FA vs JQ
People quit playing fort aspenwood because jade quarry gives better faction rewards. There was a time, long ago, where nobody played jade quarry at all. If you wanted to map the jade quarry for cartography completion, you had to get a group together for both teams to queue together so everyone could get inside and map complete. It was completely dead otherwise. Then at some point they buffed the rewards and people started playing jade quarry.
Yes, players value their time.
The good part about JQ was that you could play both offense and defense. In FA one side was mostly offense and the other was mostly defense.
People quit playing fort aspenwood because jade quarry gives better faction rewards. There was a time, long ago, where nobody played jade quarry at all. If you wanted to map the jade quarry for cartography completion, you had to get a group together for both teams to queue together so everyone could get inside and map complete. It was completely dead otherwise. Then at some point they buffed the rewards and people started playing jade quarry.
Yeah I was going to say that….FA used to be way more popular than JQ. After the death of Gw1 (awaiting Gw2) I used to spend all my time in FA, very fun.
I didn’t start doing FA/JQ until after HoM started. I needed map completion AND r12 Kurzick/Luxon.
By this time you could go to either side any time you wanted. You could even switch sides after each match.
There were times when there were tons of players, especially when FA/JQ were a featured achievement.
After zkeys became a hot currency and helped me buy GW1 titles, JQ started to become full of bots on both sides. I had nights were I could spot 30 bots. It got so bad the human players had to sync just to be sure you went in with at least 4 humans. My worst match was one where it was 2 humans-6 bots on Luxon and 1 human-7 bots Kurzick. There were times when the players moved to one side or the other because to get away from the bots. Lots of guaranteed wins then.
Nothing in GW1 ever got better then the Minion Apocalypse. Nothing.
Many suggested modifications for WvW to reflect its /age. Whatever modification been adopted, Anet is 100% responsible for the decline of WvW just like it is responsible for the success of JQ. Maybe Anet can review the success and failure of JQ vs FA and learn something from it.
In its current design, I will not be participating in season 3 of WvW.
The problem is that ANET doesn’t think that WvW is losing players. Devon Carter, WvW design lead, had an interview at gamescom where he said that people are playing WvW at “steady numbers”.
Unfortunately, he must be looking at EotM numbers in that metric. If so, he fails to realize that people do not go to EotM for WvW. They go there because it is currently the easiest place in the game to karma train or to level new alts.
Anyone who plays WvW knows there is a significant loss of players over the last year.
While at JQ, I notice most players are offensive Necro/Assassins. I was the only Mesmer/Assassin with seven Necro/Assassins in two matchs. There was only one Monk/Paragon in several of the matches played, very different from what used to be as the game evolved.
In GW2, WvW is more like FA and EoTM more like JQ. In EotM, players can simply play offense. One could just show up in EoTM and play. There are always oppositions that make the game fun.
One day one server would dominate WvW, but they would leave afterwards because there wouldn’t be much fun without oppositions.
Then there would be no one left in WvW while Karma trains roam in EoTM.
Aw man I loved FA. I go in there every once and awhile to check but no one is there. I wish they’d just copy paste the FA map into GW2 and let us play it.
Lol, those Necro bombs got to be really annoying in JQ.
GvG> FA > JQ > AB > Gw2spvp
I just wish it was the other way around-ish.
Quite the opposite.
JQ is mostly N/A bots these days. FA is dead. This has nothing to do with the popularity, but the reward-effort investment. Before the faction boosts years back, JQ was completely dead while FA still had regular matches going.
I still hope to see a similar smaller objective based map(s) added to GW2 someday. Running around WvW Bls, fliping camps against roamers in the off hours is pretty dull in comparison to escorting FREAKING SIEGE TURTLES and fighting off Assassins.
- I’m astonished you think those N/A are actual players.
(edited by Maxite.6102)
Siege Turtles: Move slow but hit like trebuchets. Cannot be damaged by other siege (shell) other than Juggernauts.
Juggernauts: Can teleport to siege and destroy it. Has no defense or offense against humans or NPCs; only massive life pool.
Your ball ANet
JQ is mostly N/A bots these days.
Not all are bots because some of the N/A reacted to my presence as I passed by, attacked and chased me.
I still hope to see a similar smaller objective based map(s) added to GW2 someday.
Me too.
i remember offering gold to players to play FA in the early days, so that i can scour the map for Cartographer title…lol.. but no one accepted that offer…. how sad…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
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Not all are bots because some of the N/A reacted to my presence as I passed by, attacked and chased me.
That would be an even bigger indictment that they were bots. A real N/A bomber would not bother chasing real players; their build would be shrugged off by any real player with positioning sense and a self-heal, and time spent attacking a real player means more time for the enemy team to hold mines and run jade.
I haven’t been back to GW1 in years now, but I find the current situation rather amusing. For so long nobody wanted to do JQ, even after the rewards were buffed. Now that the population has largely died down, JQ is still populated by the bots but FA now stands empty.
FA in GW1 was amazingly fun but it was quite competitive so very frustrating if you were against a good group or your team sucked. It’s not surprising it’s empty now as competitive minded players would have moved onto the latest thing.
The different builds you could run through there were pretty amazing. I always laughed whenever a 55hp monk showed up and I used to 1-shot them with vamp gaze.
Loved the turtle’s goon squad too.
The fight when you got through to the architect could be pretty intense, especially with monks on the kurzick side. It’s hard to see them trying to import the FA arena into GW2 unless they let players get more healing skills for saving the architect, and let’s not talk about trying to have a high HP sponge boss….
I maxed both Luxon and Kurzick titles…Kurzick faction was a lot harder to grind through…many fun battles though! I ran a healing Necro/Rituralist…my heals would kill opposing players…awesome!
JQ Ranger