Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS
Hey all,
As many have already stated throughout this thread; GREAT FIGHTS SO FAR!!!! In honor of some of the greatest WvW I have ever experienced (been playing since BWE1), I made a quick video showing some of the highlights my Guild and I experienced in EB over the weekend. Shows a lot of the main organized WvW guilds (FoE, PRX, Choo, ext…) who were playing in EB this weekend clashing together in huge super organized fights!!!
We won some, we lost some, but one thing’s for sure, the level of competition and more importantly the fun, has increased dramatically with this new reset! Enjoy…
This is Tier 1:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CcxKcYoXgM&feature=youtu.beKeep up the good fights; this one’s going to come down to wire for sure!
/Salute to all involved,
[FoE] Guild XO
www.FistoftheEmpire.comSome great action indeed at reset on EB, Kudos to Choo, PRX, and all the rest we came across in this video
I was tagging a long with PRX and the fights at speldan and the dredge caves were awesome! I was the giant norn warrior with the TSFR tag and noticed I was phasing in and out quite often. It really provides some perspective as to how culling impacts the other side. Great video.
Great recruitment once again JQ, enjoy roflstomping whatever poor T2-T3 ends up getting glicko-screwed into your tier next week. Well be back around to face you again soon! Until these ranks get sorted, it’ll be a bizarre set of match-ups. Eventually SoS will get the coveted BLUE portal on T1 slot, and we can keep those great open field fights coming!
you will be doing the same roflstomping onto similar servers. Not much difference to them whatever T1 server they end up against.
ps. recruitment is only reason that resulted in prior 10 weeks for SoS
Strike Force
Nice JQ is in front from the result of certain type of strategy.
Though even with the obscene coverage JQ has, they aren’t running away with the match as they should be, an attestament to SoS and SoR.
It is, by all means. Both are providing great competition, and all three are worthy of T1. It’ll be a shame if the reset screws this up and we wind up facing non-competitive servers. The fun will drop in the toilet should that happen and it would turn into a points race to get back to where we’ve earned the right to be… all three of us.
I’m tired of fighting JQ at this point not going to lie. While we fight our hearts out against guilds we once fought on other servers and have good fights, we go to sleep and wake up to +400 PPT and fully upgraded keeps from Euro Prime time.
I understand and feel your pain. SoR has to deal with a couple of months of that from BG. Same issue, except they were ticking away at 600+ then. Heh
Somehow I get the feeling he didn’t mind facing JQ when SoS was winning…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I’m tired of fighting JQ at this point not going to lie. While we fight our hearts out against guilds we once fought on other servers and have good fights, we go to sleep and wake up to +400 PPT and fully upgraded keeps from Euro Prime time.
I understand and feel your pain. SoR has to deal with a couple of months of that from BG. Same issue, except they were ticking away at 600+ then. Heh
Somehow I get the feeling he didn’t mind facing JQ when SoS was winning…
No he reveled in it and tried saying it was nothing but strategy and tactics. The truth is, it was numbers. Same as it always has been, same as it always will be.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
If they just corrected the outmanned buff to give some sort of defense to….the camps and towers it’d be helpful. I’m not a fan to buffing the players because it’s about the property, and small man groups that are coordinated enough would just rip through 50 man zergs like it was nothing.
Sanctum of Rall Server
If they just corrected the outmanned buff to give some sort of defense to….the camps and towers it’d be helpful. I’m not a fan to buffing the players because it’s about the property, and small man groups that are coordinated enough would just rip through 50 man zergs like it was nothing.
Very true, I hate the outmanned buff the way it is.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
Meh, it’s just a pain trying to figure a way to give a buff without breaking the game to have people suggest a massive log out to gain the buff.
At any rate, score update? I’m still at work for another 2 hours!
Sanctum of Rall Server
We do not need anymore buffs, or pve events in WvW please.
If it makes you feel better to post the 101 reasons why your server lost please do so, but do not change the game to try to make a weaker server beat a better one.
Well honestly Binafus has a point despite me coming from a server that still has coverage lapses. It isn’t fair to the players during that time slot to be treated differently than everyone else just because there are more of them.
Score update anyone also stuck at work
I’m tired of fighting JQ at this point not going to lie. While we fight our hearts out against guilds we once fought on other servers and have good fights, we go to sleep and wake up to +400 PPT and fully upgraded keeps from Euro Prime time. I know a lot of us try so hard to prevent this from happening but there is nothing we can do. VoTF and our other Euros fight a very hard battle and I have much respect for them. I hope SOS doesn’t get burnt out and that’s why I wish to get away from JQ even if it is just for one week. Even though I always play to win or by PPT, if we continuously get matched with JQs 24/7 coverage and all matches end the same way with a false sense of competitiveness on the weekends and a complete face kitten during our coverage hole, I’m just going to start playing to kill people and hope I don’t get burnt out.
on a Side not, Good fights out there. I see a lot of improvements on all sides of the table. a lot of three way battles on SOS BL. This match-up has been awesome so far.
You make it sound like SoS has been suffering at the hands of JQ for months. Before what, like two weeks ago, didn’t you guys have like a nine week win streak? After all that winning, two weeks is all it takes for you to get sick of us?
There were weeks on end where I felt the same way with SoS, before we had our recruitment. Entire borderlands taken when I get on. But I just kept on fighting, like the rest of JQ.
I mean I’m pretty sure before the mega transfers to servers when SOS was winning the matches were very close. The only match that seemed to be a blow out was like the very first tier 1 match up SOS entered. You sorta missed my point as well. I said if this continues and I didn’t say I would stop fighting…. I will never stop fighting till I get burnt out of the game. You’ll see me and my guild + my alliance out there leading everyday. And as you said you felt the same way with SOS… SO expect us to feel that way when its worst off that’s all.
The match ups when SoS were winning were generally closer because the other servers kept fighting until the end. The two times in recent history when JQ have won have been weeks where SoS largely stopped showing up in force by midweek and so of course the gap got wider.
You also can’t discount the 2rd placed server in these scores because the gaps from 1st to 2nd and 1st to 3rd need to be taken into account.
I can list all the historical scores if you want, they really do make interesting reading
Anyway, its good to see that you and your guild will keep on fighting. Its Tuesday and there is only a few K between all three servers. Historically this is one of the closer match ups. There is no reason why it can’t stay that way unless some servers down tools.
Anyway, from reading these boards, it really doesn’t matter how many players JQ has does it, we are skillless zerg minded plonkers and these servers with vastly superior players will always trounce us and if they don’t any victory we get will be hollow and worthless.
Luckily most in JQ don’t regard their opponents in a similar manner. By the way, I am British so my previous comment might need some translation
Lets all see if we can keep the fights close. Read you other posts MaLeVoLenT, good balanced stuff. Sounds like you have the right mindset for this
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
(edited by Kreen.3925)
We do not need anymore buffs, or pve events in WvW please.
If it makes you feel better to post the 101 reasons why your server lost please do so, but do not change the game to try to make a weaker server beat a better one.
Right now WvW is literally just a numbers game. Nothing about coordination or tactics at all, i’ts about who can net the most players on all day. I don’t see how that should be the deciding factor of “weaker and better” I’m not complaining about losing either, I’ve never cared…don’t think anyone in SoR really did, we just wanted a strong server to face us in NA prime time. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want the same in every time slot honestly. If I was constantly looking for players to fight i’d be kitten nothing really fun about waiting for yaks to come to a tower and picking off small groups desperately taking a camp for points….well ok, maybe grieving is fun some times, but not every day I’d play.
Sanctum of Rall Server
I’m tired of fighting JQ at this point not going to lie. While we fight our hearts out against guilds we once fought on other servers and have good fights, we go to sleep and wake up to +400 PPT and fully upgraded keeps from Euro Prime time. I know a lot of us try so hard to prevent this from happening but there is nothing we can do. VoTF and our other Euros fight a very hard battle and I have much respect for them. I hope SOS doesn’t get burnt out and that’s why I wish to get away from JQ even if it is just for one week. Even though I always play to win or by PPT, if we continuously get matched with JQs 24/7 coverage and all matches end the same way with a false sense of competitiveness on the weekends and a complete face kitten during our coverage hole, I’m just going to start playing to kill people and hope I don’t get burnt out.
on a Side not, Good fights out there. I see a lot of improvements on all sides of the table. a lot of three way battles on SOS BL. This match-up has been awesome so far.
You make it sound like SoS has been suffering at the hands of JQ for months. Before what, like two weeks ago, didn’t you guys have like a nine week win streak? After all that winning, two weeks is all it takes for you to get sick of us?
There were weeks on end where I felt the same way with SoS, before we had our recruitment. Entire borderlands taken when I get on. But I just kept on fighting, like the rest of JQ.
I mean I’m pretty sure before the mega transfers to servers when SOS was winning the matches were very close. The only match that seemed to be a blow out was like the very first tier 1 match up SOS entered. You sorta missed my point as well. I said if this continues and I didn’t say I would stop fighting…. I will never stop fighting till I get burnt out of the game. You’ll see me and my guild + my alliance out there leading everyday. And as you said you felt the same way with SOS… SO expect us to feel that way when its worst off that’s all.
The match ups when SoS were winning were generally closer because the other servers kept fighting until the end. The two times in recent history when JQ have won have been weeks where SoS largely stopped showing up in force by midweek and so of course the gap got wider.
You also can’t discount the 2rd placed server in these scores because the gaps from 1st to 2nd and 1st to 3rd need to be taken into account.
I can list all the historical scores if you want, they really do make interesting reading
Anyway, its good to see that you and your guild will keep on fighting. Its Tuesday and there is only a few K between all three servers. Historically this is one of the closer match ups. There is no reason why it can’t stay that way unless some servers down tools.
Anyway, from reading these boards, it really doesn’t matter how many players JQ has does it, we are skillless zerg minded plonkers and these servers with vastly superior players will always trounce us and if they don’t any victory we get will be hollow and worthless.
Luckily most in JQ don’t regard their opponents in a similar manner. By the way, I am British so my previous comment might need some translation
lets all see if we can keep the fights close.
Are you having a laugh? It’s crazy innit.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
I’m just going to start playing to kill people and hope I don’t get burnt out.
This is what you should already be doing. if you are playing for the scoreboard you will find yourself leaving the game. Enjoy the fighting for what it is. It’s a game. The minute you become so wrapped up in scoreboard and become stressed over it is the moment you need to walk away and get a grip on things that really matter.
You see man while this is a good way of looking at it, people play games for different reasons. I’m not saying I’m stressed out about it too, but I’m pretty sure some of my fellow SOS mates are and you can’t deny that. What is going on doesn’t matter if I’m playing the scoreboard or not. What I said isn’t a healthy trend for SOS. I sure many of you know this just look at all the servers that took major hits from transfers. Me being a leader I see the moralization first hand when I walk out during these times and when I see people talking about it. So it’s not so much the scoreboard, but its the server moral going down the kittenter when it happens and I hope SOS wont get to this point.
I did wonder this about SoS generally. Many of the more prominent movers and shakers their from public statements really did seem to be “in it to win it”.
If you invest so much time and energy on winning such that it becomes the only reason you play then when you are not winning so easily then the motivation can be lacking.
We have witnessed huge morale highs and lows on JQ over the past few months. The core is generally out there fighting but the numbers start to show up when we are winning and dissappear when we are losing so I do sympathise with you. It very hard to deal with at times. But WvW is not the whole GW2 game even if some of us would like it to be We have a bigger core now though so the swings are a bit less.
With SoS I am wondering if your core is as resilent. Please don’t take this the wrong way, I am not meaning to slag off SoS or any other server here. I greatly respect SoS and SoR, BG and SBI as opponents as their performances have meant we have had to raise our game alot and invite folks to join us on JQ etc etc. We have been severely challenged as a server and that is due to our strong opponents.
I am just generally interested in other servers and how they work and exploring other solutions and you seem to be willing to discuss it maturely Anyway catch me up in PM’s if you are interested in discussing it further.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
Don’t know about anyone else but I miss Fiesty’s score updates in these T1 threads. Can someone be creative and do some nice score update in game poses aka Fiesty please.
I would do it myself but I know I would fail at it
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.
It’s easy to manipulate the scoring to adjust for pop [im]balances.
Long time ago I made a few suggestions where the point accrual for a tick were reduced by half the “missing” (undercap) population. E.g. if 2 servers were at cap pop in WvW, and the third had 0 pop, then total point accrual would be reduced by 33/2 = 16% (for all 3 servers).
This would not remove the coverage imbalances, but would mitigate them slightly.
The only side effect would be that the glicko may have a hell of a time with it, because low-coverage servers (and matchups) would end up with lower total scores, making it more difficult for servers to rise up in tiers.
WVW is a marathon not a sprint… It always has been in Guild Wars 2 right or wrong… The end reward is the medal count for the server at the END of the week not the beginning….
Whats really unfortunate is this weeks matchup will put us all in T3 or lower thanks to the unnecessary reset…
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry
(edited by CharlieWaffles.1509)
Don’t know about anyone else but I miss Fiesty’s score updates in these T1 threads. Can someone be creative and do some nice score update in game poses aka Fiesty please.
I would do it myself but I know I would fail at it
Here’s a crack at it…
WVW is a sprint not a marathon… It always has been in Guild Wars 2 right or wrong… The end reward is the medal count for the server at the END of the week not the beginning….
Don’t you mean it’s a marathon and not a sprint?
All this coverage talk like it’s everyone who is on JQ’s fault they have people in the EU prime time and we have little =D
The match up is pretty good, the population caps being lowered are kinda altering wvw a bit, sure it’s screwing over SoR NA, SoS Oceanics and JQ EU’s however they are probably all running away with the score less because of it.
The downside is a lot of the large organized guilds are running less than half strength because of this.
I haven’t read a post of anet denying they lowered the wvw population cap yet, just responding they acknowledge the queue is bugged and not a line.
Sanctum of Rall
Don’t know about anyone else but I miss Fiesty’s score updates in these T1 threads. Can someone be creative and do some nice score update in game poses aka Fiesty please.
I would do it myself but I know I would fail at it
Sorry. All the creative score shots are in our match thread. We even have Gary Busey posting score updates!
[KnT] – Blackgate
All this coverage talk like it’s everyone who is on JQ’s fault they have people in the EU prime time and we have little =D
The match up is pretty good, the population caps being lowered are kinda altering wvw a bit, sure it’s screwing over SoR NA, SoS Oceanics and JQ EU’s however they are probably all running away with the score less because of it.
The downside is a lot of the large organized guilds are running less than half strength because of this.
I haven’t read a post of anet denying they lowered the wvw population cap yet, just responding they acknowledge the queue is bugged and not a line.
yeah its been reduced to 70… It destroyed our NA coverage over the reset… There were so many new pugs in the BL’s on JQ that you didn’t recognize over half of the people… Guilds like EMP PRX AOS who were manning different zones who had over 100 people online each at reset night were lucky to get 20 or 30 people into the BG’s it was like that all weekend…. Friday through Sunday was a mess… suprised it was as close as it was… Most servers dont deal with the population like it is on JQ. i.e.150 people queing for 70 spots jq seems to have 400+ queing for the same 70 spots… But it gets like that every weekend… Generally by Sunday Night JQ starts to get going a bit… Having FOO helps allot…
Just saying its hard for everyone to have an organized fight when its a hodgepodge of people doing their own thing.
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry
(edited by CharlieWaffles.1509)
Don’t act like it was only JQ was experiencing that. Most guilds on SoR were partially manned and many of our leaders couldn’t get in. Everyone was having severe issues.
Also, there is no confirmation from ANET that the cap was reduced to 70. As of now that is a rumor someone started.
Don’t act like it was only JQ was experiencing that. Most guilds on SoR were partially manned and many of our leaders couldn’t get in. Everyone was having severe issues.
Also, there is no confirmation from ANET that the cap was reduced to 70. As of now that is a rumor someone started.
I heard JQ got a 50k point lead to start the match, all the queues were reduced to 15.4 players and queues are now filtering out accounts that had infractions on the forums.
True Story….At least it explains why Indo has to wait in the queue so long.
Ya… you sound like you feel like JQ is being particularly victimized by this.
Don’t kid yourself =D
Sanctum of Rall
Score update anyone also stuck at work
I gotcha!
Thank you!!
Don’t know about anyone else but I miss Fiesty’s score updates in these T1 threads. Can someone be creative and do some nice score update in game poses aka Fiesty please.
I would do it myself but I know I would fail at it
Here’s a crack at it…
I approve, subtle yet breaking the fourth wall
(edited by Koldblooded.6472)
Just saying the percentages are skewed against the Large guilds which all 3 servers have… its unfortunate. Been a really good matchup…
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry
Score update 120k JQ 115 SoR 112 SoS
Sos is currently making a push Sos 325, JQ225 , Sor 145
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry
(edited by CharlieWaffles.1509)
Score update 120k JQ 115 SoR 112 SoS Sos is currently making a push 325 sor 225 jq 145 sor
The end of that doesn’t make much sense, or maybe it’s just me =(
Sanctum of Rall
Don’t act like it was only JQ was experiencing that. Most guilds on SoR were partially manned and many of our leaders couldn’t get in. Everyone was having severe issues.
Also, there is no confirmation from ANET that the cap was reduced to 70. As of now that is a rumor someone started.
I heard JQ got a 50k point lead to start the match, all the queues were reduced to 15.4 players and queues are now filtering out accounts that had infractions on the forums.
True Story….At least it explains why Indo has to wait in the queue so long.
Poor guy. He was in queue for like an hour and I log in, and get a pop in 5 minutes.
yeah its been reduced to 70… It destroyed our NA coverage over the reset… There were so many new pugs in the BL’s on JQ that you didn’t recognize over half of the people… Guilds like EMP PRX AOS who were manning different zones who had over 100 people online each at reset night were lucky to get 20 or 30 people into the BG’s it was like that all weekend…. Friday through Sunday was a mess… suprised it was as close as it was… Most servers dont deal with the population like it is on JQ. i.e.150 people queing for 70 spots jq seems to have 400+ queing for the same 70 spots… But it gets like that every weekend… Generally by Sunday Night JQ starts to get going a bit… Having FOO helps allot…
Just saying its hard for everyone to have an organized fight when its a hodgepodge of people doing their own thing.
I am not sure if you’re new to the server or what, but that’s what has kept JQ being where it has been since the game began. The larger guilds have no more right to be there than all the others. Work with what you have and hope for the best. I mean hey, it’s everyone’s $15 a month…
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
Score update 120k JQ 115 SoR 112 SoS Sos is currently making a push 325 sor 225 jq 145 sor
The end of that doesn’t make much sense, or maybe it’s just me =(
SoR is so good we have two teams with a combined tick of +470.
Been here since October actually, and why are you paying 15 $ a month ? I wasn’t complaining about it im in a small guild. Im just saying the game has changed to more zerg on zerg fighting in T1 than the 5 man roaming groups we saw all over the place 2 months ago… when it comes to large guild fighting with actual tactics the group that gets more of their guild members in have a better chance at success…. you can go to TS all you want but its not the same as guilds who are fighting together day in day out….
Personal Foul 80 Mesmer
Jade Quarry
(edited by CharlieWaffles.1509)
Been here since October actually, and why are you paying 15 $ a month ? I wasn’t complaining about it im in a small guild. Im just saying the game has changed to more zerg on zerg fighting in T1 than the 5 man roaming groups we saw all over the place 2 months ago… when it comes to large guild fighting with actual tactics the group that gets more of their guild members in have a better chance at success…. you can go to TS all you want but its not the same as guilds who are fighting together day in day out….
I’ve seen coordinated pugs rip through guild groups, the same as I have guild groups rip through pugs.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
As a JQ resident since launch …oh god, I couldn’t stop laughing at the post I was thinking of doing… See what I did there? The irony..because I wa..nevermind…
You all make me dizzy with all these posts, I don’t know why I read all of this…
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
As a JQ resident since launch
…oh god, I couldn’t stop laughing at the post I was thinking of doing… See what I did there? The irony..because I wa..nevermind…
You all make me dizzy with all these posts, I don’t know why I read all of this…
Because you love it!
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
The larger guilds have no more right to be there than all the others.
You are correct, but what many people are forgetting is that we all have the right to play and are being denied by a combination of broken queues and population caps
As I expected the JQ beast has awoken. But unlike last week where SoS was completely vacant from the maps this weeks the fights have been intense. Lots of fun. For the first time I don’t completely mind that JQ will most likely win it this week.
I have a guildie that was yelling at me for not stepping in on his 1on1.
I love watching the duels, I’ll hold back a full team to let the 2 duke it out, or if I see two havoc squads going at it, I’ll stand back and just watch the gameplay. I love watching the positioning and seeing if the team is actually coordinated or just skilled as individuals.
I find this people having duels in WvW interesting, I also jumped into a 1v1 fight only to have them both stop attacking. I thought “hold up what have I interrupted here” I stopped, they both backed up healed and I got a whisper to not attack the enemy. So I sat above them on the hill and watched. The guy on our team won, not sure what I would of done if he lost. Maybe let the other guy leave.
bottom line, perhaps Anet should have a arena style dueling system with spectator mode. I’m sure I would watch a few battles inbetween WvW and PvE.
Fellow JQers, it’s time to toss in the towel. We simply can’t compete with the negativity and victim status of other Tier 1 servers. We’ve become weak and have insufficient snark coverage during much of the day. We’re getting owned on the forums. We’re no longer the strong JQQers that we were in the days of HoD. /me sheds a single tear
(Wow, all the complaints about a game that you still feel the need to login to on a near daily basis. Isn’t that the definition of burning out and time to take a break?)
(edited by Grithan Soulforge.5726)
Fellow JQers, it’s time to toss in the towel. We simply can’t compete with the negativity and victim status of other Tier 1 servers. We’ve become weak and have insufficient snark coverage during much of the day. We’re getting owned on the forums. We’re no longer the strong JQQers that we were in the days of HoD. /me sheds a single tear
(Wow, all the complaints about a game that you still feel the need to login to on a near daily basis. Isn’t that the definition of burning out and time to take a break?)
As a fellow JQ’er that has been here since BWE’s I second this notion!
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
WVW is a marathon not a sprint… It always has been in Guild Wars 2 right or wrong… The end reward is the medal count for the server at the END of the week not the beginning….
Actually it’s nothing more than a numbers game. It’s not that you guys are “outlasting” anyone due to superior stamina or tactics. You just have more coverage during the week when much of the other server’s populations are at work. If the populations of all three servers had the week off from real life obligations I’m sure the numbers would look much as they did over the weekend.
Don’t misread what I’m saying as crying or anything, I just don’t think that your marathon comparison is a very good one to what actually happens in WvW.
Don’t misread what I’m saying as crying or anything, I just don’t think that your marathon comparison is a very good one to what actually happens in WvW.
No. I’m pretty sure when I’m watching a team failing at siege this video becomes a more appropriate approximation of WvW:
yeah its been reduced to 70… It destroyed our NA coverage over the reset… There were so many new pugs in the BL’s on JQ that you didn’t recognize over half of the people… Guilds like EMP PRX AOS who were manning different zones who had over 100 people online each at reset night were lucky to get 20 or 30 people into the BG’s it was like that all weekend…. Friday through Sunday was a mess… suprised it was as close as it was… Most servers dont deal with the population like it is on JQ. i.e.150 people queing for 70 spots jq seems to have 400+ queing for the same 70 spots… But it gets like that every weekend… Generally by Sunday Night JQ starts to get going a bit… Having FOO helps allot…
Just saying its hard for everyone to have an organized fight when its a hodgepodge of people doing their own thing.
I am not sure if you’re new to the server or what, but that’s what has kept JQ being where it has been since the game began. The larger guilds have no more right to be there than all the others. Work with what you have and hope for the best. I mean hey, it’s everyone’s $15 a month…
This is why most JQ’s commanders have a good following and are respected by the community. PuG’s will always be a factor in WvW. how you choose to treat them and interact with them can mean the difference between winning and losing. Many people are willing to learn, our commanders are willing to teach.
This is why most JQ’s commanders have a good following and are respected by the community. PuG’s will always be a factor in WvW. how you choose to treat them and interact with them can mean the difference between winning and losing. Many people are willing to learn, our commanders are willing to teach.
As someone who has been on JQ since the first second the servers were online in the very first beta, I quite agree!
This is why most JQ’s commanders have a good following and are respected by the community. PuG’s will always be a factor in WvW. how you choose to treat them and interact with them can mean the difference between winning and losing. Many people are willing to learn, our commanders are willing to teach.
100% correct. As someone in a small guild I’m effectively a PuGer and I have a short list of commanders I follow because I know I’ll have fun following them. (Also rule of thumb: StrikeForce is fun to follow when they are drunk and/or kitten off even if us PuGs can’t hear them on TS so props to their commanders.)
All the crying aside about cover, queues and pop caps.
This is the best match up I have been in, in a long time.
This weekend we will need to add some more drink rules to the reset weekend if we are in the same match up again.
Sanctum of Rall