Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


(I do not play elementalist and i experience this with many other player in wvw and spvp and it is serious problem!!! again with elementalist firing behind the enemy/player) Here is explain detail of skill effect that elementalist is firing behind- Air-lightning burst and Fire-flame burst. The bug damage is very high too.

I was doing research and see this 2 patch and was happy arena net take action serious; 25 September 2012 http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/September_2012

“Fixed bugs with Flamestrike and Ice Shards so they can’t be fired behind the player”.

October 7th 2012 https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Update-Notes-October-7th-2012/first#post370244

Signets of Earth, Fire, and Water: These signets have been updated to not fire at targets behind the player”.

So that was 3 years ago of serious action against elementalist firing behind the player/enemy

So, Now, how is elementalist still firing behind the player/enemy? If it is bug, where is bug hiding? I research in bug forum and can not find complaint/problem? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs?page=5
Maybe bug is hiding in Air Attunement- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Air_attunement and maybe in Fire Attunement-http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Attunement ?
Is it new bug? If it is not bug; i can not find any arena net elementalist buff patch for bug? maybe arena net give elementalist in secret?

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: azyume.6321


I don’t know what exactly you are talking about.

However, if you mean the damage by attunement, it isn’t a bug.

Sunspot: Inflict damage at your location when you attune for fire.
Damage: 122
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 180

Electric Discharge: Strike your target with a bolt of lightning while attuning for air.

Earthen Blast: Damage foes and cripple when attuning for earth.
Damage: 73
Cripple: 3 seconds
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 240

Healing Ripple: Heal nearby allies when attuning to water.
Healing: 1302
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 240

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

(edited by azyume.6321)

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


I don’t know what exactly you are talking about.

However, if you mean the damage by attunement, it isn’t a bug.

Sunspot: Inflict damage at your location when you attune for fire.
Damage: 122
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 180

Electric Discharge: Strike your target with a bolt of lightning while attuning for air.

Earthen Blast: Damage foes and cripple when attuning for earth.
Damage: 73
Cripple: 3 seconds
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 240

Healing Ripple: Heal nearby allies when attuning to water.
Healing: 1302
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 240

You are missing the fire burst damage, but what you list is what is happening. Is it possible to test them and see if they are firing behind your back? be honest with result k

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


I don’t know what exactly you are talking about.

However, if you mean the damage by attunement, it isn’t a bug.

Sunspot: Inflict damage at your location when you attune for fire.
Damage: 122
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 180

Electric Discharge: Strike your target with a bolt of lightning while attuning for air.

Earthen Blast: Damage foes and cripple when attuning for earth.
Damage: 73
Cripple: 3 seconds
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 240

Healing Ripple: Heal nearby allies when attuning to water.
Healing: 1302
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 240

You are missing the fire burst damage, but what you list is what is happening. Is it possible to test them and see if they are firing behind your back? be honest with result k

Why do you assume someone who already explained to you that it is not a bug, will “retest” something for you? If your making the claims of accusations, why do you not go test it yourself if you feel it is a problem?

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


I don’t know what exactly you are talking about.

However, if you mean the damage by attunement, it isn’t a bug.

Sunspot: Inflict damage at your location when you attune for fire.
Damage: 122
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 180

Electric Discharge: Strike your target with a bolt of lightning while attuning for air.

Earthen Blast: Damage foes and cripple when attuning for earth.
Damage: 73
Cripple: 3 seconds
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 240

Healing Ripple: Heal nearby allies when attuning to water.
Healing: 1302
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 240

You are missing the fire burst damage, but what you list is what is happening. Is it possible to test them and see if they are firing behind your back? be honest with result k

Why do you assume someone who already explained to you that it is not a bug, will “retest” something for you? If your making the claims of accusations, why do you not go test it yourself if you feel it is a problem?

azyume was nice to share information with me to see if it was the problem i and many other player was experience. And said that it was not bug. I answer; write where i answer azyume of be wrong of problem not be bug? What accusation? Experience do Not mean same as Accusation.

Example; If i experience bad day at work, am i accusing worker for the bad day? NO
Experience and Accusation is 2 different word, is 2 different meaning.

If you paid attention to what i write instead of answer what you want, 3 year ago, there was a problem with ele firing behind enemy and firing behind ele player.

Player report to arena net. arena net investigate and did research and found problem being a bug. So they fix problem it.

Do you understand now or you want to continue answer my post any way you want without reading?

You are not only player in the game and i ask open question, not to you only. Azyume did research and share investigate with me. So let me ask you this question, why did you reply to my post just to make me feel bad?

Suggestion; if you can not treat player nice with kind word, Do Not Reply! very simple, not hard to learn or maybe?

Will you understand, will you learn if arena net say it to you instead?

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


If you were worried about it being a bug, you would have

A. Posted this in the bug forums.

B. posted it anywhere specific, because it was never a bug inherent to WvW specifically.

C. Filed a bug report. Did you file a bug report?

Otherwise, I an having a bit of difficulty seeing where you are going with your most recent post. I can only surmise that English is not your first language, but your grammatical form makes a good bit of what your are saying, difficult to take in.

As of now, it appears you are berating me for asking you why you worded it as if you are assuming he is going to test if for you. The you go on to mention “honesty” in his results, as if he has some reason to lie to you. That was were my reference came from. If that displeases you, then chose your words more wisely, and put the thread in the appropriate location.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Not a bug.

Sounds like you got hit with the 15pt Air minor trait (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Electric_Discharge), which can fire behind the Elementalist. The discharge then procced a superior sigil of fire, which shows up as a flame blast in your combat log. (The Staff fire3 flame burst skill does negligible power damage).

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I don’t think anyone here who has posted has actually played ele on scepter….

Yes, there are several skills that can fire behind you (just like nade engies), Dragons tooth and Pheonix…. Air #2-3 can fire any direction aswell ontop of utilities and there is still a way to channel/damage enemies in Mist form…

Ele has some nice tricks up it sleeve, but that’s why it’s considered a higher level skill cap to learn it and it wouldn’t be fair to nerf it because you cant beat 7/7 of the other professions using yours…

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


Not a bug.

Sounds like you got hit with the 15pt Air minor trait (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Electric_Discharge), which can fire behind the Elementalist. The discharge then procced a superior sigil of fire, which shows up as a flame blast in your combat log. (The Staff fire3 flame burst skill does negligible power damage).

Is a bug mean doing something that is not suppose to do? It does not say any where in description of firing behind the elementalist? “Strike your target with a bolt of lightning when attuning to air”.

That is why i first did research to find out if the problem with elementalist firing behind was there before and if problem was there before, did arena net fix it.

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Not a bug.

Sounds like you got hit with the 15pt Air minor trait (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Electric_Discharge), which can fire behind the Elementalist. The discharge then procced a superior sigil of fire, which shows up as a flame blast in your combat log. (The Staff fire3 flame burst skill does negligible power damage).

Is a bug mean doing something that is not suppose to do? It does not say any where in description of firing behind the elementalist? “Strike your target with a bolt of lightning when attuning to air”.

That is why i first did research to find out if the problem with elementalist firing behind was there before and if problem was there before, did arena net fix it.

If the ele has you targeted and attunes to air, then you will be struck by that effect, even if you are behind the ele. That’s what Azyume was getting at. The trait is working as intended. Also, as azyume said, the elementalist had Superior Sigil of Fire on one of their weapons and it triggered on the critical hit from Electric Discharge thus causing the extra fire blast damage

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: azyume.6321


I don’t think anyone here who has posted has actually played ele on scepter….

Wrong to assume. A question was asked and I answered accordingly.

Yes, scepter Lighting Strike and Blinding Flash can hit the target from behind in the same way as attuning for air. However, only way to do the same with the Dragon’s Tooth is if you are walking, in any direction, which probably need a fix. Yet many might complain because will invalidate the might stacking method of casting while walking.

If we are fishing for unintended effect here, the only one I see in work is the Dragon’s Tooth.

So to sum up, no bug on the attunement. You got hit by Electric Discharge and was lucky enough to proc the sigil of fire, triggering the Flame Blast. Possibly unintended skill effect, which if is the case and needs to be reviewed: Dragon’s Tooth.

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

Ele firing behind player/enemy bug?continue..

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


I don’t think anyone here who has posted has actually played ele on scepter….

Wrong to assume. A question was asked and I answered accordingly.

Yes, scepter Lighting Strike and Blinding Flash can hit the target from behind in the same way as attuning for air. However, only way to do the same with the Dragon’s Tooth is if you are walking, in any direction, which probably need a fix. Yet many might complain because will invalidate the might stacking method of casting while walking.

If we are fishing for unintended effect here, the only one I see in work is the Dragon’s Tooth.

So to sum up, no bug on the attunement. You got hit by Electric Discharge and was lucky enough to proc the sigil of fire, triggering the Flame Blast. Possibly unintended skill effect, which if is the case and needs to be reviewed: Dragon’s Tooth.

It’s not just Dragon’s Tooth in fire, it’s also Pheonix…
Also I made my assumption as OP asked if Ele can fire behind them and it appeared that people only know about air attunement/fresh air…

But yer, nade engies can also spam skills behind them on the run, I dont see why eles cant either

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.