Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Give me all the juicy details, I am currently on holiday so I wont join the match until Tuesday!

And remember, keep it classy and no flame-wars! (We are nice people, and want to foster a nice atmosphere.

Friendly bantering is welcome

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Melvin.3295


Had a bunch of fun this night with balutrik, held off a huge UW zerg at Danelions pass for ages with balistas and arrow carts, on the TS we were laughing pretty much through the whole thing comparing it to the Winterday towerdefence ^^

Kaname Tanuma – 80 Necromancer
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


Well we started out ahead the first 2 hours or so, then uw and rof started to invade our bl simultaneously so we got pushed back.
Then we all got kicked at 04.40 or so for a new build.
Total points will be even again soon, we have to retake a lot of stuff, but hey atleast capping pays the bills ey :p
Us (fsp) are lacking a bit again in the later hours of this reset as last week.
We’ll see how it evolves.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


Ever since last weekend i can’t get this out of my head.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Minfast.5489


FSP is completely deserted atm. Haven’t seen a commander today. We just lost Shadaran Hills in FSP border to a 10 man group from ROF with 2/3 defenders. We have about 6 people in our own border atm. If its down to the holidays fair enough, but you would imagine all servers would be affected. At this rate we will do well to stay in this tier, undoing any good work that was done last week. Not looking good at all from a FSP point of view. We are not even in the game right now.

Minfast – Thief / Rulken Charon – Guardian / Yalkara Moonshade – Ele
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


Give it time dude, weekends are always crazy, and this weekend is even more special.
We are only 24h into the match and scores aren’t out of proportion.
UW did a great job in gathering people to turn just about every map blue this morning.
All we had left was our keep in EB and the 2 towers next to it, 5 ppl defending with an atleast 20 UW big zerg around. RoF’s story was similar at this hour, UW had about 500-550 points ticking atleast for a few hours.
Everytime we went knocking on one of our former tower doors the whole zerg came back, was pretty funny so we started trebbing things.

So basically for the start of the afternoon the whole of our borderlands was made of wood, hard to defend.
But atm things look better for fsp.

This will be a crazy match again by the looks of it

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


I think all sides are suffering, because ehh you know it’s the Holidays that most of us in Europe do celebrate in one form or another. (Think it’s called Christmas)

The points are really nice.

I believe the upcoming week will be similar to last week.

But still: Holidays are not helping really. And I know I will miss the next reset as well (which feels really weird after 3 months of playing the Friday night reset).

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: TryGoogleThis.9570


Well my job was to hold them off from SM while we got it upgraded. We did just that Melvin. The fun we got out of our lil TD is a different story.

But yes numbers fallen hard. the regulares are still there. but we are short of Commanders. I basicly been from UW to EB To UW, To FSP, TO EB To RoF TO FSP this night.

Kept up pretty good compared to what numbers we had. first here 4 am we starting to lose the top place in point ticking in. I believe we will catch up to UW. But could really use more Commanders to rally the troops.

But atleast they very good at whispering me with status and updates/needs. in all the Bl´s

Balutrik- Charr Thief and Commander.
Balutrike-Sylvari Warrior and Commander.
Proud WvW player of Farshiverpeaks and member of [TZO]/[Keen]/[MA]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


I like the look of this!

keep it up everyone (on all sides!)


Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


Thanks to UW for the great fight that happend just now sorry bout taking bravost and durios was fun

Just a random guy

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


Great fights are still going on.
We fought for hours now against uw on our borderland (fsp)

And both rof and uw are now inside the outer wall of our T2 reinforced sm.
Don’t think this will be over very soon, people keep pouring in from everywhere

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


We went with a small group to the underworld borderlands ( RoF) took the suply camp and defended against a uw group and fs group good fights all the way on all the maps

Just a random guy

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


really great matchup again, FS and RoF were giving me a lot of trouble to keep UW border clean this evening, but we somehow still managed =)

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.5479


you guys know that we have 4 borderlands to fight on right? not just EB and FS BL…

Kengo Miyazawa ~ norn warrior
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Really? Thought there were only 3 borderlands…

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Tyila.7596


have to admit , these fights the last week and a half are the best i’ve been to for last months… Very good job all 3 servers…. unfortunatly .. each day I see more Underworld players go to our FS keep the cheating/sneaking way … made a screenshot of it today that they (4 underworld players) were in, without any of the gates/walls down (no not even water gate)… To my surprise, they also invited me to their party .. O_o… ofc I played along, and drove em out of our keep nevertheless…. Only ‘good’ thing of it (the party invite) is that I gotten the chance to write down their names…. thanks for that .. next time, when I see you (those 4, you know who you are) in our keep by the cheating way .. ill report you, thats my promise to you ;-)… (note, it were just 4, so not blaming a whole server for this abuse)…. hope A-net soon will put some ‘wall’ at that place.. cuz its stupid it still hasnt been done (just like some bugged out towers where you can build the oil/mortar/canon, but won’t appear…) sigh…

Symbelmynë Laeyasee Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS]
Talatha Gaésian Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS]
home at Far Shiverpeaks.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

unfortunatly there are cheaters on all servers, we all know it and i at least report findings no matter what server.

FS has had quite big numbers the past 2 days, we struggle and we fight back.

Good fights all over, well see how it goes when the holidays are past us.

Thanks for all the Badges :P

Good matchup so keep it civil.

Nothing is deceided yet.

a small P.s. I wish Anet would do something about those massive lags whenever you go to SM Lord room, prolly to many Cramped in small space, fighting is virtually impossible other then Autoattack, skills just don’t trigger.


Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


a small P.s. I wish Anet would do something about those massive lags whenever you go to SM Lord room, prolly to many Cramped in small space, fighting is virtually impossible other then Autoattack, skills just don’t trigger.


It seems to be inconsistent to me, sometimes 3 way fights at the lord room with about the same amount of players inside (incl. stairways) go without the skill lag for me, other times it’s unplayable (esp. frustrating on my staff ele with the majority of skills being ground targeted).

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Hi all,

unfortunatly there are cheaters on all servers, we all know it and i at least report findings no matter what server.

FS has had quite big numbers the past 2 days, we struggle and we fight back.

Good fights all over, well see how it goes when the holidays are past us.

Thanks for all the Badges :P

Good matchup so keep it civil.

Nothing is deceided yet.

a small P.s. I wish Anet would do something about those massive lags whenever you go to SM Lord room, prolly to many Cramped in small space, fighting is virtually impossible other then Autoattack, skills just don’t trigger.


For god’s sake yes…The lord room lag is Devastating for everyone trying to defend it ( attackers also offc but they dont have much to lose at that time ). Being unable to heal myself,pop stability,hell..use Any of my skills with a cast time longer then 1 sec,is unable to be used.Its killing me at that time because your running around being worthless spamming 1 in the hopes you hit someone.It happens ONLY in the SM lord room,if were at another spot with just as many people facing each other there is no delay in using skills whatsoever.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Even with the holiday. I totally approve!

Btw guys, None of you should worry about not “covering all maps” I mean even the tier 1-3 have that issue. It’s a world wide problem, and honestly I don’t mind if it stays that way for a while

However; Prepare for the influx of new players!

Happy Holidays!

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Looks like Far Shiverpeaks doesn’t like celebrating christmas as they have 40 man zergs all over the place against our 10 man groups defending.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


We are as surprised about it as you are honestly.
Didn’t expect to log on and see 400 points ticking in our favour.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Baamoink.4281


Far Shiverpeaks has had some hard blows considering we held #1 for a number of weeks at the start & we’re now in tier 7. I’m really glad that we’ve finally found 2 Servers we can have a good match up with without being completely overturned. These are some of the most even scores I’ve seen since we left tier 1

I’ve really enjoyed my scrimmages with UnderWorld & Ring of Fire. I have an immense amount of respect for RoF as well, when I do a JP run in EB for my blueprints, I found a lot of RoF players were co-operative & we were able to do the JP in a civil manner without beating on each other. Of course this was short lived as a small group of players can’t speak for an entire community

kudos to both UW & RoF.

Guild: Mantle Assasins [MA] – Guild Leader
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


has ÁÁ from UW gone too fs?

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Baamoink.4281


I haven’t seen them on our Server if they have done a transfer. But I haven’t been in-game for a couple of days due to Christmas.

Guild: Mantle Assasins [MA] – Guild Leader
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: OchrisO.8450


i just saw about 5 of them in fs so was just sondering

Mr Quackers- Guild leader

The Night Pact Legacy [NP]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


I don’t think they have, i’ve seen a few of them in the defense of bay on your border an hour ago.
And afaik i haven’t seen them on our server.
Offcourse that doesn’t rule out a transfer could have happenend or will happen.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Melvin.3295


Seen some [ÄÄ] people yesterday on EB Far Shiverpeak side aswell. Is this the same guild, or just some people trolling?

Kaname Tanuma – 80 Necromancer
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


I’ll keep an eye out for any.
What is the uw AA guild’s full name?

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Frussy.7083


you guys know that we have 4 borderlands to fight on right? not just EB and FS BL…

You guys know that its Christmas right? Not just GW2 time…

I couldnt resist :P

Merry Christmas to FS and RoF

GuM Commander

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Aralon.7501


Best matchup in weeks! When I’m finished editing I’ll post a vid of the GoT WvW event last sunday. (on the UW and RoF border) Dont know if you UW’ers and RoF’ers remember

Aralon Mors – Norn Hybrid Necro
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


Hi all,

Yesterday was madness for us UWers, so many Fs players out.

Defended Bravost and Langor like 20 Times on which 18 Fs attempts and 2 Rof.

Then Danelon we Spotted 2 Golems marching to the supply camp so that alerted us.

Back to keep 6 Golems inc, we caught them cold marching to our keep including a huge zerg.

Raid busted, that had us laughing, not for long tho, call from our BL trouble.

We swap over Garrison and Hills under attack we deceide to focus our forces, yet again 3-4 golems.

Hills defended Garrison was retaken, back to EB.

The FS zerg grows larger and larger, we take Red keep of Green, no real numbers to defend it but wth:D.

It goes on like that FS still growing numbers attacking us on multiple spots, result bravost falls.

Now keep, another frontal and backside attack, busted. Now Watergate they break in but get nailed hard by our siege.
Another attempt, and now it gets weird, 5-6 Catas on outer wall (while watergate was open).

Destroyed those too, still having an open watergate they build like 6 Trebs on Bravost and nuke away.

Dont get the strat you had far superior numbers why all that wishy washy playing?

The whole fight took hours, and really it upset me cause it got boring after a while.


Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Atlanis.1473


One more.


Short answer : NO

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


It was nice to be back in WvW last night

Had one of my guildies rage at me for opening present.. haha

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Miyu.8137


Enjoying this tier, best we, Underworld, had so far i would say. Just too bad we mostly fight vs FS and RoF in same time, facing only FS we would kitten them I bet !!!

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ciuffo.6384


yesterday was a fantastic day for www (specially if you were on FS’ side :-P )
I’ve been in our borderland retaking half of the border that was “stolen” by those evil guys of RoF and UW, even the garrison was lost.
Then we took it back and moved to UW BL,where defended in 10 the lake tower for 1h30’ against a 20/30 man strong UW zerg, when finally the tower was lost, we reclaimed it and again set up a defence.
After dinner time we moved to EB, some long queue time (20-30 mis) but we had a lot of fun capturing and defending RoF garrison for some time, until UW pushed us back only to lose the garrison to RoF.

Lost track of badges and death count.
Definitevly a very nice Christmas.

GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


Well that’s how a three way battle goes, you always fight against 2 at once, but so do the others, so in a perfect balanced fight you fight against 1/2 the force of both opponents

But usually when one side gets weakened a bit by another, the third smells blood and jump in the fight aswell. There’s nothing fishy about it, we fight everyone with equal joy :p

It will have been a great 2 weeks for us on fsp, 2 wins in a row (barring any disasters the last 2 days) , that hasent happened since the 1day matchups anymore iirc.

Next week we will loose RoF unfortunatly for the germans of Dzagonur, but i’m looking forward to see how they handle the fight. Hopefully it will be another good week we’ll see.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


I’ll miss most of next week as well, as I have a visitor until Wednesday.

I wish you all the most of luck!

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Seems to be going great!

enjoyed tonight. The pressure put on us by RoF in our borderland was amazingly fun to fight back

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Aralon.7501


Video from the Guild of Tweakers [GoT] WvW event from last sunday.

Aralon Mors – Norn Hybrid Necro
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127


you guys know that we have 4 borderlands to fight on right? not just EB and FS BL…

You guys know that its Christmas right? Not just GW2 time…

I couldnt resist :P

Merry Christmas to FS and RoF

Belated merry christmas Hope it’s ok we borrowed your keep on christmas eve to hold our christmas dinner

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I have to say FS have some pretty unique tactics. You just spend half an hour trying to take the only tower we had on FS borders while UW had your bay. Then as you seemed so focused on fighting RoF you end up losing your garrison to UW aswell.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jns.1059


lol, it’s been pretty fun.

This cracked me up:

(I didn’t attack them, should have been listening to I’m on a Boat by the Lonely Islands xD)


Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: xilius.7890


Thanks to UW and FS for the good fight. had lots of fun commanding eb today. mostly arround the ogre camp

Just a random guy

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Verloren Stilte.9623

Verloren Stilte.9623

I have to say FS have some pretty unique tactics. You just spend half an hour trying to take the only tower we had on FS borders while UW had your bay. Then as you seemed so focused on fighting RoF you end up losing your garrison to UW aswell.

After, we (Underworld) got Bay, we went; “So what’s next?”. After which I suggested Golem Rush on Garrison watergate. We barely had enough people to get the second guild golem up, but luckily some more people made their way there, and soon we had 2 Golem having a smashing time. Didn’t see a single defender until after we killed the Keep lord. Needless to say, RoF makes for a good distraction.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Spectre.6452


I was really happy with the fights we had this Christmas, had a real blast!

On a side note, I did a few times the jumping puzzle in EB but people are still killing each other. There was this nasty elementalist who could not stop spamming his fire ball thing at me, preventing me from jumping up to the next area. Also had three RoF thiefs jump at me. Popped retaliation and they all died, hah!

Seriously, haven’t had so much fun in wvw for a long time, thanks alot RoF and UW for a great fight!

Some warn that the Mursaat will return to agonize the people of Tyria once more.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: elhefe.7946


I have to say FS have some pretty unique tactics. You just spend half an hour trying to take the only tower we had on FS borders while UW had your bay. Then as you seemed so focused on fighting RoF you end up losing your garrison to UW aswell.

After, we (Underworld) got Bay, we went; “So what’s next?”. After which I suggested Golem Rush on Garrison watergate. We barely had enough people to get the second guild golem up, but luckily some more people made their way there, and soon we had 2 Golem having a smashing time. Didn’t see a single defender until after we killed the Keep lord. Needless to say, RoF makes for a good distraction.

well good that my guild Divine Task Force [DTF] (half of the ppl that were on FSP borders) was capping the northern camps of FSP and it came to OUR mind : “hey we got guild golems to use” . so we went to watergate and placed the 1st and built it until the commander ‘yuffie’ came and placed the 2nd guild golem. same as we launched the attacks on Cragtop all the time until we managed to finally take it even with a zerg of FSP that outmanned us chasing us.
and they had a few defending but they just got nuked off by our range attackers.
and still a big thx to RoF to keep the defenders off garrison so we were able to take it.

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Cromwell.3971


Had my best day ever Yesterday (most fun),as a FS player (Gelam) i have been a bit
frustrated of late with our lack of coordination,but now we are at a level of evenly matched servers that dosnt seem so important LOL.
We havnt got any major guild representation but have got some keen Commanders
who can hold there own at this level.our Zerg can be affective but we lack the nous to maintain our gains.

Gelam (Ranger)FSP
Nilamus (warrior)

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Verloren Stilte.9623

Verloren Stilte.9623

well good that my guild Divine Task Force [DTF] (half of the ppl that were on FSP borders) was capping the northern camps of FSP and it came to OUR mind : “hey we got guild golems to use” . so we went to watergate and placed the 1st and built it until the commander ‘yuffie’ came and placed the 2nd guild golem. same as we launched the attacks on Cragtop all the time until we managed to finally take it even with a zerg of FSP that outmanned us chasing us.
and they had a few defending but they just got nuked off by our range attackers.
and still a big thx to RoF to keep the defenders off garrison so we were able to take it.

I put down the second Guild Golem, not Yuffie, had 1 more Guild Golem in reserve if needed. Waited until after the first one was built before putting it down, making sure we had the supply needed. UMAD is my guild.