Female WvWers
Before playing GW2 I only participated in PvP/Battlegrounds infrequently. Once I started playing GW2, I was doing my usual PvEing along, then a member of my guild invited me into WvW to show me around. Since I had expressed some interest in seeing what it was all about, I went along. We joined up with another member of the guild and the three of us stayed in there for a long while that night. I was completely taken with it right away. Like yourself, I really enjoyed the aspect of team play and finding that even our small presence on the BL was making a marked difference when we worked in conjunction with the commanders goals for that area. I was hooked from then on. Especially after I discovered just how much glee one can gain from siege weapons!
As for my character, I play a thief… yeah yeah I know a kittening thief Which is a character type I have played in every MMO I’ve ever played. I simply love the play style and devil-may-care archetype. Plus the wearing of leather and really great stompy boots never hurts.
( You know ladies and our unreasoning love of shoes/boots!)
I probably spend the majority of my time in WvW yakslapping and scouting/roaming, but I enjoy defending too. Though at times it can be a bore, it’s always sweet when the delivery boys bring a fight right to my doorstep and entreat me with love songs (barbs) and bouquets of flowers (arrows). It often ends in tears, but as every denizen of WvWland knows, your bitterness and tears are sweet to the Yaklord. ~inhisnamewefight~
My GF and I share this account, so I’ll leave this here until / if she wants to answer it.
My guild has about 8 active girls playing WvW, they’re all lovely to talk to, but scary as they have less mercy than any of the boys lol.
Beware a Woman Scorned!
Yeah, you don’t want to kitten us off lol
Did I mention how lovely you look today Jayne?
I am female and I live for WvW. In fact it’s the only part of GW2 which I enjoy.
I have been playing MMOS for years, and I’ve never enjoyed PvE. I always end up PvP’ing. Weather it be leading guilds, Alliances, ect, it’s all for the PvP.
As for my role in WvW, I do anything which is needed.
I do have my commander badge, and can lead the map. I can be in the front lines, provided Im in my bunker built gear, and not zerker gear. I can even be on the defensive, and yak escorting duty…However my special niche is siege. Defensive, and offensive siege.
I love to wipe the enemy, you can ask anyone on TS, they say I have an evil laugh while killing people. I enjoy it. ;P
~~ Caedas Female WvW Officer
AkA. SoR Quaggan Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
(edited by Mishi.7058)
I started playing PvE and once I had mapped out the land, I only had the WvW area to complete for the 100% map title. As I was mapping I found out that WvW was actually a lot of fun. I love the challenge of fighting tough opponents and learning new ways to tweak my skills to stay alive and win
I often wonder if people realize that there are as many girls playing in WvW as there are. I see comments that make me laugh, like “don’t be a kitten” and think she probably is.. LOLz
(edited by frankylovechild.8623)
I don’t like girls in W3. When they speak in TS my weewee feels weird and we wipe.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I enjoy WvW. I hop in WvW when I get tired of PvE. GW2 is my first MMO I actually enjoy I don’t really like fighting other players and I usually just run away or hide if I met one since my nails are not keyboard friendly. I’m totally fine if someone thinks I’m a coward or what so ever. I usually run around behind a commander and take keeps and camps.
If there are so many females wvw’ing, then why is it so hard for me to find an Asura mate who will go around and corpse jump enemies with me? I smell nice too
“I smell like pomegranate.”
I love WvW. I’ve always loved team based strategy game play. I like to explore all of the classes but for right now my two mains are a Sylvari Ele (support d/d) and a Charr Warrior (hammer/shout). I’m looking into fixing up my Necro next. I enjoy support, supply runs, siege-ing and bashing heads. All of the above.
I also tend to play male only characters to make it even more confusing!
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood
Eh, even if the secret is out, some people will still believe girls don’t exist on the Internet. Let alone games lol
Well, I’m playing WvW because after playing a bunch of MMORTS and one Chinese MOBA game, I’m kinda addicted to PvP style that involves teamwork & strategy.
WvW is also the reason why I bought GW2 2 months ago, and since the first day I played GW2, I seldom step into PvE, so I don’t have any stellar account medals but the medal with the shield+wings+ribbons+swords (see attachment), which represents the WvW activity ^^;;
As for the roles I play in WvW, I just do whatever is needed in the map I’m playing. Repairing walls/doors, running supply, guarding dolyaks, defending, flanking, ninja-ing keep or tower, ganking, and so on. ^-^v
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
Woo! Pretty much like what everyone else said, all I do on gw2 is WvW. I wasn’t much of a hardcore gamer but I think this game totally took my “casual gaming” self and threw it out the window. All I honestly do on here is WvW (aside from a few cases of doing my daily for laurels and stuff anet keeps putting in that requires me to keep up with the updates) but yeah, I agree with you, it’s the strategy and group tactics that draw me into WvW. I play my elementalist the most. When roaming I play D/D but if I’m running with my guild, I often play staff support/dps.
I also tend to play male only characters to make it even more confusing!
Oh boy, I bet all your fellow male comrades are thinking amogst themselves, “Hmm, acts like a girl…but is it really a girl?” xD I’m thinking about making a male character as well but I’m a bit picky with my characters and their looks…maybe when Anet comes out with better hairstyles for men.
(edited by Annabel.5127)
So I’m curious ladies; why do you WvW? And if you do, what role do you find yourself in: support, supply, or out on the front lines bashing some heads?
I really enjoy the friendly environment of WvW. I can jump in and play and not worry about hearing from my enemy and having to listen to trash talking. I also like how I can join a map and play for a brief period of time and it’s not hurting my team if I need to leave to do something else.
I’m not always playing the same role in WvW. I’ve played various roles at various times, a lot depends on how much time I have to spend and what my team needs. I’m not afraid to be the crazy one who baits an enemy zerg and see how long I can survive. Come and get me boys!
Tarnished Coast since August 2012
I Kinda press B accidently, and saw this pops up.. I when like..Hmmm whats this?? enter some random wvw map, ever since then i was not able to leave WvW LOL
Am in A WvW guild and YES theres alot more females in our guild^-^
Tho they all play males charecter and dont get spot as a girl till they enter TS LOL which ofc surprise everyone, coz they where sure it was a guy xD
The charecter I am playing is:
Ranger-female – lvl 80- I log on her when ever i go solo in wvw and pick up lost soul ore get pwn trying lol
Elementalist-Female- lvl 80- I use her for the aoe dmg but also water fiel healing for my guildies Staff´+ d/d depends on situation
Enginer-female-lvl 80- its an asura, that i dont use too much other then spoil her like crazy xD for me she is the baby in the family and needs to be spoil lol
Warrior-Male-lvl 80- Hammer warrior, great fun seeing ppl running away from him xD
Mesmer- female-lvl 80- One of the 3 charecter i use for wvw the most ^^
Guardian -Male -lvl 80 support healer for my ganking guildies sake xD -the He is my main wvw charecter together with the ranger and mesmer lol
I am addicted to wvw- its to a point where its horrible xD: but if theres a guild that spend 100% of they time in wvw, and ppl come to u aid when ask for help in wvw, feel free to whisper xD I am freindly.. for now lol
(Lyr forgive me, if u want me to stay, u better be more strick with the guildies, ore else i wont stick- :<)
“So I’m curious ladies; why do you WvW?”
(to be said, i’m a man.)
I don’t care about the gender of the person i’m playing with. All equal to me. As long as their personality is fine. I can’t spot any differences between the playstyle of a man and a woman.
My GM is a woman, and she’s a strong leader with a great deal of respect among the guildies and on the server. It could’ve been a man for all i care, it would be the same.
It’s not about the gender, but the personality.
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly
(edited by Winfernal.9208)
d-d-dont flirt with me silly boyz
It’s definitely a demographic that’s grown a lot over the last decade. When I first played WoW in 2004, the amount of other women I met was substantially lower. In the guilds I played in, there would be maybe one or two others. At times I was alone! Nowadays there is a lot more balance. It’s certainly not a 50/50 thing, but the amount of other female gamers these days makes me happy!
As to why I like WvW? I’ve always been a bit of a pvp nut I suppose. The atmosphere feels less competitive than sPvP and you meet a lot more people! WvW really has a lot of things to do and it can keep my crazy ADHD self interested for hours upon hours at a time. Just don’t ask me to fire a treb! Especially you, Jang Gun. Stop asking me to fire the treb. I don’t want to!
I adore manning trebs. That whole reach out and touch someone thing i guess. I also am amused at all the crazy places you can place siege in this game! Too fun.
Hi…my name is Manoa and I’m a female WvWer.
I’ll admit that I was never much of a PvPer until GW2. But when I heard how PvP and WwV would work during the GW2’s development, I just knew I’d have to give it a try. When I finally stepped foot into WvW back in October/November to work on my map completions, I absolutely loved it. Since then, I find I’m spending most of my time in WvW unless I’m focusing on leveling alts, running guild events (who is predominately PvE) or farming for my legendary. I find myself on my staff ele the most and am usually a ground pounder that focuses on those jobs that require high-damage AoE as well as kamakaze runs to take out enemy siege. But I’ll switch out on the fly to to support, healing, siege building, repairing walls/doors, etc., etc. Whatever the situation calls for, I try to assist to the best of my ability.
Henge of Denravi
i remember women in lineage II…always asking for stuff…i wonder if they do the same in this game because i totally went solo play in this game since i got abandoned in the first month.
i like WvW because I get to kill other people, take control over towers, etc. I pretty much enjoy every aspect of WvW, no matter if we’re winning or losing. I’m normally in the front lines, keeping them from advancing (for the most part..).
The only other PvP I did in other games was GW1, where I would be FAing and ABing constantly, because it was fun
i remember women in lineage II…always asking for stuff
Those are most likely G.I.R.Ls, and if ppl give stuffs to those G.I.R.Ls, they’ve just got trolled badly by the G.I.R.Ls.
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
Heh, looks like I’m part of that growing demographic w (going on 19)
Originally I just explored a lot (my main had over 60% world completion before I even touched WvW) or the ocassional dungeon. Then I got told WvW is needed for world completion, so I joined a couple of buds as a 3-man gank team. Can’t say when I got “hooked” (so to speak) on WvW but I got invited to a WvW-focused guild (current guild in fact) and just rolled with it.
I don’t do a set thing on the battlefield, but I prefer running with the commander(s)/zerg and beat people up. It feels really gratifying to see the enemy crumble and you securing the territory for your server with like-minded people :) I run lowbie alts on WvW a lot as well, and while it’s easy to die, I think you get made to learn your class faster with the limited things you can do.
And yeah, 5/7 characters are male, with 2 female asura. The 8th would probably be a guy as well ;)
Why do you feel the need to announce your gender (and make it superior over the other)? Just causes problems for you and others.
My GF some times even drags me into WvW when I don’t feel like it and she doesn’t announce to the whole world she’s a girl.
I see you as a person. Nothing more.
I am neither a female, nor do i care about the gender of any player.
But i have to say that most female players in GW2 i know, are almost always in WvW when they are online. But thats not enough:
Most of them are very dedicated with the tasks they take up voluntarily.
The dedication they are showing is astonishing:
When i ask via TS for a unpopular task that has to be done, like guarding a tower, camp or the watergate, checking a combatmark or just simply escorting/speeding a yak, in about 50% of that cases a female takes it up.
Our Supportteams would fail or at least loosing a lot of its efficiency, if we did not had them.
When i ask for a replacement, after leading for 6 hours or more straight, same percentage as seen above.
On AM are about 1/4 of the Commanders and Teamleaders female, and they are very good at it… and mercyless with a sense of humor. Numbers growing!
By the way, the leader of my Guild is also a female^^
P.s. how i know they are female? Teamspreak!
As we play quite competitive PvP, the tone in TS can get a little rough. Am I wrong if I think, that the most girls play in a more “lets do stuff together and have fun. oh lawlz a wipe, that was funny ^.^” way than in a “ kitten we got beaten by that team, lets flame eachother and afterwards check the things that did not work out 100%”?
I like playing with girls in my 3 hours of PvE a week, but (please dont take this bad, its due to my very own expirience) Id not want to rely on a girl in my WubWubWub team, as I see them as less competitive than men. For sure not less skilled though. Must be the testosterone
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I’m female and I don’t feel any different than any male would playing WvW.
Should I?
To answer the questions, I’m mostly a portal bish but in fights I’m on the front lines bashing heads in with butterflies.
Not a lot of people on Guuma even know I’m female, mostly just PYRO members (and not even most of them).
So I guess I’m coming out of the closet!
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
(edited by kerona.3465)
My guild has a female commander (and male ones too) and at least 2 other regular female players in the WvW raids.
For obvious reasons I won’t be naming them. If they feel inclined to do so, they don’t need my help for that.
But yes, we do have female WvW’ers in our guild.
As we play quite competitive PvP, the tone in TS can get a little rough. Am I wrong if I think, that the most girls play in a more “lets do stuff together and have fun. oh lawlz a wipe, that was funny ^.^” way than in a kitten we got beaten by that team, lets flame eachother and afterwards check the things that did not work out 100%"?
I like playing with girls in my 3 hours of PvE a week, but (please dont take this bad, its due to my very own expirience) Id not want to rely on a girl in my WubWubWub team, as I see them as less competitive than men. For sure not less skilled though. Must be the testosterone
No flaming on our guild TS, only a short bout of constructive criticism before we get back into the action.
There’s as many varying personalities amongst women as there is with men. There’s some women I wouldn’t want on my team if I didn’t think they were competitive enough, just as there’s some men precisely the same.
Female raid lead and current stand-in GM of my guild for the record, but I’ve never been aware that my gender has to matter. I just play the game.
Second Law.
As we play quite competitive PvP, the tone in TS can get a little rough. Am I wrong if I think, that the most girls play in a more “lets do stuff together and have fun. oh lawlz a wipe, that was funny ^.^” way than in a kitten we got beaten by that team, lets flame eachother and afterwards check the things that did not work out 100%"?
I like playing with girls in my 3 hours of PvE a week, but (please dont take this bad, its due to my very own expirience) Id not want to rely on a girl in my WubWubWub team, as I see them as less competitive than men. For sure not less skilled though. Must be the testosterone
No flaming on our guild TS, only a short bout of constructive criticism before we get back into the action.
There’s as many varying personalities amongst women as there is with men. There’s some women I wouldn’t want on my team if I didn’t think they were competitive enough, just as there’s some men precisely the same.
Female raid lead and current stand-in GM of my guild for the record, but I’ve never been aware that my gender has to matter. I just play the game.
Mrs Walrus, you’re fast in your thinking, strategic in your decisions and you adapt to every fight really fast on the go.
You’re as good as any male commander I’ve seen.
So no: I couldn’t care less about your gender when we’re raiding
Surprise surprise, women are just like men in this aspect! Who’d have thought…
I still assume everybody is male unless proven otherwise, despite having played with a lot of girls over the years, but when it turns out they’re a girl… Good for you, now keep playing.
I’ve never been aware that my gender has to matter. I just play the game.
This a million time for everyone.
One of our core and oldest guilds on JQ is primarily female, Blinky Pony Army. This hopefully will be our 3rd win in a row in T1 (4th ever) on Gw2 as a server, so I guess you can say girls do just fine in wvw. =) Also my co-gm is a chica and she pwns face nightly.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
The leader of my guild also is a girl and you will never see me out of wvw now guys don’t get worried we still have a job for you in wvw (haha)
I Kinda press B accidently, and saw this pops up.. I when like..Hmmm whats this?? enter some random wvw map, ever since then i was not able to leave WvW LOL
Am in A WvW guild and YES theres alot more females in our guild^-^
Tho they all play males charecter and dont get spot as a girl till they enter TS LOL which ofc surprise everyone, coz they where sure it was a guy xDThe charecter I am playing is:
Ranger-female – lvl 80- I log on her when ever i go solo in wvw and pick up lost soul ore get pwn trying lolElementalist-Female- lvl 80- I use her for the aoe dmg but also water fiel healing for my guildies Staff´+ d/d depends on situation
Enginer-female-lvl 80- its an asura, that i dont use too much other then spoil her like crazy xD for me she is the baby in the family and needs to be spoil lol
Warrior-Male-lvl 80- Hammer warrior, great fun seeing ppl running away from him xD
Mesmer- female-lvl 80- One of the 3 charecter i use for wvw the most ^^
Guardian -Male -lvl 80 support healer for my ganking guildies sake xD -the He is my main wvw charecter together with the ranger and mesmer lol
I am addicted to wvw- its to a point where its horrible xD: but if theres a guild that spend 100% of they time in wvw, and ppl come to u aid when ask for help in wvw, feel free to whisper xD I am freindly.. for now lol
(Lyr forgive me, if u want me to stay, u better be more strick with the guildies, ore else i wont stick- :<)
I got only 3 lvl 80’s i am outplayed by a woman
just kidding.
Nice to see alot of woman playing WvW….i am leading our guild in WvW and we got 8 woman destroying our enemies like pimps.
Keep this up.
Edit: i am a man :P sry to ninja post in your thread hehe
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
but scary as they have less mercy than any of the boys lol.
In our guild the situation looks like that: You dont want to speak, even make any sound when our girls are on lead in WWW.
Duraz Tarag from Warhammer? Flixe or Pokunoodle still playing? Say cheers to them!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I tend to have a powerful hatred for anything that involves pvp… generally because yeah, I’m pretty poor at it. So I was pretty afraid of mmo’s in general because it’s nothing but other players be it alongside or against.
My first venture into wvw was a blast because I’m a sucker for strategy. I loved how the Commanders divvied up the duties amongst classes and would utilize terrain. I was practically giddy when someone first screamed “CHARGE” into the chat and ran headlong into an enemy zerg.
I play a mesmer and discovered that I’m actually quite good at surviving and making sure others do as well, while I don’t deal heavy damage it’s nice to think I’m actually helping. The community makes it a lot of fun too!
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.
So I’m curious ladies; why do you WvW? And if you do, what role do you find yourself in: support, supply, or out on the front lines bashing some heads?
I WvW because I enjoy open world pvp. I’m a solo pvper, which means I’m looking mostly for good challenges, 1v1 of course but 1 v x too.
I really dislike the zerging mentality. I could care less about towers and points as long as I can find people to fight with. I have met really nice people this way when I was playing Aion.
I wish I could do the same in GW2, but it’s hard since we can’t see our opponent name.
I am female. I didn’t venture into WvW for a while as I was a confirmed pve’er in other games but once I started I found I really enjoyed it and now I probably spend more time there. The role I find myself in? It varies.
While it’s fun to run with a zerg for a short while, if I did that every day it would get old. I enjoy manning siege for a while but couldn’t do it for hours, and like capping camps. I am also prepared to do some of the dull stuff like dolyak escorts, but again only for a certain amount of time. What I like about WvW is the diversity and concentrating on any one aspect would not work for me. The strategic element of WvW appeals to me, trying to second-guess the opponent.
I probably do less 1v1 but that’s a confidence thing. I don’t think that has anything to do with gender, just a lack of prior pvp experience.
(edited by quickthorn.4918)
Yarrr! Now all ‘da wenches o’ Tarnished Coast fetch ‘dis pirate some grogg and let’s head ‘ta ’da tavern ’fer some songs o’ dolyak runs and merry banter!
Tarnished Coast [TC]
U all wrong; ther r no girlz on the intahwebz!!!!
Well, actually there are. I’ve met quite a few of them haha. Though there’s only one girl I remember right now that I know she’s playing WvW.
Hmhmmm… what would interest me more is, if girls/women actually play male chars too. I mean it’s not a secret that many guys like to play female characters (me being one of them; I play female and male). But I don’t remember that I ever saw a girl with a male char.
U all wrong; ther r no girlz on the intahwebz!!!!
Well, actually there are. I’ve met quite a few of them haha. Though there’s only one girl I remember right now that I know she’s playing WvW.
Hmhmmm… what would interest me more is, if girls/women actually play male chars too. I mean it’s not a secret that many guys like to play female characters (me being one of them; I play female and male). But I don’t remember that I ever saw a girl with a male char.
I know one.
Human warrior in scarsely hiding armor…
Her character is even so ‘male’ we tease her with his Village People look.
i remember women in lineage II…always asking for stuff…i wonder if they do the same in this game because i totally went solo play in this game since i got abandoned in the first month.
Haha. I dislike females who ask for things or use their gender to get crap.
Though I laugh when male friends act like females and get stuff. Silly people.
As for Lineage 2, well I was a DE Archer who wanted her spot to grind.
Also loved my Castles. I miss the open world PvP though.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Wow Jayne, this is a really interesting topic.
I’m a female member of a more WvW competitive guild. Nevertheless, I enjoy WvW as much as PvE. So I usually balance my little time between the two, even though my GM is not very happy about it. I like team play, as in Fort Aspenwood / Jade Quarry mini-game back i the old GW (1). I’m more of a support-type character who often forget healing her team for the sake of dissing out the meanest CC skills. My guild is strict but very understanding (of my clumsiness). They teach me a lot with regards to PvP. My guild is the reason that I enjoy WvW so much.
My main are lvl 80 guardian and lvl 80 elementalist. I love the tankiness of the guardian in a havoc/roaming team and the mobility/utility/CC of my elementalist in both small teams and zergs. I’m terribly bad at 1v1 but rarely lost in 2vX, probably because I spend so much time playing with my bf that I become better at 2vX.
I always have respect and a little unspoken crush with female commanders. You girls are so cool. It is an honor to fight with or against any of you.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I love roaming solo or in a small group, flipping camps, disrupting supply lines etc but most of all going after red names.
Occasionally i hang out a bit with the zerg (depending on who commands and only if they know what they’re doing), but that gets boring fast.
I have cooking and jewelry maxed
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Lol @bidflu
[RET] FA has many girls in the guild and we are an exclusive W3 guild. One in particular is an awesome commander, so much so that it scares me to even try commanding.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server