Eles and walls

Eles and walls

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I believe Elementalist may agree to a LoS check on Dragon’s Tooth if they make it ground target and not object target… This would allow us to better use it anyways, and then everyone will complain that a well placed Dragon’s Tooth hit them for 10k, kind of like a back stab! Lol

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Eles and walls

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

If you can’t kill an ele as bad as the class is right now, just quit the game. You must be a really horrible player. Any other class could kill them in a couple hits. Stand in the meteors that hit for a pathetic 2k damage and shoot down at them and kill them in a couple hits, problem solved. Hell, I can literally 1 shot them with my warrior regardless of how tanky they THINK they are, and I am not the least bit glassy (have over 3k armor). The class is a joke and a free lootbag in wvw. I LOVE when they come too close to a tower and try to drop meteors on me. They’re assuring their own death.

>Get downed on my ele
>Doesn’t care
>Vapor forms back to the zerg

If the person tries to stomp a 2nd time enjoy that quick death. I’ll probably be up again from everyone reviving me before you even get there. Certainly before you’re able to get a stomp off or be able to dps my ele down.

You do realize that vapor form and mist form were stealth nerfed recently right? Anyone with half a brain will take advantage of that now and immobilize you before you can float away and you WILL die. Immobilize will work on mist form and vapor form now. I guess you’re fortunate that 95% of zerglings never carry any immobilize skills and have nothing but damage skills on their utility slots. Can’t tell you how many times an ele has tried that with me and I nailed him with pindown and watched him float in place and then drop again when mistform/vaporform expires, then I drop a combustive shot right on his body. and good luck to anyone trying to res him while my fire ticks away on him at over 1k per tick.

The immobilization won’t last long enough to fully prevent it. It does limit the distance a bit though. 1k per tick is nothing compared to how much multiple people can res for. Any damage you do to the ressers is easily healed. You’re not going to stop any half decent group from reviving the ele before death by doing this.

In pro play, limiting the distance “a bit” is not acceptable.