, which is why they had good attendance last week and which is most of the reason why they won their matchup. We should all take a page from their book and try to play to have fun. It’s getting a bit ludicrous in here with all the trolling when you can’t crosstalk; you can’t even see other player’s names beyond generic invader/defender and guild tags. WvW is a server effort trying to single out anybody is a bit silly. Especially in this no holds barred 24/7 design. You need lots of people logging in often around the clock to win your matchup. That’s what everyone should be trying to accomplish.
bwookie, that would be why I qualified my posts with “as I’ve seen.” There are undoubtedly many posts which contradict my statement. It is my impression, and from talking to a few select people in game, that Maguuma really doesn’t have a great server impression right now with some other servers.
Ehmry Bay is negative because, frankly, we’ve had two weeks in a row of questionable tactics. We had two servers ally themselves with each other or work together in an assisting fashion last week. This week, we had a confirmed hacking, a rumored hacking, and a bugged keep right on our doorstep that would require 24/7 contention to keep Maguuma from landing on our back step constantly. Ehmry has been at a huge disadvantage all week, and that is only fueling a dislike of WvW on our server.
If you can’t see why that would cause people to be negative or not join WvW, you’re being a little unreasonable.
At least we always have something to spite about. Earlier it was the Air elementalist bug.
Granted none of these are server specific, but word of mouth is killer to motivation of people not involved. I wonder how many turned away from wvw because LA’s /map is filled with accusations and went to go join the bots in Orr instead?
And the whole Garrison thing, ANets taken … 40 hours now? And in the mean time they’ve patched GAMEBREAKING things like nudity wearing certain armors you aren’t supposed to be able to wear. Kinda disappointed in them right now.
I guess I would be discouraged if it wasn’t so fun to see how many people I could get chasing me around.
Monday. Keep still broken. Arenanet, are you even trying?
A game that’s 100% WvW