80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
Feedback on Leagues from a roamers perspective …
1. Ungodly queue times that completely deny people the ability to WvW. The addition of pve incentives have made WvW more popular with a greater section of your game population. However, the players that only play GW2 for WvW got pretty much screwed in the deal by not being able to actually play the game now. Its not like you made PvE more attractive to them.
2. Blob Wars 2 … something WvW players have been complaining about since forever. Your game promotes blob warfare in both game mechanics (5 target AE max) and rewards (Everyone gets a max share). This has become even worse since release of leagues to the point that small group/roaming WvW has become extinct.
3. The lag is horrendous. This may be due to issue #2, but since leagues it has been truly insane. Since it started I have been able to get in twice after many hours of waiting each night only to find that my abilities won’t work when I actually press them. The only way to play the game is in a blob now where waiting a few seconds for an ability to fire is acceptable.
Ok, the meta in WvW is just to have spammable ranged autoattacks because you can’t do anything else.
1. Ungodly queue times that completely deny people the ability to WvW. The addition of pve incentives have made WvW more popular with a greater section of your game population.
I disagree with this. If they were to take the achievements out of WvW do you really think people would still be queueing up…….nope. It would go back to the same people who were doing it before the achievements.
The new people in WvW are not there by choice, if they want the achievements they are forced to be there.
1. Ungodly queue times that completely deny people the ability to WvW. The addition of pve incentives have made WvW more popular with a greater section of your game population.
I disagree with this. If they were to take the achievements out of WvW do you really think people would still be queueing up…….nope. It would go back to the same people who were doing it before the achievements.
The new people in WvW are not there by choice, if they want the achievements they are forced to be there.
Actually, yeah. I don’t need a carrot to enjoy WvW … that’s why I bought the game in the first place. Not since DAoC has there been a good roaming RvR/WvW game play … this game was good at first, but just has gotten worse over time.
The fact that many guilds before the leagues moved to the overpopulated servers. The overpopulated servers even paid for many guilds to go up there. I know its a pain with so many people but maybe consider moving to other servers instead of the top servers?
I know its wrong of me to say this but this might force people to spread out now. I played on reset night with no problems to get into any map and no lag. My fights are fairly small and even if they get large I have no problems. You might want to consider this.
There are guilds that logout so they bring down the population so they can get more people in to their server to me you are causing your own problems.
Also Anet is doing the overflow WvW maps so that might help you all out.
The fact that many guilds before the leagues moved to the overpopulated servers. The overpopulated servers even paid for many guilds to go up there. I know its a pain with so many people but maybe consider moving to other servers instead of the top servers?
I know its wrong of me to say this but this might force people to spread out now. I played on reset night with no problems to get into any map and no lag. My fights are fairly small and even if they get large I have no problems. You might want to consider this
There are guilds that logout so they bring down the population so they can get more people in to their server to me you are causing your own problems.
Also Anet is doing the overflow WvW maps so that might help you all out.
The length of the queues is not due to ppl moving up to T1. They moved weeks before, they didn’t all just move the Thursday before.
The mega-queues are due to the influx of achievement hunters. And this will not force the people who have been doing WvW for the last year to lower pop servers where they can pvdoor.
This will force them to look outside of GW2 for another pvp game.
im enjoying the leagues so far. im on FA and yes we have queues, but most of the time there will be 1 map open or with a very shot queue. i like seeing all the new players and dont mind them tagging along. we have a big community ts and welcome everyone.
wvw seems more alive then ever. if u are on t1. sry, but we’ve all told u that crazy queues will happen.
as for the lag…i was kinda used to it when facing t1 servers….but needs a fix!
Lag is what it always was too many in one area it’s going to happen that’s not PVE players fault. I said it before in another thread, but as guild leader there are tons of new recruits out there, and from i’m seeing a lot of these people are loving W3. They never tried it before, and we’re getting more player overall playing W3 than before and to me that’s a good thing. How the T1 kittens didn’t see this coming is beyond me. I’m on FA and i was worried about potential ques. T1 broke the match ups against any other server and hopefully this will force a de-stack though i doubt it.
Lag is what it always was too many in one area it’s going to happen that’s not PVE players fault. I said it before in another thread, but as guild leader there are tons of new recruits out there, and from i’m seeing a lot of these people are loving W3. They never tried it before, and we’re getting more player overall playing W3 than before and to me that’s a good thing. How the T1 kittens didn’t see this coming is beyond me. I’m on FA and i was worried about potential ques. T1 broke the match ups against any other server and hopefully this will force a de-stack though i doubt it.
Achievements have been in WvW since launch.
Why weren’t they in WvW for the last year getting them?
Only change was they made the achievements easy to get and added rewards.
Are the people in WvW now because they like WvW or they want the achievements.
The answer is obvious.
The achievements in WvW when Gw2 came out are pretty large and hard to get. These are more reasonable (maybe even to easy). But I do like it because it gets PVE people to try it.
The achievements in WvW when Gw2 came out are pretty large and hard to get. These are more reasonable (maybe even to easy). But I do like it because it gets PVE people to try it.
Its been a year, if they didn’t want to try WvW during the year do you think adding easy achievements are magically going to make them like it?
They are going to get in, join the biggest zerg possible to get the achievements as quick as possible then get out.
The WvW players who have been playing for the last year…….who cares how they now are finding it hard to enjoy the part of the game they have enjoyed for the last year.
Lag is what it always was too many in one area it’s going to happen that’s not PVE players fault. I said it before in another thread, but as guild leader there are tons of new recruits out there, and from i’m seeing a lot of these people are loving W3. They never tried it before, and we’re getting more player overall playing W3 than before and to me that’s a good thing. How the T1 kittens didn’t see this coming is beyond me. I’m on FA and i was worried about potential ques. T1 broke the match ups against any other server and hopefully this will force a de-stack though i doubt it.
Achievements have been in WvW since launch.
Why weren’t they in WvW for the last year getting them?
Only change was they made the achievements easy to get and added rewards.
Are the people in WvW now because they like WvW or they want the achievements.
The answer is obvious.
My new recruits are newer to the game than 1 year. Most of them had not tried W3 before this, most say they like W3 now that they have a guild to run with….. so yay I’m sorry for your suffering but it’s working out for us.
My new recruits are newer to the game than 1 year. Most of them had not tried W3 before this, most say they like W3 now that they have a guild to run with….. so yay I’m sorry for your suffering but it’s working out for us.
Wait, what … They ‘like’ WvW … the one they are waiting 3 hours to get into, almost impossible to group with team/guildmates, and almost unplayable lag? I don’t believe you.
My new recruits are newer to the game than 1 year. Most of them had not tried W3 before this, most say they like W3 now that they have a guild to run with….. so yay I’m sorry for your suffering but it’s working out for us.
Wait, what … They ‘like’ WvW … the one they are waiting 3 hours to get into, almost impossible to group with team/guildmates, and almost unplayable lag? I don’t believe you.
The one where if you’re on FA and play PST the que is 10 minutes. that one.
1. Could you remove jp achievements, at least borderland ones, and instead add some defense achievements? I’m liking the fact that sometimes we don’t have outnumbered anymore on our maps, but then sadly disappointed when I see those extra 10-15 people are doing the jp instead of helping.
2. We actually have more people following the commanders, thanks Anet!
3. Agree with server lag issue. It’s terrible when our 10-man group starts lagging because of the other server’s zerg proximity. We should be able to hit a staff wall or invis, or something to try to save ourselves before being decimated.
Quit complaining about queues. I’m on SoS and we only queue two maps in prime-time.
If you guys had put two and two together, and realized that if 80% of all the WvW guilds were stacking in Tier 1; that there was going to be queues.
We’ve been telling people this since the season was announced and you still went to T1 for easier wins, and this is the price you pay.
Stop complaining, only a small handful of those in T1 were on those servers since start (folks like GSCH, Choo, HzH) and I feel sorry for them, but they chose to remain there and this is the price.
Can you ignorant people stop saying kitten T1
Every EU server in gold and silver (not UW) has insane queues on every kitten map, not just T1.
And these players will stay because some of the achievemens are rediculous (overkill on sentries, merc camps and jps making people useless)
I believe the overflow map shouldve been implemented before or with leagues and the achievements changed to support playign how you want it instead of being forced to kill guards/sentries/ merc camps or queue 2 hours to get on EB and get lucky to cap sm before you get kicked out
I would like to chime in on what Taldren said and add a little context. For those that don’t know, Taldren is a seasoned veteran of MMOs and has had a lot of experience working with game developers. He’s a smart individual and someone people here should listen to.
I do agree very much with the feedback given by the OP. We do play on a T1 server, not by choice, but by necessity. WvW has been broken for some time and this new season, where PvE type achievements are incentivizing greater participation, just exacerbates the issues.
WvW is an exercise in ‘Zerg Mentality’. The zerg, or Karma Train as it’s known, exists to essentially to perpetuate a leveling mechanic and not as any real test of strategy or ability. That is what Taldren is getting at when he talks about a roaming small band perspective. Taldren and I were brought up where our band of 5-10 people could truly make a difference on the battlefield. We were the ninjas, the marines, the special forces. On any given night, we can take a band of Ravens (our guild from back in the DaoC days) and change the face of battle. Now we get yelled at for messing up the karma train rotation.
WvW is just a loot/karma pinata at this point. The changes to the middle of the battlefields have helped, but hasn’t addressed the BIG issue. The BIG issue is that the maps are SMALL. The current WvW battlefields should be at least twice the size of what they are now. The technology should be tweaked to allow for more into the zones (given that the zone size is increased) and there should be incentive for small raiders and the zerg should be de-emphasized. (Taldren and others have probably posted this before)
As far as this current league situation goes, it is a mess. Sanctum of Rall, Jade Quarry, and Blackgate will slug it out for the top slot and it will remain a zerg-fest. The lag and queue times are horrendous and eventually will turn people off to the WvW experience.
(edited by Hastur.4937)
I was in a small group and went into the ruins. One objective was flipping ever minute soo I was intrigued. Found a enemy and a group of my server where swapping the capture. I think they where PvE players cause they where not fighting just swapping the ruin for achievements.
@ Hastur
I don’t understand why you play on a tier 1 server by necessity when that is where people yell at you for disrupting karma trains.
5-10 people guild can be ninjas, special forces and make a difference in the low tiers. Where you make noise and how much people you draw to lift pressure off somewehre makes a big difference.
My guild runs 5-10 (mostly 5) and gets lots of love from our server and sometimes from other servers we fight.
I play on Seafarer’s Rest server from the very beginings.
It is a really bad joke what anet did with these achievements in this idiotic “season”. Nothing done except that the queues are skyhigh now… no matter the daytime or the day you play. Before we had a queue somewhere about 1h, 1h+ or less, now you can easily talk (at least in my case) for at least 3-4 hrs queue times.
Not to mention that this “queue” system is actually very RNG like all the kitten things in this game. I mean is not nice at all staying in queue for a few hours, with NO IDEEA how many are AHEAD of you and other guildies joining queue and getting in www after 30-40 min, maybe 1h… you feel like…“dude, wtf…”… Of course, nonsense to talk about the skill lag since this “season” started…
The lag is the main issue right now. Once they implement a few more changes to help negate the issue, it should be fine. You can tell when a zerg is coming right now simply because your screen just starts lagging behind and then you die if you don’t start moving as soon as you feel the lag. That’s not fun and I don’t stick around for gameplay like that.
@ Hastur
I don’t understand why you play on a tier 1 server by necessity when that is where people yell at you for disrupting karma trains.
5-10 people guild can be ninjas, special forces and make a difference in the low tiers. Where you make noise and how much people you draw to lift pressure off somewehre makes a big difference.
My guild runs 5-10 (mostly 5) and gets lots of love from our server and sometimes from other servers we fight.
We started on JQ, but at launch the queue times were so long and based on the same reasoning expressed here, we moved to Erradon Terrace. Yes, we had no more queue times and yes, it was easy for us to take objectives, but the competition was a joke. Therefore, we moved again to Sanctum of Rall (a tier 2 server at the time) and proceeded to move into tier 1, where we now sit with a continual match-up with JQ and BG.
The key point is that you shouldn’t have to go to a low pop server to play small group WvW. That gets boring real fast. We should be in bigger, more dynamic battlegrounds where all groups can make a difference if they are good at battleground strategy and the zerg still could exist for what it was (i.e., I don’t think that anyone on JQ can fight in a group under 10).
I do believe Jumping Puzzle acheivements are inviting PvEers for the points and they offer NO tactical importance, why should it be a WvW Veteran Acheivement??
And Sentry/Camp/Yak capture acheivements are too much, 225? That invites farming them… As with everything else, it invites farming of a specific task that may of may not be of tactical importance at the time.
Achievements should be stuff that you can’t really farm or have to farm. Like enemy kills, that’s simple, you directly stop enemy forces wherever they are, can’t really be bad. Repair? That aint bad either. Successfully Defend a Keep?? Yes! YES!
Add achievements for I don’t know, keep an enemy side’s Tower for more than 1 hour after helping capturing it, not just flip it tons of times… That would promote understanding that capping is only part of the goal, keeping it is more important. Stone mist might be a stretch for lower tiered servers though, IMO SM should be optional if you can get all the other achievements.
Other modified Achievements like, help build a siege weapon that directly helps capture an objective! That way I can’t just drain my keeps supply and build 10 ACs in the courtyard, I have to go out, help build a Ram, Cata, Treb and conquer something with it!
Say NO to farming achievements, say YES to achievements that promote teamplay and participation!
Again I am not found of stressing over the fact that I’m not going to hunt down enough Yaks/Sentries/Camps in a few weeks time (More on the casual side of WvWers), not unless I dedicate some time to farming them for the achievement, that’s no fun at all.
The lag is a disaster in T1.
Anet is one competitor away from having a commercial made to poke fun at the fact that in competition pvp people are unable to use basic skills. This is like doing a car race and at 190mph getting to a curve and the screen going black with a message saying “please wait!”.
How the leagues were released when its virtually impossible to use ANY skills whatsoever in fights is mind boggling. This is a total disaster: 2 hours queues, DCs that don t put you in game or in the queue, massive map wide skill lag…even the yaks stop and rubberband.
Utter disaster. The WOW and ESO devs are laughing their * off at the moment.
@ Hastur
I don’t understand why you play on a tier 1 server by necessity when that is where people yell at you for disrupting karma trains.
5-10 people guild can be ninjas, special forces and make a difference in the low tiers. Where you make noise and how much people you draw to lift pressure off somewehre makes a big difference.
My guild runs 5-10 (mostly 5) and gets lots of love from our server and sometimes from other servers we fight.
I’ll answer for Hastur.
RoTV moved to SoR during free transfers back when SoR was a tier6/7 server. We have been with this server now for nearly a year and have grown to know many people. That aside we are also a fairly mature guild with older members that have other priorities with the money they have besides buying a server transfer and the rest of us who could afford to do it can’t cover those who don’t have the means.
also I would add for myself, I have been doing wvw on this server for a year and had nothing to do with the stacking of our server and if you look SoR has never recruited out side of coverage gaps, we have always had a strong NA presence and never needed or wanted the influx we got. I lay that firmly at the feet of Anet and the incentive to fair weather players to flock to competitive servers. I still enjoy this game and play it more then I should I just wish we had more interaction with the devs, the writing was on the wall and people have been saying for awhile what the issue are and would be with wvw it just feels like no one is listening.
@Hastur, haha posted before me but your wrong we moved before tier2, we just spent along time in tier2 until we got a real oceanic presence.
(edited by Samhayn.2385)
The lag is a disaster in T1.
Anet is one competitor away from having a commercial made to poke fun at the fact that in competition pvp people are unable to use basic skills. This is like doing a car race and at 190mph getting to a curve and the screen going black with a message saying “please wait!”.
How the leagues were released when its virtually impossible to use ANY skills whatsoever in fights is mind boggling. This is a total disaster: 2 hours queues, DCs that don t put you in game or in the queue, massive map wide skill lag…even the yaks stop and rubberband.
Utter disaster. The WOW and ESO devs are laughing their * off at the moment.
Well, except that it effects everyone equally. So you can’t use your skill?? Neither can your adversary. Seems even.
Quit complaining about queues. I’m on SoS and we only queue two maps in prime-time.
If you guys had put two and two together, and realized that if 80% of all the WvW guilds were stacking in Tier 1; that there was going to be queues.
We’ve been telling people this since the season was announced and you still went to T1 for easier wins, and this is the price you pay.
Stop complaining, only a small handful of those in T1 were on those servers since start (folks like GSCH, Choo, HzH) and I feel sorry for them, but they chose to remain there and this is the price.
Hey genius … we transferred to a tier 6 server named Sanctum of Rall which then became a T1 server. We already started over once, asking us again is just pure BS.
The fact that many guilds before the leagues moved to the overpopulated servers. The overpopulated servers even paid for many guilds to go up there. I know its a pain with so many people but maybe consider moving to other servers instead of the top servers?
I know its wrong of me to say this but this might force people to spread out now. I played on reset night with no problems to get into any map and no lag. My fights are fairly small and even if they get large I have no problems. You might want to consider this
There are guilds that logout so they bring down the population so they can get more people in to their server to me you are causing your own problems.
Also Anet is doing the overflow WvW maps so that might help you all out.
The length of the queues is not due to ppl moving up to T1. They moved weeks before, they didn’t all just move the Thursday before.
The mega-queues are due to the influx of achievement hunters. And this will not force the people who have been doing WvW for the last year to lower pop servers where they can pvdoor.
This will force them to look outside of GW2 for another pvp game.
Back to Dota 2 while I stand in queue…
Quit complaining about queues. I’m on SoS and we only queue two maps in prime-time.
If you guys had put two and two together, and realized that if 80% of all the WvW guilds were stacking in Tier 1; that there was going to be queues.
We’ve been telling people this since the season was announced and you still went to T1 for easier wins, and this is the price you pay.
Stop complaining, only a small handful of those in T1 were on those servers since start (folks like GSCH, Choo, HzH) and I feel sorry for them, but they chose to remain there and this is the price.
Hey genius … we transferred to a tier 6 server named Sanctum of Rall which then became a T1 server. We already started over once, asking us again is just pure BS.
There is a key point that is missing here. Up until last weekend, the queues on SoR have been tolerable and the lag has been bearable. The small guild that I’m a part of (with Taldren and Samhayn above), has never had an issue before this weekend with queue times, and we are currently on SoR, one of the three servers perpetually at the top of the heap, slugging it out week after week. Those weeks when we don’t face JQ and BG, we roll with a score that’s 3x over the next server.
The answer is in some way server population, but that is not the real solution. Spreading out population among all servers does nothing to solve a fundamental flaw in this system… The fact (and it was referenced earlier when someone said that it’s okay because we all have lag) that zerg versus zerg just isn’t fun and requires NO skill.
This ‘season’ does nothing to promote skill and everything to promote farming. The lag issue is just the result of ANet not considering the ramifications of adding a farming system to a limited WvW pvp zone.
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