Engi / Necro

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
I love WvW, and im new. Both classes are level 40, but i really cant decide which would be better to finish leveling?

What are the pros/cons/“niche” role of each in wvw? (both in Zerg and roaming)

I would really appreciate the info <3

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Engi’s can be really strong and yet aren’t overly popular. Necros are the flavor of the month because of recent buffs but are going to be nerfed pretty hard soon.

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


What do each do in wvw situations, though?

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


in zerg, engi can be front line tank (bomb or ft sorta build) or back line dps (grenade spam 11 11 11 1 1111). both roles can spec to have a few blast finishers (p/s, healing turret, rifle turret, rocket boot, supply crate, BoB…), a front line build w/ ft or bombs has fire fields and water field access. rocket boots and elixir s are great escapes. rifle provides great single target cc. power grenade builds kitten badly placed and open field siege, often times people dont expect 1500 range skills and so you can waste tons of enemy supplies and effort if they dont know youre there.

engi roamers can be very fast with practically trivial permaswiftness and rocket boots. i solo unupgraded camps with ease. yesterday was the first time ive had a chance to really try at an upgraded camp, and i could drastically improve my technique from the ~7 minutes it took me… but soloing upgraded camps draws attention. bomb builds can solo tower lords, im too bad to be able to with grenades.

in small groups, grenadier playstyle is unignorable and must be focused or theyll all die to your aoes… so it becomes a game of cat and mouse kind of… except the mouse has a kitten stick of dynamite to ram down the cats throat when the opportunity arises. bunker builds that use tons of blasts can live forever and can be an integral component to the teamwork needed to take on larger forces. condi builds are legit, engi has good access to condition spam.

as for necro… they say wells in a zerg. tag it all. tons of damage, tons of bags. condi burst / terror builds are a pain in the kitten in small scale. camps are easy solo for all pet classes. i dont play it myself, mostly because of soulbound wxp.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Berengar.6951


they’re two best condition bombing classes, necro damage is a bit stronger imo but engi has more survivability tools.

Engineer, Thief, Mesmer, Elementalist, Guardian,Warrior, Necro
[KoM] Krewe of Misfits
[IB]Inglorious Basterdz

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Actually, both are pretty much the same. They both can tank like hell and do tons of AoE dmg.

I only play necro and I’ve been a lot of WvW in the last week and with zerker gear I can take camps by myself in seconds and without problems. With soldier gear, I can tank big (and I mean BIG) zergs.

For engi, never tried it myself but I can tell they sure can tank and they have a lot of AoE.

In WvW is not about how much dmg you can do (unless you solo camps and roam alone), but who has the bigger zerg so, the best thing IMO, is survival and AoE (as necro you have wells, marks, DS #4 and #5 and plague form).

And no, necros aren’t the flavor of the month, that was the last month and they already were nerfed (but only in PvE and sPvP).

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


They are similar, but eng has more access to escapes/water fields/cc/blast finishers and necro can generally tank more (as in actually eat the damage) and more access to things that mess up boons. This is just what I’ve seen as I don’t have a necro personally.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

Yeah, admittedly I’ve never played an engi. I do however have a necro. I do know that wells + plague form will essentially allow you to tag an entire zerg, no matter the size. If engi nades, bombs, and flamethrower can compare to that, that’s pretty neat.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

Yeah, admittedly I’ve never played an engi. I do however have a necro. I do know that wells + plague form will essentially allow you to tag an entire zerg, no matter the size. If engi nades, bombs, and flamethrower can compare to that, that’s pretty neat.

Each nade can hit 5 people, 3 are thrown per cast (when traited) so up to 15 tags per toss at 1,500 range. Nade 5 also tosses out 3 pois fields. Eng’s can tag like a boss from a mile away.

Technically eng pistols with full upgrades can tag the most people out of any other eng spec. Every time it passes through some one it does a small aoe explosion.

Eng does have more issues with retal kicking their arses from all of the multi-hits than necro though. I’ve had to stop firing my pistol after just two shots to heal from all the retaliation damage before (Aoe retal OP).

Give Eng a try man, it’s by far the most fun class I’ve plaid and has a high skill cap.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Dirac.1307


I play a fair amount of WvW as a necro and don’t have an engineer. In my experience they would be pretty evenly matched, as far as utility in WvW goes. If you normally run with a guild or small group in WvW, choose whichever class you think best balances with the other members. If you’re looking to zerg, it doesn’t really matter. I don’t know which one would make a better roamer. Bit of a cop out answer, I know. Personally, I really like the necro though.

HoD|The Dark Physics|The Dark Alchemy|King Moustache|[RAWR]

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

This advice is horribly misguided and as a newcomer to WvW the direction is steering you into a trap. Do NOT go for a class based on “How many lootbags can i tag/get”. Go for what is more USEFUL to your team/server. To judge a class on how much loot you can rake is your last concern as this is terribly selfish and honestly, the more you help your server, the better they do, the more bags you get etc… The better you play, the better your teammates do, leads to bags.

Back to the thread. Please go necro with plague form elite, your server mates will appreciate this as necros have a role in WvW. Engineer’s with the current meta do not have any accepted roles. For roamer, idk since I never roam.

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


This advice is horribly misguided and as a newcomer to WvW the direction is steering you into a trap. Do NOT go for a class based on “How many lootbags can i tag/get”. Go for what is more USEFUL to your team/server. To judge a class on how much loot you can rake is your last concern as this is terribly selfish and honestly, the more you help your server, the better they do, the more bags you get etc… The better you play, the better your teammates do, leads to bags.

Whoa, calm down…

If he’s just following the zerg, it doesn’t really matter what class he is unless he decides to join a guild that has a specific setup. He was asking which is better in WVW, and we told him. As it turns out, you can tag a lot of people either playing an engi or a necro. It’s not like he’s a guardian and we’re telling him to grab any staff he finds, equip it, and press one until he gets tendonitis.

Please tell me how, when you’re rolling with a random militia commander, doing mass AOE damage is not helping? Because he didn’t specify that he was following a certain guild or team, much less the composition of that team.

EDIT: If you are an engi, and you’re tired of people saying that you’re worthless in the current WVW Meta, come to SoR and look up TSYM. We have a role for you.

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Clockradio.3257)

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
I love WvW, and im new. Both classes are level 40, but i really cant decide which would be better to finish leveling?

What are the pros/cons/“niche” role of each in wvw? (both in Zerg and roaming)

I would really appreciate the info <3

If you want to be useful to a group then roll the Necro. Not saying that Engis can’t be useful, but the overall opinion, is that Necros are extremely useful to WvW groups atm. Engis aren’t particularly desired in WvW groups.

Due to the RNG effects on many of the abilities and no super niche ability like plagueform spam blinding/chilling a whole group, Engis aren’t desired as much.

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: AMP.2398


If you want to play small group/solo stuff, I would say engi is better as far as mobility and therefore could probably survive a lot longer. Necro pets are pretty bad outside of taking camps, but wells/plague/corrupt boons/epidemic are pretty fun to play (but are probably more successful in zerg fights).

If you want to follow the zerg, either would do fine. You’ll probably get more loot with necro.

I agree with most of what you said completely except that with grenades, bombs, or flame thrower I’d say an engineer could arguably compete with an necro for collecting bags while zerging if that’s the goal.

This advice is horribly misguided and as a newcomer to WvW the direction is steering you into a trap. Do NOT go for a class based on “How many lootbags can i tag/get”. Go for what is more USEFUL to your team/server. To judge a class on how much loot you can rake is your last concern as this is terribly selfish and honestly, the more you help your server, the better they do, the more bags you get etc… The better you play, the better your teammates do, leads to bags.

Back to the thread. Please go necro with plague form elite, your server mates will appreciate this as necros have a role in WvW. Engineer’s with the current meta do not have any accepted roles. For roamer, idk since I never roam.

Regarding tagging and bags, I mentioned it in response to someone else and it’s relevant in any case when pointing out AoE abilities. It’s not a good thing or a bad thing – just depends on how you play a build (single point damage vs. AoE). Relax.

Back to the thread though, engineers have great mobility in between traits and rocket boots – both sustained and burst mobility is better than most classes and survivability means you can get away with roaming and/or skirmish well.

As far as engineer usefulness in groups, you can switch kits up as needed to support other players like: Elixer Gun is great when PvDoor’ing (AoE heals + condition removal + blasts) or Supply Drop, rifle is great for CC or chasing, bombs can be traited to heal, etc… Not sure why anyone would say engineer has less of a group role in WvW than any other class (well besides thief anyway) other than people aren’t as familiar with engineer versus FOTM classes.

(edited by AMP.2398)

Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


You can probably make a pretty even pro and con list, but necro has an advantage in that it has more viable power builds than engi currently does.