[Feedback] Incentive to Target the #1 Team

[Feedback] Incentive to Target the #1 Team

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


I’ve noticed that in most games I’ve played that the two versus one scenarios usually do not target the number one team. There is no real incentive towards attacking the servers with the juggernaut alliances. It’s more typical that the two strongest servers will pick on the weaker one, especially if they have an early lead. I believe there needs to be more fluctuation between points to give inventive the third place team to keep playing.

Games end usually with the #1 team having a huge lead over the #2 and #3 teams. The #2 and #3 teams end up fighting each other, with the #1 picking on whoever it wants since they are typically not harassed as much. I believe that if you have absolutely no chance of catching back up, it is very discouraging for people to keep playing, further solidifying the #1 team’s lead.

I suggest rewarding the other teams, especially the #3 team, with bonus points for attacking the #1 team. It would be something along the lines of a flat bonus per objective claimed against the first place server. This would give the last place team hope for actually winning when behind.

[Feedback] Incentive to Target the #1 Team

in WvW

Posted by: Merendel.7128


My experience has been the reverse of what you’ve apparently seen. Crystal Desert was doing quite well for the first week and a half. We were not wining every matchup but we won more than we lost. Now we are seeing servers we soundly defeated several times already actively ganging up on us almost to the point of completely ignoring eachother. Last night we had a fight in one of their boarderlands where we held the southeastern side of the map(our start side) both the keep and the tower/camps while the other invaders held the same on the SW side. We were geting hit from the north by the defenders and from the west by the other invaders all night with no activity going on in the northwestern areas at all. The other invading team did not even try to push into woodhaven untill the defending team finaly broke our keeps back and took back their orb, they spent the whole time pushing our lone tower dividing our forces. What was even funnier is after the keep fell both teams focused all their might on takeing the area around our last tower. Note I say the area not the tower. That thing held out 5 times longer than it should have with no supply because both teams were more interested in keeping us bottled up in our spawn than fighting eachother or even making an attempt at the door. They would fight eachother when they killed off everybody outside the tower or forced us back but as soon as we returned they would both pull a bit away from eachother and focus back on us.