Everyone is medium
Maybe it was average height? We have way too many Norns mucking up our stats
UW WvW player – TooT !
I see some full servers, some very high, one high and everything else is medium. Maybe medium is simply lowest grade? It just means there is penty of room for new players, which surely tier 6 servers like Dzagonur or Fort Ranik, have. Heck, you can even transfer to tier 3 server if you want, its population is very high but it does not block transfers.
Isn’t the current server system setup on current user base? My impression was the upcoming change was to have those numbers calculated based on WvW participation instead of general server cap, since WvW is now the only point of servers at all.
Someone sounds a little paranoid me thinks.
Medium is the default population for a server
It could have no one on the server and it still would say “Medium”
Honestly…I think wvw is on its way to a long painful death anyway. I’m not going to fully blame it on the golem week as it was dwindling IMO for the past year, but reset this past week was awful. Just didn’t have that same exciting feel to it at least in the T4 and T5 accounts I got. BLs just seem like a ghostland lately I guess……but I’m sure the upper tiers still have some 24/7 action. I doubt they really put much effort into the population analysis with their xpac on the horizon.
It goes to show that this will probably turn out to be more smoke and mirrors so they can claim they listen and care. ET/DR are not medium, not unless you consider low, no one on the map at all ever.
They need to merge servers, they need to get over their pride and realize that 3 years is a decent amount of time. Things die down after awhile, GW2 is no different, there is no shame in admitting that their player base numbers have dropped, it happens in every game. This refusal to merge is just blind pride getting in the way of reason.
Apparently according to the new wvw population evaluation.
Which leads me to 2 ideas:1- they measured nothing and dumped everyone from lower tiers in the “medium” category to still make sure any transfer price is high.
2-They’re dubbing all the empty servers as “medium” to hide the debacle that is wvw participation in lower tiers.
I mean SERIOUSLY how can you label Underworld as “medium” when there is less than 10 active players on any map during high hours?! Did you really measure anything?
Once again nothing is happening and devs are making sure it stays that way.
Its jsut another marketing / advertising gimmick. Either that or whoever is the manager of WVW wants to convince the CEO that the servers are “not as bad as he is hearing about” and shows him this screen.
Not the 1st company nor industry to use such tactics.
I think you should stop complaining and be happy that Arena Net HAS taken a step towards making WvW more even by making it easier for lower tier servers to transfer too.
I think you should stop complaining and be happy that Arena Net HAS taken a step towards making WvW more even by making it easier for lower tier servers to transfer too.
And I think you should mind your own business and keep playing on your tier 1/2 server where you don’t have our problems and can’t seem to realize how this new system does not solve ANY of them.