EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

in WvW

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907


Was wondering if there was any plans for balancing in EotM. Even pvp style balancing would be preferable to the way it is now.
PS, will the ‘Outnumbered’ buff be changing, as the ‘Take no armor damage on death’ part is now redundant, (as far as armor costs go anyway).

(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)

EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

in WvW

Posted by: Mistwood.3568


That’s a really good question. How about +vitality, or +running speed (so that we can escape), or 3s stealth on hit (so that we can escape) while frolicking and gathering strawberries on a map where you are outnumbered…

EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

in WvW

Posted by: Vavume.8065


There is at least 2 ways to solve this problem,

Either Arenanet change the way players are added to the different teams, Red, Green, Blue by adding them randomly and equally like its done in spvp, so that each team will always have the same numbers, or 1 less OR

Arenanet could just fix the OP buffs that Overgrowth (GreenTeam) has, firstly they have a crazy regen buff that makes them much harder to kill, then they have a keep boss that is just annoying to kill and usually always takes a few minutes compared to the other 2 teams bosses that literally take seconds, and then there is also the observatory which takes longer to cap than other special objectives.

I would love to see the stats on team wins because mostly all I ever see is green team wins, and that IMHO is the reason for so many matches becoming outnumbered. Its got so bad now that Im sure a lot of people enter EOTM, realise they are not on green team, then think to themselves “F this” and leave.

TLDR : Green team is faceroll ftw, and is causing the uneven teams.

(edited by Vavume.8065)

EotM balancing/ Outnumbered buff

in WvW

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907

That’s a really good question. How about +vitality, or +running speed (so that we can escape), or 3s stealth on hit (so that we can escape) while frolicking and gathering strawberries on a map where you are outnumbered…

I was asking if it was changing, that means just that (which also includes the removal of that portion of the buff and / or including something else).

Why the over reaction troll post iv no idea.