Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Salutations Folks! Ive been rocking my Engie in WvW for a couple weeks now and been searching for a viable Spec with a nice mix of utility /survivability and enough damage to cause some trouble.

Well its proved harder then i thought. when i get my utility and Survivability up i end up where i couldnt pull a greasy string out of a cats kitten

But on the flip side when i get some damage built up then i go down quicker then cheap date.

So which WvW specs have been working for you?

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Crate.5704


Look up Tankcat engi build. You’re welcome.

Maguuma – Alesial [ill] Illusion

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Engis are best at demolishing enemy siege engines from relatively safe distance with traited ’nades. It is a niche role, but a very important one.


Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: mille.9867


On my engi i use a FT build with permanent speed and permanent vigor (berserker armor and runes of the pack). Is nice in big fights to hit and create havoc in enemy lines then retreat fast. I know the FT is underpowered in comparison of rifle but is very fun, and have a lot of psychological effect on enemies.

I use a pistol/shield build too (soldier armor and runes) that is best in static fights.

The mandatory trait in WvW is speedy kits, and elixir s and tool kit for utilities

I use a consecrations/support guardian and a shatter mesmer too, and i think the coolest and funniest profession still the engineer!

PS – post other builds i need new ideas

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Harsekyugan.4672


I run following build – and it works well:
10 explosives – burning on crit
30 firearms – vulnerability on crit, swiftness on crit, juggernaut
30 alchemy – elixir recharge, regen with kit, 15% flamethrower damage
works ONLY with both Omnomberry Pie and Master Maintenance Oil

Take everything precision, power, tougness (and put precision-power-tougness orbs in)
If you are good with multitasking and situation analysis, take rifle with sigil of presicion
If you are bad, just take dual pistol or pistol/shield and pul sigil of precision main hand and Sigil of Perception offhand (you should have about 75% crit chance now)

As skills – elixir h, elixir b (= +20% crit chance), elixir c, flamethrower, supply drop

In game, take flamethrower and spam 1 – that thing has like 5 attacks per sec and all of them should be crits – and you drain 300 life on crit (Omnomberry pie), apply burning on crit, apply vulnerability on crit, apply bleeding of crit (minor Firearms trait) and you get swiftness on crit.
+ : works great on thieves, they dont like too many conditions (you get condition damage from juggernaut stacks of might) + skill 1 on flamethrower damages them even in their whirling dagger elite
+: works through gates too – burn those rammers while you are safe = can be used instead of arrow cart
-: you are extremely vulnerable against crowd control skills, you have to count on dodging them (or maybe take some stun breaker instead of elixir c)
-: your ability to run from fight is bad (outside fight, you are slow), I usally stay and fight even in 1v20 and die horribly (and suprisingly slowly)

I have this build for 3 days, so its not optimized yet, but I managed to win many 1v2 with this so far (more enemies = more crits = more life for me), so flamethrower is viable option for engeneer.

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Lebannen.8325


Look up Tankcat engi build. You’re welcome.

Not directed at you Crate, but I feel builds that are named “Tankcat” and “100 nade” are absolutely ridiculous.

The way people flock to these named builds are asinine. The engineer is diverse enough that you can spec anyway you want. That “tankcat” build will get you killed in WvW. Play hypotheticals all you want to, but the build only works against the non-intelligent.

100 nade? that build is simple. Go 30 explosives, and get 20 tools. Stack power and precision. Now you have the build, so are engineers supposed to play homage to one random person on the interwebz that he published that build first?

As for my engineer, with 2500 ish power 2000+ condi damage (with full stack of corruption) this is another viable build and I specced 30 explosives, 30 firearms and 10 alchemy. What the name of it? I dont know. I know I didnt copy anyone else, because engineers always ask me “why dont you run tankcat/100 nade/ random build from x website”

Bleeds hit for about 170ish
Burns tick for 850+
Plenty of Power to either bomb or use the Juggernaut trait to boost Attack power up and just burn a zerg in a bottle neck.

I use the flamethrower on seiges to keep people off of doors and have plenty of toughness to take a few whacks to the face. 19789 HP to boot.

Reliance on weird sounding builds just because someone made a video is what hurts the majority of new players in a community. It doesn’t help them. What does, is encouraging people to try out new things to fit their play-styles, not forcing them to use a cookie cutter build that has more holes in it then a block of Swiss cheese.

Dadeluma on SBI

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Engis are best at demolishing enemy siege engines from relatively safe distance with traited ’nades. It is a niche role, but a very important one.

this this a thousand times

kill their siege, make them auto the door down or leave

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Yepyepyepyepyep (Sesame Street martians)

1500 range is not to be underestimated.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


Engis are best at demolishing enemy siege engines from relatively safe distance with traited ’nades. It is a niche role, but a very important one.

Depends if its on the wall(the siege weapons that is) then the engineer my as well be useless in that aspect.

Eles will always be the best in destroying siege.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: mille.9867


I run following build – and it works well:
10 explosives – burning on crit
30 firearms – vulnerability on crit, swiftness on crit, juggernaut
30 alchemy – elixir recharge, regen with kit, 15% flamethrower damage
works ONLY with both Omnomberry Pie and Master Maintenance Oil

Take everything precision, power, tougness (and put precision-power-tougness orbs in)
If you are good with multitasking and situation analysis, take rifle with sigil of presicion
If you are bad, just take dual pistol or pistol/shield and pul sigil of precision main hand and Sigil of Perception offhand (you should have about 75% crit chance now)

As skills – elixir h, elixir b (= +20% crit chance), elixir c, flamethrower, supply drop

In game, take flamethrower and spam 1 – that thing has like 5 attacks per sec and all of them should be crits – and you drain 300 life on crit (Omnomberry pie), apply burning on crit, apply vulnerability on crit, apply bleeding of crit (minor Firearms trait) and you get swiftness on crit.
+ : works great on thieves, they dont like too many conditions (you get condition damage from juggernaut stacks of might) + skill 1 on flamethrower damages them even in their whirling dagger elite
+: works through gates too – burn those rammers while you are safe = can be used instead of arrow cart
-: you are extremely vulnerable against crowd control skills, you have to count on dodging them (or maybe take some stun breaker instead of elixir c)
-: your ability to run from fight is bad (outside fight, you are slow), I usally stay and fight even in 1v20 and die horribly (and suprisingly slowly)

I have this build for 3 days, so its not optimized yet, but I managed to win many 1v2 with this so far (more enemies = more crits = more life for me), so flamethrower is viable option for engeneer.

I use the same build but instead i have 20 in alchemy (without backpack regenerator) and 10 in tools (for speedy kits). Sigil of precision on rifle. Elixir s and tool kit for utilities.
You can run back from fight better when you have elixir S, the belt skill of elixir S, skill 2 and 4 of tool kits and skill 4-5 of medipack.

(edited by mille.9867)

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Crate.5704


Look up Tankcat engi build. You’re welcome.

Not directed at you Crate, but I feel builds that are named “Tankcat” and “100 nade” are absolutely ridiculous.

Understood. I just like the build because I tend to play against people who don’t know what they’re doing. You are right though. Engineer is so diversified that you can do just about anything and succeed quite well.

Maguuma – Alesial [ill] Illusion

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


This is how I play engy. When doing anti siege i go with nades. When doing scouts i do tankcat. I mostly do tank

Basically I am abit. I run into zergs first and just attract as much attention. I also run with Bear form as a norn which is amazing too.