(edited by Kirito.8796)
Enough is enough. Fix wall jumping exploit.
Hello everyone.
Exploit reports should be sent to our exploits@arena.net address, where they are looked into by the security team. Creating threads like this one is not that effective and only stirs up unnecessary negativity among players. Also, please do not equate the action of some individuals to the actions of the whole server as this is not overall fair.
Thanks for your understanding.
Such issues are meant to be reported to exploits@arena.net. Please send an e-mail including all information you may have about it, and our team will investigate it.
Thank you for your concerns.
Character Assassination is expressly forbidden, please have a look at our forum Code of Conduct for more information.
To report a user, either use the in-game tool or submit a ticket to support.
The topic is now locked.
Thanks for your understanding.
Remove the name if you wanna keep the thread. And I agree with you something has to be done faster.
Last time I saw him flip a keep he had a buddy with him. The problem is growing and needs to be fixed asap!
I’m sick and tired of this. This bug has been in the game since launch and nothing has been done about it. I thought there was some list where the most game breaking bugs took priority over everything else? apparently not. A thief regularly flips our keeps and towers (SoS).The report feature is utterly useless as a fair few people report him on a daily basis. You guys really need to step up your game and fix this issue, he has youtube videos of himself flipping them using the exploit for crying out loud! How far can one turn a blind eye?
Oh and a response would be nice too rather than deleting every single post regarding this topic.
WvW doesn’t matter they are busy making the next big pve event.
How hard could be fixing a terrain bug?
How hard could be fixing a terrain bug?
That’s what I would’ve thought. Even if it were hard they could at least respond.
How hard could be fixing a terrain bug?
That’s what I would’ve thought. Even if it were hard they could at least respond.
I PM’ed Habib Loew the other day and he did suggest that we use the exploits email over the in game reporting and he promised he would look into it. I’m hoping that he does.
You would think this would be easy enough to track by his forum posts/in game chat where he openly admits it….and all the youtube vids he posts. I have never seen a more brazen exploiter survive a ban before.
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger
Very fast. They remove a post calling someone out in a blink of an eye. You’d think moderators would have at least been like “woah perhaps I should let someone higher up know, this seems to be a problem that seems to be increasing by the day.”
Arenanet attempted to fix walljumping a while back but ended up just breaking jumping altogether. Although that was hastily reverted, I’m sure they’re putting work into finding a solution.
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer
How hard could be fixing a terrain bug?
It’s pretty difficult. The last fix they attempted completely broke jumping.
They undid that, but one should not simplify the complexities of software bugs.