Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Darkonia.9863


What goes on with you guys on Far Shiverpeaks ?

It started on last weekend:
2 times we had Warrior inside SM on T3 – & we thought ok – we keep quiet about that kitten –
Yesterday again – a thief inside our Home Base – again we thought – ok keep those lame players alone
Today 4th time Shiverpeek emos bugged inside Wildcreek & our Homebase – destroyed Weapons & Golems.
Enough is enough !
We get in conctact now with the shiver commanders & joinded your Teamsspeak – hope you guys will send those kids to hell and make em better players.

WvW is not a kitten Dungeon where kids can bugg & exploit just 4 fun for getting tokkens – WvW is Competition – and Abaddon would be thankfull if Shiverpeaks Players would be so kind to tell your Mates thats fairplay is more important than conquer a kitten T3 tower.

Yours Darkonia

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Aralon.7501


Getting into the home base is no bug. Everyone with stealth can do it.

Aralon Mors – Norn Hybrid Necro
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Holy Carnophage.7256

Holy Carnophage.7256

WvW is not a kitten Dungeon where kids can bugg & exploit just 4 fun for getting tokkens – WvW is Competition “quote from first post”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA competition this is so hilarious, im not supporting bug using aswell but WOW.

FR and AM are noticably doubleteaming us all week and previous week. read the other post about the wvw match up they have been on us for 5 times when we were in inner sm within 2-3 hours and its not only been this for one day its been every single day.

Like i said i dont support bug using and nor does most of FSP but if some people do we cant help it more then report….

Now to come back to the fair play. how about we get some fair play from AM and FR side aswell? sounds like a lot more fun

(edited by Holy Carnophage.7256)

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Kansloos.4329


True that holy, this week FR are protecting everything from AM. If you say something about fair play Darkonia then tell your server to attack AM for a change. This whole week we get pressure from 2 servers.. sometimes FR attacks AM but after 5 mins they are gone again doing 0 dmg to AM, when we have SM for 5 mins we get FR in SM immediatly and if AM has SM they can upgrade it all the way to t2.. hmm so i dont know if you guys see it but to me it looks like you are protecting AM, and im not the only one who noticed it. This is not fair play.. its W vs W vs W not W & W vs W.

Yesterday whas a nice example of everything, FR attacked Duri and AM just fought us at the bridge then when the wall is down FR walks in and AM still kites us.. if thats not double teaming i dont know maybe its me then…

Its about competition and you guys are not competing agenst eachother..

Chelios BoeddhaBear – Guardian
The Glory of War [GoW]
Piken Square

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Darkonia.9863


We had good matches those days and we are proud that we are still standing between FR and Shiver. U can be Sure ! We are never ever gonna play with any Raniks , Shivers or any other Server – if it looks like – i feel sorry about that – maybe some situations look like Teamplay – but trust me – theres no peace on the Eternal Battleground with Abaddon.

One last thing about the Far Shiverpeeks – its the first time those days that we saw these exploiting things -all other days and the weeks before we had good fights & Abaddon is proud to fight with Shiver in this Bracket for the 2nd time.

And trust me guys – theres no peace on the battleground with Abaddon -

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Marlinn.6428


I believe everyone on the Far shiverpeaks will agree with me that we do not condone cheating, and will report any cheater on our server on sight. How ever this is all we can do, and I do hope you will not see our entire server as cheaters, because of a few people.

Commander at the Farshiverpeaks

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: SushiFishy.5213


Yeah, there will always be random people who will use bugs and exploits. The rest of fsp definitely doesnt support the behaviour of those few and there isnt much we can do about it either …. We tell them to stop and report them. So, sorry for the few on fsp who are being idiots. I also hope that from now on things will be more fair anyway, because it really did look like we were being double teamed , this evening however it seemed to be back to normal again and lets keep it that way so we can have some awesome matches against eachother.

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Xiao.1208


@ Darkonia

Very disappointed to hear about this. As has been said in other posts, the vast majority of us on FSP abhor the use of any bugs, hacks and exploits.

Did the person have a guild tag? If you can remember it and let us know, we can investigate further and try to root out whoever is responsible for this. Or if you see it happen again during the match, w/ one of us and we can try and find out their user id so we can report them too.

This is an amazingly close, fun match and I don’t want to see it spoilt!

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Darkonia.9863


Its all good folks – we spoke with different ppl now on Shiverpeeks and we are done with this crap – thanks for 4 ur cooperation and Hell Yes – after a very good afternoon and lucky evening for us on the Eternal BG’s – later on – especialy after patching GW2 U became the Shiverpeeks we are frightened for ^^ BÄM ur rock like Hell ***See u tomorrow ^^

Far Shiverpeak 4th bugusing today

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Find out their guild tag- probably blow ins from some other server, can also be second accounts of players from other servers come to cause problems.

Don’t know who they are but they should go back to bugging and exploiting pve- we don’t want them anywhere near wvw and certainly not in FSP server.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)