Enemy NPC respawning

Enemy NPC respawning

in WvW

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


Hmm.. just look at this. And this happens every few minutes.


(edited by Massacrul.2016)

Enemy NPC respawning

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


I have no idea what I’m suppose to see.

Enemy NPC respawning

in WvW

Posted by: Dominae.3146


That is two guard NPCs of different colors fighting each other. It shouldn’t happen, but it seems to.

Had this happening last week, I was setting up siege and fixing walls in one of the orb keeps and heard fighting. Poked my head over the wall and there was a red-named Veteran Guard in the middle of our claimed courtyards.

Killed him, stuck around, and saw a Vet Archer, and then another Vet Guard spawn.

Seems something is broken, and enemy guards keep spawning INSIDE places your team captured.

Enemy NPC respawning

in WvW

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


Seems something is broken, and enemy guards keep spawning INSIDE places your team captured.

Exactly. They just respawn at the place of our guards, and fight each other every few minutes xD Clone war.