Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: Zephaust Zenith.8376

Zephaust Zenith.8376

This has been brough up before most likely but i feel the need to mention this again by my own initiative and hopefully get some discussion going before the next W³ update and how it will develop this part of the game into the future to come.

I’ve been away from the game a few times now but check it regularly through forums, news, patch notes and log in every few months to check in. First i left back in early November, returned for a few weeks in April and again in August till now and can’t help to feel this part of the game (WvWvW) is becoming increasingly stale and similar to the state of PvE when it comes to… farming.

With the addon of progression, abilities, WxP and now with more ascended gear, it becomes obvious the mentality at work behind many current W³’ers (including some long time running commanders) boiling down to… farming.

While the Zerg/Blob mentality about capping and dare i say, “fighting” was always here, it is currently more evident to me that this form of grouping is, like in PvE events farm, the most effective way to farm W³ rewards, by only caring about flipping objectives and not caring about regularly defending or even set up strategies since they’ll flip them again soon for the rewards.

I see these big groups, led by a blue tag, zipping around the maps with almost no downtime, to flip as much they can until border hop and do the same and regularly bragging about how much “loot” they acquired so far. Tag followers seem to only care about where the commander is and where he/she is going next to maximize rewards leaving most of the time no room to make other decisions themselves such as looking at the map and identify issues, take action and whatnot.

Even with current limited tag/chat tools to setup more and better group options, i usually only see 1 tag on the map, knowing there are more people there capable of putting another tag up and setup more strategical combat / defensive stances.

I applaud those “GvG” guilds and groups that search for challenging gameplay and bring some more varied gameplay to this part of the game and plead to W³ players and ultimately Anet to think about what’s the fun purpose of this… farming.

I understand the need players have to get some rewards doing some content but i’d prefer to have the content being the main attraction rather than the rewards. With the upcoming “changes” to W³ i wonder if the “problems” will go away or if the game will simply build up on the flaws until the real fun part is nothing more than afterthought waiting to happen.

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I was actually gonna make a thread about this issue.

Our experience this morning was one of the most boring ones I ever had in wvw, thanks to the newly introduces ascended stuff.

My group enjoys, most of all, fighting in small scale against a more numerous opponent. I’m ok if other people prefer other styles of play or blobbing around. It doesn’t really bother me.

What bothers me is that most players we encountered today didn’t even fight. We were all morning in the same borderland. Every 30 mins a new farming blob would come in, take everything and waypoint away to another bl. Zero defense, zero people outside of the blob. Just us, trying to hit the tail of the blob and the blob not giving a crap, because who would risk dieing to us if that means no ascended shinies?

So towards the end of our play session we were again following an enemy zerg and we killed a lonely warrior who was standing behind trying to get a fight, but not expecting 4 of us. He joined our group and talked to us about how crappy wvw was being for him too; he was there to do something fun, pvp, and he ended up getting punished for it because he didn’t get his ascended stuff, while everybody else in the zerg got it without putting any effort into it.

Hows is that fair, how is that fun?

I’m not gonna suggest any changes because I have great faith in the dev team and I know they have the same ideas as we do and a better general idea about the impact of changes than the average player.
All I’m saying is this needs fixing and fast, please do not wait for the new system and the 17th patch to make some changes. WvW cannot, in my view, become just an easy way to farm.

In the words of Fry, fixitfixitfixitfixit.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
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Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: Bailey.6892


Like Maskaganda, my friend and I like to find small fights,1-3 and to do the solo camp flip. Right now they out of town leaving me alone to be bored by this new problem.

I am set up as a healing guardian and could not pick off stragglers. They would just keep running, expected the zerg to turn and smash me at times but it did not happen.

On a side note hope to never see Mask in game unless you show up on my server

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

They could have easily made mats drop from players only, and made them not drop at all from PVE mobs.

Thus encouraging more pvp-oriented encounters in WvW, but they didn’t. So what does that tell you about your designers?

Mag Server Leader

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


Wow I like that idea King Amadaeus. Wish they would implement that instead of the current trend they have going…..

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


I applaud those “GvG” guilds and groups that search for challenging gameplay and bring some more varied gameplay to this part of the game..

Sad part is, most of the non-GvG players want us gone due to we’re not helping with PPT. Ironic when all they do is cap and leave it undefended so they can farm it. PPT my kitten Those fair-weathers are poison!

They could have easily made mats drop from players only, and made them not drop at all from PVE mobs.

Thus encouraging more pvp-oriented encounters in WvW, but they didn’t. So what does that tell you about your designers?

Although this may sound good but it will be unfair to lower tier server due to the low population will make it harder for them to get the mats.

(edited by Buzzcrave.6197)

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

They could have easily made mats drop from players only, and made them not drop at all from PVE mobs.

Thus encouraging more pvp-oriented encounters in WvW, but they didn’t. So what does that tell you about your designers?

Although this may sound good but it will be unfair to lower tier server due to the low population will make it harder for them to get the mats.

Oh you mean like badges of honor? Oh wait….There is no issue getting those on lower tiers either.

Mag Server Leader

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: Zephaust Zenith.8376

Zephaust Zenith.8376

They could have easily made mats drop from players only, and made them not drop at all from PVE mobs.

Thus encouraging more pvp-oriented encounters in WvW, but they didn’t. So what does that tell you about your designers?

This could be a solution to take the focus off structure/champ flipping but would probably also promote zerging/blob’ing even more and we know how much “fun” it is to fight in this environment.

Perhaps if loot tagging would be different… (although it seem loot was changed before already)

These are delicate issues but i believe they all share a common problem – the safety of numbers versus (individual) rewards achieved with said numbers.
Currently and with more emphasis put by Anet with character and account progression, the system promotes individual rewards above realm rewards and dare i say – realm pride. Leagues could “try” to fix this last bit but the former will still be there and when it comes to many players : they want their shinies first and foremost.

Feels like a catch-22…

Maybe loot tagging and structure maintenance/warfare needs some revising.

Farming and W + W + W = shinnies

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


They could have easily made mats drop from players only, and made them not drop at all from PVE mobs.

Thus encouraging more pvp-oriented encounters in WvW, but they didn’t. So what does that tell you about your designers?

Although this may sound good but it will be unfair to lower tier server due to the low population will make it harder for them to get the mats.

Oh you mean like badges of honor? Oh wait….There is no issue getting those on lower tiers either.

Sure, we get ‘em but we don’t get as much as those in higher tiers.

Gate of Madness