Feature Pack and WvWvW, is that it?
So the entire feature pack has now been announced. For WvWvW specifically the only change of note – already announced and expected since last November – is account bound WxP?
Not entirely impressive?
Not impressive? It’s freaking laughable.
WvW is a piece of crap on the bottom of Anet shoes. It gets about the same priority and resources that scraping off the shoe gets. WvW has some of the most passionate players in the game and they focus on PvE fluff and gemstore revenue. Summed in up here…
Almost two years and I’d love to actually be able to GROUP with my guild the way we enjoy. Because having only two ways to group in a 21st century MMO is enough?
The great “feature” update is anything but especially to WvW players.
Expect changes to Commander tags and squads in 2016.
Hey at least they didn’t megablobserver you together with 2 additional low population servers. They should at least get some points for recognizing that some people have server pride.
As to the game mode. Until they figure out a way to make the scoring effect that you have while you play impactful, then the system will continue to turn off a lot of people.
And then the small minority of people who don’t like a cap of 5 people (like spvp), but detest a 30+ engagement, would love something for us. But no one exepects any movement on spreading people out. If anything all the changes made in the last round with Wexp and rewards just encouragaged more grouping.
The game mode isn’t dead, and it won’t be as long as there is no likely successor out there (don’t say ESO, because it isn’t). They have time to get it right, and the fact they finally have other parts of the game straightened out is at least a reasonable sign of progress.
lol…it is funny…lol
WvW may as well not exist!
Well spvp which AFAIK is played by 10% of the number of players who play WvW, has been lavished with goodies…
I think Anet are confused about WvW and are at a loss with what to do with it or what direction to take it in.
Expect changes to Commander tags and squads in 2016.
Far to optimistic my friend. Even if you are right it doesn’t matter to me. By that time I’ll be playing a 3 realm PvP game that actually FOCUSES on guilds and PvP.
Camelot Unchained don’t let me down!!!
Expect changes to Commander tags and squads in 2016.
Far to optimistic my friend. Even if you are right it doesn’t matter to me. By that time I’ll be playing a 3 realm PvP game that actually FOCUSES on guilds and PvP.
Camelot Unchained don’t let me down!!!
Can’t wait til CU as well, Hopefully AN makes the game bearable for another year in the 2nd feature patch later this year..
I was stunned that that was all we got.
Not even the new masteries?!?
Welp, I guess we can look forward to continuing to watch our guildmates die while walking down a slope! There’s always that!
An extremely simple short-term fix until they can come up with something better would be to allow players to see their guildmates on the map as dots of a different color than what is currently used (orange perhaps?)
I’ve experienced a short-lived bug in WvW whereby I can see enemies as red dots on the map. So somewhere in the game’s code there already exists this capability of displaying players on the mini-map using a different color. Just apply it to guild members. That, alone, would make a huge difference.
An extremely simple short-term fix until they can come up with something better would be to allow players to see their guildmates on the map as dots of a different color than what is currently used (orange perhaps?)
I’ve experienced a short-lived bug in WvW whereby I can see enemies as red dots on the map. So somewhere in the game’s code there already exists this capability of displaying players on the mini-map using a different color. Just apply it to guild members. That, alone, would make a huge difference.
I would love this feature lol
The walking down the stairs too fast and getting falling damage is simply ……
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
lol…it is funny…lol
WvW may as well not exist!
Well spvp which AFAIK is played by 10% of the number of players who play WvW, has been lavished with goodies…
I think Anet are confused about WvW and are at a loss with what to do with it or what direction to take it in.
About time that pvp got something, no?
And WvW didn’t get anything? Maybe not what you wanted, but it did get it’s share of updates.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
About time that pvp got something, no?
And WvW didn’t get anything? Maybe not what you wanted, but it did get it’s share of updates.
Don’t think anyone would argue with what PvP got (except maybe, you know, people who play PvP).
Can you list what updates WvWvW got? I mean this as a serious question… I’m struggling to think of more than one – which was an update promised last year.
About time that pvp got something, no?
And WvW didn’t get anything? Maybe not what you wanted, but it did get it’s share of updates.
Don’t think anyone would argue with what PvP got (except maybe, you know, people who play PvP).
Can you list what updates WvWvW got? I mean this as a serious question… I’m struggling to think of more than one – which was an update promised last year.
We had a pretty big one with BL cap points and EoTM, even if it wasn’t something we wanted… (do you think most pvp people are happy with their upcoming changes?)
We also had a nice upgrade in loots in the past months (wile PvP is earning close to nothing, right now).
We did have quite a few bug fixes (with maintenance patch)
We will have account bound WxP with next patch.
That’s quite a few updates…
Add to it all the changes brought by runes and sigils changes and ferocity, that might quite well change the meta…
In dev time, it’s a lot.
All game modes keep complaining about the others getting more… looking at the big picture is pretty much showing we all get somewhat equal long-term changes.
And now, just look at posts in one section. One ask for server merger, 10 people come say it’s a bad idea. One ask to leave servers alone, 10 people come to state how servers should be merged. Someone propose a new way to calculate PPT, 10 people state it’s a bad idea, someone propose a new idea base on these reactions, more come to say something along the lines of the first idea would be better.
Until we can give them united feedback, anything they will do will have some people unhappy.
They cannot please everyone. Not because they are clueless, but because they cannot possibly please all of us.
I’d rather have them work on fixing bugs than give us new maps. Many people are asking for new maps and don’t mind the bugs. Some people say put EoTM as PPT maps, some say, we need more balance, some say EoTM as PPT would ruin balance, some say it already did. some say we should get maps rotations, some weeks BL’s would be with quaggans, others, they would be as they are now, and EBG would get an exchange with EoTM to make MU less like they always are the same, while catering to the needs of smaller server that wouldn’t fill more maps… One way or the other… choices they make will displease some people. But they do their best to keep the interests of their players in mind…
Hey at least they didn’t megablobserver you together with 2 additional low population servers.
This is coming. For sure. Sooner rather than later.
So the entire feature pack has now been announced. For WvWvW specifically the only change of note – already announced and expected since last November – is account bound WxP?
Not entirely impressive?
Strange I dont remember reading about account WXP coming in this patch, just dyes and skins.
But did you really honestly think they would release anything for WvW?!
I cant wait for the next “Please wait until December 31st for WvW updates, we’ve got great things planned!”
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
Account Bound Wexp: the devs have already posted about that on this board (if you missed the announcement.)
See thread here with a clear explanation of how this will work:
And as much as I love Mark Jacobs and am looking forward to seeing what becomes of CU, I will continue to reserve judgment on whether “the magic” can happen again. And 2016, er 2015, is a long way off in terms of game time.
In the meantime, yes, it does not appear that WvW has gotten the changes needed on a large scale. And yes, I am extremely vocal about my displeasure with ANet on the boards.
However, when you take the entire package of changes coming, there are things in there that also affect WvW. I have to agree with most of Jocksy’s post. (I still think ANet has not quite figured out appropriate market segmentation.)
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
You guys make me lol
All the best wishes to CU. It’ll obviously be a niche game. I wouldn’t be surprised if it will receive even less updates than WvW does.
All of the trait changes and additions will certainly affect us and cause a little bit of excitement as we tinker with new builds.
Also, account bound WXP.
Those are all pretty amazing in my book and I’m happy.
All of the trait changes and additions will certainly affect us and cause a little bit of excitement as we tinker with new builds.
Also, account bound WXP.
Those are all pretty amazing in my book and I’m happy.
The new Grandmaster Traits are not that game-changing and account bound WXP should have been added months ago.
The trait changes are a step in the right direction, but after a year and a half since release, it’s simply not enough. Come back to me when they add in some much needed new utility skills, elite skills, and weapon sets for each profession.
Remember your going to after pay gold+skill points to unlock those Grandmaster traits or do parts of PvE to get them for free.
And as much as I love Mark Jacobs and am looking forward to seeing what becomes of CU, I will continue to reserve judgment on whether “the magic” can happen again.
And 2016, er 2015, is a long way off in terms of game time.
That’s funny our guild recently had a conversation about just that. Trying to re-capture “the magic” from DAOC. It may be hard.
At that time there were no other MMO games that had that 3 faction/server PvP. It was unique, but now we have options. Most of our guild were younger with no life and able to play 12 hours a day as well. Now many of us are now semi-responsible with families. We’re in a different place.
dang… I feel like an old fogy reminiscing about the old days.
I was stunned that that was all we got.
Not even the new masteries?!?
Welp, I guess we can look forward to continuing to watch our guildmates die while walking down a slope! There’s always that!
Your guildies probably slid on some poop accidently left by Anet shoes. That one time they came into the WvW zone.
The feature patch applies to the whole game. Not just PvE or PvP or WvW.
They did add EoTM which is helping a lot with the 3 hours queues.
To be honest though, having shared WXP by April 15th is enough for some of us….
All the best wishes to CU. It’ll obviously be a niche game. I wouldn’t be surprised if it will receive even less updates than WvW does.
Too soon to say if it will hit or miss. I dunno if it could POSSIBLY get less updates than WvW does when it has no PvE content. The entire world with the exceptions of of some safe zones is basically WvW content.
WvW, Crafting and Housing using a Minecraft build style…… no PvE!!! Woot!