Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld
Xerion take ur time and read the comments
Xerion take ur time and read the comments
Old. And what does it show? UW Exploit use.
And about the spies part. Dzag has spies on FSP. For as far as i know we do not have spies on UW or Dzag.
I heard some rumours about FSP using exploit once on UW keep. If its true i dont know. I guess i was not online when it happend.
I certainly dislike any use of cheat/exploit. Also i do not promote it and people who will be trying to do will be get flamed at. That is how it should be.
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by Xerion.8014)
Oh and btw it are comments it can be lies to. Bring proof of us using exploit then you got a valid point in this argument. Dzag is caught with cheating UW is caught with exploits.
Great job
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by Xerion.8014)
I have friends on UW, we like fighting each other. Does that count as spies? :P
I mean we’ve only partied up once and that was how we met each other after a 2hr siege of a keep for the lulz instead of taking other points (2-3 weeks ago)
Now guys, prove yourself the bigger man, or woman, by discussing the great fights we do have and the nice encounters instead of insistently spamming about the others cheating, or using tactics or strategy you do not approve of! :P
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I have friends on UW, we like fighting each other. Does that count as spies? :P
I mean we’ve only partied up once and that was how we met each other after a 2hr siege of a keep for the lulz instead of taking other points (2-3 weeks ago)Now guys, prove yourself the bigger man, or woman, by discussing the great fights we do have and the nice encounters instead of insistently spamming about the others cheating, or using tactics or strategy you do not approve of! :P
There is proof enough of those 2 servers playing unfair.
So i do not want to talk about any of those fights i had with those exploit/cheaters.
This has to be seen and not be put away as if nothing has happen.
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
I have friends on UW, we like fighting each other. Does that count as spies? :P
I mean we’ve only partied up once and that was how we met each other after a 2hr siege of a keep for the lulz instead of taking other points (2-3 weeks ago)Now guys, prove yourself the bigger man, or woman, by discussing the great fights we do have and the nice encounters instead of insistently spamming about the others cheating, or using tactics or strategy you do not approve of! :P
There is proof enough of those 2 servers playing unfair.
So i do not want to talk about any of those fights i had with those exploit/cheaters.This has to be seen and not be put away as if nothing has happen.
It actually only makes you look pitiful. And it makes this thread despicable.
I was so proud of how our threads were 2 weeks ago.
Do you really want to be in t1 so much that you lower yourself to their way of conversation?
I want to be proud of how FS manners themselves on the public forums, right now I’m not.
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
wow Xerion…. u are one smart guy -.-
So u found proof for 2 incidents and ur conclusion is that the whole server cheats … impressive ….. how ignorant u are.
I have friends on UW, we like fighting each other. Does that count as spies? :P
I mean we’ve only partied up once and that was how we met each other after a 2hr siege of a keep for the lulz instead of taking other points (2-3 weeks ago)Now guys, prove yourself the bigger man, or woman, by discussing the great fights we do have and the nice encounters instead of insistently spamming about the others cheating, or using tactics or strategy you do not approve of! :P
There is proof enough of those 2 servers playing unfair.
So i do not want to talk about any of those fights i had with those exploit/cheaters.This has to be seen and not be put away as if nothing has happen.
It actually only makes you look pitiful. And it makes this thread despicable.
I was so proud of how our threads were 2 weeks ago.Do you really want to be in t1 so much that you lower yourself to their way of conversation?
I want to be proud of how FS manners themselves on the public forums, right now I’m not.
I just don’t wan’t them to get away with this the easy way, by just ignoring it.
Thats it. Im also glad FSP stopped falling down. FSP is getting up its feet once again and i hope will become a stable server from were we can build.
We all know we had great fights with UW. But i won’t forget that 1 mistake they made by using massive exploit.
Dzag is a complete different story, they got caught on cheating. I think we can both see that there can be no arguing with those people about honest fight.
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
wow Xerion…. u are one smart guy -.-
So u found proof for 2 incidents and ur conclusion is that the whole server cheats … impressive ….. how ignorant u are.
Nope i did not say the whole server cheats but there has been SPOTTED cheating on that server. It does not happens all the time but there is a change we will be getting victim of cheating agan. And that is something i do not like at all.
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
wow Xerion…. u are one smart guy -.-
So u found proof for 2 incidents and ur conclusion is that the whole server cheats … impressive ….. how ignorant u are.
Nothing to argue here but the sad truth is folks will always blame the guild / server / alliance whatever group a member is caught doing something frowned upon or worse breaking the rules.
I’ve had this episode in another game where a fresh recruit ninja looted in a raid by kicking all members, I was the only officer online at the time having to defend and publicly cleanse my guild of all blame and shame in the global chat chanel by standing in the main town and kick the member so everybody could see him become guildless.
So it’s a sad reality we’ll have to live with and all attempts at dragging your guild/server/whatever team through the kitten in the eyes of a lot of gamers should be countered by proof that you’re doing something against it as well.
“Yeah with UW clearly working with with DZ this match up I’m just ready for the match up to be over with already. Not sure why both of you decided work together this time, but I swear UW we will make you hurt next week for the grief you’ve given us. You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten You better pray that DZ stays in tier next week to save your kitten loving behinds.
Godchewer – Charr Warrior
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly, and [CIA] Caffeine Induced Addiction
Those are brave men. Let’s go kill them.
(edited about 6 hours ago by metallkette.4831)”
Just gotta love those posts.
Inflict fear and trying to insult = Fail, bring it on, i have been fighting FS all week around Orges, you fear noone kitten.
Ally with DZ? = Wrong, they aren’t as persistant as you guys are but they attack us regulary across the board, cant help you if you cant take us down and keep failing.
What we did do is Defend our Hills till 5 am to death on Reset day cause we knew they where comming, thus we got 2nd.
The week before we got totally hit by surprise, DZ and FS ganging up on us, we didnt come here to QQ.
To all the others that fight without cheating or QQing on the forums, you have my respect.
See you on the battlefield
Keva [Rain]
ääh guys? wrong forum ?
no one that reads this thread or posts in it can stop the cheating.
Ofc there is cheating on every server, hacking and glitching aswell.
but since non of the borderlands are completly one colored it prolly 1 out of 1000 using or absuing glitches etc. (on EVERY server not just dz/fs/uw).
just reporte them and everyone is happy no one likes cheaters anyway.
Tangalilly – Ingi
[ECL] – Eclipse Gaming
@ Xerion.8014
Its really sad to acuse the whole server for cheating… It makes me mad to hear such things… Every one caught cheating in WvW gets reported….. We want a fair matchup and fun in PvP……
About your Prove: Well there is one person!! ONE, ONE single person. That doesnt mean the whole server is cheating. 99% of the server hates cheaters.
This thread is about every server here in GW2 and in other mmorpgs. There will always be cheaters (In my opinion they have small kitten and are disgusting living beings ). All we can do is making sure they are banned.
Friendly Regards,
Guardian of [ECL]
PS: Your posts reveal you in a really bad light (some German phrase translated, dont know how to say it better). I think you should just stop. I think you are a better person than that.
I just don’t get it why this all has to be put away as if nothing has happend. Like i said i do not accuse the server of cheating. It only has been spotted. So the change it can happen again is there.
Don’t say you guys would not feel the same if FSP had some cheaters on it that could ninja your towers like they did on our towers.
I admit i’m a bit kitten about this whole threat because it shoudl not be here. But as i said in my first sentence of this post i just don’t want it to be put away like nothing happend. I’m also not here to spread any hate. Because that would make it even more worse but well.. i will stop. I just hope you guys see my point that this can not be put away like nothing happend. I do not accuse UW or Dzag. But that its happening on those servers has been seen. So that is something you should know to.
And for those thinking i’m a complete madman. Well let me tell you that i just want it to be heard. Not to make the servers look bad but just to make it heard that it happens and should be fixed asap.
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by Xerion.8014)
as a side issue last week while i was defending mendons on 3 occaisions different FS members glitched inside mendons… some people on every server cheat so thats life.
as for those FS who are waiting until next week… if dzagonur go up, were likely to get fort ranik who are french – therefore they are likely to have canadian night cappers… good luck
Dude u don t get it…. everyone u are “discussing” with is ur opinion. Cheaters ruin games !!!
But U ….. make wrong conclusions… and u name whole servers….
Every server has bad eggs. Every servers “nice” players will report them. Its pointless to keep whining about it.
@ Xerion.8014
Every one caught cheating in WvW gets reported. Doesnt matter on which server…. We want a fair matchup and fun in PvP……
Nobody gets away with it!!!! They get reported immerdiately!!! If they are spotted and a trustworthy source tells me to report that person I do it. I just hate whining about cheaters….. They are disgusting and should be reported.
So pls stop talking about cheaters! they belong in a diffrent thread.
as for those FS who are waiting until next week… if dzagonur go up, were likely to get fort ranik who are french – therefore they are likely to have canadian night cappers… good luck
It’s not about just nightcapping being there but the amount of time the server nightcapping also plays during the day/evening, eg. if you’re able to make up for the point loss.
Take least week, we’ve been reverting the point advantage acquired during the night by Dz every day, if it wasn’t for new year’s eve we would’ve won. We didn’t have any meaningful presence during new year’s eve, our folks only started to slowly wake up and get back into the game around 2pm the next day, not enough time to make up for the huge point gap created.
As for the giving up part. Personally FSP put everything into last weeks matchup….long shifts/trying to blood new people and lots of gold spent on upgrading and siege and came up short….DZ making the win through their nightcapping. Not whining about it just stating facts. Knowing a repeat would be most likely this week I know I made the decision not to sink my gold and time into it….and it seems alot of others on FSP have made the same decision.
as i said – you guys gave up and with that, you made your keeps and towers a easy target for anyone, and you guys know aswell it would be stupid not to take those points, you would do exactly the same, doesnt mean Dzag and UW ignore each other, in fact i have had some good fights on Dzag BL Hills aswell
Where have I questioned your motivation in doing that? As I have said I am enjoying it. Please don’t make me have to repeat myself…..again. I have no problem with it. I simply stated a reason why FSP is not on its game this week and I was trying to correct those posting from UW and DZ that we were accusing them of having an alliance and working together….I never made that allegation only that you were focussing on us, which is understandable to a point. But if you want first place you will have to do more than go to FS border for easy points. Still having some good fights
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Srry mate this and actually many of FS posts just look like, zomg we can’t win so it’s not fun for us anymore. I am from UW and not happy about nigh caping either, but that’s how the wvw is designed and I won’t cry because of that. DZ was way stronger then you during nights and you simply were not strong enough during days to catch them up.
I still enjoy the fights, and you should do as well, cause that’s what wvw is about. Who cares about the points, it’s not like you getting smth special for it. Just stop crying and enjoy playing. Peace
The only thing i can read here from FSP is:
We’re afraid of losing again, so lets say we gave up.
Instead of fighting you just give up.. where you got that mentality from? And now you start up making scenarios which ain’t even true…
In the meanwhile i’ve pretty changed my opinion about your ‘pretty lame’ playing style…. there’s no reason to deny it: you will win this week..
With anything possible? Yes
At any cost? Yes
So what? It’s like in sports.. nobody will care how you won, the result counts.
ECL camping our BL, and there is no way around it, we just dont have the organization to counter them.
just was on UW BL and while we were engaging UW zerg at bluelake, DE took bay, very smart move.
we were also happy since UW would have to split up their forces.
looked like there was 1 attack from DE at cliffside which failed apparently.
and now imagine my face when i saw that when we pushed UW to hills, a DE zerg actually capped the supply camp behind us and engaged us.
we lose all ground we pushed for and half the ppl leave the zerg.
now i saw it wasnt any guild in particular, but i would still like to ask: what is bloody wrong with you :s
really? what does wiping us archieved anything.
now UW just continued trebbing bluelake and the zerg went for bay.
anyone here with a little sense of strategy knows that was a terrible move.
and it doesnt only happen on DE, trust me.
i’ve seen stupid moves all over the map by both UW and FSP alike.
when people start panicking they just swing their arms around and try to hit anything in sight.
thats the only thing thats getting my morale down.
im going to congratulate DE for their win because there is no way around it.
we know that the result of losing is losing people, not sure if either of your servers is familiar with that.
every matchup we lost, we also lost players and guilds to the very opponent that beat us. (blacktide, seafarer)
and i think a lot of people are just tired of losing to the next FOTM server, which seems like Dzagonur will look like.
i would like to ask all the ppl from UW and DE to just ignore the stupid commenters on either server, and respect the other server for the majority of good players, not the very VERY vocal minority of whiners.
i have greatest respect for ECL guild, your organization is insane. whether culling is helping with portal bombing is besides the point that 9/10 times it will be placed good and will wipe the opponent.
and i love playing against UW, and since we beat them 2 times before i dont expect any mercy from them while they have the chance to kick our kitten
sadly i have to wait for worse opponents again before i can ninja towers with 5 man again
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
To all FS players knock off this bitter talk.
just forget about it, take week off and lets turn this next week.
this is childish behavior and will only make server worse
Balutrike-Sylvari Warrior and Commander.
Proud WvW player of Farshiverpeaks and member of [TZO]/[Keen]/[MA]
as a side issue last week while i was defending mendons on 3 occaisions different FS members glitched inside mendons… some people on every server cheat so thats life.
as for those FS who are waiting until next week… if dzagonur go up, were likely to get fort ranik who are french – therefore they are likely to have canadian night cappers… good luck
/Cheer @
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
C’mon fellow Shiverpeakers, we are better than this.
It is in both DZ’s interests and UW’s interests to focus on us. DZ don’t see UW as a threat and UW would rather be 2nd than 3rd. Nothing wrong with either of those propositions or the obvious result that flows from them.
I haven’t been on much this week but the key question is whether it is fun to play. We haven’t been totally outmanned and slaughtered at every twist and turn. We seem to be having lots of good battles. I had fun when I have been on.
Not sure I would be wasting gold on upgrades this week but apart from that it is nothing like the horrible match ups we had several weeks ago as we plunged through the rankings.
We have come a long way since then – let’s enjoy the best of it this week and look to the positive.
I feel a bit sorry for some of Dz. The guys that play fair are getting tainted regularly by the ones that cheat because the cheaters proceed unopposed and without being dealt with ArenaNet. I dropped by this thread because I was interested to see if this playstyle continued after their matchup with us on GH.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Yeah there are cheaters on DZ, but for sure, you got one on FS too.
The way how to deal with cheaters:
1. Report
2. If nothing happens: Thread in the RIGHT Forum, so Anet gets under pressure.
But if you give them your attention in this thread, you wont change anything.
Member of Eclipse Gaming
Thanks to the ranger from ECL for that 1v1 just earlier on FSP border near SE supply camp with my guardian. Was shocked to see a ranger not using shortbow/longbow. Nice build you have…pity about the interference but that fight could prob have lasted another few mins.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Thank you Jak and Balutrik <3
Jak, you missed some amazing fun on Sunday Evening when I came back! We totally sieged up a supply camp.
Always good to do for distractive measures
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
C’mon fellow Shiverpeakers, we are better than this.
It is in both DZ’s interests and UW’s interests to focus on us. DZ don’t see UW as a threat and UW would rather be 2nd than 3rd. Nothing wrong with either of those propositions or the obvious result that flows from them.
I haven’t been on much this week but the key question is whether it is fun to play. We haven’t been totally outmanned and slaughtered at every twist and turn. We seem to be having lots of good battles. I had fun when I have been on.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.With that said, let’s get back on the battlefield. FS boasts some skilled players and brings good fights so leave the accusations for what they are and put your energy in the fights.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.With that said, let’s get back on the battlefield. FS boasts some skilled players and brings good fights so leave the accusations for what they are and put your energy in the fights.Respectfully,
Derms, UW
Could you repeat that again? :p
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
C’mon fellow Shiverpeakers, we are better than this.
It is in both DZ’s interests and UW’s interests to focus on us. DZ don’t see UW as a threat and UW would rather be 2nd than 3rd. Nothing wrong with either of those propositions or the obvious result that flows from them.
I haven’t been on much this week but the key question is whether it is fun to play. We haven’t been totally outmanned and slaughtered at every twist and turn. We seem to be having lots of good battles. I had fun when I have been on.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.With that said, let’s get back on the battlefield. FS boasts some skilled players and brings good fights so leave the accusations for what they are and put your energy in the fights.
Voila.. it’s as simple as that. There was no alliance between UW & DZ, we (UW) just had the advantage of DZ focusing on FS because you are their greatest threat. Yet, FS was tied with us in score earlier in the week. That means that if we don’t want to end last, we need to focus FS as well.With that said, let’s get back on the battlefield. FS boasts some skilled players and brings good fights so leave the accusations for what they are and put your energy in the fights.Respectfully,
Derms, UWCould you repeat that again? :p
weird in edit or even through this quote it’s only written once :/
My answer about the nightcapping-“problem”:
If we all agree that there are 3 times…
1. Working time (8 am – 5 pm)
2. Chilling time (5 pm – 10 pm)
3. Sleeping time (11 pm – 7 am)
… then there would be just a fight at “chilling time” (5 pm – 10 pm) BUT Arena Net said that WWW is a 24/7 fight AND they wont change it sooo … when we stop fighting at 10 pm the Server with the most points will get free points at “sleeping time” and at “working time”.
So i think its weird and selfish to say “hey stop fighting when im not playing gw2” cause there are people who like to play WWW but they just can play it at night and maybe many say its “unfair” cause they lose.
I played against nightcapping servers too like Baruch Bay etc and it wasnt that fun but
I didnt cry! Instead I used the energy to fight!
As a regular FSP WvWvW player of late i have seen a lot of strange and unexplainable
things happen (dying before the enemy have appeared for 1) and the Portal bomb is
one way to win a even fight. (i dont like it but its in the game so i live with it).
I have also seen some very clever and organised DZ tactics (not including night capping
but Heyhoo on that one).
The last couple of days has been hard to take and it has felt like 2 against 1 and like most FSP players i have lost interest in this weeks shindig,so well done to whoever wins
and lets look forward to a new war next week and can we stop this 4 page repetitive
flamer its getting boring.
PS.Happy new year to you all.
Nilamus (warrior)
your the weaker team with half your players not logging on, therefore your going to be everyones target (makes a change from UW being weakest target) ;p
your the weaker team with half your players not logging on, therefore your going to be everyones target (makes a change from UW being weakest target) ;p
So what you’re saying is you’re all easymoders?
given the number of times FS & ROF and FS & Dzagonur did it to UW 1st… people in glass houses shouldnt even try to throw stones
haha was just kidding and FS & ROF? From the moment we appeared in this tier ROF was weaker than UW.
And FS and Dazgonur first? Nah we didn’t fight UW much last week unless we needed a certain position for our overall map tactic or you attacked us first. This week however is indeed different but you can find clues in this thread as to how comes.
The tactic of UW is the most logical (they defend their border an attack where they find a weak defense, an our br is very weak now), in my opinion they are playing very cleverly during this week. ^ _ ^
The tactic of UW is the most logical (they defend their border an attack where they find a weak defense, an our br is very weak now), in my opinion they are playing very cleverly during this week. ^ _ ^
Yup and I’ve also seen far better tactics from Dz this week than last week. Too bad the number of players on our server with broken morale and/or defeationist attitude is so high this week but still lots fun to be had.
I’ve posted strong opinions in this thread as well but I would never give up or stop enjoying good fights.
atm some guildies from the guild GUM from the FS server are bugging pets on our walls and destroying all defense. They are already reported. Lets see if you are able to get the tower with this kind of playing…
(edited by telimo.7201)
…. its a well known pet feature…
you cant even cap a tower with that…
whats next, report a mesmer for putting clones on walls?
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
(edited by Wicked.5479)
There you can go for all your ranger hate and whining ^^
Had a very nice time at the tower, I liked the part you hated us so much that your whole zerg fought us and let uw cap half of your map
Edit: We got the tower!
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
(edited by Melvin.3295)
So glad when this battle is over. DE fights with zero honour.
Even 1vs1 they have zero honour and need there friends to help the out.
And about the pet thing above. You did the same with elementist (even more worse).
So DE have fun in the next tier because you allready have Tier 1 mentality.
So glad when this battle is over. DE fights with zero honour.
Even 1vs1 they have zero honour and need there friends to help the out.
And about the pet thing above. You did the same with elementist (even more worse).
So DE have fun in the next tier because you allready have Tier 1 mentality.
every server has them, but thanks for your thoughtfull comment!
Tangalilly – Ingi
[ECL] – Eclipse Gaming
Learn to red much, Ironvos? I said nothing about people who just feel like taking a break. My comments were adressed to those give up just because they are losing, and more specifically to those who come here whining about losing and saying they are not going to play because of that very reason. It’s just childish.
I’m not sure how you coulde possible misunderstand what I wrote, since it is very clearly written.
Why is it everytime i read this post i get more and more angry. I am proud to be an UW player seeing as we are the only one that are not crying like little girls on here. Please stop this rubbish and try and enjoy this match up.
Like lastnight was the most fun i have had all week, the epic battle of stone mist. Even with both FS and Dz trying there hardest to cap it. It kind of funny how a few weeks ago FS were crying about us using trebs in the lord room in quentins saying that it was using an glitch, yet it seem that last night you had no problem copying us, just ashame your zerg was weak and easy to break. Then there was Dz you guys put up a good fight, just ashame that the real brains for you server (ECL guild) comes on late at night, i would of had fun crashing them for 5 hours aswell. But some of us have work in the mornings. Anyway when i left at 2330gmt FS had got bored and were trying to take orgers watch and Dz where trying for the 5 time to clear all the seige of SM walls. Good to see that when i logged in this morning that we had lost SM but where still in the lead for protential points.
So Dz remember you havn’t won this yet.
Member of [GuM]
Aurora Glade
Umm, sorry to interrupt your flaming here, but i just saw that picture showing the WdL guy on top of a roof. I stopped reading there, so i may just repeat something already mentioned.
If i remember correctly, WdL was playing on Abaddon during our matchup and hacking/exploiting, too. We went to their WvW orga and they showed their disrespect for everything related to hacking and exploiting. But no one out of WdL wanted to talk with them or state their opinion about hacking or exploiting.
So for me it seems that WdL transfered to Dzagonur after losing all respect on their old server and continue hacking/exploiting into towers.
[…] just ashame that the real brains for you server (ECL guild) comes on late at night, i would of had fun crashing them for 5 hours aswell. But some of us have work in the mornings.[…].
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND again, ECL is playing mainly from 19/20:00 – 22-23:00 , so why do you say you cant fight them because you have to work ??? They got only 25/30 WvW players for 2 Hours and mainly playing on BLs not Eternal.
Seriously Man, thats just wrong what you saying.