Charr Guardian
47k kills and counting
First of all, I have no idea if I’m allowed to open another thread because the last one got closed, so feel free to delete this one if I am in the wrong.
Anyways, as you might have seen our last thread got closed due to too much flaming going on, and just when it started getting better and more polite. I’d like to thank Uttar for sharing what happened last night, it’s good to know we gave you a good fight instead of just letting you stomp all over the border.
Everyone should read both Twinny’s posts, since he is one of the few rational people in the thread Continue.
Keep it clean
I aint got a clue if your allowed to open new post or not Nozdormu, but as u said its a shame, we were getting it going in the right direction in the end lol.
By the way ty for the kind comment
See if we can keep this post clean if anyone does start mud slinging best to ignore it and it will die down
I’m enjoying this match. Although the lag we experience is horrible and I hope Anet will fix it soon. (spamming 1 isn’t the way I like to play)
Have fun all!!!!
No kidding the server today seems in a bad shape, skill delay, skills speeding up and slowing down, things being out of frame, i must say because of these things i’ve been dying more then usual ^^
Hope they fix that soon, as usually with these battles it’s not this bad as it has been today so far.
No kidding the server today seems in a bad shape, skill delay, skills speeding up and slowing down, things being out of frame, i must say because of these things i’ve been dying more then usual ^^
Hope they fix that soon, as usually with these battles it’s not this bad as it has been today so far.
No problems today. Yesterday evening with the 3-way in SM, I had problems too. Maybe it’s your internet?
FSP is probably going to move up a tier next week, 2k behind AG.
Nah everyone on the border had it at that point, so it wasn’t my internet ^^
Atm playable again but still some minor hickups here and there.
In EB there was some pretty heavy lag sometimes, but that’s no surprise when there’s three 30 man zergs fighting :p Just had an amazing time when we lost SM to FR, with UW and FR fighting over it and recapping it later through some quick portal action. I want to see more of this!
Me being back ingame meant me fighting huge numbers of FR on their border, but at least keeping them on their border
but i did get some playtime in.
btw, challenging yourself to keep Siegerazer alive for as long as possible when derping infront of a tower after all siege is destroyed is hilarious :d
Ugh, I’m really starting to detest that Siegerazer. The amount of times I’ve seen him is ridiculous, and it makes a tower undefendable in certain situations where you could’ve put up a fight otherwise. But I guess that’s the intended purpose of the guy anyway.
Anyway, I agree with the earlier sentiments of keeping this thread clean. It’s a great matchup and I do not wish for the topic to reflect anything else.
Thinking of which, might there be any guild interested in some small guild on guild action (1v1s, 5v5s, etc) on friday evening? I always enjoyed doing that with the Dzagonur guys, and I think I speak for some my guildies here as well.
Unfortunely the other topic got closed.
I do enjoy fighting you guys again, done nothing but solo roam this match up..
(I do some-what dislike i can not call out people that abuse the game and ruin fun of players, it´s not allowed , niether can i target and report them due to abuse making them untargetable. Too bad had hoped to get a certain person reported but guess I will just have to mail the video to them)
Good luck to the French and UW, And see you on battlefield
(edited by TryGoogleThis.9570)
Hehe, 5 FR just sneaked into our border (4am GMT) and built 3 trebs at Vale to treb our Bay. Fortunately there were 3 of us left in the border, and by the time our reinforcements came they only had 2 trebs at less than half hp left ^^ better luck next time, french.
Score/Map at 7:20AM CET: (after we just retook QL and 40+ mins after we retook SM)
I finally got my commander tag today and commanded for a few hours during the night (after which Tyr took over and I focused on camps/defense). We’ve actually had several good large scale fights (20vs20+) and lost SM to an UW zerg of ~30 people at 3AM! I’ve got to congratulate UW on stepping up so quickly – you guys had a LOT more people on than yesterday, and you probably outmanned us nearly 3:1 at some point.
We kept defending for a long time, but I failed to focus on the Durios trebuchet hitting SM because I had to keep porting back to our borderland with my zerg. At one hilarious point, FR was catapulting our garrison and we were defending against slightly superior UW numbers at north inner gate of SM, so I asked everyone to rush in (likely suicide run) and respawn at FSP. Based on how fast you wiped, you were probably as surprised at us rushing in than I was at us not wiping
Finally our numbers decreased and yours actually seemed to increase(!) and you made a new attempt. We wiped you at north inner, then you did a second push to south inner, and while we were killing you there you managed to finish north inner and some of us were still at south inner while you were rushing into lordroom. We didn’t have enough people to man all the siege anyway, and you steamrolled us with ~30vs10 or so. Always disappointing when that happens, but impressive after yesterday!
Afterwards we managed to defend all of our EB towers (some very nice fights there!) and your numbers gradually went down until ours once again exceeded yours. We focused on towers for a few hours then finally took SM at about 6:30-7AM with superior numbers.
Thanks for the extra challenge, and now I’ll try to fix my sleep schedule so I can get even more badges during the day instead! Good fights, see you on the field!
Yesterday I started of in UW roaming and trying to cap the keep with an outbreak event which failed due to a very fast and good reaction force from UW.
After 30 min or so a AoA event kicked of which me and some guildies joined up with.
Ran through UW for some time getting some tough resistance on hills and finally had to quickly jump back to our own BL due to attacks on our hills in which UW (and FR) were fighting to get into inner…
Had a blast defending the homeland against all you guys. Yes, skill lag all over the place, even when I wasn’t in heavy combat… looked like there was an big fight in some other BL (UW or FR or EB) and we took notice of it with that lag
Then we tried to make a sneak attack on UW garrison which was total chaos, not with our zerg .. don’t take me wrong, but FR was already in the lords room while UW was defending it and we rushed in as well O.o
Awsomeness all around!
We didn’t take it.. I don’t remember who did though
To many red ppl. around to take a clear notice who was who :P
After that we went back to the homeland to defend Bay vs. a nice zerg from FR if i’m not mistaken. I think it was [GPD] or something like it…? Trebbing the inner and finally ran into the lords room which we defended like a ROCK. Kicked you pesky invaders out and cleaned the house again.
Around 2330 hours I logged of with a smile, thank you all for a great night of nice fights! It’s gonna be a close one this week, I’m curious who will win this one.
I gotta tell you, the morale on our server all-around was non-existent yesterday, because the morning cap left our keeps poorly defended, they were getting flipped every hour. At 2am, I was just upgrading Bay, and EB messaged me saying SM is ours. It was like hope for the next day We will see.
I want to preface this by saying that I believe 99.9% of players, on all 3 servers, are honest and the behaviour of 1 or 2 people is in no way representative of a whole server.
So, about an hour ago, FSP had a visitor to the 3rd floor of SM who was attempting to destroy some of our trebs. Since there were no walls or gates down, we can only assume they used some nefarious means of getting up there.
I’m not posting this to make silly accusations, I just wanted to ask that if anyone on UW thinks they might know who this person is (guardian in what I think was primeval armour set), could you ask them not to pull these kind of stunts.
They might think they are helping but all they are doing is adding fuel to an already tense atmosphere between our servers and I, like everyone else, just want to be able to play a fun, honest and good natured game without any of the aggravation that saw the last thread closed. Thx.
After waking up Tuesday morning to the shock of seeing all of our beloved UW bl, taken, and after a long hard days slog trying to get it all back, [never seen so many Fps :S] we needed to relax and unwind… decided to do something really stupid but fun….
We started by getting into the first set of stairs at FSP spawnpoint, after waiting for like 10mins and not seeing one FSP, we was getting bored, so decided to try a ballista on the legendary guards, when a Ranger appears, uh oh we are gonna now die, so we was naked and started dancing infront of him, to our surprise he started dancing back, as per below screenshot lol…. then a nasty mesmer comes along and ruins it for us kitten you lol, but it was a fun end to a very very long battle :O)
Hi everyone,
Nozdormu, answering to your question, yes you are allowed to open another thread. We just ask to anyone who participates in this thread to be friendly and constructive and refrain from any kind of flamming or trolling. Otherwise, we will have to close it again.
Thanks to everyone for your contribution in making this thread – and the forums as a whole – a better and constructive place. Remember, a bit of healthy forum rivalry is ok, but let yourself be carried into trolling.
Yeah some pretty awesome fights in FSP borders yesterday, SPGR had an event there hope you enjoyed it as much as we did
also kinda hard to see who that person is since he doesnt have guild tag.
and lol at the spawnpoint dancing thing :P
Cya around
Yeah some pretty awesome fights in FSP borders yesterday, SPGR had an event there hope you enjoyed it as much as we did
also kinda hard to see who that person is since he doesnt have guild tag.
and lol at the spawnpoint dancing thing :PCya around
Indeed was a lot of fun to join there, to bad i had to logg off so early, would have loved to stick around more to see what we could have done and to defend home later on… maybe today! ;P
Well i had great fun on EB tonight, ty to everyone who was there. I had a little run off on my own too bit of scouting bit of roaming around when i ran into an FR warrior at Mendon, i was hoping he was gonna stick around for a little 1v1 but dam he was fast i chased him half way across the map, I was praying he didnt have his friends waiting around every corner we came to i werent in the mood for a good kicking, still didnt catch him though
at one point i thought he was teasing little old me when he stopped and waited i thought to myself he either thinks he lost me or this is on like donkey kong i took him down to about 1/4 HP and the bugger ran off again
(edited by Twinny.9304)
By the way, are we all guesting to any particular server this week just before reset for any after parties? or we not bothering?
I have to say that the Underworld thieves are insanely pesky. Luckily my mesmer is good at running away, I don’t think I’ve spent this much time running in any other matchup. Still, having great fun!
Gz to UW on taking SM just now, them trebs of urs in durios were in a tricky position for us to hit fair play, and not until last minute someone mentions u had catas on the outer wall which i didnt know lol, straight away i ran to a cannon u left and took out 2 of ur catas but by then it was too late and u were through
Oh well nvm dont mess SM up too much with ur wild parties its only on loan to u, we’ll expect it just how we left it by the morning
I should learn by now dont play on alts when we are outmanned, i was the little asuran warrior running for his life from golanta a few mins ago i wasnt being chased by too many UW but more than i could handle lol (lucky i werent on my mes she so good even i get confused which ones the clones are lol )
Sorry, some of our players got really drunk and broke some windows. The walls aren’t fortified anymore also, someone spilled beer all over the waypoint and now that doesn’t work either. I was in your border the whole time, I had nothing to do with it. Was this close to erasing the last waypoint but someone over there finally woke up and called in reinforcements.
I’m not very proud of golem rushing a border at 3am, but I consider it more than fair since your morning cap turned the tide of the matchup And you put up more than a fight at Hills. Almost nothing is decided this week yet, we will see.
I told you I’d come.
And come you did! I commanded EB from about 11:30PM CET to shortly after our loss of Hills and successful defense of Sunnyhill/Bay then ultimate loss of SM. Once again I think you outnumbered us about 25vs10 when you took SM, while also having people attacking FSP at the same time. Your peak score potential was well above 500:
At first we outnumbered FR massively so I focused on them. At our peak we had all FR towers/camps but too much resistance to make a serious attempt at keep. We got 2 towers on UW’s side but we gradually lost people and you gained people, until we got wiped by your EB zerg 3 times in a row (nearly 2 hours before we lost SM iirc) and clearly lost our momentum (very understandably this also made a few more of our players go to bed).
Anyway by the time your group came to rush our borderland, we had scouts but nobody at garrison so they were not able to warn us to port in time (and we were under too much pressure to risk porting back because of a stupid quaggan node). The hills fight was great though! It’s really too bad we lost, but at least we killed a hilarious number of your golems including omegas It was a very tough call whether to even come defend FSP at all given the pressure on EB but at least we saved Bay and only lost SM after we all ported back.
As for SM, it’s obviously not easy keeping it when so outnumbered, but I suspect we could have kept it much longer if we had used the right defensive siege to kill your catapults after we wiped your rams – we failed to fastbuild a ballista and didn’t manage to use mortars/trebs/anything in time to get them before the gate was down. I’m still relatively inexperienced in SM tactics (compared to borderlands) and I’m sure a better commander could have defended for much longer or maybe even kept it with with enough luck. Oh well, I’m still learning EB-specific tactics, I learned something and we hopefully won’t make the same mistake next time!
Talking of mistakes – I’ve heard a really weird story about how I did a horrible job at commanding the night before and how I lost SM in five minutes (despite commanding for hours before we lost it to massively higher numbers, see my earlier post). I have no idea where this comes from since that’s clearly not what happened and had positive feedback during the night. I’m still new at commanding (and I’m slightly less experienced at EB than borderlands) so I’m very interested in any feedback (constructive or not – this is the internet so I’m used to it either way) but please make an effort not to create even more drama before getting all the facts straight. And this goes about anything really – we got more than enough pointless drama between ours guilds for example.
Anyway I’m not worried about the rest of the day because we kept our EB keep waypoint, we got a very good early morning presence, and most importantly Qla logged in at 4AM CET and already started painting everything green:
BTW, last time I’m writing these posts since I have to go back to a normal schedule tomorrow, hope you enjoyed the summaries even if they were too long by half!
THX to FSP scouts @ Rynart & Papariiii for defending Jerrifer and FS Keep on EB against 25+ ( yellow swords ) UW last night … we slow they progress enough … gj we lost a Jerrifer after quite long siege ( if comparing the numbers – 3 of us against 25+ zerg UW ), but we ( FSP ) get back our border at this same time …
and to UW night-crew very thanks for all this fun and stress last night …
… Good luck every one and have fun ….
Uttar, Haters gonna hate! Don’t worry about it.
There is always going to be someone who’s complaining about the commander who “just lost Bay” or “just lost SM” or whichever keep. However, considering the time of day, we could just as blame all of them for sleeping to get up for work, but do we? No.
So don’t worry really. You shouldn’t even give them the time of day. You did great yesterday, and we had a lot of fun.
There’s just a few things you need to polish. But none of us are perfect.
I want to thank the FS Commander who was Commanding in EB Wednesday afternoon (Norn Guardian with green armour, idk the guild tag though) for putting up some epic fights against us, for example at Bravost, when you had an ENORMOUS zerg and we were greatly outmanned (Outmanned buff included) and you put up several rams, though I was Commanding for UW at that time of crisis. I started Commanding after we lost Duri and Quentin btw. managed to put up some siege inside Bravost and got down your rams when gate was less than 5%. We managed to hold Bravost, wipe your zerg and take back Duri and Quentin. Then you started fighting against the reds at Mendons, and our epic clash was over. Shame. But I left anyway after that. So if you read this: hit me up at any time for putting up more of such epic EB battles
Well that makes 2 days in this week we are facing just overwhelming numbers during this time of the day.
As it stands we cannot hold our towers vs such brute force, so Kudos FS for now you get to be the winner, well just have to fill up those gaps with ppl from other timezones so we can cover those times better.
You will still face UW fighting to the last, well get you yet.
Other then those Cleansweeps its been a pleasureable Match, and i got to flesh out my countertrebbing to the max:D
There is no ranting in my post so dont feel offended ive just stated facts, and its how this was designed so its totally legit.
@ Uttar
As Maloki says, some ppl just like to whine as if they have no accountability – if something doesn’t go right for a team, it’s the whole team’s responsibility and not down to 1 person!
Having clocked up nearly 2k hours in gw2 (mostly WvW), I’ve seen a lot of commanders and, imho, both you and Zim (2 of our newest) have the makings of being great for the job :-)
Talking of mistakes – I’ve heard a really weird story about how I did a horrible job at commanding the night before and how I lost SM in five minutes (despite commanding for hours before we lost it to massively higher numbers, see my earlier post). I have no idea where this comes from since that’s clearly not what happened and had positive feedback during the night. I’m still new at commanding (and I’m slightly less experienced at EB than borderlands) so I’m very interested in any feedback (constructive or not – this is the internet so I’m used to it either way) but please make an effort not to create even more drama before getting all the facts straight. And this goes about anything really – we got more than enough pointless drama between ours guilds for example.
The night your talking about ^^ i was’nt there with you, but last night i was both when u had numbers by ur side and even when u didn’t later when we lost SM(I was the donkey that got so tide up with battling UW i forgot to keep eye on SM timer for you first time around ) don’t panic you done a great job and all that you could do. As you know yourself losing SM at that point was inevitable with our numbers, and regardless if you think another commander could have held it longer (which i dont think so) it would have still been lost none the less. Dont Forget by the time you came on map they were already through the outer wall, I know this because my friend and I were trying to close wall behind them when we see a commander icon pop up, but we failed lol.
So to put it bluntly defending SM inner is always a nice challenge, but with our few numbers last night it was not if we lose SM but when. You done a great job throughout the night and as could as any commander could of done in that situation. You either got the ppl by ur side or u haven’t and if u haven’t its not ur fault, the blue icon does not come equipped with a “make a miracle happen” button.
We didnt even have enough ppl to man half of the siege in lord room nvm all of it. I was hit so hard off that ballista, I thought they were giving me a shortcut option back to our BL’s.
As for them ppl giving u grief about the night before, gladly ask them to put their tag on and switch switch places or not to follow you its not as if ur forcing them. The problem is with these type of people is that if something is lost, they are quick enough to point fingers and blame and always point them fingers in the wrong direction. If something is lost whoopy kittening doo, its not lost forever if you want it back so bad u set plans to take it back and work harder for it. Not waste time blaming the commander, whats that gonna achieve?
GG and look forward to running by ur side next time
Sorry, some of our players got really drunk and broke some windows. The walls aren’t fortified anymore
also, someone spilled beer all over the waypoint and now that doesn’t work either. I was in your border the whole time, I had nothing to do with it. Was this close to erasing the last waypoint but someone over there finally woke up and called in reinforcements.
Well you be sure to tell your guys thats bang out of order, and it was on loan in good faith, I SAID NO PARTIES!!. Qla will be most unhappy you all trashed his living room. But on the other hand glad you found the green paint under the stairs and gave it a little tidy up before u handed it back
Well, after the ‘incident’ in SM, I went to look for this Qla in his border, I looked in Hills and Garrison and even the NE tower but he wasn’t there. I just wanted to apologize for it. Then I kept knocking on Bay doors, but no one was answering for a long time so we just left.
If he wants a word with me, he can mostly find me in our own Bay (the golden winged sword is my guild’s emblem). Cheers!
rustle rustle
rustle rustle
rustle rustle
Thank god for the grub
RIP those brave FSP soldiers
Well, after the ‘incident’ in SM, I went to look for this Qla in his border, I looked in Hills and Garrison and even the NE tower but he wasn’t there. I just wanted to apologize for it. Then I kept knocking on Bay doors, but no one was answering for a long time so we just left.
If he wants a word with me, he can mostly find me in our own Bay (the golden winged sword is my guild’s emblem). Cheers!
You dont have a Bay, its green now
Well, after the ‘incident’ in SM, I went to look for this Qla in his border, I looked in Hills and Garrison and even the NE tower but he wasn’t there. I just wanted to apologize for it. Then I kept knocking on Bay doors, but no one was answering for a long time so we just left.
If he wants a word with me, he can mostly find me in our own Bay (the golden winged sword is my guild’s emblem). Cheers!
I will pass your invitation to Qla for him to come on rampage to your border. Be warned tho there is a wild train that stalks him most of the time.
Proud to see UW perform so well. There was more in this matchup for us, but next week is a new week and new opportunities.
I have left UW for a lower tier server (to create a WvW focused guild which will be a lot easier to form on a server that actually needs more of them, no one on UW is waiting for yet another guild, right? That’s what my thought was atleast).. but I am and will be watching UW closely, it’ll always be my #1 server but for now I’m going to focus on the guild I created and hope I can archieve stuff with it, long road ahead of me.
Goodbye my UW friends.
Proud to see UW perform so well. There was more in this matchup for us, but next week is a new week and new opportunities.
I have left UW for a lower tier server (to create a WvW focused guild which will be a lot easier to form on a server that actually needs more of them, no one on UW is waiting for yet another guild, right? That’s what my thought was atleast).. but I am and will be watching UW closely, it’ll always be my #1 server but for now I’m going to focus on the guild I created and hope I can archieve stuff with it, long road ahead of me.
Goodbye my UW friends.
sad to hear that you left, we actually need a guild who cover the morning hours.
But i wish you and your new guild succsess and fun on ur new server.
Back to topic: it was a nice week, enjoyed the match-up. We (Underworld) faced some good resistance and numbers, we hadn’t had that for a long time. So it was a really close and hard match-up.
Hope we can handle the morning hours in the next week a bit better.
And for the lulz i add a flying mortar buildsite:
(edited by izze.3284)
WOOT im on that Screen!! YAY
Proud to see UW perform so well. There was more in this matchup for us, but next week is a new week and new opportunities.
I have left UW for a lower tier server (to create a WvW focused guild which will be a lot easier to form on a server that actually needs more of them, no one on UW is waiting for yet another guild, right? That’s what my thought was atleast).. but I am and will be watching UW closely, it’ll always be my #1 server but for now I’m going to focus on the guild I created and hope I can archieve stuff with it, long road ahead of me.
Goodbye my UW friends.
Biggest Sad Face…. I’m going to miss you.
Did you take my naughty friend Kylla with you?
Who is going to save me now when I charge my glass cannon into a huge mob?
I wish you luck and lots of fun, I hope you find good friends and great play. There’s always a spot waiting for you right by me if you ever want to come back x
Oh btw, UW, see you in your border tonight. We might or might not have an event planned
@Sceinna: will certainly miss having you around, you could have formed a WvW team inside an already created guild! Swag is still in training before we start getting seriously organised
You could also bring your guild to your real home and continue building our WvW community!!!!
And Stealthy: when I’m online you won’t be alone <3 we’ll be running in with you!!!
Oh btw, UW, see you in your border tonight.
We might or might not have an event planned
Oh, so we’re having very large FS and FR zergs visiting us at the same time again? I don’t see how that’s any different from any other day
Okaishi, Becus I MIGHT be there!
We had so many dollies incoming to hills, and for some reason people had to kill them
We had so many dollies incoming to hills, and for some reason people had to kill them
It was great!
well the golden dolyaks will say goodbye it was very fun fightig against both.
but we have to go up finally
good match all, nice little fight at the grub back there too
Thanks for a nice week! Too bad we had to get the first thread locked Can’t imagine that it’s been a full week already
Good luck in your new matchups!
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