[EotM] k-train v bag-train

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


I love WvW, but when I’m in a bad matchup (*cough cough NA t3) I go to EotM for my WvW fix.

Whenever I am in EotM, there’s either the k-train commander or the bag-train commander. And say the map I’m on is the bag-train commander and the group following would rather k-train. Instead of a second person tagging up, the group flames the bag-train commander till either he starts k-training or tags down. Or vice-versa.

Is it a preference thing? Or does one give better loot that the other?

Which do you guys prefer? K-train? Bag-train?

Which is the most profitable?

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

usually people go in there with low level toons to get exp for leveling, and to farm karma and champ bags. One of the reasons I hate it, is because few people there want any challenge or anything different, they merely treat it as nothing more then an extension of a pve map to farm and level on. Its one reason why most wvwers despise eotm. I dont care personally what people want to do in terms of farming, leveling. Its their lazy, entitled attitudes that annoy people the most.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

I feel bad for you guys in t3, I was in that situation for months, I know how bad it sucks. Do yourself a favor and find a new home. At the very least if your servers drop, you know what its not the worst thing, it can stabilize when it falls to a more comfortable tier. Good luck.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Karma-train > bag-train

You can kill enemies without tag, but do not take objectives!
Also, if you will be too successful, enemies will gone (ragequit, you know) and noone will retake objectives, and karma-train will be broken.

So, EotM not mentioned for bag-trains. Go EB instead

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Balthazzarr.1349


usually people go in there with low level toons to get exp for leveling, and to farm karma and champ bags. One of the reasons I hate it, is because few people there want any challenge or anything different, they merely treat it as nothing more then an extension of a pve map to farm and level on. Its one reason why most wvwers despise eotm. I dont care personally what people want to do in terms of farming, leveling. Its their lazy, entitled attitudes that annoy people the most.

I like going there with a low level toon to level up… however I love the fight. Unfortunately most people in eotm, as people are saying, would rather karma train. The main reason I believe is that most people in eotm don’t have a clue how to fight in WvW. They are PVE folks with PVE builds… I’ve taken down level 80 people in there with my lower level ranger or mesmer. That always amazes me.. I can’t get away with that in real WvW. When I go in eotm with my WvW fighters well then it’s just grab bag time as long as our group decides it’s fighting time. There are always people kittening about fighting, about not fighting… they have a better way but won’t tag up… and so on.. I’ve seen big group rage quit when the other side continues to hunt us down and just bag farm… I never understand that really since when that happens… well… we’re not there capping things for them to recap like someone said here. The keep defenders make me laugh the most.. Defend a keep in eotm? why? repair the walls? why? Let them cap so we can get the points etc recapping… Fight if you want, but get a fight in the field where it can be fun… don’t hide behind walls etc with stupid siege… My kingdom for a good field battle!!!!

… just call me … Tim :)

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Karma is useless and it’s fun kill upscaled who wanna level up, so bag-train > Karma-train.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Karma is useless and it’s fun kill upscaled who wanna level up, so bag-train > Karma-train.

karma helps a lot of players save on gold when getting exotic armor, so its not totally useless, also used for obsidian shards when working on a legendary.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


EotM is the skyham of wvw. It’s full of pvers and uplvls because wvwers realised that there was no hope for the map ever hosting a good fight.

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

You don’t need a commander or even a zerg to farm bags in EotM. I was there yesterday for a while and I just felt… dirty, for slaughtering all those uplevels.

One – Piken Square

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Joshhh.2076


Often people in EotM don’t even try fighting. I’ve been in there with fairly big groups before and as soon as someone calls “inc” half of them run, waypoint or jump off the edge to avoid getting wiped.

Sure, I go in there with upscales to level them and sure it’s frustrating getting wiped, but it’s WvW, it happens. If everyone at least tried to fight when the fights came along then even if they lose they might learn something, and it might be them doing the wiping next time.


[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Dhemize.8649


I mainly go k-train since it’s the easiest way to get exp, karma, badges, and wexp (especially with a booster).

If I wanted bags I’d wait for a mindless zerg not paying attention and fear them all off a cliff. 20+ bags and no train needed. /laugh

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


I love WvW, but when I’m in a bad matchup (*cough cough NA t3) I go to EotM for my WvW fix.

Whenever I am in EotM, there’s either the k-train commander or the bag-train commander. And say the map I’m on is the bag-train commander and the group following would rather k-train. Instead of a second person tagging up, the group flames the bag-train commander till either he starts k-training or tags down. Or vice-versa.

Is it a preference thing? Or does one give better loot that the other?

Which do you guys prefer? K-train? Bag-train?

Which is the most profitable?

*If you have the biggest zerg and can done a properly karma train you get:

more exp
more wvw exp
more champ bags (they give better loot that upscaled bags)
ranking up in wvw you get 20silver +rare/exotic

*If you sit defending:

you get more player loot bags, mostly are low lvl though…
there is a risk of the enemy k train to just avoid your keep after 2 or 3 wipes.

*If you mix ktrain with bag far:

can give good exp/loot
can fail and make you lose numbers (you dont win everytime)
can make you run out of things to cap and the enemy moves to other overflow

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I see it like this; EOTM’s score counts towards nothing, therefore playing it competitively is pointless. Since the vast majority of people go to EOTM to level alts, bag farming in EOTM is cheesy. Yes, all colours will have uplevels in their blobs, but the blobs that are actively bag farming often have the advantage via element of surprise and greater map awareness. If you want to bag farm, you should do it in actual WvW where your bags will put up a fight rather than melt within 3seconds of engaging them.

It makes sense to farm bags in EOTM because it’s easy but it also seems cheesy and mildly rude to me. Again, just how I see it, but everyone knows that EOTM is generally an alt leveling k-train map. All you’re really doing is upsetting people who want to relax, get loot and level alts by trolling their zergs. Yes, EOTM is WvW which means you know the risks you take when you enter it so you can’t say “don’t farm us” because that’s just a part of WvW.

Still, I think it’s best to have a balance of the two rather than focusing strictly on one or the other. When I command, I always do what I can to get the best of both worlds. I don’t hunt for other zergs but I won’t avoid them either. If I see an opportunity to wipe an offending zerg, I will, but I won’t chase them around the map. It just seems like the best way to do it to me as it keeps morale high given you wipe the other colours a few times and it gets people their karma/loot.

tldr; Farming strictly bags is kind of jerk-y because you know that most people are there to level or do casual farming and farming strictly karma gets boring, fast, and kind of kills the spirit of WvW. It’s best to do a bit of both rather than one or the other that way everyone is happy, not just your own colour but the others as well because they’re not being harassed.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: mulzi.8273


Most folks, regardless of being an uplevel or not, do not mind fighting when its in the course of the objective, like holding a tower, taking a tower, or a random encounter on the way to an objective.

The problem I’ve seen with folks is when you have the kitten bags that like to harass folks (one in particular on my server, I just leave whether he is on my team or not, its just not fun either way after awhile). These idiots like to continously farm the other team. Whether its due to skill, or overwhelming numbers (which on my server is usually the case), this causes people to quit, run, etc instead of fight. How frustrating is it that every 3-5 minutes you turn a corner and see a red blob 4+ times the size of your folks magically finding you and chasing you all over the map?

If your running around on the map trying to do an objective and meet the other team, great, thats fair game. If you are trying to take a tower and other team defends, thats cool to. But being outnumbered and chased continously while the other team completely ignores objectives and just wants to harass you is a tad ridiculus.

But EotM is great inthat you can jump in, and when these idiocy occurs, easily jump out and either find another instance go to wvw, or spvp.

[EotM] k-train v bag-train

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


I prefer bag farms to ktrains.

With a bag farm I’m guaranteed a decent amount of loot bags, exp towards levels (pop 50%+ xp boosts, kill streak boosts, 10%food/utulity, etc), plus champ bags and karma.

When I find myself running with a ktrain commander I’m likely to get farmed, get 1/2 the experience I would normally and a lot more karma. But what good is all that karma? I’ve got more than I could possibly use.

Not to mention that eotm is supposed to be a wvw map. If you want to ktrain that’s fine but don’t complain when people show up who want to make use of it as it was intended.