Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
(edited by Aralon.7501)
Good luck all, hoping for good fights and a fun week!
(edited by Aralon.7501)
Such a scary match up. Fort Ranik have bested us twice now I believe… Nice to see a new server in the line up though.
Good luck folks, fight honourably. Although have to say I got majorly done in the face when I got rooted by a small team and then a warrior came in and DESTROYED me before I could do anything. Thas team work, that is!!
Some nice fights already
Good luck to all 3 servers and I hope you all have fun
truly epic fight at bluebriar on fort ranik BL just now.
our small FS force inside with tons of arrowcarts vs 2 zergs on both front and back, sometimes clashing eachother wiping while we shoot everything we have.
thanks for the hours of fun <3
FS is dead, long live the Zerg.
If AOE effectively dealt with zergs then it would be okay but it doesn’t.
FS is dead, long live the Zerg.
Glad that you are spreading the joy here as well.
Still fun and great fights around! FS isn’t dead, just dropping a few tiers. At the same time we’re recruiting and reorganizing. I see great things in our futures, and greater reward for those who make it happen.
I saw FS out and about tonight bed at 7am and Fort Ranik still have us outmanned…. it’s such a ball ache!
I saw FS out and about tonight
bed at 7am and Fort Ranik still have us outmanned…. it’s such a ball ache!
Yeh you probably saw me. Sleepless in Sweden.. We had fun… Seriously, I keep having more and more fun every tier we drop. New and fantastic tactics are developed all the time.
I don’t see myself jumping ship for another server, like ever. Even if it would be nice to be on a “good wvw server” but we’ll get back there eventually I believe.
Back to basics, and small guerilla teams <3
Had some good fights already, even though FR hits hard and FS is more like the annoying 3rd :P
There were some nice fights last night but the sheer numbers of Fort Ranik are overwhelming us. We did have some nice fun when Tortun led a revenge operation in Fort Ranik borderlands. We held a keep and two towers for more then an hour with barely a skeleton crew after starting with outmanned buff.
Too bad FS is MIA, we could use somebody to put more pressure on Ranik.
There were some nice fights last night but the sheer numbers of Fort Ranik are overwhelming us. We did have some nice fun when Tortun led a revenge operation in Fort Ranik borderlands. We held a keep and two towers for more then an hour with barely a skeleton crew after starting with outmanned buff.
Too bad FS is MIA, we could use somebody to put more pressure on Ranik.
Unfortunately Gandara applied pressure on us while Fort Ranik was as well, when the map was more covered in green than anything. I mean going for our only tower instead of attacking more green when the map is covered in green. You do the math.
But yes, we are probably MIA, then again I put in 8hrs on reset night with my team when most went to bed after 2.
As stated, Far Shiverpeak is reorganizing, a lot. We might need to hit rock bottom to bounce back, but we’ll see.
Personally DW have gotten 30 new recruits in 3 days. Which will help some with organization.
There was a point last night when we were a strong little group and saw FS trebbing a camp, the guys were on TS going there’s people ATTACK…. and one of your guys came down to see what I was doing. Tried to stop the team from attacking you guys as a mini gesture of “Lets get green” but one of ours bounced in head first…. of course he went alone and learned his lesson. Torty had to tell him off!
The sheer numbers of Fort Ranik win again, I feel when AoE limits are opened up then zerging will become a thing of the past.
Unfortunately the majority of Gandara don’t understand teh gold sink that upgrading keeps and towers is, plus with no real rewards for holding supply, building siege and of course upgrading locations a lot of people just go on a Karma run or get into the habit of farming badges.
There was a moment last night when FR were hitting us hard. It was clear to see they’d started by cutting off our supply to stop our upgrades which cost a helluva lot but the only commander on the map failed to see it and that they’d got themselves into a badge farming scenario… he wouldn’t move to the only green tower on the map which had supplies flowing freely to it and that was the beginning of the end for Gandara Borderland.
That and all the siege I’d put down on outer wall of DB (arrow carts, Balistas, etc) had all vanished by the time FR made their move. Not sure why they despawned but it certainly cost us.
It’s a lot of fun but the rofflestomping will lead to a lot of folks going to PvE content in a day or two.
I love Gandara though they’ll keep fighting until their noses are bloody and their knuckles are red raw!
Good fights last night, caught a Gandaran in my party using the disconnect feature and told him not to, he stopped but if you guys spot anyone doing that on your server then please do the same.
Admirable work from FS, holding all three entrances to the SM lord’s room from both Gandara and Fort Ranik. We finally took the castle, I switched maps and checked a little later and noticed that FS had retaken it!
A little headsup to the people at SFR! AG and a lot more servers have just been through what you guys are going through now. We’ve fallen from rank 10 to bellow 20, but we are gaining a bit now. Gandara is a hard nut to crack, but keep up the teamwork!
FS are in the game and I’m loving the match up now!! FR are being hit from both sides as are we and I’m sure FS are too as we battle to control our borderlands. :P
A great set of disputes today and the odd moment where you’re running from the FR zerg only to run into mini groups of FS and be “Ohhhhhhhhhh KITTEN!!”
There has been a lot of sandwiching lately. And it’s hilarious! I’ve done the “OH KITTEN RUUUUNNN!!!” a few times myself lately.
FS are going back to basics, a lot of smaller teams roaming, it is working out pretty good.
As for my own guild (DW) we’ve gained 33 new recruits (that have been invited) in 3 days. We took a huge chunk of them into WvW tonight (at 20.00 CET) under the Flag of TNA (The Northern Assembly, Alliance). And Oh my the fun!.
Props to FR for holding hills in Far Shiverpeaks all night tho, we did several attempts.
Gandara have done a few good tries on our keep in EB as well, but yeh.. We’ve practice well and long how to defend that place successfully with few people.
Even if we’re not ahead in points, I still feel that Far Shiverpeaks are doing great in this matchup, considering the circumstance. More and more people come up to me and tell me taht they are not leaving while others are abandoning us. We will bounce back, eventually.
Admirable work from FS, holding all three entrances to the SM lord’s room from both Gandara and Fort Ranik. We finally took the castle, I switched maps and checked a little later and noticed that FS had retaken it!
Ha yep that was us we just ported in with our golem’s originally and capped it then went off to both keeps, let you take then ported back and retook it.
Shame theirs only a few guilds even left on this server.
Far Shiverpeaks may not have a huge presence dedicated to WvW – but what we do have is getting more and more organised, and I really felt that last night. I had a blast in the Fort Ranik borderlands, attaching [ICE] to Maloki’s leadership. We’re probably the ‘little man’ of this matchup, but we’re going to give you guys a fight. And the fights so far have been fun. Trying to hold off the Fort Ranik zerg at Bluevale last night was pretty epic. Yeah, they eventually shoehorned us out of there, but I think we made them earn it! So cheers for that skirmish, Fort Ranik!
Also, I beleive that we will bounce back, fighting harder and better than ever. Maybe not this week, and maybe not the next. But we’ll be back. Watch this space!
i see every server has pathetic JP camping guilds…
is that really why you bought the game?
Only time I grief in a jumping puzzle is when I do it and even then I don’t kill the person on the puzzle, I knock them off to stress them out a little making tapping space seem like one of the most anxious experiences in the world
i see every server has pathetic JP camping guilds…
is that really why you bought the game?
There’s players who prefer that playstle in any game. It’s the type of players that like ganking / camping in oPvP games.
Not my style because I’m too impatient for that but I do appreciate some of the nicely balanced long / hard small group fights I had in there, something that’s almost impossible to have in the main part of the WvW maps because almost always a bypassing zerg will instantly end the fun.
sPvP doesn’t fill that gap either and oPvP won’t be added, WvW is’s version of it.
I must say that Im very dissapointed and suprissed about the quality of the Gandara PvP´ers.
About 98% of Gandara players Ive encountered logg out on down and some even when HP reaches 10%.
There is no difference if its in a zerg or solo roaming, they go down, they logg out.
I normaly run in eternal battleground solo, I like to roam.
The only Gandara players ive met that will engage a fight 1on1 is thief and warriors, every other class tries to run and logg out if I catch up to them.
And even the thiefs and warriors loggs out if they fail to burst me, not even the thiefs try to run abit to resset the fight and come back for more, nope, if they are close to down.., they go poff from the server.
The only time Ive been engaged by other classes by Gandara players is when ist 5+ vs me.
2on1 they might try a few shots but as soon as one is on 50%hp he/she runs leaving the other to his/hers fate of logging off when downed.
I really hope Ive had bad luck and only meting a minority of your PvP populence and that the majority of you dosnt encourage this behavior.
Sorry if this came out harsh, but its for me a totaly strange behavior from players in a PvP zone, its not like you get suprissed in a PvE zone questing.
No I do not play a thief.., Im a necro, in healing gear.., not even full runes =P
and sorry if my english is bad, not my native language.
haven’t had any problems with loggers yet, i’ve stomped plenty already last few hours around SM south gate
Gee thanks Zorion for that sweeping generalisation. If you’d come into Borderlands I’d be more than happy to poke you in the eye with my Mesmer.
Encountered a few loggers from other servers too during night service despite being outnumbered Works both ways… don’t forget that, while you might not do it others on your server and other servers are.
To clarify, Zorion, Tortun is not actually thankful for the generalization. He is expressing his view using sarcasm to show his frustration with the fact that you decided to label all players on our server this way. It seems impossible that you had the sort of experience where every player logged off (or logged off after failing to burst you), unless you repeatedly encountered the same players (sounds typical for a roamer, actually).
Of course, we do have a big PvE population, so it’s fair to say that many of our players aren’t PvPers, but saying that everyone on our server does this unless they’re a thief or warrior isn’t fair to all those PvPers on our server who stick it out (and, you know, contribute in ways far more productive than roaming alone looking for a gank). Granted, you’re frustrated, but give some credit to those of us who do fight fairly. I was on for 5 hours last night and didn’t notice anyone logging out whether they were friend or enemy.
@ both Tortun and Soggy;
yes I used generalization and also said in my post that it was probably just bad luck that I ran into so many loggers in a short time.
and to soggy, roaming is not = ganking. i never gank someone, I look for 1on1 or 1on2 or 1on3 or what ever I can find, I make my presnence known by firing a ranged shot, if they want to engage we fight else they run, if I see that I do alot of dmg, say half a healthbar in acouple of skills, I let them go.
When Im PvPing Im looking for challanges, I want to beat players on eaqual terms if its to much in my favor a victory will grant me nothing if I win a fight as an underdog I get more from it.
I feel that the zerging is boring, yes it can be fun with massive battles, but the general running with the zerg going from keep to keep until it overexteneds to much and get wiped is not my cup of tea.
I would love a more roaming friendly mechanic, but alas that is not what arena net wanted for www, they want zergs so they put in zerg friendly mechanics in keeps.
and I acctually met a grp of Good Gandara fighters tonight, I ran into a grp of maybe 6 from the same clan, 2 fought me and the rest stepped back, I killed 1 downed the other and then got killed be the rest. And that is for me alright, so good honor to that clan! =)
but again, solo roaming is not only looking for players to butpoke, its also for PvPers not enjoying the zerg mechanic encourage by arena net.
going on 3hour fight at DB with Fort Ranik, my head is ready to explode!
It’s funny how much easyer it is against Fort Ranik when they don’t have a second FR server backing them up. Anyways, as a Gandarian player, it’s time to finally beat you.
Yesterday was mad fun. During the day we had a golem party, capturing everything in FR borderlands. Then in the evening, Semper Dius launched a big golem party aswell. Some fun fights!
You may have won the battle, but you have not won the war!
U ( Gandara ) take my home “Langor” … when I’m at work …
“And you will know my name is the Diabolos when I lay my vengeance upon You” ….
Last night was epic. After one hour of fearsome defending somebody said in map chat that it is truly amazing how Dreaming Bay hasn’t fallen yet. And we continued to hold it for two more hours after that!
Wave after wave of Fort Ranik forces, golem attacks, zergs getting portaled at our inner gates without pause, almost constant threat from trebuchet fire… I must have contributed in at least a dozen trebs getting busted with one notable suicide-bombing mission inside heavily sieged Bluevale camp. How I got out of that camp alive still puzzles me. In the end, after 3 hours of desperate fighting Dreaming Bay was lost but only after we had to divide our forces and protect our other keep which was under attack from two sides.
And after the fighting was done we realized our strong defense allowed our comrades on other maps to really push forward and reduce Fort Ranik to double digits per tick!
I’m proud of the way Gandarians fought last night – some were already conceding defeat after a weekend but we showed this match is far from over and we can and will fight until the bitter end.
For Bessie!
It’s been a monumental effort by Gandara thus far. Everyone is still going strong and willing to take this fight down to the last. Awesome efforts by SN, FRI, DYE, YaK and of course, anyone else who has logged in to fight the Ranik menace this week. As Fysak said though, the war is not yet over and we SHALL keep fighting.
Thank you to far Shiverpeaks and Fort Ranik for the epic fights, it’s been a blast and a half! It’s a shame about DB, I heard it was an Epic fight but I never made it until the very end in an attempt to assist after beating the FR borders up a bit
. It was an amazing defence by the guys there which allowed the Gandaran Forces push other maps.
They keep making fun of me because this match up is making me Ragey!!! I know we can’t afford to make too many mistakes like get caught up in badge farming parties or choosing which silly location to sacrifice to save another.
good fights so far
proud to be Gandarian
Too bad I didn’t wait one more week before I transferred from Gandara to Far Shiverpeaks, but I had to find myself a proper sized guild to be able to enjoy World vs World.
Reset day was the most fun I’ve had in GW2 so far, roaming with my guild. Work getting in the way from us being able to hold what we conquered, bugger
Fsyak, there are plenty of decently sized WvW guilds on Gandara, moving only adds to our woes but as long as yer happy playing the game.
Traitor to Bessie!!!
@ Fysak.9261
Just go there & U will find this what U looking for
Awsome fights at Gandara Borderland yesterday, i would like to thank everyone that helped, listened, supported 2 SN portal bombs wich were an amazing sucess and kitten it worked good.
Also would like to say that FR are brave, they didnt quit, if u would destroy 3 trebs in 5 minutes u would have catas, and more trebs, attacking North and South DB, and that was awsome to see. And using alot of portals to confuse us :s
So ty to everyone that contributed for those amazing hours of defence and ty DIUS for coming to Gandara BL to help def in the last minutes of our DB.
Keep fighting Gandarians^^
I hadn’t been much in World vs World on Gandara, just saw the numbers where we had no chance, and no one seemed to play much. Thus I went to Far Shiverpeaks to a Norwegian guild I had set my eyes on for a while, which have been great so far.
I’m sure there are lots of guilds on Gandara though, and obviously the server is far from dead. However, I’m now on Far Shiverpeaks and will contribute to rebuild the server after its recent losses of players / guilds.
One thing is for sure, I’m not gonna stand and watch all single country servers pass us on the rankings!
You turned your back on Bessie, for now I’ve left FS alone but I shall find you and make you suffer for your treason against the QUEEN of Gandara (Bessie not Lloany)
Fysak I for one is glad you found your way to us! And in NoX you have some good friends
I’ve been running the night crew this week under the banner of DW or CIA from Far Shiverpeaks.. Having some good fun. I’m still trying to learn to organize our PuGs. A lot of you do amazing work, some just don’t bother and listen (and probably will never read anything here). Soon enough I will learn how to utilize it to my advantage tho. Moah! ( First week with my commander icon btw )
We held some decent ground in WvW this night. And Diabolos we didn’t loose your Langor for you! We did however make an amazing save of Garrison in our own Borderland and proceeded to take back Bay just before 6am.
Still winding down, browsing forums, catching up. But now it’s time for some well deserved sleep.
We really prefer killing FR, they’ve been a big thorn in our side. Have to give it to that thief and mez team around Durios this morning though, you guys were good.
We really prefer killing FR, they’ve been a big thorn in our side. Have to give it to that thief and mez team around Durios this morning though, you guys were good.
This is our fourth match with them and we have lost first three so you can imagine how we feel. At least they don’t have another french server holding their backs this time so we have a fighting chance.
Had a good laugh the other day, we treb the hell out of a tower and FR grab it before our guys even had chance to move, bet they thought it was Christmas.
But it was no biggie we managed to get it in the end with just 4 peeps.
Have to hand it to FR though they are sneaky little (Coughs) and have started to dig their heals in a bit, in a push to make sure that they are in next weeks match ups with another FR server against DE.
Glad to see that servers are now also playing the ranking points.
I will say this though about Far Shiverpeaks, they have some really good players and have given us a good run for our money at times as well, as for Fort Ranik boy their thieves and messmers are (Cough) good, as well as the vastness of their manpower.
We really prefer killing FR, they’ve been a big thorn in our side. Have to give it to that thief and mez team around Durios this morning though, you guys were good.
This is our fourth match with them and we have lost first three so you can imagine how we feel. At least they don’t have another french server holding their backs this time so we have a fighting chance.
Of course we can imagine. Far Shiverpeaks we up agains Viznuah Square for 5 weeks in a row. (if not more in the 24h resets)
When we started dropping tiers we’ve met other servers as well.
Now the interesting thing is going to be if we will hold our ground or drop a tier, last I checked the numbers were close. It is getting interesting.
Well I was a little ball of Rage yesterday after having a slight disagreement with a commander that I’ve had run ins before. I know everyone learns but when you flat out know a plan isn’t going to work, take on board what this person is telling you… In the end I had to leave when I got told to “leave it” and then the person “in charge” sold my plan as his own.
I raged so hard because I knew that we were missing vital points like supply camps and supply was free flowing to towers the french had meaning their upgrades were going on while we were fruitlessly attacking DB. I whispered the other commander on the map, apologised for my little spat in /t and said I had to go because I couldn’t be around to watch Gandara BL turn green at peak time….
It did.. Happy to help a new commander out with their plan but only if that plan is effective and not a waste of the zergs time. He’ll learn from the mistake and hopefully he’ll be better for it.
Can’t wait till I get my halo!!
Dearest Fort Ranik,
It appears you have woken up but out of the 5 people I’ve downed in the last 15 minutes, the stragglers from your zerg in Gandara Borderlands, I received no credit because they mysteriously vanished. One was an elementalist we chased from the Garrison all the way to Arah and finally downed only to have him vanish. It’s fun to have moments like that but to have the hard work of the chase dimished is a little shallow
Also FS guy in the Gandara BL jumping puzzle trying to pick off people on low health as they jump down into it. Nice try but you came across two little Asura who showed you it’s not always fun to pick on the weak ones
Some thief managed to botch using the scorpion wire to pull me off the end of the dark room in the EB puzzle. It was a slight nuisance getting pulled down but good for a laugh getting a kill despite starting the fight with 3000hp.
Talley broke the thread lol
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