FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


FS has already one topic on this forums inviting guilds to join us, which, however was an important contribution of a single member, while this topic is an official invitation from the whole FS community

Greetings, my name is Mawricus, i’m a leader of Disorder League, one of the three large alliances on Far Shiverpeaks, currently the European Top#2 server. On behalf of all our alliances and our whole server community, we want to invite all kinds of guilds, large and small, with an interest in WvW to our server. I’ll try to explain why we are doing this and then show why joining Far Shiverpeaks is a great choice, even if you are an US or Latin American guild.

Why are we seeking help?
Far Shiverpeaks is fighting in the top European fixture nearly since release and was very successfull in keeping the second place in Europe against a server with a very heavy nighttime online (Vizhunah Sq) as well as very strong contenders coming and going to the top fixture (Riverside and Desolation). Those fights have coined a great community, costed us heavy efforts, but also awarded great fun. The situation is changing, however. Since 24h a day activity in WvW is pivotal to leading, mononational servers proved a great, nearly unstoppable force. While being strong, but surely beatable during prime, servers like Vizhunah Sq (France), Elona’s Reach (Germany) and Arborstone (France) with their massive online numbers from one country can find enough organized forces to hold all the maps during the time of the night.

Basically speaking, that’s how the map looks like in the European primetime, when Far Shiverpeaks works together as one force, covering all the four maps (the screenshot was taken two days ago):


and that’s what happens between 7PM EST and 4AMEST (1AM MEST till 10AM MEST):


As you see, we suffer precisely during US primetime hours. That will probably see us releagated in the coming week to the second server fixture and while we will probably dominate there and often come back and fight in the first fixture, we will not be able to go again for the Top#1 position, unless more people, especially playing during this hours, want to help us. We are asking for help, clearly, and we need it, but we wouldn’t do this unless we thought, that oversea guilds coming to Far Shiverpeaks will get very cheesy advantages. Here they are.

Why we think Far Shiverpeaks is an excellent choice for an US or Latin American guild:

*You’ll have a challenge, that’s for sure. We don’t invite you to “gate fighting”, during your primetime hours you will face strong enemies with voicechat organization, whose numbers, however, stand managable.
*You’ll fight for the top spot. As you’ve seen, we’re probably the strongest EU server during primetime. Your motivation and engagement will bring just the little bit needed to reach the top rank.
*You’ll not fight alone. We may not be winning over during our nighttime, but we’re active non the less. A lot of guilds organize night raids, especially on weekends we manage to stay up to 4,5,6 AM in the morning with hundreds of organized people, but smaller raids are active during the night too and will actively cooperate with your guild(s) during your primetime. What’s even better, is that we have, that’s my conviction, one of the best PuG-community of all the international servers. There are some people active during the european night, as well as nighttime commanders and even more people that will be glad to follow you if your guild will want to provide commanders.
*You’ll join a strong community. Far Shiverpeaks has a lot of force. Disorder League (Russian), The Northern Assembly (international, mostly Skandinavian) and Balkan Force (from the Balkans ) form the largest three alliances, with a lot of smaller alliances, like Wings of Freedom (Italian) and GW2NL (Dutch) forming strong strikeforces. We have very hardcore WvW guilds with 12h long raids at a day, as well as semihardcore and casual ones, all WvW oriented, making their impact for the common goal. And, as i already said, we have a lot of active WvW players during all times, who always try to cooperate with each other and without whom we would never be one of Europe’s top servers.

(edited by mawricus.9651)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


*You’ll have easy communications. Far Shiverpeaks as a community has done a lot and has still a lot to do to establish strong bond and quick communications. First, we have a very active serverforum on [url=“http://www.farshiverpeaks.com/forum/index.php”]farshiverpeaks.com[/url], where servermembers can discuss the matters of our world’s developement between eachother and guildleaders and officers have access to special coordination sections to lay out our future strategy. Our teamspeak server, fsp.gany.net, is still young, but growing and we try to use it more and more often to communicate with anyone, that is willing. For day-to-day use, each officer has access, to an instant chat communication room, so whenever you enter a map you will also know who fights where and how they can help you.

And last, but most important: we are a strong, friendly, welcoming community from all over Europe, where people from dozens of countries manage to work for a single goal. We’ll be glad to welcome you to Far Shiverpeaks.

And, lastly, you don’t need to transfer to FS to see how we play and reach a decision. To give you an overview, i want to present you a video from each of three largest alliances. Those are not for boasting, but for showing how we work from day to day to fight challenging and strong enemies and bring our server forward.

If you’ll think about joining Far Shiverpeaks with your guild, don’t hestitate to PM me, i’ll be glad to answer your question and put you in touch with the other FS leaders.

P.S. and we’ll always like a strong, WvW focused guild on FS, too, we have nearly no queues during European primetime anymore

Remember: Wherever you’re from, YOU ARE WELCOME!

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


While I agree that your server is very strong during primetime, your images doesn’t show the typical strenght of the servers. This was the highest score Shiverpeaks reached over the whole week and the lowest Vizunah fell into. I can post post images with far shiverpeaks having 130 points during primetime. Most of the time all three servers were even during primetime.

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Chargero.6290


If you cheat/exploit/use the lamest.tactic.ever

Far Shiverpeak Welcome you.

Any proofs of cheating/exploiting? Because this is a serious accusation.
And what about the lamest.tactic.ever? What do you mean by that?
P.S. if you want to “reveal the truth” about someone, first try to find some proofs. Without them your words look like some kind of b***hurt =)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


EU could always come here instead

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


If you cheat/exploit/use the lamest.tactic.ever

Far Shiverpeak Welcome you.

Any proofs of cheating/exploiting? Because this is a serious accusation.
And what about the lamest.tactic.ever? What do you mean by that?
P.S. if you want to “reveal the truth” about someone, first try to find some proofs. Without them your words look like some kind of b***hurt =)

He’s just full of it.. he has no proof because there’s none to be had

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Scryar, i agree, the score is usually more modest. Still, during most days, FS is the leading server during primetime, even though the margin is smaller, i think all can agree on this. There are exceptions from time to time of course, today is a good example.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


We got really great community on FS and no shortage of enemies at any time. So we got the best fighting among all European servers. During all times. We really would be glad to welcome people who are able to cower our night and morning time and who are dedicated to fighting strong enemies just like we are.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Irish Cowboy.4153

Irish Cowboy.4153

I just checked it out this week, and I love it so far. It might be where I end my server hopping ways. There’s a fun bunch on FS.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Verhoeven.7364


yes come too far shiver you wont get disapointed.
Good fights nice people, what more do you want.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Malphai.2096


If anyone is looking for a guild on Far shiverpeaks for W.W.W, you’re welcome to join mine. [NooN]

just /whisper me ingame or jonnyb.3612 for an invite.

We’re an active WWW guild on far shiverpeaks.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


The strongest EU server in D2 next week. Waouh, how strong it is huh. xD

Btw, no more whine on nightcapping? Great evolution I see.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Malphai.2096


yea, let’s keep it on the front page, so we can get some guilds to the server.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Verhoeven.7364


y pls join our strong day time crew and lets win.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Whine on nightcapping? I can say right now that all servers in top tier, except for ours, are there because of nightcappers. This here thread is to solve exactly that problem and to make those nightcappers whine that we don’t let them nightcap, see?

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kitsune.4280


2 Kingface: Whine gives nothing useful, so yes, no whining. We’ve stayed the 2-nd EU server mainly due to our prime-time work for a long time, and I should mention, that there used to be an opinion (or a hope, we may call it this way too) that we can manage with 2 servers with high offpeak activity only by our prime-time work. We were trying hard, but now we can see, that this goal is far too hard for our current state. Nevertheless, this match highlighted some of our own organizational problems and we know, that we must solve them within our own community. And I believe that we can make things work right.
So you can see, that we are not just hoping for some saviors to come and bring us to the 1-st place of EU ladder. We are still working to improve ourselves and our WvW community =)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Razzin.4302


…in other words, join us and fight in a good fight )

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Romek.4201


“Whine on nightcapping? I can say right now that all servers in top tier, except for ours, are there because of nightcappers. This here thread is to solve exactly that problem and to make those nightcappers whine that we don’t let them nightcap, see?”

Stop praising yourself
Far Shiverpeaks had all the week lowest points event in primetime – so relax and grow
you lose vs 1 language servers -german and french and both dont have any oversee guilds

maby its time to think about and maby YOU guys are the server which is not t1 server anymore

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Chargero.6290


Lowest points all the week? Have you been in WvWvW?)
I aggree that last 2days we didnt have many points (mainly not the lowest, but not the top). But thats because our alliances decided to give us some time to rest (cause we cant change the situation this week, but we should be ready for the next one). So many people went to check their builds/ teamwork in SPvP, some went to check other professions.
Even those who went to WvWvW with our raid leaders were busy checking some new tactics. So something worked something didnt =) There were many experiments.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Chargero.6290


And now for those who are in this theme not for fun. If you hesitate over a choice of a server for your guild, i just invite you to our server for this weekend. Our rest will be over so you will be able to see our teamwork, what we can and how we work.
You may believe forum-flamers or just come for a day and see everything with your own eyes. I can assure you that you wont be disappointed.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Opacus.4390


“Stop praising yourself
Far Shiverpeaks had all the week lowest points event in primetime – so relax and grow
you lose vs 1 language servers -german and french.
maby its time to think about and maby YOU guys are the server which is not t1 server anymore”

You are absolutely right about that.
We have all the week the lowest points, but like most servers
I realy think it is not due to a lack of tactics or skill of the players.
More the “Culling” issue that still isn’t solved.
Therefor a lot of players in primetime don’t even bother to login.

Beside of this, i realy experience the difference during night time.
Yesterday we where with 5 people on the map. 00:00 – 04.00 local time.
While zergs of 40-50+ on the other 2 servers had free play (borderland map).
During night everything what was conquered during the day is taken in an hour.
Zerg vs door and 0 player defenders.
Then fully upgraded and full of siege for the morningshift.

I am not complaining, because as a 5 man group
I had a realy great time in ambushing little groups, camps etc.
But it would be nice that it is a bit more crowdy
on our side during the night. To keep things alive and competing.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: oivie.7618


I have a lot expirience in MMO games and I was quitly surprised about how friendly FS server is. From the beggining, when game launched, everybody trying to help each other. Here is no language barrier, very friendly, with itneresting WvW, with huge potential to be on top positions.
Very sadly that we are having gap in time where not so much people and other servers can retake things.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


We face nearly the same problem on Kodash…

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853


FS has already one topic on this forums inviting guilds to join us, which, however was an important contribution of a single member, while this topic is an official invitation from the whole FS community
Greetings, my name is Mawricus, i’m a leader of Disorder League, one of the three large alliances on Far Shiverpeaks, currently the European Top#2 server. On behalf of all our alliances and our whole server community, we want to invite all kinds of guilds, large and small, with an interest in WvW to our server. I’ll try to explain why we are doing this and then show why joining Far Shiverpeaks is a great choice, even if you are an US or Latin American guild.
Why are we seeking help?
Far Shiverpeaks is fighting in the top European fixture nearly since release and was very successfull in keeping the second place in Europe against a server with a very heavy nighttime online (Vizhunah Sq) as well as very strong contenders coming and going to the top fixture (Riverside and Desolation). Those fights have coined a great community, costed us heavy efforts, but also awarded great fun. The situation is changing, however. Since 24h a day activity in WvW is pivotal to leading, mononational servers proved a great, nearly unstoppable force. While being strong, but surely beatable during prime, servers like Vizhunah Sq (France), Elona’s Reach (Germany) and Arborstone (France) with their massive online numbers from one country can find enough organized forces to hold all the maps during the time of the night.
Basically speaking, that’s how the map looks like in the European primetime, when Far Shiverpeaks works together as one force, covering all the four maps (the screenshot was taken two days ago):
and that’s what happens between 7PM EST and 4AMEST (1AM MEST till 10AM MEST):
As you see, we suffer precisely during US primetime hours. That will probably see us releagated in the coming week to the second server fixture and while we will probably dominate there and often come back and fight in the first fixture, we will not be able to go again for the Top#1 position, unless more people, especially playing during this hours, want to help us. We are asking for help, clearly, and we need it, but we wouldn’t do this unless we thought, that oversea guilds coming to Far Shiverpeaks will get very cheesy advantages. Here they are.
Why we think Far Shiverpeaks is an excellent choice for an US or Latin American guild:
*You’ll have a challenge, that’s for sure. We don’t invite you to “gate fighting”, during your primetime hours you will face strong enemies with voicechat organization, whose numbers, however, stand managable.
*You’ll fight for the top spot. As you’ve seen, we’re probably the strongest EU server during primetime. Your motivation and engagement will bring just the little bit needed to reach the top rank.
*You’ll not fight alone. We may not be winning over during our nighttime, but we’re active non the less. A lot of guilds organize night raids, especially on weekends we manage to stay up to 4,5,6 AM in the morning with hundreds of organized people, but smaller raids are active during the night too and will actively cooperate with your guild(s) during your primetime. What’s even better, is that we have, that’s my conviction, one of the best PuG-community of all the international servers. There are some people active during the european night, as well as nighttime commanders and even more people that will be glad to follow you if your guild will want to provide commanders.
*You’ll join a strong community. Far Shiverpeaks has a lot of force. Disorder League (Russian), The Northern Assembly (international, mostly Skandinavian) and Balkan Force (from the Balkans ) form the largest three alliances, with a lot of smaller alliances, like Wings of Freedom (Italian) and GW2NL (Dutch) forming strong strikeforces. We have very hardcore WvW guilds with 12h long raids at a day, as well as semihardcore and casual ones, all WvW oriented, making their impact for the common goal. And, as i already said, we have a lot of active WvW players during all times, who always try to cooperate with each other and without whom we would never be one of Europe’s top servers.

The only thing which is N°1 at home it is your egos oversized your screens his surement fact of your Multi Hack your server and known for that...

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow of Azrael.1205

Shadow of Azrael.1205

zarg.1853, what are you talking about?

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Xanthian.3025


Please.. Why do we have to stoop this low? Only the scrub servers pull this crap.
I’m on FS and would prefer not to have a clueless American zerg.
Happy for the server to drop a few tiers and get some good fights.
Having to queue for Borderlands sucked, its great how it is now with no queues

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


zarg.1853, what are you talking about?

Our friend from Vizunah square just dropped by to say hello. This week they will taste “nightcapping” at full, so more butthurting expected.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Please.. Why do we have to stoop this low? Only the scrub servers pull this crap.
I’m on FS and would prefer not to have a clueless American zerg.
Happy for the server to drop a few tiers and get some good fights.
Having to queue for Borderlands sucked, its great how it is now with no queues

What is this I don’t even..
Dude you clearly not helping, and I’m surprised that you still call yourself “Far Shiverpeaks player” after your thread My Guild is looking for a new server
You clearly have no rights to judge anyone who will stay here and those who looking for help and for ways to make server stronger.
Abiens, abi!

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Paljas.2581


Couple days ago I transferred to FS to check it out and it was terrible. I actually thought there was a problem with chat. Literally NOBODY would talk or give info even though there were tons of players around.

Maybe they were all on voicechat but looking at the scoreboard and how much we got owned this didn’t work out too well. Worst server ever.

I was glad to be back on good ole’ Sanctum of Rall.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: jroekke.7210


The last 2 days it seems like all the guilds stopped playing, noticed the same problem Paljas, and it wasnt like this a week ago or so..

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Metixo.5086


Couple days ago I transferred to FS to check it out and it was terrible. I actually thought there was a problem with chat. Literally NOBODY would talk or give info even though there were tons of players around.

Maybe they were all on voicechat but looking at the scoreboard and how much we got owned this didn’t work out too well. Worst server ever.

I was glad to be back on good ole’ Sanctum of Rall.

As has been stated before, we did not actively play the last few days before the reset. We knew we were going to get bumped down and we were taking some time off to recharge our batteries.
However now after the reset we are there again in force!

When you say that the chat was empty, I would guess that you are talking about sometime after 2am CET, because that is when most of us have gone to bed.

This is the reason for why we would want a few NA guilds to come join us.

Another thing is that most of us feel its pointless to play at night with a group of 15 people vs 40 man zergs so most people dont even try. So if we were to get a few active NA guilds you would also get our night crews active again.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: oivie.7618


The last 2 days it seems like all the guilds stopped playing, noticed the same problem Paljas, and it wasnt like this a week ago or so..

Like pal in upper post said. Most of guilds and palyers didnt play last couple of days because they didnt see any point.
Now new WvW week start and we are continue to do our best.

Person who claimed that we are ‘cheating’ – first, you didnt have any proof, it is only your imagination; second, you can watch our youtube channel and see how we get this results. Little spoiler, we have great commanders and we always listen them, like soldiers, thats why we have good results.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Yeah, it’s all over again, we’re very strong and always leading during prime and even daytime, but we have our problems during night. So we need your help, US mates.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Raindrops.5426


Well m8 there are more Server with same problem as FS, we rule on prime time and then come the nite shift that do PVE for free all nite Vs empty Server that reinforce all stuff and then wen the true PVPers compe they have triple the work, Figth same numbers cause its prime time and all the reinforced stuff wile in top of that they have to figth against time…..wile arenanet looks to this paciently doing nothing to balance this!

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Exactly. But since Arena.net doesn’t plan to change the 24h system, we need a nightguard. We do not say, that other servers don’t need it, we just explain, why Far Shiverpeak is an especially good choice for American guilds.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


US guilds, come to Blacktide – we will pay you!

/everywhere competition =p

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


Come to kodash, we have german beer, girls, drugs and anything you want!!

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Go and make your own threads!

And for all who rules on prime-time… Sure, there are many servers like that. Even servers in the lowest tiers – some of those rule against their opponents. In the lowest tier.
But FS, during the prime-time, kicks every server our there – starting from VS – and that is considering nightcappers, who had time to upgrade everything and put siege, which we have to break through. So right now we are the best server to put good strong nightguard on.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: oivie.7618


Pfff. German beer you can find freely everywhere around the world. Especially in the USA
As for girls, on FS our girls range modest enticing russian to militant north european women. So we provide choice even in that!

Really guys, we are strongest EU server, join us and kick lets this mononational servers.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Elkantar.9460


I can admit that FS in some borderlands are very strong iam proud that FS Nugs and we pushed Iron from Desolation in their primetime out of the FS Borderland map

Charakter: Kindron
Server: Kodash

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Kodash is alright too. Saw you yesterday holding Desol at Woodhaven. But in the end – everything is painted by Desolation night crew again. So the thread is still very much relevant.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953


Currently Far Shiverpeaks has been easily crushed within 2 days of fighting.

Far Shiverpeaks guilds if you are looking for coverage in the US prime time you may want to join Desolation instead.

If you are interested please contact me in game.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Kirn.3129


Why would we? We got stronger prime-time people than Desolation. So it would be logical for us to stay where we are and get people for night time here.

Kirn Blackdrake – GreenFire – Disorder League

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


Currently Far Shiverpeaks castle doors has been easily crushed within 2 days of fighting at nights.


Dont forget to invite Desolation population to join your “project” on another next server when you fail to effectively fight against french servers with current weak EU prime-time Desolation mass.

We experienced exactly the same nightcapping in D1, and we wont stop fighting because of this. If you used to stop fighting and transfer to the another server just because someone managed to gain 20k lead in PVE at night, then your “project” doesn’t have much value in long-term alliance perspective. Inviting possible gloryhunters from FS to Desolation wont help you increase quality of primetime pug either way.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Archaos.4953



I haven’t seen evidence of a “stronger” prime time. Far Shiverpeaks struggled to stay ahead of Kodash over the weekend in point gain and was completely wiped out earlier every day we have fought you.

Repeating that you are “superior players” during your “prime time” to boost your morale doesn’t make it true.

Ruin did its homework before we joined the EU servers.

There is a reason we are not on Far Shiverpeaks.

There is a reason we crushed you by 40,000 points today.

I would seriously consider speaking with us regarding your future server choice. Egos must be set aside to form the strongest servers to compete in tier 1. Otherwise you will continue to find yourselves unable to make progress against the top tier servers.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: FRozZ.2405


Archaos.4953, are you really proud of you fights? you are fighting with two servers with almost totally empty zones during the night and yet your advantage is just 30K points after weekend.

I’m happy that we have so heroic guilds on opposite server, it’s honor to fight against you…i’m only sad that only our gates and walls fights with you, but be sure, they are proud about it!!!

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow of Azrael.1205

Shadow of Azrael.1205

There is a reason we crushed you by 40,000 points today.

What reason besides those ~ +700 points during the whole night ?

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687



I haven’t seen evidence of a “stronger” prime time. Far Shiverpeaks struggled to stay ahead of Kodash over the weekend in point gain and was completely wiped out earlier every day we have fought you.

Repeating that you are “superior players” during your “prime time” to boost your morale doesn’t make it true.

Ruin did its homework before we joined the EU servers.

There is a reason we are not on Far Shiverpeaks.

There is a reason we crushed you by 40,000 points today.

I would seriously consider speaking with us regarding your future server choice. Egos must be set aside to form the strongest servers to compete in tier 1. Otherwise you will continue to find yourselves unable to make progress against the top tier servers.

The funny thing is that before RUIN logged on for their session, we closed the gap to less than 4k in points, I think Desolation was at about had a minimum of 120 and a maximum of 200 points on sunday between 11:00 GMT + 2 and 18:00 GMT + 2. Now factor in that you pretty much had (or more) +650 across atleast 8 hours and probably the majority of the morning/afternoon. Sure 40k is a pretty normal lead. When you look at it you guys atleast lost a +400 point lead per tick (I believe you had + 600 during the night on saturday).

I said it before in a different thread. I’m wondering if Anet will ever publish WvWvW server population so we can see how many players play around the clock.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


What reason besides those ~ +700 points during the whole night ?


FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: sarmatiko.2843


I haven’t seen evidence of a “stronger” prime time. Far Shiverpeaks struggled to stay ahead of Kodash over the weekend in point gain and was completely wiped out earlier every day we have fought you.

Cant say about Sunday, but did Saturday fight considered as “struggling”?
Getting points back after night crew from Desolation left (or they just were so bad) in chronological order:
1) http://i.imgur.com/DMOgR.jpg
2) http://i.imgur.com/FBtuU.jpg
3) http://i.imgur.com/qlB5w.jpg
4) http://i.imgur.com/5p2BZ.jpg
5) http://i.imgur.com/2ZNn3.jpg
6) http://i.imgur.com/kmYjc.jpg
Album: http://imgur.com/a/E63eM

As you can see even Kodash managed to lead over struggling Desolation and gain points. So please, next time do your homework better.

(edited by sarmatiko.2843)