Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Onmosis.7056


Has anyone been experiencing massive lags and frequent DCs in EB?

Onmosis – Ranger
Fort Aspenwood

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


In short, Yes. IF you’ve also been experiencing lag, chime in on the bugs post linked above.

Game bugs forum seems like it has higher developer visibility. The more people we get to talk about their recent lag, the faster it can get fixed

(edited by Hamster.4861)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Ryu.3972


Yes, been getting lots of lag and kicked from eternal battlegrounds alot in the past few days, really starting to suck to play.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Mark Katzbach

Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

Please tell me you do realize the massive lags that are happening in EB espec when 2 huge zergs clash,in SM most of the times have been happening since day one of the start of gw2 and more likely after the culling removal update ? You know you cannot fix this,because if so i would have expected this to be fixed a long time ago.It;s completely gamebreaking able to just use 1 skill due to the absurd amount of lags being created by this and everything with a casting time will not pop.I really think it;s just a server issue and would only be able to be fixed with upgrading to a better server..which i think is never gonna happen.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

sure thing, let’s give the WvW team more to do when they haven’t even finished the rewards problem.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: sasoriaka.6348


I get in EBG, experience heavy skill delay then DC. 3 times today.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

sure thing, let’s give the WvW team more to do when they haven’t even finished the rewards problem.

This is something that has been going on for 2 years…

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Mark Katzbach


Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager

Guys, let’s keep this thread on topic. If you derail this thread, you remove the best place for the team to gather feedback on what could be causing these disconnections. If you don’t have any further details to provide regarding this issue, then please do not post in this thread.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


That’s fair mark. I basically only play WvW, but I encountered the lag elsewhere as well, so I was assuming that it wasn’t WvW specific.

It’s the same old story – less rubber banding now, more the bursts of activity. I’ve also been running into skill lag in excess, as far as i can tell, all since the patch earlier this week.

What i’ve found myself doing is finding a mob somewhere, and going through my skill rotation in its proximity, and then waiting to see whether I died or the doe.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I’m on Mag, facing DB and SoS. Fighting a big zerg in SM doesn’t give me lag disconnects, but rather your typical slowdown when fighting zerg vs zerg in a small area. Could this problem be server or player specific?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


This is what the game has been like for me since tuesday:

<no combat

Trying to defang:

Its all the time. comes in waves.

Notice that for some reason the guild tags have been replaced with []

(edited by Hamster.4861)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Feyd Rautha.7298

Feyd Rautha.7298

Anecdotal, but people are suggesting reconnecting several times into wvw until it’s good. I did try it and on the third or forth try I did get a decent connection without any lag. So it could be something load balanced internally.

In the NA SBI/FA/HOD match the lag is occurring mostly on EBG and has nothing to do with localized clashes. It just happens in spawn or anywhere randomly. It usually escalates until eventual disconnection.

For me dodge rolling will sometimes bring the server response back in line with the client for a little bit, but it doesn’t fix the problem.


Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Onmosis.7056


Personally, I’ve never experienced any lag in EB and the other BLs, pre-patch. After the patch, I only get DCs and Lag at EB, not the other BLs. This becomes annoying when we would need to defend EB or get supply from EB keep for emergencies, then some of us DC.

Onmosis – Ranger
Fort Aspenwood

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


There are indeed lag spikes in every part of the game WWW, PvE mostly.
For some reason changing map/megaserver helps sometimes.

The curious fact is it hits just few players and not everyone in the same map.
But yet its still common to everyone in different occasions.

Its obviously server side and have been confirmed by many people in map and in my guild.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

We’ve had the exact same issue before. Lag is linked to EB. The other battlegrounds do not share the issue.

So looking at EB is a starting point.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687


I get same lag spikes with occasional dc’s just like in your vids. It doesn’t seem to be affected by WvW population, happens to me probably more on Vabbi T9 than on my 2nd account on Aurora Glade.

My guildie used to dc several times a day, sometimes every few minutes on Vabbi. He hasn’t had that problem since we transfered to AG.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

No other area of the game causes me to disconnect. None.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


I’ve escalated this up to the WvW team and linked them to this thread.

The thread Hamster linked two appears to not directly call that issue out as a WvW-specific problem. If you are experiencing issues with lag leading to disconnects in WvW, please provide more details in this thread.

No other area of the game causes me to disconnect. None.

Thank you to those who can document in youtube – we need every single error recorded to be able to finally get the fixes long needed.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861



I get same lag spikes with occasional dc’s just like in your vids. It doesn’t seem to be affected by WvW population, happens to me probably more on Vabbi T9 than on my 2nd account on Aurora Glade.

My guildie used to dc several times a day, sometimes every few minutes on Vabbi. He hasn’t had that problem since we transfered to AG.

Thanks for confirming. Support is telling my that it’s my ISP – which seems like a common answer to get from them

For me, it’s not even combat related. I’m used to a bit of skill lag (virtue guardian for the win! skill lag? who cares just staff 1) in a cluster-effed three way SM battle. For whatever reason I can barely maintain a connection to GW2

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: nassaya.7109


I would like to add to this EB is giving me allot of grief lately. It gives me DC’s almost on a daily basis. Today after waiting more then a hour in que it just DC’ed when i could enter. This makes me angry and frustated

Cheers Nassaya.

Nassaya Shadowheart lvl. 80 Necro
Nassaya Fireheart lvl. 80 Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – Guardians of the Dutch [GOTD]

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Robert.7348


I want to add that what’s happening here isn’t the “normal” EB lag. On my old sandy bridge 500s gt I would get tons of lag in the 3 zerg SM fights, but on my 3770 and R7 set up I have now it’s not an issue. That’s just not having a strong enough pc. What’s been happening for me has only been in EB, not BL’s, and doesn’t seem to be affected by how many people are on. Hamster’s video seems to be a perfect example of what myself and my friends have been experiencing. Also want to point out logging/rebooting client doesn’t seem to work for me.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


I’ve gotten the DCs in every part of the game, and like it was said before after being a little persistent it tends to even out. However, it is predominant in EB and i have had the majority of DCs in EB. Half of them have been on my thief too which I purposely stay away from blobs on in order to roam and despite my surroundings being clear i’ll still lag/DC

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrier.8732


I was doing some map completion in Timberland Falls around 12 hours ago and was getting lag spikes randomly. There were few others on the map, so it couldn’t be about load, and I don’t usually experience this in PVE areas. In WvW earlier on other days this week, same issue on borderlands. In particular I notice it when trying to pick up supply, build seige, and sometimes I lag over the edge of stuff and die. Screen shows I am still on edge of a cliff or fort, but cannot be rezzed, so body is somewhere else! The other telltale is when leaving water areas, particularly in Bay for some reason, it takes quite a while for my land weapons (10 secs +) to reappear when leaving the water. I interpret this as lag.

Although these things happen from time to time, it has been worse this week. I always play in off-peak times too, so again, it can’t just be about server load.

Hope you can find a solution to this issue as it seems to be not just player end of the equation.

(edited by Terrier.8732)

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


I also feel the lag. Looks like everybody press auto run and went afk and after a time the game dc me or everything what happened during the lag flash up on my monitor within a second.

Just the WvW

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Details? ok..

soon as you load in EB, FPS drops.. as soon as the blobs created by a stale gameplay meet each other it’s DC /lag/fps drop and skills not working..

i would suggest handling the blob, creating a map that breaks the blob, add a ppt system that forces blobs to break up. add a reward system that doesn’t rely on tags and we are cool.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837



I get same lag spikes with occasional dc’s just like in your vids. It doesn’t seem to be affected by WvW population, happens to me probably more on Vabbi T9 than on my 2nd account on Aurora Glade.

My guildie used to dc several times a day, sometimes every few minutes on Vabbi. He hasn’t had that problem since we transfered to AG.

Thanks for confirming. Support is telling my that it’s my ISP – which seems like a common answer to get from them

For me, it’s not even combat related. I’m used to a bit of skill lag (virtue guardian for the win! skill lag? who cares just staff 1) in a cluster-effed three way SM battle. For whatever reason I can barely maintain a connection to GW2

If you have no other issues in any other program, no crashes, glitches or other slowdowns, it’s NOT your ISP, it’s the game.

I am a computer professional – an ISP such as cable can be crowded during early evening and weekends/holidays and can cause slowdowns but the times I most disconnect are far later or far earlier in the day when “cable traffic jams” just aren’t there.

It’s not you.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Every time I play once or twice my skills stop working completely for about 5 minutes.

Every time I play I get stuck after using a teleport skill, dodge skill or building siege.

You know about these issue, you’ve acknowledged them 6 months ago in the WvW feedback threads; the getting stuck bug is a bug you’ve introduced with the WvW culling removal patch. You’ve didn’t even bother to fix it in almost a year. These are game breaking bugs, they should have been fixed within days, not months or years.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: MarauderShields.6830


I had several game crashes on EB during the last days (especially when porting within the map). However, i cannot say whether this is an actual EB problem since i didn’t play much anywhere else.

Former running-really-fast-man. Now proud member of Revenant clan.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: Artaz.3819


I’m sure there are other reasons but is there new code on area autoloot since 6/3? This seems to create a huge lag spike for me too.

Eternal Battlegrounds broken?

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I seem to have the same problem as many posting here.

Insane skill lag, random DC’s out of nowhere. There are times where everything stops up and I experience a rubberband effect, which is common for racing game AIs..

We can clearly see that there is no WvW team, just take a look at the latest patch notes. WvW gets a puny little section, where most of it is a story on why you removed a merchant. Meanwhile a ton of bugs (stuck in siege, not being able to damage dollys) mentioned in this thread are still going strong.

I could go on, but it’s all been said, in this thread and countless of other threads created by players trying to give you a heads up, which you have then gone and deleted.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold