Fix siege weapons line of sight

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


Placing weapons like catapults that should into the gate doing massive damage to enemies on the other side is really ridiculous and should be fixed asap. Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: IKShadow.4582


Hmm found out something really bad

AoE splash damage going through doors is something we’ve been looking at, but there’s not much we can do to change how it works.

p.s. I hope Anet get some more capable coder’s as if they can not fix bugs then … Mature Gaming Guild part of Seafarer’s Rest Community Site

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: The Monk.3672

The Monk.3672

I really do hope they can fix it. Its a big annoyance and I’m sure the mechanic wasn’t supposed to work this way.

UKCS – Desolation

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.2691


AoEs do no use line of sight. Can’t be fixed without a major rework of the entire code, and implementing it would be extremely hard even then. As far as ANet’s coding ability is concerned, if you think you can do better, by all means apply for a job there and show them how it’s done.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


I really do hope they can fix it. Its a big annoyance and I’m sure the mechanic wasn’t supposed to work this way.

If they fix it, I can agurantee you there will be a massive uproar from AoE using classes.

If you fix the door splash, then you have to fix Meteors and Barrage on walls to destroy siege/people.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: The Monk.3672

The Monk.3672

Well all they need to do it add it to the catapult I didn’t say anything about any other AOE.

UKCS – Desolation

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


You cannot ask for one specific thing to be fixed and completely ignore the other abuses related to it as well. Doesn’t work like that.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Gibbonici.9437


Perhaps they could minimise the problem by setting door’s collision point an AoE’s radius distance from the actual door model. I dunno, I guess they already thought of that.

Whiteside Ridge [JG] [PiP]
Yetas – Human Ranger
Ramonn Yetas – Human Rifle Warrior

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.2691


Problem then, Gib, is that rams could hit it from further away and possibly out of the range of oil pots.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


just make the gate wider

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Oh, a new whining thread?

Did you tried… Well… Not to stand at the gates? Flame ram has a AoE attack, that was intended do damage to people behind gates.
We even have AoE intended classes in the game. Asking to “fix” gates is like telling “please, make necro and ele useless in WvW”. Cut it and then this forum will explode – so far as I know we have more AoE players than glass-canon thieves.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Add friendly fire to siege. Wont happen then
Just imagine using a Catapult on your own keep door.. may as well open the door for them.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: The Monk.3672

The Monk.3672

You cannot ask for one specific thing to be fixed and completely ignore the other abuses related to it as well. Doesn’t work like that.

Yes but the catapult fires horizontally where as the usual AOEs rain down…

UKCS – Desolation

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I can see why it’s a problem code-wise. Suppose you drop a grenade, and want to be really strict about realism and LoS. Suppose the grenade falls next to 50 people. Right now it’s a simple calculation, find out if each of them is inside of a blast sphere. Trivial and fast. If you want LoS however, things get really bad, really fast. You need to start casting rays from the sphere to each player, and not one ray, but many, in fact as many as you can, to be as precise as you can. Now, each of these rays, needs to be tested for intersecting the terrain, the keep wall, doors, siege machine models, etc. You can imagine this becoming a nightmare and requiring serious CPU power. That’s why it’s a problem.

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


You do realize that if they fix catapults aoe from going through doors, they will also have to fix mesmer’s time warp to not work with flame rams. Plus flame rams would become OP since they’re super cheap. You know 3 flame rams on a reinforced door with 3-4 mesmers takes it down in less then a minute without a catapult behind your door right?

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: Shini.7542


rams got a range of 450 iirc, so you can set rather far behind the door + you are able to use them from like a 100 extra range away. This way catas often do not stop you from using the ram.
2nd way: build your own cata and destroy theirs.

[IL] Shinis (Thief+Ranger)

Fix siege weapons line of sight

in WvW

Posted by: etsmith.9025


sure they can add friendlly fire. but i suspect your melee gonna be mad once your own catapults, ballistas or trebs kill them.a few times. They could probably adjust the LOS damage but then would have to address ’LOS on all aoe abilities from players. You would no longer be able to cast AOE from the ground to the top of battlements to protect your team
think a bit before posting a suggestion that can easily backfiire.