[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]
Fee Required to Claim Forts!
[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]
This is a horrible idea. Although improved a lot lately, WvW is still trailing far behind in average income generation vs PvE game play while at the same time it is already an unreasonable gold sink mainly via upgrades and superior siege.
I am opposite of you and would like to see the upgrade monetary fees completely removed and/or switched to WvW badges / karma.
If you want to prevent “newbs” claiming etc. make these things cost WvW badges, which “newbs” are in short supply of because they are “newbs”.
I would also like to see a lock-out on golems, both alphas and omegas, or at minimum, ability for the print owner to take over it like with other siege types in order to help deal with golem specific griefing, trolling, etc.
Echoing the above post. All my gold already goes to my WvWing be it through upgrades, siege, or regearing or gearing alts. WvW is such a gold sink to many a WvW player. I have even farmed PvE to help pay for my WvWing. I do not want to pay 50 silver to claim a camp so I can use the buffs to get +5 supply. The amount of times my guild claims a camp to do that would leave even our richer players debating whether or not to claim. I mean, an average night of WvW nets most people a couple gold barring any great drops. So 4 camp claims would wipe that out for one person. Unless it takes directly from a guild bank your idea is pretty bad.
Well ideas can always be edited, which I fail to understand why people don’t see that when posting idea suggestions. This is like alpha state of my idea and people automatically assume that this has been in the works for years now.
Tibstrike, your suggestion is to draw it directly from a guild bank? That’s not a half-bad idea.
Tongku, your idea is to replace the Gold Fee with a Badge or Karma fee — well considering how much Karma got nerfed (I think the figures are like 35% or something), that is automatically off the table. However, Badges can be on the table, but the amount of precision would be much more difficult to come by.
Lets say that supply camps require 1 badge, tower requires 2 badges, keeps require 5 badges, and the castle requires 10 badges to claim. What’s 10 badges when you follow a 20man zerg? Absolutely nothing!
Lets upgrade these by double. What’s 20 badges when you follow a 30man zerg and steamroll a 20man zerg? Absolutely nothing! What’s 20 badges when you steamroll the castle or its surrounding towers. Absolutely nothing!
So, you see, these other currencies are currently very problematic in that it is expensive for Karma usage or it is too cheap for badge usage, especially when noobs are able to follow a zerg VERY easy and its like telling a fish NOT to go after a shiny object — it’s NOT going to happen!
[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]
While I mentioned a guild bank I still don’t really think it’s a good idea. The fees you mention are just way too high to be justifiable.
Hum some of those fee cost the same amount as it does to fully upgrade them. WvW tend to be poor.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Why is karma off the table ? I dont get it. I got a legendary, 5 alt toons (geared), 3 crafting profs at 500, and multiple ascended weapons on multiple toons. Still have 354 shards (the karma ones from balthazar) sitting in my bank as of yesterday and I sit at around 5-6 mil karma left over. If you are having karma problems in WvW, you are doing something very wrong or did something dumb like spend it all on orian jewelry boxes etc.
WvW is 2 things by its nature, badge and karma train. Your lack of karma and/or badges is exclusive to you, not rest of us who are somewhat dedicated WvW players.
Badges wise, I get approximately 1.5-4k badges a month of normal gameplay depending on the matches. So when I said badges, I dont mean 1 or 2 per claim like you did. I mean, adjust the WvW claim costs to WvW players who by default, are not “newbs” and will know why they claim an objective and know what to do with it.
To arrive at the right number, take a dedicated WvW guild, average out the number of claims they make, average badges they earn, average number of players. Take 3-4 of those players total badges, divide by number of claims. Done base cost, increase upgrades from there, adjust per long term metrics as necessary. Done and done.
Its the “newb” factor you wanted to eliminate right ?
Why not just make it so that you can only claim if your guild has an active Art of War WvW buff running? Claim auto removes once all buffs are gone.
Doesn’t add another money sink to WvW and prevents those without buffs from claiming.
NO- Do not add a cost to claiming. I claim supply camps every 5 minutes based on my location. I am continuously moving my buff with my force. Why on earth would you want to tie down a maneuver force to higher costs in order to operate? If you don’t know your community well enough to find a member of the claiming guild that is your fault. It is called involvement. I know the leadership of over 90 WvW participating guilds on my server. If there is a need to reach a guild that is a part of our WvW community we can find them. Establish cross guild membership with the WvW guilds until your guild has membership in over 50% of the involved guilds then you can pop open the owning guilds roster, find a member with rights to claim and move the claim.
Again with the cost what about guilds that pop their full array of buffs on multiple maps? That buff set is only good for so long so to maximize it’s effectiveness it should be used on every map in at least one location. So you would have our guild dropping 10 gold to claim a keep on each map. That full array of buffs can be built and used multiple times in a week. How much would you expect a guild to pay to support their server in a single match? Enough cash is burned on armor repairs, siege and upgrades. Increasing the cost to play is bull kitten.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
Why not just make it so that you can only claim if your guild has an active Art of War WvW buff running? Claim auto removes once all buffs are gone.
Doesn’t add another money sink to WvW and prevents those without buffs from claiming.
Great idea, here’s how I would implement it:
Once you researched the buff, you can activate it. Activation gives you an item(buff token) in your inventory which you can trade to the keep lord. This trade claims the thing for your guild. As long as the object is claimed, only people from the same guild can hand in further buff tokens. If the last buff runs out, a new guild can turn in their buff token and receive the claim.
ps.: Keep that restricted to the keeps and maybe stonemist. The poster above me has a point.
They should just implement a code that if a claimed keep has no buffs, another can come in and override it. This would help with players sleeping when their guild buffs expire, or troll claims. Even one buff is better than none.
No thanks.
I would like a system so that if there is no buff available, another can claim. The buff cannot be supply capacity to qualify but a minimum number of buffs that have to do with toughness, vitality or other such buffs, no way supply capacity should be included in the qualifiers as that would make it too good for troll guilds.
I also think that if another guild comes along to claim and they have more buffs available then they should be able to override the previous guilds claim.
As long as a guild can override another provided they have buffs, I don’t think it would be necessary to automatically activate them. It can be useful to claim but not apply until they are really needed because they do have a time limit and your keep may not be hit for some time if you are the underdog servers and are trying to promote a 2v1 on the boarderland you are pushing on. That can always backfire and you do end up focused but that is the way of map politics.
Naw a buff is a buff, even if it is +5 supply, it’s better than nothing. Guilds invest points in those buffs and overriding because you have one more would cause epic fights. My idea was mostly for guild crews who have gone to bed, or are gone for the week as there is currently no way to add buffs unless that guild unclaims it or the keep flips. I’d even be happy if multiple guilds could add their buffs to one structure and let whoever claimed it, keep it as long as they want. I don’t really care who claims it, as long as buffs can be put up.
I also think it should just apply to keeps and SM. I know guilds that claim towers and take ownership by building up siege and defending as a source of guild pride. The siege/ownership/defense is infinitely more useful in those towers I think.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
no, as mentioned earlier – wvw is already a major gold sink – and the money it generates isn’t enough – especially if you want to build your magic find.
Further it will make an already hard game for mismatched / unbalanced fights for players that constantly have to keep recapturing land that they get stomped for miserable and not worth playing.
feel free to send me the 50 plat though whenever you feel guilty about taking forts.
Tipsy ideas:
Claiming a camp costs the guild 100 influence.
The guild then gets 1 influence per supply taken from that camp.
Claiming a structure costs x
The guild then gets y influence per enemy killed within the buff range.
Why cant we just make claiming unavailable unless you actually have a boost?
If you’re not improving on it, you dont get to claim it.
/me claims camp, giving everybody increased chance to gather more strawberries
I agree with terra.
Heck no to the OP. Sorry, wvw is a gold drain already especially for those who do the “boring” jobs and prefer defensive play
It would be pretty simple. If you claim something you have a 10min window to tag a buff on it, if you dont then it simply automatically unclaims.
It would be pretty simple. If you claim something you have a 10min window to tag a buff on it, if you dont then it simply automatically unclaims.
The downside to your suggestion is that a troll can put up 10% exp, which hardly do your team any good other then “speed leveling” the underleveled players when you defend.
Or we could make any claimed structure stay claimed for MAXIMUM 6 hours. Why 6 hours? because more often then not, you claim one structure, then move onto claiming a different one after a while. This means the likelihood of a structure getting a 12 hour long buff isn’t 100%. It would also help to stop trolls from being over-the-top annoying.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Naw I like the 12 hour window. It means you’re not running back to reset the buff and that would remind me too much of siege refreshing.
I like Terra’s suggestion. It’s simpler. And often these structures on our map have zero buffs (for days sometimes), so even if it is 10%, at least it’s something. And the system auto-releases the keep/SM once the buff expires.
Naw I like the 12 hour window. It means you’re not running back to reset the buff and that would remind me too much of siege refreshing.
I like Terra’s suggestion. It’s simpler. And often these structures on our map have zero buffs (for days sometimes), so even if it is 10%, at least it’s something. And the system auto-releases the keep/SM once the buff expires.
At least it’s something isn’t good enough.
Too many troll guilds claim already, some real guilds would like to claim and put up real buffs to help for the fight if we defending. Supply and exp won’t help and will still allow troll guilds to troll the server.
An internal solution to keeps without buffs is a claim and buff roster. If you have enough guilds scheduled to claim, buff, and release on 12 hour increments you should be able to run full buffs on 4 keeps on 4 maps and never be without buffs.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L