Exploit or not?

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Zee.7498


The setting for this is in the TC – DB – CD battle, Dragonbrand Borderland. CD has the Garrison and is trebing the Bay keep. It’s in the standard spot, inside the keep and at the SW area. TC sets up arrow carts right at the edge of the cliff directly below the trebs. This is all the way down at the bottom near the the SW gate. They were able to fire up all the way to the trebs because arrow carts are not restricted vertically.

Is this an exploit?


Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: cmpgamer.9628


I was actually on the trebuchet. We had set it up at garrison and I was attacking Ascension Bay. TC then decided to make a push close to the garrison and at first they tried to hit us with Arrow Storm, but failed. Then TC followed up with arrow carts. The AOE circles that popped up for the arrows surrounded me for a good few meters, making it hard for me to escape the area. A few CD men dropped down and killed the arrow carts before the Trebuchets were destroyed. After about 30 seconds, the trebuchets spontaneously died. Nothing was hitting them.

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: gomfedj.7465


i don’t think putting arrow carts there to get your trebs is an exploit and i am pretty sure height IS calculated into the distance it can fire… (i notice on higher surfaces i can’t shoot as far OUT as i can when on lower walls etc etc).. now the trebs spontaneously dieing is strange… they are classified as “objects” so can’t be bleed/doted…

if arrow karts are not restricted vertically let me know how you know, i am just going by personal experience when setting up at different keeps/towers…. they have a base range of 2500 i believe (not sure what the upgraded karts get)


wait i think i may know what you meant he was hitting the BASE of the cliff with the circle but it was still hitting you up on top??? is that what you were saying.. if so that isn’t right, but maybe it is because the arrow karts come from the top down or something..

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Unless this is some wonkieness where they are actualy targeting the base of the cliff and its hiting all the way up to the trebs I dont think this is an exploit. At least no more of an exploit than the balista 2 bolt from down below to hit those trebs.

As to the suden destruction of the treb after the attack was repelled who knows. I’ve seen siege mysteriously vanish from full health after a while on occasion, sometimes while I was controlling it. Unless theres a flight hacker floating around (wich is unlikely as they’d take the orbs before mucking with trebs) its more likely that bug cropped up and had nothing to do with the enemy.

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


You can do it with ballistas if you can target the treb. You set them up where ever you can get a target on the treb at. Usually 1-2k yards away from the cliif.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Exploit or not?

in WvW

Posted by: Macovan.3650


I think it should stay that way. Whoever owns the garrison is at huge advantage. They can put trebs that can reach the Bay’s walls on the cliff and safely destroy them. Now, imagine if arrow carts and ballistas couldn’t reach them, the only way to prevent enemies from safely destroying the Bay’s wall would be to capture Garrison. I think the side who owns Garrison shouldn’t have this big strategical advantage as trebs that can reach the Bay in the first place, well, at least there is a way to prevent it.

Macovan – 80 Thief
Sanctum of Rall